SRC : where to get the pictureALT : text to show if you don't show the pictureNAME
LONGDESC : URL of a long description of the imageWIDTH : how wide is the pictureHEIGHT : how tall is the pictureALIGN : how text should flow around the pictureBORDER : border around the pictureHSPACE : horizontal distance between the picture and the textVSPACE : vertical distance between the picture and the textISMAP : is this a clickable map? |   |
USEMAP : name of the map definitionLOWSRC : a version of the picture that isn't such a big fileNATURALSIZEFLAG : meaninglessNOSAVE : meaninglessDYNSRC : play a movie fileCONTROLS : show the buttons which control the movieLOOP : how many times to loop the movieSTART : when to start playing the movieonLoad : script to runs after the image is downloadedSUPPRESS : Don't show icons of images that haven't downloaded yet |