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Question by nona
Submitted on 10/22/2003
Related FAQ: misc.kids FAQ on Ultrasound
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Answer by HuntersMom
Submitted on 1/3/2004
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Sometimes they can mistaken the umbillical cord for a penis.


Answer by Jenny
Submitted on 3/14/2004
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I would say it's a boy.  Especially if you've already had 2 ultrasounds that indicate your having a boy.  It's easier to see the sex of your baby when there little younger in age.  Hitting 25 weeks, the baby is bigger and takes up more room and will be harder to determine the sex of your baby.  I believe your having a boy.  Good luck.


Answer by Shannon
Submitted on 3/20/2004
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I had an ultrasound done at 20 weeks with this pregnancy and I'm wondering the same thing...Is it really correct?  What I saw come across the screen was much bigger than a little pee pee...It looked like the umbilical cord...My doctor won't do another one...Which sux...But I'd really like to know for sure...So hang on to hope that its really what you want it to be


Answer by Samantha
Submitted on 4/2/2004
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I am sorry you are confused right now. Is there no way you could get another u/s. At my u/s at 18 weeks they said boy then again at 21 weeks boy again but I am getting lucky and my dr. is giving me another u/s here in an few weeks when I get to the 3 trim. I am 25 weeks now. My Sister in law was told a boy and she had a girl but you never know. I really wish I could help you out but I just wanted to post and say I am sorry.



Answer by JHawkGirl
Submitted on 4/4/2004
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I would say you are having a girl.  It is difficult to determine the sex of the baby at only 16 weeks gestation because the baby is so small.  As the baby grows, accuracy of ultrasound gender prediction increases to nearly 100% at or after 20 weeks when the genitals are more developed and easier for the technician to see.  


Answer by Stacey
Submitted on 4/5/2004
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I know that where I live we have a 4-D fetal ultrasound clinic, and for only $75 dollars they can tell you the sex of your baby. I would think that this would be pretty accurate since it shows the baby in 4 dimension.


Answer by REGINA
Submitted on 4/24/2004
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Answer by REGINA
Submitted on 4/24/2004
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Answer by KK
Submitted on 5/3/2004
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next time you go in for one do just what i did, and ask for the operator to take a picture and point at the penis with his cursor....if you see 2 pertruding items..one is surely a penis


Answer by michelle
Submitted on 5/4/2004
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I was told at 19 weeks that I was possibly having a boy. Then at 28 weeks I was told I was having a girl. I am 34 weeks now getting ready for my third c section .With two boys already I am hoping for a girl. The first two I was told I was having boys and they were right. Just hope the baby is healthy it wont even matter in the end.


Answer by layla
Submitted on 5/7/2004
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How confusing indeed isnt it. At 19wks we went for US too and they said probably girl. But what does probably mean? Now I am even more confused. I feel very different from my first pregnancy which was baby girl and now I dont know whether to believe we are having a second girl or not. Wish they hadnt told me anything if they were not sure. How often are they mistaken? I wont get another US.


Answer by sunny
Submitted on 5/10/2004
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I have had 2 girls and according to both of their ultrasounds they were to be BOYS. Guess even they dont always know. This time I am 11 weeks and I dont think that I am even going to let them play the guessing game with me this time, We would love a son but I think it will be more fun to be suprised than upset. I feel for you though, but they are wrong more than they will tell you. Good Luck!!!!!!!!!!


Answer by Wanda
Submitted on 5/21/2004
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Regina, if you had an ultrasound done at 30 weeks, i would go by what the tech said at that appointment, most doctors that I have spoken with say that they are not really that accurate until after 25 weeks even though you can tell as early as 14 weeks.. so far when my doctor has told mine they have been completely accurate and true to the sex of the child...


Answer by Shawnee
Submitted on 6/6/2004
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yah i know its way confusing i was told at 19 weeks that they thought it was a girl but couldnt tell me 4 sure...then i had an ultrasound at 24 weeks and they also said i think its a girl but save your receipts. we have already started preparing 4 a girl..but who knows they can only give us an 85% wich really sux...good luck 2 you!


Answer by SHUG
Submitted on 6/12/2004
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I think it is a girl


Answer by soon2bmommyof2
Submitted on 6/15/2004
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i was told at my 19 week ultrasound the tech was not certain,but she was leaning towards a girl because there was no penis, well low and behold the next ultrasound i had was 28 weeks and was told there is without a doubt no questions asked, a penis. we were dumbfounded because everyone that sees me tells me i am carrying like a girl. i have started buying a few things, but i am saving all receipts. i am having another ultrasound before my planned c-section on 7/20, but i would trust what the tech told you, the further along you were, then its more clear. a lot of pregnancy websites say sex is predominatly clear at 32 weeks.


