FAQ Server stuff


D. Kirkpatrick (aeon@tiac.net)
Wed, 1 Apr 98 08:33:56 -0500

>Subject: Your "add" command to the news.answers FAQ server
>Sent: 4/1/98 8:25 AM
>Received: 4/1/98 8:27 AM

>From: faqserv@penguin-lust.mit.edu
>Reply-To: faq-server@BLOOM-PICAYUNE.MIT.EDU
>To: D. Kirkpatrick, aeon@tiac.net
>Thank you for submitting the periodic posting
> nude-faq/part1
>to the news.answers FAQ server. It has been successfully installed in
>the FAQ server's archives.


It was indeed the specification of the parent archive name with the
parent part. I will be adding the children next.

One other thing - it bounced one more time and required me to remove the
EXPIRES: line because it adds that itself based on the interval.


FWIW - This is a great boon to those who do not have news posting
programs that allow all the header lines that are necessary.

The web based system also appears to be a great thing. I am curious
about any possible linitations of the message area on that service. I
have tried pasting large text bodies into other web forms only to have it
crash out - or in some cases have it double-spaced. not sure why that is.

Thanks to all again!