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Hello, I have an English Bulldog and I am trying to find an...

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Question by neil
Submitted on 11/7/2003
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Hello, I have an English Bulldog and I am trying to find an English Bulldog rescue organization in the Portland OR area.....any help appreciated.

Answer by dawnb1442
Submitted on 1/7/2004
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Are you looking to find a home for your dog?


Answer by Jay
Submitted on 9/14/2004
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
I would love to adopt an English bulldog?  Can someone help me?


Answer by Mie
Submitted on 9/29/2004
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I you wont to find a new home for your bulldog, you should contact The Bulldog Club America Rescue!



Answer by tiffytvc
Submitted on 7/21/2005
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Hi my name is Tiffany.  I am looking for some help.  I am a single mom for about 8 months.  I am trying to do something for my son Domonic who is 5.  He has gone through a lot in the past 8 months and even before that.  With the divorce his dad was in a drug and burgular ring and went to jail.  My  son knew what was going on and knew his dad was not there when he was very much there before.  Plus since I have been a single mom I have been going Through so hard times with my health.  I am diabetic and with all that has happend it has put me in the hospital 5 times.  My son saw me all sick and was there to help his mom get through it.  I want to do something special for him to make a smile on his face.  I do not have much money but am at a point that i will save and do what ever I can to get him a english bull dog.  If you know anyone who has a good priced dog or one to help me out to get my son a dog like this I would really apret. the effort. Since I left my ex I have gotten my self and son a car and just got
a town house with a little yard.  to get a dog would be the happiest day in my son's life.  (as of this point) lol.  Thank you for anyeffort to help me out.  You can reach me at 720.435.5555.  If i do not answer please laeve me a voice mail, or email me at tiffytvc@yahoo.com thank you and god bless


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