Created: 2/17/1949

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(Hnssian Zone)



AasOnlstretloo of u* Zntwrlo*Organisation


wow ;

I"1 1- Tha reorganization of tho Canaan Adnlnistrstlon of tha' interior "in tbe Hussion-Occupied Zone, ahieh began in the auoamrpssrs to be lorwly completed. Although it is possible that minor changes will still be made endna=abllshed. the organisational piotura, es presented on the attached chart, will probably not ba subject to any structural change for the next sereral months.

8. The attached chart on the CAI organisation Illustrates neveralaU of whleh here been apparent for aoat timethem are tbe elovatioo of Erich MM to the rank ofthus clearly establishing his coeasand relationship towho, up till recently, were his co-equals. also illustrates tho central control of what theregards as the keyParamilitary


and Border Police, rolii-Sullw Craach, nnd School* end Trainingh*Acadeiry).

Following ere brief descriptions of Hie functlonc of tho various CAI

office of the PresidentTh* President of theh.o. Kort Flioheri aupported by an aide-de-camp, fourond two secretaries, Preeldent Plschor uxercisosand control over all phases of OAI activity. ErichDeputy President. Tho funotloroof Vice-Presidents Wagnerare Illustrated on the attached chart.

SecretariatChief, Arthur Xunath. Gives administrativesupport toesIdentt the Secretariat receivesaddressed to the GAI nnd eoafcrolr. the activities of the In-

e. Secret Registry (Tersofalua sab te HungAbt. TS)Lnlse Zonk.sU materiallassified nature, including all.lntolrisg an oeoupylng




best copy ava1la3le



ore tabular/ungChief of Branch: Kurt Vogel. Coordinates and supervisee normal cam lei pal police functlona In tbe Soviet Zone. Instructlons and regulations ere passed to municipal police organisation* through the offices ofnlaterv or the Interior and the Chiefs of th- Under Police In the Soviet Zona. Hauptshtallunc "S" Is divided into the following functional departments:

S-lOfflo* of the Chief of Branch, Coordination of Branch Adnlnlatratlv* Services, General. problems.

- Organisation end Operational Coanltoenta.

qulpnonteapons, Anaunltion, Trans porta tlon, Clothing, horaes and Dogs, Subalatenoe, Bpeolal Supplies.

raffic Regulations, Brarrgency Sauads.


nd wireless equipment, board. Branch coRennlcatlons.

upervision of prisons and prisoner craneporta.

olloeAffairs, Senltarr and Veterinary

Criminal Police (KrlainalpollselBauptabtellungAugust Jfoyar. Coordinates and supervises crlnlnal polio* (detective forne) functions In th* Soviet Zone. t of tbe local polloe establishments, tho Crlnlnal Police In the Soviet Zone are closely controlled froa hauptabt. "X" of the OAI andesult are largely Independent of the chiefs of the municipal polloe forces. This la *sp*clally true of Sectionof tb* Criminal Police, which functlonaecrat political polic* throughout tn* Soviet Zone. Seuptabt. "g" Is dlviirf Into the foU-^ng functional departmental

BY*Office of the Chief of Branch, General Crlnlnal Policerganisation and commitment.

Hoailclde, Robbery, Assault, Kidnapping, iraon.

g-2Th*ft, Laroeny, fmbesalament, Extortion, Other Property

Theft, Loroeny,nnbline, etc.

K-3EoonoDlc Crimea nndanenrlng the State, Counterfeiting, Smuggling, Karootlca, eto.

of Tics, Sexual delinquencies, Unite Slavery.

t-6Juvwnue Delinquency.

X-7Investigations end Searches. Criminological /jiboretory. Sclentlflo Aids, Llelson ulth other police agencies, Crine statistics.



f jUDNTROi. /


gradoaiiy often duplicate those of

Railway Police (MsenoahnpoliaeiHeaotebt-iluneChief of Branchi . central control end

-Uyto have Bceouttv- authority on only, the authority of this police hea| the. their activities often dupll.

police. On ooeoaion they have attempted:.toragnlntions in the Western Soctnro of Berlin, on grounds"extra-territoriality" of Rnlchsbahn properly. th- sole control of the Belchiibahn, tho Railwayunder the Jurisdiction of tbe QA1 In the late fall ofthe tame elan lbs OAT alsoomnend ovor the In course of tbe recant OU reorganization thewas supposed to have been tram Terr ed to theof tha Oerman Keooosilo Coeadaeloo. There iso* We trensfmr eas actually av-OAT eel or ._


* Office of the Chief or Branch, Liaison with other authorities, asr-etally the Central Administration for Traffic end the itnlchBbshn, railway andlava. '


EA Organisation and commitment of the Railway Polloa, including railway criminal polloo. Rqulpmant. Crls* Statistics, CcoBaon lost ions.

E/2 Railway trafflo and building regulations. Bnforoe-oent. Right-of-way laws.

E/3- Training, personnel matters, dlaclplinary courta.

Ha/1 Organisation snd oomnltment of the waterways Police.

ontrol of all water trafflo.

RuulpuMnt, Statistics, Cofcrainic^t'ore;.

So/2 'Jsterwaya, Fishery, Barge, and other^appropriate

law atd regulations

administrative Police (Teraal tongs poll *aiAbt. "TP")Chief of Branchi Prion Lost. Previously on* of the three oajor branches Of tha Sovlat Zone police orgenlcatloa. tbe Adelnl tlve Police had been divested of most of its onthorlty and slbtilty during the recent reorganisation of the CAI. Ita preient tasktricted largely to the Issue or peases, supervision.of registration procedures, and licensing regulations.

Piro-Flghtlng Services (AbtellungActing Chief of Branchi (fail) Scntlike. Pelubllohed to forMllete uniform flre-flghtlng regulations and to ooordinate the municipal firo-flEhtlng services in.the Soviot Zone, Abtollungwas handl-

-oT-its orlelnaily-atslgned personnel. e*nit this branch la still largely non-operational.

The branches described Inre under supervision and direction of the senior Tloa-Presldent,

Kurt rsgner.)




ruorterraster Services (XhtendanturstiptebtellongChlnf of Branch) Arthur Brandt. Thn "uarternastnr Services

Branch nos fsMUiihort In thn sunnieru, It in responsible for tho 'fllsCellennoua support and aervlw. neodud by thn Bovlat Zone police organisation, tfauptabt. "I" also tookorge share of the functions fon*erly performed By the Adulnletrotlv* Police, headed byformer Gem on amy cejor general, the aetlv-ltlaa of the Ouort*rna>Btnr Services Branch ere indicative oftrolistlo, militaristic development within tha Oil.

r. Resettlement Administrationhlar of Branch. Arthur Volit. Original* an Independent "Controlthe Resettlementaae pert of the CAI In the lata somrjer Primarily eoncerned withthe numerousfron formerly German territory in the Fast, it enjoys considerable autcnoay within the OAI no responsibilities In the police field endart of the CAI lo yntlclpatlon of that agenoy'iauthority in all natters customarily handled by aof the Interlor.

construction, price control, eto. to date the Abt.has not developed beyond tbe planning etnge. Itkeleton staff only and no prospect of becoming operational In th* near future.


are under the,peraonil

r,ice-President SHU oeUfert.)

The above description of th* organisation and functions of the Oerman Administration of the Interior la of necessity restricted to the essentials and primarily Intended to acquaint the recipients of this report with the araanlzatlonol structure following the large-scale reorganization which took place- in tbe second half

. Off .Lis Oalv


Original document.

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