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hi, i pierced my nose about a year this month and it still...

<< Back to: rec.arts.bodyart: Piercing FAQ 6--The Healing Process & Healing Problems

Question by kimberly
Submitted on 10/25/2003
Related FAQ: rec.arts.bodyart: Piercing FAQ 6--The Healing Process & Healing Problems
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hi, i pierced my nose about a year this month and it still hasnt healed. Also its kinda gray around the stud. it dosent hurt or any thing and i dont know if it would leave a scar if i were to take it out. Any ideas on what is going on?

Answer by rockerbaby33
Submitted on 4/8/2005
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honestly i dont know wuts goin on but i would call ur piercer.....if u pierced it urself, then chances are that you did somethin funky like accidently pierced a nerve, but if it isnt swelling or hurting.......i wouldnt freak out but i would call a piercing shop and ask them wut they think


Answer by moonbeam
Submitted on 2/7/2006
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You need to get more expensive nose studs would be my first guess. Get hypoallergenic ones... As far as it not healing, if you would like to keep your piercing, then I would get it looked at. It should have been healed by week 6 or at the most 7. Something aint right... Umm... Cant really think of a reason why it wouldnt heal. Email me at a_williams_2007@excite.com


Answer by marie
Submitted on 6/7/2007
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
i had taken a nose ring out and it does leave a tiny scar, but it's that noticable.


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