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Question by SPAWN
Submitted on 7/12/2003
Related FAQ: rec.arts.bodyart: Tattoo FAQ 9/9--Bibliography
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Answer by Anna
Submitted on 7/26/2003
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It can mean what you what it to mean...  :)


Answer by BLok
Submitted on 8/6/2003
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prison tattoo, you kill a minority to get one


Answer by inkjunkie
Submitted on 8/11/2003
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It signifies addiction to something, whether that be drugs, the opposite sex or even tattoos.


Answer by seahybrid
Submitted on 8/15/2003
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it means that either you've annihilated something, or you love spiders


Answer by Skinisin88
Submitted on 8/20/2003
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Answer by 1904Skin
Submitted on 8/28/2003
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The original meaning of the spider web on the elbow was that one is "Caught up in the system."  The Aryan Brotherhood used the tattoo in the 70's as a mark that you had hit another race.  Now the meaning is totally watered down, people get it because they think it looks cool.


Answer by RD PUNK
Submitted on 9/1/2003
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Well, the spider web tattoo can mean any thing:
1. You've killed, hate, or hit a visible minority
2. Drug or substance abuse addiction
3. Jail Time (prison tat)
But, the best I think, is:
4. It means what you want it to mean...
I got a spider web on my elbow because I associate it with life. The fact that society, music, arts, people...anything...Life and everything about doesn't spawn from one point and there is no right way to look at things. There are many different aspects of society which in a way "branch" out like a spider web.
The way I look at it, as long as you can back up your reasoning for the 'spider web tattoo' then that is what it means to you, and by all means get one.


Answer by blakjac
Submitted on 9/7/2003
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All it means is that you are trapped or addicted, something has you wrapped in it and you can't get out. i.e. old jail tattoo but make it mean what youd like it to mean tattoos arent always self explanatory. The meaning is within the eye of the beholder.


Answer by Diabolic
Submitted on 9/11/2003
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Its just a tattoo! So many people get it and have no meaning for it exept it looks cool, the meaning of it in the past is dead and your stupid if you think different.


Answer by lynx
Submitted on 9/27/2003
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I am designing my newest tattoo, and it happens to be a spider web on my left elbow...


i am not a racist,
ive never done time,
im not an addict (i happen to be straight edge, for all who dont know what that it is, then it means no alcohol, no smoking, no DRUGS, no promiscuous sex etc)
im not trapped in anything and i live life to the max

all i can say is that if anyone thinks that i am racist, or done time or is a drug addict is a seriously sad old lame hyprocrit who doesnt take time to find out who you really are, those are the people i couldnt care less about.

i am going to be proud to show my spider web tat, just like i am proud to show the other tattoos aswell

-stay true


Answer by Likity Splt
Submitted on 9/29/2003
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I'm getting a spider web tattoo because it has to do with my mechanic side. i just made a black widow motorbike and i think it would be a good accent to the bike and also to myself. I love tattoos and they are mostly art, and they show what what you are feeling at that particular time. It doesn't have to do with killing a different race or whatever, its art, and there suppose to express feeling, not hatred.


Answer by gaSeRz
Submitted on 10/1/2003
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i want to get a tattoo of a spider web over my right shoulder (which extends from my neck, to my back, right over my right breast, to about 2 inches over my right arm. is it like a racial thing? I'mgetting to for my own reasons, but i dont want to walk around not knowing it means something completely different to everyone else. for example the "iron cross," people say it is a racial thing. like a "white pride" deal... but a person that has them tatt'son their chest told me that it meant something else, and he's white married to a Filipino girl. but what do spider webs mean as a whole, not on the elbow, just an overall impression?


Answer by teo
Submitted on 10/3/2003
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what is the meaning of eight ball?


Answer by teo
Submitted on 10/5/2003
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What is the meaning of 8-ball tattoo?


Answer by spoonkris
Submitted on 10/6/2003
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Tattoo's are one of those things that could be talked about until the end of time , just like religion , race and gender.It causes in-depth talks that can sometimes offend and harm some-one emotionally.That is why we should all respect each-other and their tat's.Just like we have no right to judge , nor do we have the right to question . Every Tattoo has a personal meaning in one way or the other , but as long as we respect each other ,who cares what it means to have a eight-ball or spider-web cause chances are that each answer will be different .


Answer by Pistol Pete
Submitted on 10/6/2003
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My spiderweb represents my entrapment in this society. It does mean a commiting of a violent crime or murder, but I wouldn't hurt a fly. Muhahahahhaha....


Answer by ISOTattooedMan
Submitted on 10/13/2003
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I love tattooed men. If any of you guys would like to connect with a dude, email me at isotattooedman@hotmail.com


Answer by Mat
Submitted on 10/16/2003
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Teo, i think an 8 ball shows luck , chance, and daring. About it i think , either that or you just think its cool! ;)


Answer by teo
Submitted on 10/16/2003
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Thank you mat!


Answer by onion
Submitted on 10/16/2003
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TEO, 8-ball also means 8 of cocaine or crank.  


Answer by Jessie
Submitted on 10/21/2003
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It is a symbol of being trendy.


Submitted on 10/28/2003
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Ironic, isn't it?  The tattoo originally conceived as a symbol of racism, now causes those who wear it to be stereotyped.


Answer by Lordskin hammer
Submitted on 11/12/2003
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i have spiderwebs on my elbows and i know what it means... i am the meaning wpww
i plan on becoming a art piece for fellow aryans


Answer by Kid_Trash
Submitted on 11/21/2003
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hmmm.... so you are one ’o these guys who do tattoos to be cool, belong to some groups or whatever...

Funny i get a tattoo because i like it... i don't want to be someone else because of my tattoos...  i also served time but no one knows...  I like skins but i don't like you!!!

Rock n Roll alive...


Answer by tug boat
Submitted on 11/27/2003
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the spider web has its place almost in all gangs, hate groups,etc. its becoming more common with regular people, just because it looks cool. The 8-ball tats have various meanings. Solid with 8 in the middle, in prison usually means the person sporting it publicly,had anal sex; like in the showers. just outlined usually is drug related or just to look cool; but be weary of interpretations.


Answer by Ceasar
Submitted on 11/28/2003
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Teo - An eight-ball is originally a prison tat meaning hard times, 'behind the eight-ball', rough life, born under a bad sign...
The spider web on the elbows, and only the elbows, originally indicated the owner had killed another inmate (e.g. turf war, pride etc.) on the inside. All tattoos have original meaning. When a thing of significance become insignificant, it becomes pedestrian, that is why one sees young kids from the 'burbs with spider web tats.  


Answer by 13 Chopperz
Submitted on 1/8/2004
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About the Spider Web tattoo...  Actually a spider web tattoo on the outside of your elbow means nothing significant.  It originated in the late 70's and early 80's with the Punk Rock crowd who saw it on ex-cons and thought it looked cool.  Now a spider web tattoo on your body DID originate as a prison tattoo with 2 meanings.  It was worn mostly but not solely by Arian Gang inmates who in the late 50's and early 60's basically ran every prison in the U.S.  If it was worn on the right side of your neck it did infact mean that you had killed someone while in Prison and were a predetor and not prey.  If it was worn on the INSIDE of your elbow it meant that you were a drug addict and was a symbol to all who sold drugs in the prison system that you were a potential customer and were always looking to be approached by drug dealers in the Prison.  After the Spider Web tattoos gang members in prison started wearomg a "tear-drop" under there eye.  That too meant the same as a spider web on the neck.  It meant that you had killed someone in the prison system.  It was adopted in the 70's and 80's after guards started cracking down on homemade prison tattoos.  It was easier to make than an intrecate spider web and you had less of a chance getting caught with contraband by a prison guard.


Answer by aarondaaries
Submitted on 1/28/2004
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the 8 ball means your stuck behind bars...meaning you're doing time. it can also be a sign of luck meaning you are willing to take chances and dare to not follow the norm or status quo


Answer by Livingdeadgirl
Submitted on 2/3/2004
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it has something to do with bikers because my dads got one and he was biker a long time ago


Answer by PUK13
Submitted on 2/4/2004
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Does anyone know of any web sites of where i can look at some spider web tattoos on the elbow so i can get some ideas for one?!?!?! thanks


Answer by mariposatriste
Submitted on 2/28/2004
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female tattoo artist and piercer


Answer by memyselfandI
Submitted on 3/1/2004
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Spiderweb tats on the elbow...done time, how many "rings" there are is how many years youve done.


Answer by chopp23
Submitted on 3/4/2004
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I think all of you think way to hard........


Answer by AngelZita
Submitted on 3/5/2004
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Now what about on your hands, i think that spider webs in the inside of your wrist and out side under your thumb, dosent that  mean something to do with being a drug dearler?


Answer by kcpunx
Submitted on 3/10/2004
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I have a blue spiderweb on my left elbow.  (It means I have killed a smurf)  Seriously folks,  tattoo's have many different meanings.  Who cares as long as it means something to you.


