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...an Index sequential file in COBOL? Suggest applicati...

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Question by ranjan
Submitted on 10/29/2003
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What is an Index sequential file in COBOL? Suggest applications where indexed sequential file will be of good use. Create an index sequential file from the following input records (Write the Program. Make suitable assumptions, if needed). Input File: File Name: Books-details Organisation: Sequential File Format: I -10 ISBN Number of the Book 11-20 Accession Number 21-50 Book Name 51-70 Author Name 71-72 Status (Available, Issued, Gone for Binding, On Library Loan, Lost etc. in code of 2 digits) 73-80 Not used The created index file should be used in generating the following reports: (i) The number of total copies of all the books in the Library (ii) The display of status of various books on searching through name or author Write the program for generation of above reports

Answer by IGNOU
Submitted on 11/4/2003
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Answer by janran away
Submitted on 1/7/2004
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STFU and go home ranjan cuz your name is s0 gay it must be hard 2 be you.

Meanwhile, u need to go back to school and learn a real language.  Who da faq knows or cares about COBOL anymore?  Dat noise is yesterday's dinosaur.  Learn a real language like mod perl and git with the crue.  Mod perl could lay waste to your part time library restocking job and lowly cobolt aspirations of super head librarian before u could bind an ISBN number fisted up deep where da sun don't shine.


Answer by busted
Submitted on 10/18/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
janran is a fag too . . .


Answer by pat
Submitted on 6/27/2006
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An index-sequential file in COBOL can briefly be described as a file with at least one key concept.
A key can be used to establish unique information and to retrieve the data in an ordered way.

The indexes that makes this possible is maintained by the runtime system, so the programmer only have to declare the file and supply the data.


Answer by wow
Submitted on 3/12/2007
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Who would have ever thunk it?  Computer nerds arguing over computer languages.  Wow.


Answer by bhatia
Submitted on 6/16/2007
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
how to find the isbn books on net


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