Created: 5/23/1954

OCR scan of the original document, errors are possible


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pasoCOSS, Iloedquortere

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tfohn ft. SVffTOft'B Visit to C-

henWfOa arrivedours

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latter took KatPiaa's flight bag, oontalntng tuolvo tapes, and aococyaniodthe waiting room. Fron there tbe.-opreeentetire oarrled the bag

out to hLa eutonoblle.

When LMttiWe suitcase vaa brought in and be approached theoustooa official, the latter asked, "Where ia tbo bag you vero oerrying vnon ,vou COt off tbehat the ouetons official mut have seen tho beg, nSLrTOfl repliedriend had it. The "friend" was than questioned, fe stated that be bad merely carried the bag to tho car to assist his friend. The custona official asked bin to bring the bag in Xroai the oar.

Before bringing; the bag to the ouatooa official, theduaped the tapes on tho floor of the front seat of the oar* The cuctotfeo official, upon seeing tho beg, stated that tho oon ten to oast have been rcnovod since he had observed that the bag wan well filled outt was taken fron the piano end now badew lt<rj. of lingerie and aegailnes in it.

Ut Tho cuotonu official then statedu* wished to eoarch thereynxtantelivo refUaed to pernit that* *he eustaos official

said teat, la that oaae, he would have to call In the police*

5- Three polloaasn who were on duty at the airport tiien watered, ihey aio-ood with thoC- Joan that they hod no rl&ht to aeorch Ida car,hot itatter that would have to be settled by the cuatons officials.


6. one diocuaelon aoorv; Uio polico* tho custocts officialo, and Jrepresent* tire, lt met decided ta drop the uattor. Bwi

Paso 2

of customs wood tho f presentativo tbat bo should never again take anything from the airport before It bed been erorlnod by theoffldalfi*

Cat costono official than Bsroosadad to sajttatot SBSftBKPu suitcase thoroughlyj and no departed froa the airport0 houro.


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Original document.

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