Answer by SHARPskin
Submitted on 3/17/2004
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I think people can get tatoos for any reason and should care less what people will think if they see it. And if someone asks you can tell them what you think it means or if it just looks cool


Answer by having good beers
Submitted on 3/22/2004
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i work for the prison system and the true meaning of a web on your elbow is that you murdered someone


Answer by 80s-freak-suze
Submitted on 3/23/2004
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I have a spider web on my left elbow and I've been asked about it several times.   Some have assumed that it means certain things, but they can think what they want.  I happen to have a thing for spiders and the design is cool.  It's a simple thing, only a tattoo, plus, it's on MY body.  I don't know why some freak out about it.  Just like any other tattoo, it means what the tattooed individual wants it to mean.  


Answer by Turbo
Submitted on 3/24/2004
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To me the spiderweb tattoo is a symbol of being capable of taking care of yourself.  Spiders make a web to catch food to provide for themselves and stay alive. I got a spiderweb the first time in my life where I was completely on my own providing for myself and what not.


Answer by whatever
Submitted on 3/28/2004
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it means you should've spent your money on something else


Answer by rockabilly_13
Submitted on 4/2/2004
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I have a spider web , on my left elbow , and a thirteen on my right arm , and people ask if i have done time, i tell them  no , im binded down by society and the lucky13   gets through hard times .


Answer by luke
Submitted on 4/3/2004
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Its always meant only one thing to me.... and i wouldn't wear it unless I wanted people to believe Ive killed someone.

choose your own route but know, your wearing something with meaning that few, including you, understand. hardly a sole on this pages understands it but a prison guard and an Aryan.   God Bless and Good luck. luke


Answer by dwave
Submitted on 4/8/2004
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a spiders web originally was done under the arm-pit and ment alot of violent things, the elbow version is probably just one thats slipped down..  :)


Answer by super posuer
Submitted on 4/12/2004
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all you lame mother fu'kersruin everything for everybody.


Answer by silvertungdevil
Submitted on 4/14/2004
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I got a spider web because I liked the way it looked I had heard alot of myths and beliefs before getting mine to sum it all up the past is the past old ways of thinking won't do anyhting to stop a person from getting something that they personally like creat your own reason and enjoy it because once you have it it's there to stay


Answer by dorkwad_89
Submitted on 4/28/2004
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I was just wonder exactly how you take care of a homemade tattoo?


Answer by SpiderEwan
Submitted on 5/4/2004
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I have spiderweb on my elbow and also work in a bar where i get asked about it a lot, usually just curious people mostly who like and then decide to call me "spiderman" all nite, only occasionally do i get some idiot accusing me of being a Nazi - and almost always because they read somewhere its a nazi thing! However most open minded people take the time to ask me about and i always tell them - PUNK ROCK! Thats why i got one, its a brilliant reminder to me of when i was a young punk and having the time of my life. However, i also look at it as representing a web (d'uh!) whether that be deciet, addiction, the system or painful lesson it is worth remembering. I know a lot of people with this tattoo - many of whom are skins, all of whom as it happens are extremely hostile to Bonehead Nazi skins - they are used to their culture being appropriated by people who don't understand it. So yeah, predictably enough - it has a different meaning for everyone who wears it - so why should we let it become something so negative and hateful? Thats how those scumbags win! As for the 8-ball, i have one also - as far as i always understood it, it means chance and luck -u ever noticed that so many traditional tattoos are good luck charms - No.7s, Racing Flags, Horseshoes, Anchors, Ships, 13s, Aces etc. As for the "cool" excuse,thats just annoying - it's still very much dangerous walking about in Glasgow covered in colorful tattoos, looking like a freaky punk.


Answer by johnnyr
Submitted on 5/6/2004
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I am a correctional officer in a prison, and i have seen spider webs on all different ethnicities of convicts. Most tell me that it represents doing time. While you are locked down in prison, proverbial spider webs grow over your old life on the outside. Like an old house that nobody lives in will get covered in cobwebs and dust, so will life as you knew it when you were on the streets. Spider webs, on the elbows specificaly, have a different meaning in the military. They have been traditionally worn by snipers, or someone who has lain in wait for some time to take a shot, representing the stillness and amount of time it took to wait for the wearer's target to come into view.


Answer by hms prison
Submitted on 5/10/2004
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yes i agree with the above, most webs on elbows are done very diy, and to me and the people ive met, this signifys the real message, as with these new crispy clean straight line total black ones i kinda think there a crap rip off and those people are scared to get one done diy,..... KILL FREEMASONS!!!!!!!  :)


Answer by - - - - - -
Submitted on 5/11/2004
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the spider web has all of those meanings above prison,addiction and so on my meaning is a long waiting for revenge.


Answer by shaun
Submitted on 5/20/2004
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i don't care wut anyone has to say about the spider web tattoo... i'm gettin one cause of all the troubles n struggles i've had in my life and had to get through... and any hotties with tattoos, e-mail me ;) kos_theory@hotmail.com


Answer by Bullethead
Submitted on 6/4/2004
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I am getting a spider web as a shoulder cap. I am 6'5" tall, white and bald ... I get the racist crap enough as it is. Truth is I don't do drugs, I am NOT a racist, I have no prison time, I am a Computer Security Analyst for the Gov. and a single father of a 14 year old girl. I just think it will look cool. If anyone stops to tell me it means anything else, well I will deal with that then.


Answer by tony
Submitted on 6/7/2004
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spider webs on your elbows or shoulders mean that u have done alot of time in prison my dads doing 18 years minimum of 13 he said if he had 4 elbows he'd have spider webs on every one of them it just means u have done time


Answer by tony
Submitted on 6/7/2004
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Clock faces without hands
Doing time

Tombstones with numbers on them
The years they were inside

Tombstones with numbers and RIP
Mourning the death of a friend

Spider or cob webs on elbows or shoulders
Doing time

Eight balls
Behind the eight ball or bad luck

One laughing face, one crying face
Play now, pay later or my happy life, my sad life

Supreme white power

White pride (males)

White pride (females)

Viking themes
Common Caucasian tat

Granite block walls
Time in Old Folsom Prison

100 % pure
Pure white or Anglo

Cell window with sun or bird showing
Waiting to get out

Face of female crying
Has someone on the outside waiting



Prison block wall with bricks falling outward
Inside wanting to get out


Answer by emma-leigh
Submitted on 6/11/2004
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the spider web thing... i wanna get that cuz its fully sick... but thats prolly just the punk talkin, but also i want it cuz ive hadda go through way 2 much 4 a 14 yr old & the eightball symbolises hooever my boyfriend this week is... but thats just my little i hope hes the 1 & if i label him with good luck then maybe hell be perfect... & punk. i reckon its all good!!! oh by the way im a chick not a gay fella... hahaha also, which ear r u supposed 2 get pierced if ur straight & ur a chick???


Answer by sickboy
Submitted on 6/13/2004
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i got my spider web tatt about three years ago or so. it can hold many meanings just as any tattoo can, it's all about who's wearing it and why they got it inked into their skin. i myself am a former neo nazi skin head, i got the tatt while i was still active in the scene but now i still look at it and feel proud just becuz its a part of me and always will be.


Answer by QueenOfHearts
Submitted on 6/28/2004
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Wow is everything a prison tattoo? What's the meaning of a Black Widow tattoo?


Answer by Vogemudet
Submitted on 6/28/2004
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I have two spider-webbed tattoos on my elbows and I liked them because I like the Mafia...it lets others know you are serious about something due to the pain involved in the process.lol
Really I am an oil painter and believe it comes from the Greek goddess Arachne who spun beautiful webs. I disdain the Aryan implications.I do get people asking me where I got them and they are expecting an answer of some prison name rather than a tattoo parlour...I end up meeting alot of ex-cons on the street so beware of getting them...at least when I am in public I can where a long sleeved shirt for a formal function...I get no tattooes that are visible only from the shoulder to the wrist line like the Samurai...I don't get the hands or the neck. Some friends are relieved when I wear a long sleeved shirt, they think we might get shot at.
For Emma-Leigh: If you're gay you get a left ear pierced and a lesbian gets multiple piercings on that same ear.I'm not gay either...


Answer by Wolfmomrose
Submitted on 6/29/2004
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what is the meaning of a teardrop tattoo. I'm female, 59, want a blue and silver teardrop under my left eye


Answer by Vogemudet
Submitted on 6/29/2004
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QueenOfHearts:I think a black widow tattoo would mean your love is poisonous...kina a dark meaning because the Black Widow kills her mate in the end, it could mean "watch-out-for-me" to your mates.
Wolfmomrose:Teardrop would mean you killed someone or your crying because you're paying for your deeds ie locked up and probably committed murder... similiar to the clown crying or the Drama Masks "Laugh-Now-Cry-Later".
I remember hearing when I was at a Marine Corps Cadet's boot camp that blue is the color of leaders because you are setting your sights high and always looking past the horizon...
Also: green meaning you are concerned with earthly matters...there are more meanings to colors but blue can mean the "sea" or the obvious ones "water" or "sky".


