Baseball stats

Paul (Paul Rapier) Richards

Birthday: November 21, 1908 Waxahachie (Texas) USA

Day of death: May 04, 1986 Waxahachie (Texas) USA

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Managed teams
Year Team League Matches Wins Lose
1976Chicago White Sox AL 161 64 97
1961Baltimore Orioles AL 136 78 57
1960Baltimore Orioles AL 154 89 65
1959Baltimore Orioles AL 155 74 80
1958Baltimore Orioles AL 154 74 79
1957Baltimore Orioles AL 154 76 76
1956Baltimore Orioles AL 154 69 85
1955Baltimore Orioles AL 156 57 97
1954Chicago White Sox AL 146 91 54
1953Chicago White Sox AL 156 89 65
1952Chicago White Sox AL 156 81 73
1951Chicago White Sox AL 155 81 73