Chemical and Biological Defense Information Analysis Center (CBIAC)

Chemical and Biological Defense Information Analysis Center (CBIAC)


The Chemical and Biological Defense Information Analysis Center (CBIAC) is a civilian-operated institution that contracts with the United States Department of Defense (DOD) to provide information on chemical and biological warfare technology. Headquartered in Maryland, it has satellites throughout the United States. CBIAC is a full-service DOD information analysis center operated by Battelle Memorial Institute, and supported by a number of other technology and information entities in the private sector.

CBIAC's mission is to generate, acquire, process, analyze, and disseminate information on chemical and biological (CB) science and technology. It operates under contract to the Secretary of Defense, and is managed by the Defense Technical Information Center under the information analysis center (IAC) program. The information it produces is intended to support commanders, warfighters, and reservists; the CB defense research, development, and acquisition community; and various federal, state, and local departments and agencies in need of current CB information.

CBIAC operations. The Defense Department established CBIAC in 1986, and placed Battelle Memorial Institute in charge of its operations. Founded in Columbus, Ohio, in 1929, Battelle is an information and technology company involved in a wide array of disciplines. Among the most notable examples of its achievements are the office copier machine, bar code symbol, and compact disc, all of which are the direct or indirect result of Battelle research and development.

Working with Battelle specialists at CBIAC headquarters in Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, are representatives of Horne Engineering Services, Innovative Emergency Management, MTS Technologies, Quick-Silver Analytics, and SciTech. Together they assist DOD and other government agencies, as well as approved contractors, with the use of CB information for integrated solutions. In addition to its headquarters, CBIAC maintains satellite operations in Arlington and Stafford, Virginia; Natick, Massachusetts; Saint Robert, Missouri; San Antonio, Texas; and Dugway Proving Ground, Utah.

Activities of CBIAC. In accordance with its responsibilities to the DOD, CBIAC identifies and acquires CB data and information from media sources; processes, stores, and retrieves CB data and information; identifies, develops, and applies tools and techniques for the analysis, interpretation, and application of such data and information; and prepares reports, tables, and other forms of focused information for military field personnel, managers, planners, scientists, and engineers.

Among the areas of interest for CBIAC are analysis of manufacturing processes for nuclear, biological, and chemical (NBC) systems; identification of chemicals and the physical and chemical properties of chemical warfare/chemical and biological defense (CW/CBD) materials; combat effectiveness; counter-proliferation, international technology proliferation, and arms control; counter-terrorism; decontamination; demilitarization, conversion of CB materials and equipment for defense purposes, and technology transfer for dual use; individual and collective protection and domestic preparedness; environmental effects of CB materials; force protection; and many others.

CBIAC attempts to anticipate the requirements for CB information, and seeks to work with emerging CB defense organizations. Its products range from handbooks and training kits to computerized databases, interactive software, and CD ROMS. Additionally, it offers inquiry and referral services whereby it provides answers and information relevant to specific CB needs. CBIAC also maintains an extensive library, containing some 108,000 citations of CB information, as well as 41,000 holdings.



Drell, Sidney D., et al. The New Terror: Facing the Threat of Biological and Chemical Weapons. Stanford, CA: Hoover Institution Press, 1999.

Joseph, Robert G., and John F. Reichart. Deterrence and Defense in a Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Environment. Washington, D.C.: Center for Counterproliferation Research, National Defense University, 1999.


Battelle Memorial Institute. Defense Systems—CBIAC. < > (January 17, 2003).

Chemical and Biological Information Analysis Center. < > (January 17, 2003).


Biochemical Assassination Weapons
Biological Warfare
Chemical Warfare

User Contributions:

Aug 2, 2023 @ 5:17 pm
Dear Distributor,

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Net Weight per Piece: 100g

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In consideration of our financial arrangements, we are interested in negotiating Net30 payment terms. Please outline the specifics of this payment arrangement in your quotation.

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Comprehensive product specifications, including purity levels and relevant certifications.
Detailed breakdown of costs, highlighting any applicable discounts for bulk orders.
Shipping and handling procedures, including any pertinent hazardous material handling requirements.
Instructions for initiating the Net30 payment process.
Should your company offer any incentives, promotions, or long-term supply agreements, we are keen to discuss these opportunities as we aim to establish a mutually beneficial business relationship.

If there are any inquiries, additional documentation requirements, or further clarifications needed, please do not hesitate to contact me at [Your Email Address] or [Your Phone Number].

We eagerly await your timely response and the submission of your best quotation. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

Best Regards,
Sarah Noahton

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