Answer by QueenOfHearts
Submitted on 6/29/2004
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Thanks Vogemudet... So a Black Widow tattoo isn't a prison tat, right?


Answer by Vogemudet
Submitted on 6/29/2004
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QueenOfHearts: Right it isn't related to prison more I would associate it with bad girl clubs maybe girls that ride motorcycles...you know, the whole outlaw type image.


Answer by QueenOfHearts
Submitted on 6/30/2004
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lol thanks once more Vogemudet... See the thing is I do want a motorcycle: A sport bike... And if u saw me, well, I'm certainly no outlaw!  Nor am I a bad girl.  I wanted a Black Widow tattoo on my lower back... I like it because it kinda speaks to me... And putting it on my lower back is the perfect place because people won't usually see it and when they get a glimpse at it once in a while it just shows them that there's deeper than what they see as me...


Answer by Vogemudet
Submitted on 7/2/2004
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QueenOfHearts: I was saying that half jokingly...get the Black Widow and enjoy, I do mine...the other day I forgot my tattoos and wore a short sleeved shirt to my gallery to talk to the owner and she was blown away and thought my tats were beautiful...told me so three times. Alright for tats.


Answer by QueenOfHearts
Submitted on 7/2/2004
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lol... Isn't it great to get compliments on things like that? So you're an oil painter eh? What do you paint?


Answer by Vogemudet
Submitted on 7/2/2004
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I paint neo-classical and realist paintings.
My work can be seen at: http://lawrencehollien.com or type the name (seperated by a space) into Google or Yahoo search engines and it should bring up some results.
If they even allow this post.
I get up to 37,000 visits a month but last month 24,000 viewed and the month before only 7,000 viewed...sa la vie


Answer by No Name Cowboy
Submitted on 7/3/2004
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Nice work Voge !!!   WOW


Answer by QueenOfHearts
Submitted on 7/4/2004
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Yeah those are some really nice paintings Vogemudet!  I paint too, but it's mostly my feelings so it comes out really abstract.  I paint with acrylics and often with my hands (I can't say that's very good for my hands though)I should make a website just to display my paintings... In due time I will.


Answer by Vogemudet
Submitted on 7/4/2004
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Racist Convicts:
The spider web design tattoo is often found on the arms or under the arms of racists who have spent time in jail. In some places, one apparently "earns" this tattoo by killing a minority. However, non-extremists may sometimes sport this tattoo as well, unaware of its other symbology, simply because they like the design.

I simply like the design...plus my last name sounds like Halloween so I was always called my first name then Halloween so I grew up liking Halloween...I like some of the reasons for getting a spider-web tattoo that have been posted on this forum and will decide for myself the multiple meanings that I have found. So now I have more than one meaning.

I think knowing about number tattoos has opened my eyes but most are used by hate groups:
18 means Adolf Hitler    88 means Heil Hitler...the number of the letter. There are more...I see people on forum posts sporting these numbers in their name and you know they're racist...or 14 for 14 words
"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children."
The ADL contains a hefty database. Check it out...


Answer by No Name Cowboy
Submitted on 7/5/2004
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What does the number 82 mean?
I think it means murder if you see someone with that.


Answer by Vogemudet
Submitted on 7/6/2004
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83 is "Heil Christ" used by white christian groups so I think the second letter being B means "Heil Beezlebub". Just guessing.


Answer by pookie32
Submitted on 7/17/2004
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i got a spiderweb tat 14 years ago i got it to look like a bad ass at a time when not to many women had them....i am now a frumpy housewife who scares old people at the grocery store with my spiderweb


Answer by Arian_Brotherhood_Girl666
Submitted on 7/18/2004
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In order to have a spiderweb tattoo, you have to kill a minority and most of the time by minority, they mean a black person. By killing a minority, people like the skinheads, Arian Brotherhood, and other gangs will have respect for you. AB FOR LIFE!!!!!


Answer by No Name Cowboy
Submitted on 7/20/2004
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Pookie32 that was lame to put that much space bar into your message...your message should be deleted.
Arian_Brotherhood_Girl666 you are not the master race...I'll see you in HELL..
THUG LIFE   Tupac Lives !!!


Answer by trashedrat
Submitted on 8/3/2004
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8-ball tattoos got popular because some folks thought they would cover up other bad tattoos well. you know, a large black area to hide a small, unwanted tattoo. (..least thats what ive heard)

also, a tattoo will mean diffrent things to diffrent folks.. see how many diffrent and varied 'answers' people have replied with? there is no 'general meanings' to tattoos. they mean what the owner wants them to mean, and theres no way of knowing without getting friendly and asking.

thats my 2 cents.


Answer by TeufelHund1775
Submitted on 8/5/2004
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Seeing as everyone is talking about prison and/or racial tats here are two more:

Blut und Ehre- German for blood and honor the motto of the Hitler Youth (kids Hitler recruited into the Nazi party when he ran out of normal soldiers)

13 1/2- prison tat meaning 12 jurors, 1 judge and 1/2 a chance


Answer by Legija
Submitted on 8/8/2004
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I earned my spider web on the elbow by cutting a jews ear off. Didnt end up killing him, i thought i did. . . shame that.

Destroy The New World Order!


Answer by tony
Submitted on 8/11/2004
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does any one know the meaning for having blue birds tattooed on your hands i am pretty sure it use to be or still is a prison tattoo meaning that u would blue (fight) any one but i think it has a diffrent meaning in the army or navy...?


Answer by one_race
Submitted on 8/16/2004
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I believe in one race, the human race. I will spread my seed to all receptive females. I am proud to have many mixed babies.  I am white, I am neither proud or ashamed of this. I have no choice, as you have no choice of your race.

Bikers are over rated. I remember when any brand chopper was okay. Now it must be Harley based. The old triumph choppers might be cool, but dont get caught on a CB750, that isnt cool.


Answer by punkprincess0806
Submitted on 9/7/2004
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Benji from Good Charlotte has it...and I doubt he's ever killed a minority.

PS: Arian_Brotherhood_Girl666, shame on you


Answer by killuminati
Submitted on 9/7/2004
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too right 2pac lives, he's alive in many peoples hearts and souls, as for that stupid aryan race girl, your stupid!! forget that crap, its just illuminati crap, and your fooled into the sick one sided racsist life styles, kill freemasons and killuminati !!  spider web on elbow has some wicked meanings as like above, but do yourself a favour and get one done DIY,


Answer by girl of a AB
Submitted on 9/10/2004
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The tattoo on the elbow does have to do with the brotherhood. my boyfiend has done 17 years and is a member of AB. not only does he have the web on the elbow but he has the shield and his bolts.


Answer by the sin head
Submitted on 9/16/2004
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the web is giving to you wen u kill a minority i no im a skin head and ive got 1


Answer by powlow
Submitted on 9/21/2004
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the original is simply that you've done time...there are other interpretations and meanings, i think the aryan brotherhood gang being a strong lead. still, just talking about the roots of the tatoo...always to good to know about the roots : those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.


Answer by downstroy
Submitted on 9/23/2004
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well I really love the spider web on the elbow and I'm planning to get one like that done as soon as possible. I've always known it was meant as addiction to drugs or some substance but as a lot of people understand it, in my opinion it means being trap in something as insects are trapped in a web.. so I'm trapped in music and that's my meaning


Answer by yetty
Submitted on 9/27/2004
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i just think it looks cool


Answer by psychobilly
Submitted on 9/29/2004
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I'm german and i didnt like Nazis. The funny thing is, that most of the Neo Nazis in the world didn't live in germany. So, how can u be a Aryian when u are not born in Germany?  


Answer by dolla
Submitted on 9/30/2004
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scew all yall dumb ass"s


Answer by Spookey Boots
Submitted on 10/7/2004
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Just an observation arian is spelled aryan...who am I ??!!!
I think the spiderweb means what it means to each person. People like my spiderweb on my elbow. They think I'm in the Mafia or maybe a famous rapper...L O L


Answer by jon
Submitted on 10/8/2004
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its a skinhead tattoo for killing a black


Answer by Ephram Glick
Submitted on 10/17/2004
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I'm getting a swastika tatoo because I think its cool


Answer by Tim
Submitted on 10/20/2004
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I have a DIY spider web on my elbow and have many times encountered people who've accused me of being racist.  When i got it i wasnt really aware of any of that meaning to it, but thought it looked cool and saw punk rockers with it.  And since im a punk rocker i wanted it.  My personnel meaning for it is basically the opposite of hate.  A development of unity with everything around me, and to take in everything i learn to make myself better.  I was in the wrong crowd when i was younger and hardcore punk saved me from falling.  The spider web is kind of my symbol for that also.

One funny story i have though:  This one time a guy started asking me all these questions about it and asking if i'dever been to jail and if i killed someone.  I tried to explain myself to him but he was a bit ignorant.  So i just said to him that if he wanted to step outside it could mean that, and he shut up.


Answer by B-Dogg
Submitted on 10/27/2004
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The eight-ball is used to show alliance among gangs who are ususally in different secs (rivals who come together usually over drug/illegal activity).
The teardrop signifies murder if it is solid and if it is just and outline it means that you are mourning the loss of fellow gang member.
The spiderweb is all about doing time.


