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I'm getting a Shiba Inu next month, and she is pretty dark...

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Question by Katy
Submitted on 12/9/2003
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I'm getting a Shiba Inu next month, and she is pretty dark in color mostly dark reddish brown with some black, but both of her parents are red and cream colored (the standard red color) and I was wondering if this was normal. Are a lot of Shiba puppies darker when they are younger? Do you think my puppy will stay dark or will she be red?

Answer by M
Submitted on 1/15/2004
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Your puppy is probably a sesame, red with dark tipping.  This is a "normal" color.


Answer by shawn
Submitted on 1/21/2004
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I have a red and a red sesame. they very in shades dramaticlly they had two puppies but both came out the lighter red the sesame is a very pretty color and like some golden retrievers they will very in hues good luck with your shiba ad remember they are ESCAPE ARTISTS I reccomend an Invisible fence as that holds mine and conventional fences do not


Answer by G
Submitted on 1/22/2004
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I have a red and red sesame, and they are
brothers.(so parents really doesn't matter i guess) the red one used to be kind of dark when he was a puppy.


Answer by Kelly
Submitted on 1/26/2004
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It sounds like you might have a red-sesame but usually they do get a little lighter as they age in the 1st year or so.  I have 2 black and tans and 1 stayed the same-bowtie color and the other lost all of its black face and now has a red face.  Their parents were red/white and white.  The litter was 3 blk/tan and 1 red.  If this is your first Shiba, you will love being Shiba parent!  They are amazing, loving, smart, funny and OH SO MUCH MORE :-) If you can let your puppy stay with its parents a week or two longer it really makes a difference in the long run, if the breeder is a good one.  Also, if you can visit the parents during the 1st year do so.


Submitted on 1/29/2004
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Are all of them the same or different


Answer by jafa
Submitted on 11/10/2004
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I have a shiba Inu and he's black and tan. (I'm only 12) Anyways when we got him he was only black with a few tippings of tan, but now that's he's older he has a bunch of tan sploches. So you can't really tell what their color will be until their older. :D


Answer by Kimberly
Submitted on 12/6/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
How much do Shiba Inu puppies coast?


Answer by Yvonne
Submitted on 7/24/2006
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
Why do some golden retrievers have a reddish brown colored coat?


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