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Can pugs be left during the day in the house for a couple of...

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Question by rose
Submitted on 11/10/2003
Related FAQ: rec.pets.dogs: Pug Dog Breed-FAQ
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Can pugs be left during the day in the house for a couple of hours by there self?

Answer by Marilyn
Submitted on 2/13/2004
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Yes, pugs can be left alone for a couple of hours.


Answer by puglover
Submitted on 9/25/2004
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I have 2 pugs, a male and female. They spend long periods of time alone, but they are confined to a large pen. They always have water in their water bottles, and usually some dry kibble, plus lots of toys, chew toys, their blankets and beds. When I go to work in the morning, they are very willing to go to their "home." I think this would not be succesful with only one pug. They rely on each other for company.


Answer by Morgan
Submitted on 10/7/2004
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Yes, As long as its not longer than 12 hours. Make sure if theres  anything dangerous move it.


Answer by pugmom
Submitted on 10/21/2004
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yes they can be left alone for a few hours but they get highly stressed when they are not used to it. recently my pug, who is not used ot being alone at all, found himself alone for upto 6 hours a day, due to a medical emergency in the family. He'd sit at the window and howl till we got home, instead of sleeping like he usually did in those hours. He was restless and sad all week. till things got back to normal.


Answer by go for the silver
Submitted on 8/2/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
Yes, of course not to long but 2 or 3 hours. Don't be angry though if the leave you a present. Good luck Rose.


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