Answer by eek
Submitted on 11/16/2004
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it means that it talks about spooky spiders


Answer by DYNA1999
Submitted on 11/21/2004
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Answer by Tinkerbell
Submitted on 11/22/2004
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What does it mean when a man has a tattoo of swift/swallow on his hands between the thumb and forefinger?


Answer by H~MAN
Submitted on 12/2/2004
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well.......i just got a web on my left elbow.......looks bad ass and me and lots of others like it too.........so thats all that matters


Answer by stewed, screwed and tat2ed
Submitted on 12/15/2004
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all the meanings you guys and dolls have posted about the spider webs are all true, HOWEVER, you forgot one thing.

a long time ago, there were these guys called pirates, and they collected tattoos from pretty much wherever they landed. now, naturally, the longer out to sea they were, the more experience they got. so thus, THE SPIDER WEB TATTOO IS BORN! it symbolizes how long you've been at sea.

now fast forward to WWII, a place called Hawaii. a tattoo artist simply called "sailor jerry" starts tattooing sailors and soldiers with a spider web wherever, symbolizing how long they've been in the war, n feeling trapped by it.

so there you go peoples, the origins.


Answer by annoyed
Submitted on 12/15/2004
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anyone notice these stupid ass Aryan's keep spelling Aryan wrong, example "Arian", hey dumb-asses, if you're so white pride, why can't you spell your heritage correctly? anyway, I got spiderwebs on both elbows, and they are my favorite tattoos on me.


Answer by old school tattooist
Submitted on 12/21/2004
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For all of you who said "It means what ever you want it to mean" well, your an idiot!  That is why tattoos have MEANINGS, HELLO....you dont just come along and say oh, that started a long time ago so I am going to change the meaning to whatever I want.  Look spoiled bastard, pick something else or get locked up and do it the real way!
A web on the elbow means you have done or are doing time and the cobs webs are growing over the time you could be living on the outside/your trapped in prison, and just like a tear drop you have killed a black in prison.
The eight ball means you are stuck behind the eight ball/bars.
I did my time in the california penal system and tattooed for many years in the roughest neighborhoods of East LA.


Answer by racist_steve
Submitted on 12/23/2004
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im getting a spiderweb on my elbow cause i killed a minority


Answer by anonymous
Submitted on 12/28/2004
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i have a teardrop and it means sorrow for my lost brothers...

it can mean you killed someone though... especially if it is hollow (i.e. no remorse)or if it is red like a drop of blood, but if it is the color of your eye, it means your sad / you lost someone close.


Submitted on 1/2/2005
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Submitted on 1/2/2005
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Answer by angel71169
Submitted on 1/2/2005
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I know what you all will think.  But, I have strange dreams all the time. Two nites ago I had dreams about a man.  In trouble, running from a group of people - who had webs (very black tattoos) down both arms - extending under his clothes.  I helped this person in my dream.  I'm somewhat concerned about this.  I'm sure I will get slammed with criticism for my dream - but, I'm prepared. Thanks for any input.  


Answer by pierced4_pleasure
Submitted on 1/8/2005
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I just got fuschia spiderwebs on both elbows, one with a blackwidow spider the other with a fly.  I got them to remind me of how life and it's problems can entrap one if you let it.  But this is my personal meaning, I put a lot of thought into any tat I get, they have to mean something to me.  I just lost my boyfriend, he gave into his addiction and a lot of our so-called friends accused me of being the cause of his death.  I know my Daddy Matt is laughing up in heaven, he loved a good joke and tattoos were something we both loved so I wear the spider and webs with pride.  There is nothing like riding around town on my FLHRCI with all my ink on display, it scares the locals and keeps the assholes at bay.


Answer by jc
Submitted on 1/14/2005
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you don't dust your elbow enough


Answer by J
Submitted on 1/17/2005
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what is the meaning of the "LAUGH NOW CRY LATER" tattoo??


Answer by Tito
Submitted on 1/18/2005
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The spider web indicates the feeling of being trapped, and having no power to do anything about it. i.e. You're locked-up and can't get out, you can't see your kids, family, etc. Also, any problems that you can't get away from. Not usually shown in the tatt, but known only by the wearer.

Peace out!


Answer by SpiderEwan
Submitted on 1/20/2005
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Arian_Brotherhood_girl666, have you never noticed how those how claim to be the master race are all so goddamn ugly! Master race? i really doubt it!


Answer by Michael
Submitted on 2/2/2005
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well, to me to spider web on the elbow means" deticated my life to punk-rock"...


Answer by j-bird
Submitted on 2/23/2005
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im getting one fuk it


Answer by Dom
Submitted on 2/28/2005
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Hmmm im thinking of gettin a spiders web tattoo around my belly button and around but i cant find any deigns on the web can someone help me ???


Answer by Telling_them
Submitted on 2/28/2005
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I am a non-rascist punk.  I have a spider web on my elbow -- i'vewanted one for years and I just think anyone who thinks to deeply about it is thinking way to hard...I also have an iron cross on one wrist (as well as a spade on the other....) as a tribute to motorhead...not as a rascist logo.  People need to stop reading into it so much.  To make sure I'm getting a bunch of anti-rascist tats but still...please people don't judge by appearance.


Answer by Nikki81
Submitted on 3/4/2005
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I have spider webs on both my elbows. I know what they mean to me and don't care what anyone else thinks about them. A tattoo is something you should be happy with and not care what anyone else thinks about it. Whose body is it going to be on yours or theirs? My spider webs have one meaning to me and a lot of meanings to others. I know what I have done and I don't regret it. Mostly people are just surprised my job makes me one person by day and another by night. I happen to be a lawyor by day and a biker by night. It's actually quite funny when I ride my bike to work and have to change from my short sleeves where everyone can see all my tattoos. A tattoo should mean what you want it to mean, it's your body not theirs.
HA  81.


Answer by big pimper
Submitted on 3/9/2005
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The spider web on the elbow tat means u have killed someone!!!!!!!!!!!!!    


Answer by SocialDistortion45
Submitted on 3/18/2005
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I think the spider web tattoo means you have a feeling of being trapped. Trapped in what ever...


Answer by schmoe
Submitted on 4/1/2005
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I have a web tattoo on my elbow and all it does is make me look tough. nobody messes with me now that i have my trusty spiderweb tattoo. Back up punk.  


Answer by mr man
Submitted on 4/1/2005
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The spider webs on your elbow can mean what ever to diffrent people, but it usualy signifys a feeling of being traped or tied down .Bars of a jail cell usualy mean youve done some time


Answer by monkeypoofis
Submitted on 4/5/2005
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its all cool as long as we all know that jews are GAY


Answer by PPPPPPP-Unit!
Submitted on 4/6/2005
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Could sum1 plz tell me exactly what they think the crying and the laughing masks mean cause i was thinking of getting it as a tatt but i want 2 make sure i know excactly wot it means


Answer by Alonso_punk rock
Submitted on 4/6/2005
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Arian_Brotherhood_Girl666, its obvious you havent read the satanic bible cuz it claims equality to all races so how can you put that nickname? with 666 on it. im not black, or a racist but actually black people is better than white cuz they are more resistant, stronger and as smart as everyone else


Answer by Punk Andy
Submitted on 4/8/2005
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Sprider web on the elbow is Punk Rock from the early years! and tear drop under there eye means that you have cryed in the past but wont cry anymore.


Answer by Ahffected
Submitted on 4/17/2005
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Um, ok Lynx, you're an ass. Certain tattoos mean things and you can't change that. I've been working in the tat industry for nearly 10 years, and trust me when I say no matter what you think, the meaning of a tattoo never changes.

1904Skin is DEAD ON.

No Name Cowboy, thanks for the moderating but come on, is it really that big of a deal? *laughs at Tupac remark* I respect you sticking up for inferiority, but Arian_Brotherhood_Girl666 actually grasps the true meaning behind spiderwebs on elbows. You shouldn't take it personally, minorities have anti-white tattoos as well, and most of us could give a sh*t.

All you people who are getting the spiderweb and not backing up its meaning are looking for trouble and getting mixed up in a statement I am quite certain you are unaware of. I suggest doing research before stating you are something you are not. http://www.aryan-nations.org/

"Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight
in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live." -Adolf Hitler


Answer by Skrewdriver
Submitted on 4/20/2005
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white power


Answer by scoobie
Submitted on 4/25/2005
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I think all tatoos are stupid


Answer by Mr Syn
Submitted on 4/28/2005
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From first hand knowledge its mean youve been locked down and the webs are a metaphor for being trapped at least on west block in san quin thats what it meant in there


Answer by ICEKOHLD
Submitted on 5/1/2005
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Hey smart people...I'm only 20, but I've already done over 4 1/2 years in jail and been in a gang since I was 8. The spider web has one of two meanings: (1)Caught up in drug addiction, or:(2) Time served in prison. Each straight, vertical line represents 1 full year served. The 8-ball is symbolic of drugs, be it selling or using, due to the fact that amphetamines/methamphetamines (i.e. cocaine, ice...) are commonly sold in units called 8-balls. When sold in large quantities, drugs are measured in ounces. One ounce weighs 28 grams. And 8-ball weighs 3.5 grams, making it an eighth of an ounce. Get it? EIGHTH---8-BALL?


