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i am researching information on tattoo removal cost,...

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Question by natalie moore
Submitted on 12/25/2003
Related FAQ: rec.arts.bodyart: Tattoo FAQ 9/9--Bibliography
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i am researching information on tattoo removal cost, procedures, and low income clinics, as well as anything else that you may have to offer.


Natalie Moore

Answer by e-raze
Submitted on 7/9/2004
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We are e-raze, a non-laser tattoo removal specialist. We have studios using this method all over the UK. Prices start from as little as £50 and a tattoo can be removed in as little as 3-4 sessions.
For more info please go to www.e-raze.com
Hope this helps.


Answer by Billie
Submitted on 9/30/2004
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I am desperately seeking help in the removal of a tatoo of a devil I put on my body years ago.  I live in the Michigan/Indiana area and live on 589 a month disability for myself and two children can SOMEONE PLEASE SEND ME SOME GUIDANCE ON WHERE TO GO THAT I CAN AFFORD OR THAT OFFERS ASSISTANCE FOR PEOPLE LIKE ME (income is verify-able)


Answer by dawn
Submitted on 10/6/2004
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I have had a the E-raze method of removal used on one of my larger tattoos (5x3ins)earlier this year, and although i was at first very optimistic, i can honestly say that i would never use this method again.  Although quite a lot of the ink has been removed from parts of the tattoo, i have been left with a huge raised red scar which is very painful to touch, and looks worse than the original tattoo. The e-raze method involves putting a cream into the skin via the tattooing process to remove the ink. This cream could potentially react differently on different peoples skin, on my skin it has left what looks like a nasty burn scar, which still hasn't healed properly 5 months later, and is very painful.  I was aware that there might be some scarring, but i now have a very angry raised scar. I must add that i followed all the after care instructions to the letter, as i was obviously keen not get any unnecessary scarring. I wish i had just gone for the more expensive laser treatment, which does not involve putting any preparation into the skin, any is therefore hopefully less evasive. Just be aware that the outcome can be very disappointing, so choose your method of removal very carefully. Trying to save money by going for cheaper less documented methods of tattoo removal does not always pay.


Answer by monkeyboy
Submitted on 3/23/2005
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How so cheap??


Answer by stoni
Submitted on 6/5/2005
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i am also looking for low income clinics to have tat removed i live in AZ     any help would be appreciated


Answer by Dave
Submitted on 5/13/2006
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Does this Eraze treatment  remove your tattoo 100% with no trace or no scaring, if so, i want it. Cheers


Answer by Amy
Submitted on 2/15/2007
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I had laser treatment on a tattoo on my arm, it hurt a lot more than getting the actual tattoo done and was £50 a session. I think i had about 8 sessions and i still have pieces of ink where my tattoo was. The doctor told me last time i was there (about 4yrs ago) that whoever did my first few treatments had used a high setting on the laser and that's why i had scarred. I have to admit that the scar isn't that bad,just raised skin really, but it would've been a lot easier to accept if he just hadn't told me they'd made a mistake!I've just found the eraze thing has a clinic near me and i have another bad tattoo on my hip that i want treated.I hope this helps and i'll let you know how i get on!


Answer by ealingbroadway
Submitted on 5/30/2007
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I had a few laser treatments at the Papillion center in Watford.

Because I had a 2 year break in between treatments the costs rose from £50 to £90, and my tattoos were the usual (Love Hate) on the knuckles and more wording on the back of the hand.  

When I was in the Philippines I had a further 2 sessions costing £30 each and a month apart and they are very faded and would probably only need 2 more treatments, some of the letters have gone completely and as i am now low income earner I begrudge paying that kind of money for a 2 minutes treatment. But a friend of mine had an abrasion on his arm and cost £70 but removed it completely and left a scar which is quite noticeable.


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