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I have a 1 year old retriever/Mini Samoyed who has been...

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Question by Tigger
Submitted on 11/5/2003
Related FAQ: rec.pets.dogs: Canine Allergies FAQ
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I have a 1 year old retriever/Mini Samoyed who has been itching for about 3 months I have taken her to the vet and they say it is an inhalant allergy. Can dogs be allergic to cats? We recently moved to a house where there was a cat.How effective is the Immunotherapy?

Answer by karee62593
Submitted on 7/28/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
I have the same problem with my own dog he is allergic to my cat. Our vet said he was allergic to cats so your dog may very well be be allergic to the cat


Answer by Frankie
Submitted on 7/25/2006
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
I would suggest that you have an allergy blood panel done on your dog.  I would also suggest that you look up the disorder Zinc Rseponsive Dermatosis.  My dog has recently been going through something very similar.  This disorder is somewhat inherent in Samoyeds; Huskies; Malmutes; Alaskan Sled Dogs. Basically, their bodies absorb a lot of zinc and so they become zinc depleted which can cause crusting around the mouth; nose; eyes; itching, scaly skin.  Check with your vet and do your research on the internet. But, I would get the allergy blood panel done because that will let you know what your dog is allergic too. Most vets will tell you that if there are breakouts around the face, then it is a food allergy.  But I think that reading about zinc responsive dermatosis; having a good vet; getting an allergy report are very, very wise things to do regarding the care of your dog. You might also want to acquaint yourself with a vet that specializes in allergic disorders.
Hope this helps.


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