Submitted on 5/5/2005
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Answer by malcolm X
Submitted on 5/6/2005
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The spider web on the elbow means your time in prison and each ring on the web represents a year in. It also means "Catch net" and is derected toward black people meaning you catch them in the face with your elbow ("catch net") and a spider in the web means you have killed somebody. And a tear drop under the eye means you have killed somebody to and can mean you have lost someone close to you.

I think that it is all stupid though and just ignorance so in my opinion a spiderweb meaning racist or killing is just ignorance. So to everyone getting it because they have white pride you have white ignorance and make the entire white race look bad. Racism is the stupidist thing i have ever seen in my life. And half of you don't even have to balls to stand up to a black person and say the crap your saying over the net.


Answer by laughing at lamers ( L@L)
Submitted on 5/17/2005
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I just got my spider web tattoo on my left shoulder, it's the sh*t, I'm not racist, never did any time, or hurt anyone... the tat can mean anything you want... for me it means i'mpatient, and willing to put in effort to get what I want and be successful in life... or it could mean nothing at all... what other people perceive is beyond your control and doesn't matter... I wear it proudly!!!


Answer by A
Submitted on 6/6/2005
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What does the laugh now cry later tattoo mean


Answer by mister terry
Submitted on 6/10/2005
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the tattoo can mean anything now

the original ORIGINAL meaning (not from prison) is that sailors in the navy in the 40's would get spider webs on their elbows. i don't know the meaning behind it for the navy men. in prison it stands for doing time. but now it has been watered down like someone before said, and it means whatever the wearer wants it to mean


Answer by Paco
Submitted on 6/27/2005
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It's not only the AB that wears the spiderweb ese. Some of my homeboys have that tat.. and they are all chicanos. It's always been a gang tattoo just like the praying hands.


Answer by snake
Submitted on 7/6/2005
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your all fkn stupid it means the person is caught in a web of violence


Answer by spider2U
Submitted on 7/12/2005
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I've heard that it means you have beaten someone severly.But,its just that to a guy I know.


Answer by SweetJss10
Submitted on 7/18/2005
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I believe a spiderweb tattoo means that you are trapped by something like an insect gets trapped in a spider's web and cant get out of it. I am considering getting a spider web on my chest with a heart behind it directly over where my heart is located. For me that symbolizes a love I have for someone that is hidden.


Answer by valarie044
Submitted on 7/29/2005
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The spider web tattoo means to me that you're caught up in the addiction of life. Tattoos symbolize you and only you. I have several webs within tattoos, like flowers, butterfly wings skull and cross bones and ying/yang. I'm happy with my life.


Answer by Tattooed Freak
Submitted on 7/29/2005
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having many tattoos of my own, including a spiderweb on my tricep, i will be getting a sipderweb, there is no racial meaning behind it now, it doesnt make you a ganster or signify being in prison, tattoos are art, they symbolize what you want and add to the art community


Answer by Scumbag
Submitted on 8/1/2005
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The spiderweb tattoo has different meanings depending on where you are. Traditionally, it seems to be a working class tattoo, since workers on strike during the XIX th century symbolized their inactivity by tattooing spiderwebs on their elbows. You could tell the strikers from the scabs this way. All that aryan stuff just sounds crap. Many British skinheads wore this tattoo, as I've been told formerly, in order to remember their social legacy and their working class roots.


Answer by dre
Submitted on 8/17/2005
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i was just wondering what if anybody has good pictures of the drama mask/laugh now cry later tattoos


Answer by trucker13
Submitted on 8/24/2005
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I recently got a tear drop tatt,not because i killed anyone but...I was abused as a child and for me it symbolizes my almost 10 years of pain and helps me express the emotion I otherwise cannot


Answer by heck
Submitted on 8/26/2005
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I have one on my shoulder stemming out from a pentagram and a vampire bat, for me it represents occult,  come on people!! what are you thinking??  when you think of rats, snakes, bats and spiders, don't you think of horror stuff.    
nazi symbol??  what a joke,  all the neo nazis out there are not even german and would be killed by real nazis if they went back in time to 1939 in germany.


Answer by DEATHROW
Submitted on 8/27/2005
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Answer by spidey
Submitted on 9/10/2005
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I got it cause everyone i talked to said it was the most painful place to get a tat.


Answer by loneladyrider
Submitted on 9/12/2005
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Re: the web on the elbow.... Some have the end of the web opened. My friend has the ends sort of folded as if closed.  Does this mean anything? He will not tell me.


Answer by rashiki
Submitted on 9/17/2005
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what does a teardrop under the right eye mean? what about the left eye?


Answer by spike
Submitted on 9/22/2005
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in reply to those who think its stupid to have all these meanings, if your getting a tattoo that a million other people have i think its pretty darn wise to investigate its history. what if it was a swastika? regardless of what it means to you the social stigma surrounding it is still present. the tatt can mean whatever it means to you, but the history of the image cannot be erased. be it an 8-ball a spider web or a swatzi


Answer by True Bodisahtva
Submitted on 9/30/2005
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The spiderweb tattoo is a symbol of a closeted homosexual. A homosexual who is unwilling or unable to accept his own homosexuality and self-loathing. So, they lash out and harm others to cover their self-hatred.


Answer by Frank White
Submitted on 10/8/2005
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Quoting Arian_Brotherhood_Girl666:

"In order to have a spiderweb tattoo, you have to kill a minority and most of the time by minority, they mean a black person. By killing a minority, people like the skinheads, Arian Brotherhood, and other gangs will have respect for you. AB FOR LIFE!!!!!"

Oh yeah, you sound really intelligent. There's no rules or restrictions in getting any tattoos, skinheads rule nothing. When it comes to minorities, it's doesn't just mean blacks. So when you say mainly blacks, it means your goal is to kill a certain race of the minority league. I hear you people don't like any other race but yourselves, so saying other gangs will respect you is just nonsense. Do you realize that most gangs consist of minorities?


Answer by james05
Submitted on 10/10/2005
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i have a spider web on my elbow and it has arrows pointing each way meaning i have family everywhere i have alot of tats all mean different things to me and things in my life mostly family get what ever you want anywhere u want it means what it means to you


Answer by james05
Submitted on 10/10/2005
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i have a spider web on my elbow and it has arrows pointing each way meaning i have family everywhere i have allot of tats all mean different things to me and things in my life mostly family get what ever you want anywhere u want it means what it means to you


Answer by richard
Submitted on 10/19/2005
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Answer by PUNX
Submitted on 10/20/2005
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It can mean anything. Most people say that each edge added to it means another branch has been added to your life. The prison tattoo theory is only partly correct. Most people get a skull tat in prison...


Answer by AV
Submitted on 10/24/2005
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If you want a spider web you should get one because YOU like it and have your own meaning of it. Don't listen to narrow minded people that are caught up in a bunch of crap. Remember if you do get one you will have to deal with those narrow minded retards that will HATE on you for having one because of its "TRUE MEANING" witch no ones really knows except the person who has it.


Answer by Skully
Submitted on 11/9/2005
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I've seen many spider web tat's and always believed it meant that the wearer was a sly, sticky personality looking to trap minorities for the purpose of causing pain.

I have a black spade on my left hand between thumb and 1st digit, where jail house crosses are usually found.  Does anyone have an opinion of the meaning?


Answer by cbvetrn
Submitted on 11/10/2005
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Originally the spider web was used by sailors to depict number of times crossing the equator, crossing international dateline and later depicting number of years served in the military in general. But the spider web tattoo can mean whatever you want it to mean.


Answer by BONES
Submitted on 11/11/2005
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It means you've killed a minority, normally applies to prison. But who knows these days.


Answer by sweetmelissa
Submitted on 11/26/2005
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I was woundering if anybody could tell me what a cross tat on your middle finger on your right hand means if it means anything?


Answer by blackwidow12994
Submitted on 11/28/2005
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Anyone ever consider that a spiderweb, and in particular, the Black Widow, could symbolize the irony of life?  After all, she DOES eat her mate afterwards.  That's pretty friggin' ironic, no?  I had no idea about the prison history of the design.  I am considering getting one.  If anyone thinks I happen to be Aryan or racist, well, I'll just have to set them straight on t hat one, because I am none of those things.  Good info here.


Answer by sinner_88_14
Submitted on 12/3/2005
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yes the meaning of the spider web was started in prison, but at first it wasn't an aryan meaning. it meant "time spent". as time went on then the aryan nation adopted the meaning for "taking out" a minority. not only blacks but mexicans, asians, and any other non aryan decent. As for the TEAR DROP a black tear drop now means murder, back in the late 60's and 70 it means there is someone on the outside feeling your pain.


