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I am allergic to most dogs, including labs, bulldogs,...

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Question by Kim
Submitted on 12/25/2003
Related FAQ: rec.pets.dogs: American Water Spaniel Breed-FAQ
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I am allergic to most dogs, including labs, bulldogs, collies.  They cause an immediate itchy skin rash on contact.  My parents' schnauzer doesn't affect me this way, and I am hoping perhaps the American Water Spaniel might also be a breed that would work for me?  My husband desperately wants a hunting dog but won't buy one if I am allergic to it.  Does anyone know if this is a hypo-allergenic dog?  It hasn't shown on any of the lists I've seen online.

Answer by Brian
Submitted on 10/17/2004
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American Water Spaniels are Non-hypoallergenic


Answer by Martin
Submitted on 2/6/2005
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Here's a list of hypoallergenic dogs:
-Bichon Frise
-Irish Terrier
-Portuguese Water Dog
-Chinese Crested
-Soft-coated Wheaten Terrier
-Kerry Blue Terrier
-Coton de Tulear
-West Highland White Terrier
-Bedlington Terrier
-Yorkshire Terrier
-Lhasa Apso


Answer by matt
Submitted on 5/22/2005
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hi my we have had a cavlier king chalres for 14 weeks now the first 2 to 3 weeks my mum was very alergic to her but after she began to change and now shes fine i think any dog u get you just have to stick it out untill your body ajusts it self to the allergy


Answer by PJ
Submitted on 12/27/2005
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My husband and I adopted a medium haired dog but found we were allergic to it, however we are not allergic to longhaired dogs, such as maltese or terrier breeds. For some reason the shorter haired breeds have a different dander that we reacted with, however it wasn't as bad as breaking out in a rash. Any hunting breed will probably do this to you because of the dander, but if anyone knows if there is shampoo out there to help our allergies with shorthaired dogs I would love to know. We have our heart set on a bulldog.


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