Created: 5/23/1954

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3 may h

AC g.

lum Msshlngton

Operational Mottora

Penotrotloo of Caatanalaa sVvbeesy

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1. With reference toiapetoh ofay lt la near noted that tha source of tha inforasUon la that mm individual aa that far tl-clO. Tho attachment tof J-a of Interest. Aa atatad la KOUA-BJJi tola inforaaot should bond sreolfloally reqoeeted to laprove hla re-latiooa aith oontaeta in thaEobaaay*

t. i infomntlon la ^ara,raph :'our o i o lo ofIf by "ecntrolar" tha laforstant aeens thatject la iae*ey. Thla la highly unlikely, batlsohe to wstchsd ao cloaely that ba oanuot nova aboat freely. It layou reehaek the eubjeoVa nana aa tha aooond apelUdo appears to Tor your incarnation tbe- eubjoot ia

3. It la reqoestad that youto cat aa auch loforaatloa eaaa possible, and that tho proolaa bewith Uellbanlr. kaoav tha poalUon of

After the static ana WaUbenh have investigated thla natter it la requested that your ooiislderad spialoii of tbe report in the refereoee dispsteh ba cabled to UKCOU.

U. There la attachednooranduw vhloh la to be passed to Well bar*. attached are ace* aryptonyoe anion are ased by therganisation, fhese sboald be nada available to stjUBaasati



S* arc anxloH tc obtainouch luX nutationhe ilaoua oi' our ^lan=ee ot Kufua's group. Also,, that ilwyoruino: infornatlon on tnla tatter, what Joes tha 1st, ran ta Intend to do abet tit this for tha noxant la our sunt lev.rtent aasl^neent, an-lu tat as Sueh Information aa poaaiolo with reepactlnfa and other sourcea. ueodleaa to any our aalea job will be ri .eh oBsler if we know exaotly what our conpoLltors ore planning to do to ua.

tha activities of the bonaalo friends ofirunta aro olao of importance, in whato they Intend to atlr up trouble for Gonialo, and how do the/ hope to extend help to theente.- the local branch of the Inprentat( you and hlnfa ehould do everything, poeslble to oultivate It. naturally there areetween Conaalo and Mb, and th* nature of -haa* would be of Great aaadatance to ua In our buelnees. Any lniloat'ooe that Conaalo's boaa is becoaln^ acre irritated and afraid of Tia'a competition are alwnya of intereat.

Original document.

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