Answer by hondo
Submitted on 12/9/2005
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never new it had so many meanings attatched! i just had one done and it was to remind me of the struggle ive had and to warn me not to get tangled up again.
its my tattoo.


Answer by bob
Submitted on 12/12/2005
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i'm the dentist at a well know prison and iirc, the original meaning of the web of the elbow meant the wearer had killed a minority.
...also the tear drop meant either the guy killed....or had someone close.
..the 3-5-9 dots are freq on asian and latino gang members
even the number "13"...i believe is the sign of one of the mexican mafia groups.

you can hide your head in the sand and think what you what...but these tats ARE "symbols" anf they DO have meaning...

part of the reason that vanilla ice guy was laughed at was because he was sporting gang tattos (including spiderweb) and he had no clue about the meanings...

do your research...


Answer by danny b
Submitted on 12/27/2005
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hey all im getting a spiderweb tattoo on my 18th (25 days) and im gettin one because i like the way it looks i heard that there was all these myths but im not bothered i just want one cos i like it :)


Answer by inked_soul
Submitted on 1/9/2006
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i have 2 spiderweb tattoos but i got them not mean i hate someone but because of bein trapped in the system


Answer by laz167
Submitted on 1/16/2006
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Well i just got a spider web on my elbow and knew that it ment you spend time in prison.But never thought it meant you killed a minority..funny cause im hispanic(minority)and a white guy biker did my tat.Anyways i got it cause i think its looks good along with my other tats..


Answer by skillz
Submitted on 1/20/2006
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My elbows are tattooed with spider webs and roses. Symbolizing emotions entrapped in time. Traditionally spider webs we simply a meaning of time or entrapment. Since then there has been a hate and gang/prison trend because of harder look of the web. I can say that my elbows are far from any hate meaning or symbolism that I've killed anybody. But, I liked the idea of something delicate being surrounded with something well, not so delicate and the traditional meaning was fitting.

People take what the want from tradition and time will always manipulate the original purpose. But, hey, thats what tattoos are all about, personal choice and expression. So, people will do what they want and new meaning for all tattoos will develop.  


Answer by charm
Submitted on 1/21/2006
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i have a tattoo of a black widow and i also have a black motorcycle.a cbr 1000 if you must know..i am also a female...i feel that your answers are wrong. you should go back and do some research on your informatiom


Answer by nutbar
Submitted on 1/22/2006
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ive been to jail, ive seen 16 months behind bars, you fools talkn crap on here are wrong, how do u figure a spiderweb symbolises that u killed a black, it had nuthing to do with race its a tag to show what uve been thru, if u dont have the web dont tell me what it means YOUR WRONG IN JAIL I SEEN MAYBE 1  you cant put a deffiniton on a permanent making on ur body its what you want it to mean but if u havent been to jail dont do it! you wont be concidered cool or hip lol, shut ur mouths mind ur own buisness and stop trying to tell me the meaning of my tattoo


Answer by Beast
Submitted on 1/26/2006
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I ride with a motorcylce club, who carries an MC patch. several of my brothers have a spiderweb tattoo on their elbow and for them it mostly represents a stretch of time in prison. But i think it is stupid to put something on your body because it looks cool if you are going to do it it should have meaning!


Answer by Manna
Submitted on 2/4/2006
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I have a spider web on my ass because my boyfriends nickname is spider.


Answer by 100% PECKERWOOD
Submitted on 2/5/2006
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Listen I have webs on both elbows with maltese crosses(Of course in red) And I've done time, kicked the habit and gotten back on track. The only thing I dont understand is why the D.A.N.s(Dumb Ass Nigers) dont accept that they will always be the lower race. Have I killed? Cross paths with me and find out! Tupac is not alive HE IS HANGING IN MY BACKYARD WITH MLK Jr AND THE OTHER DEAD NIGERS!!!!!!!!!!


Answer by prudence
Submitted on 2/17/2006
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like all good things they become watered-down by posers-- and everything loses its original meaning-- punk rock - tattoo culture

go wear your old school tattoos and drive your bmw to your cottage so you can impress the "the jones'"


Answer by Nuke Bottom
Submitted on 3/1/2006
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Considering I have done time, I would like to take the time out to tell everybody the absolute and root in which the spider web originates. It means either you've done time or have killed someone, depending on which side you have it on (the right or the left). It doesn't mean anything else, never will, never shall. It's not suppose to have a different meaning for every different person that comes along and wants to change it. Some things are meant not to be changed and this is one of them. Remeber tattoos aren't suppose to look pretty and be cool. Their dirrivitive stands as symbolism, not glamour statememts.


Answer by _andy
Submitted on 3/3/2006
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also, you spelt "Aryan" wrong.


Answer by Nate
Submitted on 3/4/2006
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i have the spider web on my elbow. if it's racist then thats ridiculous. i would never insult or harm another human being, regardless of their ethnic origin. also i am getting socks (sleeves but for legs) on both legs and one kneecap will have an 8 ball and the other a ying-yang. i see these more as a cool design but deeper meaning being i don't discriminate. and to be honest who in the world has the right to look at your body and the images you've chosen to be on it and pass judgement. this world is for your taking, don't let people make you think otherwise!


Answer by aryan
Submitted on 3/4/2006
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the spiderweb on your elbow is a jail tat to say you have killed a none-white.  I have this tattoo aswell as many others such as 14 88 on my back, i see people have already been discussing the meaning of these numbers, so I wont tell what they stand for.


Answer by ummm
Submitted on 3/7/2006
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i think it means that you feel trapped..


Answer by doodoo brown
Submitted on 3/17/2006
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i like got a web tatoo on my ballsack man cause i catch so much bugs ahhh man sweet!!


Answer by jon
Submitted on 3/20/2006
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well, I've just had a spiderweb done, and it hurts like hell. me and the tattooist were trying to figure out all it's meanings. He'd heard a quote from old SailorJerry who said (and we're talking back in the early 50's here) he tattoed webs on many people, and the reason was that: it hurts, it's a big area, it's simple and it was cheap. If you're having sleeves what better design to fill in your elbow?! now that's the god of tattooing talking there, but of course he wasn't in prison...


Answer by spyder
Submitted on 3/23/2006
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i have 15 tattoos and all of them is spiders and webs. i have them cuz it sues my personality. spiders are quiet and beautiful creaters they are calm and when disturbed they will fight to there dead to protect there own. so..........i say that if you want one so be it. for good or bad reasons so be it


Answer by cuzdutton
Submitted on 4/2/2006
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i am getting it done because i have a spider on my leg and it has no place to go so a web on the elbow would balance the tat'sout


Answer by 1970suede
Submitted on 4/11/2006
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I've seen heaps of pictures from the 30's and 40's... of average joe's, circus/freak-show performer's, sailors, (men and women) etc with spider web tattoos.  Usually on elbows, shoulders and knees - looks like a practical symbol to put on a difficult spot.  Depending on the way it's done, it can also look like waves.  I think the obvious metaphors and symbolism speak louder than someone's 'secret code'.  The tattoo has been around longer than the definition's posted here.  I got my web 'cause I like old tattoo culture and the symbolism appealed to me.


Answer by timo
Submitted on 4/21/2006
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it's all about the killin' sad but tru


Answer by pookie32
Submitted on 4/25/2006
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i apoligize for the big space bar i had just gotten the comp and was still learning how to use it..im still a frumpy housewife scaring old ladies at the grocery store


Answer by Goric
Submitted on 4/29/2006
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What about a spiders web on both shoulders?


Answer by DerrtySouthChick
Submitted on 5/7/2006
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the tattoo on the elbow in many jails mean the inmate has life n prison


Answer by Christy
Submitted on 5/13/2006
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I have Tombstones with numbers on them
The years they were inside I have the number 6 becuase thats how long I was in.


Answer by blake
Submitted on 5/24/2006
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A Spider web tattoo is a representation of what you want it to mean. I have one in a funnel shape around my right pec, meaning the only spider in the world that actually does that web is the australian funnel web spider the most deadly spider in the world .. The meaning for me is that Im deadly and dont mess with me.  It also means Im trapped in a messed up life style and Its hard to get out.....


Answer by ConcreteJohnny
Submitted on 5/27/2006
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I have spent a total of eight years in prison in the state of California. In those years I learned from lifers who have been locked down since the late sixties and early seventies, that the spider web represents more then 4 years locked up. The black widow spider....well, how do you make a black widow?  give Up? You kill her husband! I'm not sure what the right answer is,...if there is a right answer,...alll I know is that if you get a tattoo, be prepared to defend your beliefs against all kinds of knuckle-heads and new generation convicts who have only done level one time and want to act like they ran the 4 yard. I am not a racist,...but I play one on the yard./


Answer by Tinkertat19211
Submitted on 6/6/2006
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Some of you are totally off base here. Some of these tats may have had these meanings years ago, but as far as the spider web, I'm getting ready to go get one on the back of my neck. Black and purple. I'm not racist, I've never done time (other than an overnight) and I've never killed anyone. My last name is Webb, and all the men in my family (dad, uncles, grandpa, etc.) have a web tat on their left forearms. I was told as a little girl that it was just for the guys i the family, but I have always wanted one, so I am saying to hell with it and doing it anyway!


