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I have a 12 year old female Bassett that WILL NOT stop...

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Question by Steve
Submitted on 12/22/2003
Related FAQ: rec.pets.dogs: Basset Hounds Breed-FAQ
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I have a 12 year old female Bassett that WILL NOT stop barking.  I have tried trainers, several kinds of collars, muzzles - nothing works and it's to the point that it's driving my roommate crazy as well as the neighbors.  I seem to be the only person that it doesn't bother.  Getting rid of her is NOT an option.  She's been through more with me than any human has.  My question is this, am I being absolutely cruel in considering debarking surgery?  As far as I can tell it seems to be my only hope.  HELP!!!!!

Answer by Mybassettlily
Submitted on 5/18/2004
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no i think that you should not put her through surgery a bark is a natural thing and a way of communicating not only with you but other dogs. would you like it if you had to get surgery so you couldn't talk anymore .think about that !!!


Answer by maggie basset
Submitted on 8/11/2004
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I had the same problem, my basset hounds would bark day in and day out! I had a neighbor that complained almost the very instant they started to bark. My Basset hounds are outside, my parents will not allow them inside due to the smell. I have found that if i go outside and tell them to hush it wont ever work! I tried barking collars as well, they worked really well at first then they became more and more of a joke! my Basset hounds (one over a year and the other younger than a year) respond well to a little bit of water in their face. what i do is when they start barking i go outside with a small cup of water and don't say a word, nor do i make eye contact (my dogs take eye contact as a reward) i stay out of their reach and when they start to bark I splash the water in their face and say in the lowest tone possible "HUSH".not too loud or it excites my dogs. i did this ever time they barked when they were not suppose to for about 2 weeks. now all i have to do is lift up a cup for them to see and gently say "hush" and they turn around and go into there dog houses. this worked for me i hope you will find some thing to work for you.... i know exactly how you feel, my parents constantly threatened to sell my dogs because of the non stop barking....i wish you the best of luck!


Answer by Shell
Submitted on 1/4/2006
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My Basset has barked for so long it doesnt bother me anymore either. I found out that if someone talks to me or I am on the phone he gets louder of gets the loudest squeeky toy he has. Our Dogs are 12, Let your roomate move. maybe your baby is telling you to get rid of your roomate.


Answer by Sally Mae
Submitted on 5/5/2006
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Mybassettlilly, you did not answer the question. Simply put  Steve loves his dog and wants to do everything in his power to keep it. His question is"Is it cruel? My answer is this, if you know that this is going to be your life mate and if you have tried to do every thing else to make the dog stop. keeping it VS sending him to the pound or to someone else that might not be tolerant after a while and get rid of it. Leaves me to say that even if the dog will be in discomfort for a while do to the operation, I would personally do it....What you need an answer to is still in question, will it hurt your companion? I say ask your vet....


Answer by tyet
Submitted on 4/21/2007
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poo face why do you want to give your stupid dog are you hoooooooooooooooooooooooottttttttttttttttt


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