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plymouth 1996 neon. has had head gasket leaking oil. crysler...

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Question by dale
Submitted on 12/12/2003
Related FAQ: rec.autos.makers.chrysler FAQ, Part 1/6
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plymouth 1996 neon. has had head gasket leaking oil. crysler says they know it is problem but they are only replacing some of them not all? mine not one of them. are they ever going to fix all of them or only as many as they think they can get by with?

Answer by Neon George
Submitted on 1/25/2004
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I buy and sell Neons all the time and of coarse many have bad head gaskets.  My first step is to flush out the radiator and then add some sealing stuff called Fix-it.  It goes to the spot of the problem and seals it somehow.  Believe me it works and the smoke stops pretty quick and the oil stays clean.  Says it uses iron and some silicate stuff.  I order it straight from the guy at www.fulltank.us  I have had great luck with all but the extreme cases.  When I sell them they do not come back so that makes me happy.  good luck


Answer by fgnjcgu
Submitted on 6/27/2004
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Answer by jasmine
Submitted on 8/8/2004
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
Holy mother, I bought this car from that dealer that put in the sticky stuff and my gasket went like three weeks later. Dont try to say it wasnt you. So now i have a 700 dollar bill on top of that, and it might not even work out they said cause antifreeze was in my engine and the lubrication may be ruined. thanks


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