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How many speeding tickets in CA within one-year will cause...

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Question by How Many Tickets Will I Lose My License
Submitted on 12/4/2003
Related FAQ: FAQ: California Driving (and Surviving)
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How many speeding tickets in CA within one-year will cause me to lose my drivers license?  Other states seem to have a 3-ticket per year limit before potentially losing a drivers license.

Answer by lwpat
Submitted on 12/6/2003
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There are a lot of reasons that your drivers license can be suspended. I am assuming that your question is directed at speeding tickets and not at more serious violations such as racing.

For a speeding ticket the points remain on your motor vehicle record for a period of three years. You will be placed on a one year probation including a six months suspension if you have the following negligent driver points.

4 points is 12 months
6 points in 24 months
8 points in 36 months

A violation of the basic speed law or an at fault accident is one point.

Drivers license points are different from insurance points. Usually you will be unable to afford insurance before your license is suspended. If your license is suspended then your insurance premium could be more than the value of your car. It pays to contest every speeding ticket even if it means retaining an attorney.



Answer by pb
Submitted on 10/12/2004
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
how many speeding tickets can i have on my record before i lose my d/l  i live in ms?


Answer by Mr in Europe
Submitted on 3/22/2006
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
I've been living in Europe for apx 5yrs since my last stay in the US. I was stopped there a few times, but the last time I didn't receive a ticket or any mail.
Where can I check out my record?



Answer by rani
Submitted on 9/8/2006
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
how many tickets can you get in one year


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