Baseball stats

Jeff (Jeffrey Allen) Torborg

Birthday: November 26, 1941 Plainfield (New Jersey) USA

Show stats of Torborg Jeff as a player

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Colected awards
Year Award League
1990Mgr of the year AL
Managed teams
Year Team League Matches Wins Lose
2003Florida Marlins NL 38 16 22
2002Florida Marlins NL 162 79 83
2001Montreal Expos NL 109 47 62
1993New York Mets NL 38 13 25
1992New York Mets NL 162 72 90
1991Chicago White Sox AL 162 87 75
1990Chicago White Sox AL 162 94 68
1989Chicago White Sox AL 161 69 92
1979Cleveland Indians AL 95 43 52
1978Cleveland Indians AL 159 69 90
1977Cleveland Indians AL 104 45 59