Re[2]: FAQ on CD-ROM.


Regebro, Lennart (
Mon, 19 Dec 94 09:33:07 CET

>> I hav a statement in my FAQ that says that I don't allow re-distibution of my
>> FAQ without asking me first. That means, that if my FAQ is on a FTP site that
>> is NOT an *.answers archive, they have violated that statement. The statement
>> is there so that people wont distribute old copies.

>> The CD-ROM issue going out now will be out of date when it comes out...

>Don't be an ass! If you restrict FTP retrieval of your FAQ the only thing
>that will come from it is that archive administrators will stop distributing
>*ALL* FAQs. Pay Attention!

Don't be a moron.
Yes, if an FTP sites have FAQs but doesn't update these automatically from
*.answers, he should stop distributing them. I don't restrict FTP retrieval, I
just want to be sure that FTP sites always have the latest version. For CD-ROM
this is abviously impossible, and I therefore wish I had been contacted BEFORE
the CD-ROM was made, so I could make the necessary adjustments to my FAQ.

>Think about it from and archive owner/admin perspective. NO ONE has the time
>to review each and every one of the, what 2100+, FAQs to assure your petty
>restrictions are followed.

No. But companies that takes FAQs from usenet can automatically make lists over
all the 2100+ people that have created FAQs and mail a message to them, asking
if they can add the FAQ to the CD-ROM.

Sure, I got a message like that. Forwarded by somebody on this list, and that
doesn't count. :)

>Mad, yeah I'm mad.

No, you are not mad. Merely deranged.

>RTFM will be hit *much* harder if admins on busy archive sites such as mine
>quit distributing FAQs as a public service.

So, you have a FAQ archive of usenet FAQs but don't automatically update them
from news.answers?

>The FAQ/*.answers mechanism was *NOT* designed to be your private publishing
>media. It was meant to provide assistance.

Oh goody, so now you ARE a part of the *.answers mechanism?

>If your changes are so precious as to make everything
>you wrote the month before *TOTALLY USELESS* then DON'T POST.

Well, sometimes during a month a FAQ associated with a product can change quite
heavily. New products come out and make some of the things I have written, yes,
totally useless.

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