Submitted on 6/6/2006
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Answer by bulldog
Submitted on 6/9/2006
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it is clearly a prison tat i earned mine


Answer by ngugi
Submitted on 6/12/2006
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it means that God took too long to make the palm until he came up with such a dowdy thing!!


Answer by rapper defenz
Submitted on 6/18/2006
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I hope all skinheads burn in hell. I hope 2pac is still alive, I really like
''no name cowboy's'' coment, and I will tatto in my neck a spiderweb, but thats because I like it, the reason is because I like it, and if people think im racist, I dont care because I KNOW I am not a racist.
Good luck no name cowboy!!


Answer by free ringtones
Submitted on 6/19/2006
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Answer by ringtones free
Submitted on 6/19/2006
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Answer by ringtones free
Submitted on 6/19/2006
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http://www.ringtones-dir.com/get/ ringtones site free. Free nokia ringtones here, Download ringtones FREE, Best free samsung ringtones. From website .


Submitted on 6/22/2006
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Answer by metalbabe
Submitted on 6/29/2006
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I don't care what a spiderweb on your elbow means. I want one so bad but i still live with my parents cause I'm only 15 and my dad said i can never get 1 cause it's a prison tat.     he doesn't listen


Answer by blackwidow
Submitted on 6/30/2006
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Me and a 3 of my best friends just got black widows between our thumb and pointer finger. we got it because a black widow means lethal and its hot! not because we are racist or killed anyone.....2 of us are white and 2 of us are black so the racial issue is out of the question!


Answer by b-rad
Submitted on 7/12/2006
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i have heard that military snipers would get a spider web tattoo on their elbow. for every person they killed they would get another little stitch. has any1 every heard about this.


Answer by puppet
Submitted on 7/22/2006
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what does the meaning of a fish called a koi mean from your shoulder to your elbow or dose it make a difference on were u get it on your body?


Answer by tinamarie
Submitted on 7/24/2006
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well my boyfriend and i were together for about 4 years and broke up last year after going through our second abortion and other personal reasons.....He want'sto get the spider web down his left arm because he wants it to symbolize the Abortions, he has went through and the love we had because we are not together any more... Is this wrong to do?? I also have his name tattooedon my chest... Do I leave it or do I put something over it to symbolize my two children i lost or nothing at all!!???


Answer by suckerMC
Submitted on 7/27/2006
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i have a spider web on my elbow and i find its hilarious when people ask if it means i was in jail. its only happened a half dozen times or so but i always respond the same way ..."Are you serious?" i think in todays society past stereotypes like that one are no longer relevant. people get tattoos as self expression and whether it has deep meaning or just looks good why should others care?.........


Answer by lil loca
Submitted on 8/11/2006
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what does tha 3 dots mean exactly, i know it stands for "mi vida loca" but what else does it symbolize?


Answer by wolfspider
Submitted on 8/23/2006
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Johnnr got it wright it's a prison tat but also a military tat.
it has been known that snipers use them.
BUT they can b on any place of ur body there is no a specific place some where them with pride in there neck others on there arms.


Answer by Hotchick
Submitted on 8/27/2006
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I got a black widow spider tat 20 years ago.
I have no webbs.
Spiders weave dreams....


Answer by markus187
Submitted on 9/4/2006
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well here in winnipeg this girl had 1 spider web on her side of her tummy , she was or her boyfriend was in a gang member,,,, its called "THE WEB" and its a gang ,, i will say this right now if you do want a web dont get it for your own safty,,,anyways why would you want something everybody else has,, im going to get a tattoo that says T4E hope that doesing mean nothing bad,,to me it will be what i want ,,i will not explane cus i dont need anybody else takeing the meaning ,, i like to keep it at that! peace out to the world! "its the crappy book that has the writing in it"


Answer by STONER
Submitted on 9/11/2006
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Answer by sureno
Submitted on 9/13/2006
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   IT MEANS                  SUR 13  


Answer by sureno
Submitted on 9/13/2006
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   IT MEANS                  SUR 13  


Answer by the one tom
Submitted on 9/28/2006
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I got my first tattoo in japan (I was fourteen at the time) and it was of a spider with a shadow and eight ball. I not only got it because it looked cool, but because it is a constant reminder to watch out who a trust and that most often the most manipulative people have the patients of a saint. Since then i have had it worked on three times.. who would have guessed id grow more? :P. I ended up getting a web as well as having the spider colored in red. Now the tattoo retains it's old meaning as well as being a reminder not to fall into any situations i couldn't back my way out of aka being trapped. for the record my tat is on my shoulder, not elbow.


Answer by SpiderTactwhat
Submitted on 10/3/2006
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Funny because I today I saw two people with the same tattoo. First a young black guy 20-26 yrs  old and a Mexican man  40-50 yrs old with the same tatoo on his left elbow and decided to do a search and found this forumn. Thought it might have been a prison tact but like the posts in here, it can mean anything and depending on the time, it meant something totally different.


Answer by Cuda
Submitted on 10/12/2006
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A spider web is meant to symbolize inactive time. such as the time you spend in prison. The Theme is that you are basically standing still in time while in prison... Allowing passing spiders to spin a web on you.
From Cuda... Down for 16 years 8 months.


Answer by uhhuuuh
Submitted on 11/9/2006
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An 8-Ball symbolizes the 8-Ball alliance- a gang alliance between Folk Nation and Crips that is now obsolete.


Answer by fuc u
Submitted on 11/10/2006
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who cares a tat is a tat and they are mostly for show and tell so screw u guys im leavin


Answer by sos
Submitted on 11/16/2006
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it means you have shoes with worn out soles. and you can't afford new ones. because you spent your money on an expensive, generic tattoo. and you're gay.


Answer by Stop being a bunch of hippies
Submitted on 11/22/2006
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While it is true that tattooing is a form of expression and can mean whatever you want it to mean for all you peace and love free expression types out there, the cold hard fact is that if you are inked with a tat that has significance in prison, they are not going to care why you have the tattoo, they will simply cut it off or burn it off for you.  If your initials are AB, and you get your initials tattooed on your body, a member of the Aryan Brotherhood will not be too happy that you have their logo on your body and are representing their prison gang.  They don't want to hear any explanation, because they don't care.  So knowing what a tattoo means before you get it is extremely important depending on where you live.  The spiderweb means how many years you have done in jail.  Each layer equals a year.  The eight ball means that you are "behind the eight ball"...you have had bad luck, you are doing time.  88 stands for Heil Hitler (since the letter "H" is the eighth letter in the alphabet, 88=HH. 13 1/2 is 12 jurors, one judge, half a chance. 13 is for Neta, a gang started in 1970 in a Puerto Rican prison. 14 is for Nuestra Familia. The Black Widow actually IS a prison tat, but it is a Russian prison tat, so I wouldn't really worry about it.  The teardrop symbolizes that you have killed someone in prison, but nowadays it represents people who have died on the outside while you were in prison.  I was in prison for three years, and the whole "it means what i want it to mean thing will not cut it." The prison world does not work that way.


Answer by SimplyRyan
Submitted on 12/5/2006
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no no no, the spider web on the elbow represents racism it means that you have killed one of the race in which you dont like.


Answer by SpiderWebzGod
Submitted on 12/8/2006
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A spider web tattoo represents getting anally raped and enjoying it.  Or swallowing semen.  I know, I was in jail...and I have 3 spider web tattoos.


Answer by Sergio
Submitted on 12/20/2006
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Crazy life (vida loca) time in prison and drug adiccion.


Answer by StormFront
Submitted on 12/21/2006
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My understanding is that Spiderweb tats on the elbow means you have killed a minority and the amount of rings in the web is how many years your'vedone.


Answer by heart full of tears
Submitted on 12/29/2006
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I have a son who I think is in some kind of trouble that he can't get out of I don't know what to do. He draws 8 ball symbols which I think mean that he is doing cocaine. I hope the symbol dosn'tmean he has hurt someone. He calls himself a dirty white boy. And talks about pippin all the time. he cusses me and his sister and his 4 year old brother terriable. I won't to help him but I think the only thing that I can do now is let the law handle it. what does everyone else think?


Answer by UNSCARRED1488
Submitted on 1/6/2007
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Well i know what my "WEBS" mean and how i got them(something called "Pride Kills"). Leave it for your own interpretation!


Answer by bloodset187
Submitted on 1/24/2007
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i'min the blood gang" blood set 4 lyphe" and the spyder web under the elbow means the number of years you did or the number of ppl u killed.i have a spyder under my eye ... a small baby  one and "u don't wanna know what that mean".i also  blue tattoo on my left eye and  am about to get another one.


Answer by batista
Submitted on 2/16/2007
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a spider web tattoo is the symbol of racism people often full of tatoos are racist


Answer by XL_5150
Submitted on 2/16/2007
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Maybe it doesn't have to mean anything, why does everything now a days have to have a specific meaning...


