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...first strike,flying,fear,haste and all the ofter...

<< Back to: Magic: The Gathering Rules FAQ, v4.02 (part 1)

Question by fatbill
Submitted on 11/21/2003
Related FAQ: Magic: The Gathering Rules FAQ, v4.02 (part 1)
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what does first strike,flying,fear,haste and all the ofter things mean?

Answer by Chuless
Submitted on 2/17/2004
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haste is attack on first turn flying is it cant be blocked unless there's another creature with flying i dunno what fear and first strike do trying to figure it out its not first attack because on akroma it has first strike and haste!!


Answer by mkaiser
Submitted on 2/21/2004
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Fear means the card can only be blocked with other cards with fear.  Fear/First Strike cards are pretty powerful.


Answer by Halfelf
Submitted on 2/26/2004
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Actually, Fear means that it can only be blocked by creatures that are either black or artifacts. You're probably thinking of Shadow, which has that ability.

First Strike allows you to deal your damage first in combat. For instance, if your 5/5 first strike were to be blocked by a 5/5 creature without first strike, the blocking creature would die, and your creature would be fine.


Answer by porthop
Submitted on 3/20/2004
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Haste - Means no waiting for summoning sickness.  Example: You tap and bring out a creature with haste.  You can attack with this immediately.


Answer by zElDamagic
Submitted on 5/26/2004
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hey kid listen to the first and last guys i have no clue what the other two are talking about.


Answer by ace
Submitted on 12/29/2004
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hay thanx for explaining first strike it will help me in my game


Answer by LordDraven
Submitted on 7/8/2005
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I have a question me and my friend keeps arguing over this can you sacrifice a creature whenever you feel like it? I keep telling him that it has to be an ability on the card. He says it is a stratigy to get my enchant creature off of him and I now that i am correct. Also even though a creature that has first strike and allows you to deal your damage first in combat. For instance, if your 5/5 first strike were to be blocked by a 5/5 creature without first strike, the blocking creature would die, and your creature would be fine. Does it still deliver the damage to his life points?


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