I find it hard to imagine that anyone would sign such a release.
If I own it, I own it. There really is no middle ground. As the
author has spent a massive amount of time trying to do the list
a favor and add value, I can see why the author is upset. The
author is right. Taking a copy of their original work and modifying
it to suit someone else's taste, size limitations, organization,
whatever, was a true copyright violation. Now, had someone just
taken it upon themselves to start from scratch to write a new
FAQ then the author could have complained but with little recourse.
(I'm talking from a common sense perspective here... All would-be
net.lawyers please sit back down...)
If you get someone to respond that they have what you are looking
for, it should be posted to this list for a nice 'conversation'. :)
I have no doubt that you *won't* find it. The reasons you are asking
it for might be understandable but the rights you are asking the
authors to give up are unacceptable. Sigh... Only one man's opinion...
-- Kent Landfield Phone: 1-817-545-2502 The Landfield Group FAX: 1-817-545-7650 Email: kent@landfield.com http://www.landfield.com/ Please send comp.sources.misc related mail to kent@uunet.uu.net. Search the Usenet Hypertext FAQ Archive at http://www.faqs.org/faqs/