Answer by Curtas
Submitted on 2/21/2007
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its a neo nazi tattoo n000bs


Answer by sean orr
Submitted on 2/27/2007
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A friend of mine just got a tear-drop tattoo, but he has never been to prison, and has never killed anyone. Oh, and he has spider webs on his elbows...


Answer by caboose
Submitted on 2/28/2007
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russian prisons:
The four suits
Spades - the "suit of thieves".
Clubs - another "criminal" suit.
Diamonds - the "chummy suit" (i.e. stoolpigeons and informers). This suit is usually forcibly applied.
Hearts - a sexual symbol. It marks the wearer out as a "passive homosexual"/sex object within the prison.

[edit] Other symbols
Crucifix- a cross worn on the chest signifies a "Prince of Thieves", the highest possible rank. Or a scene of the crucified Christ, has no religious meaning but it's the inmate saying he's been oppressed and sentenced by the authorities just like Jesus. If the crucifix is topped by a crown then it means the wearer is a pakhan - a leader of a thieves family.
'Grins' - these are humorous tattoos usually incorporating a grinning face and are often accompanied by text. The butt of the grin/joke in will often be the prison authorities.
Snakes - a snake around the neck/shoulders mean that the wearer feels that the Soviet/Communist party system still has a hold on them, still adversly affecting their lives.
Tigers - signifies an 'enforcer', or a sign of an avenger, geared at times at guards and prison authority.
Five Dots - The dots are assembled in the same fashion that the number five on a dice. Its meaning varies, but sometimes can symbolice a cop surrounded by four criminals[1].
Cats - the cat is associated with the characteristics needed by a thief (slyness). The most common thief tattoo. Normally tattooed as a pair on the upper chest.
Skulls - these are usually worn by high ranking gang members, interpreted to mean a murderer.
Eyes - Various meanings: if on the upper/middle torso they literally mean that the wearer is keeping their eyes open and it isn't a derogatory/forced tattoo. If placed on lower backside that is to show that the prisoner is used for sexual gratification. If the eyes are tattooed in the lower groin/hip high area (thus creating a 'face' when his trousers are dropped - with the penis becoming the nose) someone with that tattoo is known as 'humiliated' or 'a Downcast'.
Barbed wire - Often the prison term in years is shown by the number of 'barbs' on the wire.
Swastika/nazi symbols - are a sign of rebellion against Russian prison authority. Doesn't literally mean that the wearer is a nazi sympathiser.
Stars - stars commonly represent time served; each point indicates a year served in jail or if stars are tattooed on knees it means you bow to no authority.
Double Sig runes - One who does not confess, also tattooed as sign of rebellion to authority, again not usually associated with the Nazi symbol.
Churches - The number of dome towers (cupolas) indicates either number of prison terms or number of years of the sentence.
Setting sun - this tattoo is usually accompanied by birds flying over the horizon. It represents freedom.
Knight or Crusader - a knight in full armor indicates a sadist, an inmate accused of hooliganism, assault and battery. Also indicates prison 'enforcers' or tattooed for racist meanings.
Genie - a Genie and a lamp indicate inmates serving time for drug-related crimes.
Spider within a Web - Can indicate a drug addiction. It can also mean that the wearer is a thief. If the spider is shown moving upwards it means the wearer is still an active criminal, if the spider is moving downwards it means that the wearer is intending to leave the thief's way of life.
Dagger - sexual predator or, if the dagger is tattooed on the shoulders with blood dripping form the end of blade, it means you are a killer, a man to be feared or called upon when in need of an accomplice for a murder.
Bells - Literally signifies that the wearer will serve his full given sentence, from "bell call to bell call". He cannot get parole because he has been convicted of a very serious crime. Shows high ranking and will get respect in prison.
Candle sticks - wearer is saying he can extinguish your light, beware.
Butterflies - show the wearer is trustworthy, and an escape artist.
Stalin and Lenin faces - considered sacred, so inmates would tattoo the faces over their hearts and vital organs so guards would not hit or shoot them in that spot of the body. Nowadays these tattoos are rarely used.
Sailing Ship - This means that the wearer is willing come along with an escape plan. Anyone planning an escape will know that the wearer will be keen to be a part of it.
Madonna - holding a baby Jesus - wearer has been a thief/criminal from their early days.
Rose - The wearer celebrated a teenage birthday in the zone (prison).
pornographic tattoos - in general these are either grins or forcibily applied because of failure to pay gambling debts or other infractions of the theives code.


Answer by little time bomb
Submitted on 3/12/2007
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I agree with everyone that said that tattoos mean what you want them to mean.  No one should judge others by their tattoos, especially since the tattoo'dare usually the ones being judged by society.  If you want them to mean a certain thing, that's up to you, no one else.  Their on your body forever so no one should worry about what others are going to think, your the one with this tattoo, and it should be sacred to you and no one else.


Answer by the brand!!!!!!
Submitted on 3/22/2007
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Answer by gameline
Submitted on 3/30/2007
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I had a landscaper come to my house and I did not want to do business with him because of a spiderweb tatoo on his neck and under it he had "Everyone has to die someday"  Am I wrong for judging him all over his head were tatoo'slike a maze and on I could not make out what that said.  I was confused so I wrote to this site.  If I was from the south and had a rebel flag tatoo people would assume I was a racist.  I guess when you put controversial stuff on your body you subconsciously know what kind of message you are sending.  I feel kind of guilty that maybe I prejudged him but after reading some of these messages I realize that even though it symbolized it back in the day and may have changed, the bearers of these spider webs are opening themselves up to this kind of judgment.


Answer by SmokeDogg251
Submitted on 4/4/2007
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1904skin is exactly right....so all you fake ass peeps need to stop playin like you hard and just be real


Answer by this is my name
Submitted on 4/11/2007
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my fiance' is getting a spider-web on his elbow tattoo with a nautical star in the middle, what does that mean?


Submitted on 4/24/2007
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In my opinion and i stress opinion the meaning of the elbow web is the killing of an unmarked race. Anybody else who has the tatt most likely didnt know that, didnt believe that, or didnt care but now that its on their arm they justify it any way they can and they may be telling the truth.


Answer by astro666
Submitted on 4/27/2007
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an 8 ball isnt 8 grams as started way up at the top  of this page. its 3.5 grams


Answer by prime
Submitted on 4/30/2007
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is there a meaning for a spiderweb on the knuckles


Answer by xCheSSx
Submitted on 5/2/2007
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spider web tattoos mean the feeling of being trapped, or stuck...nothing to do specifically with prisons, ..... AS FAR AS TEAR DROP TATTOOS, those are usually marked when a close friend/relative dies... the web has different meanings for every way u do it


Answer by Ry
Submitted on 5/10/2007
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Wolfmomrose - A tear tattoo on your face is usually used by hispanics. One tear for every person they've killed.


Answer by sinofgod
Submitted on 5/26/2007
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any ideas what a green heart tattoo means?


Answer by krispie
Submitted on 6/5/2007
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I work with a dude with a spider web tattoo.  He says it's trendy and that the ink helps relieve his ostioarthritus.  He says he smoked pot once and enjoys anal sex.  He has a mullet... thanks to him I'm done with tattoos.


Answer by ugh.
Submitted on 6/12/2007
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There is no "master race". so you all need to shut up.


Answer by badassbikerthug
Submitted on 6/14/2007
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what does a tweety bird tattoo mean? I heard that it means you raped a invalid. Is this true? Why won't people stop doing dope? It is wack, B.


Answer by cj
Submitted on 6/17/2007
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teardrops are symbols that gang member used after they have killed someone used by the ms13 blood and folk gang


Answer by 88
Submitted on 7/2/2007
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The Web Is A Symbol Of Hate, Minority Hate.

I Have A Web On My Right Elbow Right Where It Should Be.



Answer by Menace671
Submitted on 7/4/2007
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okay... spiderwebs..  majority of the people who've answered on here have been right.  
8-ball = anal sex recipient?!?!?!  

THINK.  maybe the person has a passion for, i don't know... POOL?  


Answer by rojazz23234
Submitted on 7/15/2007
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a spider web on the elbow means you have done significant, not a measley 2 years or something, prison time, that you have become entrapped in the system, predominately worn by Aryan Brothers. I have noticed that Andruw Jones, black outfielder for the Atlanta Braves, has a spider web on his left elbow. What a fool. The only thing he is caught up in is playing poorly. It is definite sign of White Supremacy. Just a few years ago, someone wearing the symbol who was not an AB would get their wig split. For all the supposed free thinkers who p[posted earlier, saying "it means what it means", would you be so open minded if Jones, any ball player, or any other "cool dude" had a rebel flag or KKK tatted on them. idiots.  


Answer by JD
Submitted on 7/16/2007
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
Anyone who wears a web on the elbow better have killed someone, otherwise they are fraud posers.


Answer by jhon holmes
Submitted on 7/20/2007
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
it really means spider man 3 is comming out... and you want to see it...thats all


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