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is there anyone that can help me fill out paper work for...

<< Back to: Irish FAQ: Glossary [10/10]

Question by joan exum
Submitted on 12/20/2003
Related FAQ: Irish FAQ: Glossary [10/10]
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this question: Vote
is there anyone that can help me fill out paper work for applying for an irish citizenship--i have all necessary papers, birth certificate's, marriage certificates, etc....i need help in filling it out and how much it costs and where to send it--can i apply on line??   thanksx!--i`m in cleveland, ohio   sincerely, joan  exum  <<<<joanexum@comcast.net>>>>>>>

Answer by ailles
Submitted on 3/28/2004
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Hello good afternoon every baby!
Is there anyone can help me look for the FedEx'ssource about it's Human Resource politicizes ?
I am a Chinese student .China is a beauty country . I Hope you can come and visit it.
It will leave you a good memory.
Thank you for your glare even you haven't do anything for me!
contact me :  liwenqing718@yahoo.com.cn


Answer by Payton O'Reilly
Submitted on 5/31/2006
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No, you cannot apply on-line.  You must apply at your local Irish consulate, with the supporting documentation.  Your closest consulate is likely in Chicago or New York.  You may also need death records.  


Answer by Tiffany Jones
Submitted on 5/26/2007
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
On medical assistance can never offer enough.


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