[A recent copy of this policy can be obtained via anonymous
FTP as rtfm.mit.edu:/pub/faq-maintainers/mailing-lists-policy
If you do not have access to anonymous FTP, you can retrieve it by
sending email to mail-server@rtfm.mit.edu with the command
"send faq-maintainers/mailing-lists-policy" in the message.]
******** How to unsubscribe
To unsubscribe from the faq-maintainers mailing list, send email to
<faq-maintainers-request@consensus.com> with the subject "unsubscribe"
(without the quotes), from the address you wish to be unsubscribed.
Do NOT send email to the list itself asking to be unsubscribed. If
you have problems with the list server software, email
<listmaster@consensus.com> for help from a human. Be sure to mention
the list name (faq-maintainers). Many thanks to Christopher Allen and
Consensus Development Corporation for their assistance.
**** Archives
All messages sent to the faq-maintainers list after December 31, 1993
are publicly available at <ftp://rtfm.mit.edu/pub/faq-maintainers/>.
This archive is managed by hand, and messages may take several weeks
to appear there.
Messages from faq-maintainers are also archived at The Internet FAQ
Consortium's WWW mirror, which offers quicker archival, a search
facility, and various formats. See <http://www.faqs.org/#FAQLIST>.
******** Administrative addresses
Please DO NOT send administrative messages to either of the mailing
lists themselves.
For faq-maintainers: faq-maintainers-REQUEST@consensus.com
Mailing list software understands "subscribe", "unsubscribe", and
"help", among other commands.
For help with faq-maintainers mailing list software: listmaster@consensus.com
Please do not send email to this address unless you are having
problems with the automated mailing list software. Be sure to
mention the name of the mailing list (faq-maintainers).
List owners: news-answers-request@mit.edu
The list is "owned" by the *.answers moderation team. Policy
questions and changes, archival questions, and other requests
which do not concern subscriptions or the actual redistribution of
mail to the list members should be directed to this address.
Emergencies: listmaster@consensus.com and news-answers-request@mit.edu
In case of an "emergency" -- most likely, a mail loop -- please
contact both the list administrators and the list owners. Mention
the list name and describe the problem as completely as possible.
If you recommend the list to people, make sure to give them the
administrative address, so that they do not send a request to the list
itself. Administrative requests sent to the list rather than to the
administrative request address may be misunderstood or ignored.
**** Addressing email to the mailing lists
Address email for faq-maintainers to <faq-maintainers@consensus.com>.
To prevent "spam," only subscribers to faq-maintainers will have their
messages distributed by the mailing list software.
Note that since the faq-maintainers-announce list includes the
faq-maintainers list, you should never address an email message to
both mailing lists; if you do, subscribers to faq-maintainers may
receive duplicates.
-- The faq-maintainers list adminstrators:ChristopherA@consensus.com (Christopher Allen) and colleagues at Consensus Development Corporation
The faq-maintainers list owners (a.k.a. the *.answers moderators): pgreene@optics.rochester.edu (Pamela Greene) elfchief@lupine.org (Jay 'Whip' Grizzard) darchon@bu.edu (Yoav Shapira) jverne@mks.com (John D. Verne)
jik@cam.ov.com (Jonathan I. Kamens) [Emeritus] pshuang@mit.edu (Ping Huang) [Emeritus]