Answer by kaysee
Submitted on 6/20/2004
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I saw this posting and I was wondering if anyone knows anything on this.  I have 3 boys and I am pregnant with my 4th, I went for US at 11 weeks and they said it was too early to tell, a week later I went for a screening for DOWNs US and she said she was pretty positive it was a boy.  Reading up on things doesn't sound like at 12 weeks you can be positive, I had really wanted a girl, not that I wouldn't love another boy, and I know this is wrong but I hope they are wrong - I am due at xmas and have already named him christopher even before the sonogram, but how are my changes at her being wrong, PS the dr also said there is a 5 day margin of error on dates - which I think was needed and the sonogram theweek before said the placenta was low, then the next week, the other tech said it was low


Answer by MomX3
Submitted on 6/21/2004
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My doctor performed a 12 week 0 day level 2 u/s also and said that is the first week that they can generally tell, especially if it's a boy.  He said a few days would have really made a difference in our ability to tell.  It was a confusing ultrasound since on one view of the area he saw what appeared to be a penis, yet on another view he only saw 2 parallel lines clearly which indicates a girl.  Any thoughts on what these conflicting ultrasound views mean?  He didn't want to draw a conclusion.


Answer by old fashioned
Submitted on 7/8/2004
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I had all my babies just before ultrasound became the big new thing. (They did have it even back then but still used it only for situations regarding babies health-reading these postings, I'm thinking maybe it was better that way! Part of the fun of pregnancy was waiting to see what God was going to give you! And then just be glad if you got a HEALTHY baby instead of mad it wasn't what the doctor told you! My son and daughter-in-law are expecting their first and they have an ultrasound next month that may determine the possible gender of the baby. I'm emphasizing to them that the ultrasound is ONLY an educated guess and to view it as "just for fun"--but NOT for sure. I think the only way to know for sure is to have an amnio test (which they do only if worried about the baby for some reason)--OR to just wait and see when its born, what wonderful little child God picked out for you! Boy or girl--I'm sure God will get it right and send you just the baby you are meant to have! (When the little miracle arrives--boy or girl--believe me, you will know its the right and perfect baby for you!)


Answer by Tiffany
Submitted on 7/12/2004
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I was told half way though my ultrasound that so far everything was looking like a girl, and I was given  an 85% chance my baby is a girl, but she couldn't get the view of between the legs. Should I trust it?


Answer by Sam
Submitted on 8/3/2004
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I am 25 weeks now, and was told at my 20 week ultrasound that it was 'probably' a girl, but not to paint anything pink. They just can't always get the view they want, and my baby was moving so much there were hardly any good angles. I do think my baby is a girl, my husband thinks it's a boy, and for my shower, I'm going to blow up the US pics and have people vote! Concentrate on being healthy and go with neutral decorating, just in case! Good luck!


Answer by LaKissa
Submitted on 8/7/2004
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Hello all i'm in the same boat i have had three boys and pregnant now i had my first and only ultrasond done at 20 weeks they told me no doubt it was a boy i just don't feel like it's a boy my other three boys i got huge all over with this baby i am just in the front i never had morning sickness now i have had morning sickness, modswings, tiredness, just a whole lot of stuff that's very new to me i am just not ready to accept that this is a boy until i have it i pray first of all that my baby no matter boy or girl is healthy though but i just would like to get another ultrasound just to make sure that they were seeing a lot of the cord you know.


Answer by leanne
Submitted on 8/8/2004
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im on number 5 had 3 girls and 1 boy and were right on each one havnt had scan for this one yet


Answer by Desiree
Submitted on 8/9/2004
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I had an U/S done at 19 weeks she said its a girl. I'm scared because everyone say's that I look like I am having a boy. They wont give me another U/S. Should I trust the doctor when she said its a girl?


Answer by Cathy
Submitted on 9/16/2004
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I can understand how most of you feel.  Eventhough everyone says "You should hope for a healthy baby", every pregnant women has a preference (whether they admit it or not).  I know that I did, I really hoped for a little girl, but at my 20th week U/S I was told that it was a boy--for the 2nd time.  My son was ecstatic and honestly I was a little disappointed, but the idea of having another boy is growing on me.  His genitalia was very clear to me and to the Tech.  I believe it's pretty accurate but just like these stories, I've heard stories from people and family that have had inaccurate U/S.  All I can say is that I wish you a healthy happy baby.


Answer by moe
Submitted on 9/24/2004
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No, they told me 70% girl at 14 weeks and at 21 they said 10% boy.  I still don't know what to believe.


Answer by camille
Submitted on 10/15/2004
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when i was pregnant with my daughter they gave me an ultrasound at 6 months and said they thought it was a girl but she had her legs crossed. I'm still very confused on how they knew, but im 12 weeks pregnant now and i would like a boy. If its a boy what will it look like on the ultrasound?


Answer by Brooke
Submitted on 10/17/2004
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I had an ultrasound with my daughter at 23 weeks... I was told 90% sure the baby was a girl.  I flat out asked how the Tech could tell.  I figured if it could be explained to me then it was probably accurate.  They were right was my daughter will be two next month.  She has a sibling on the way and my husband and I have decided not to find out!


Answer by Brooke
Submitted on 10/17/2004
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I had an ultrasound with my daughter at 23 weeks... I was told 90% sure the baby was a girl.  I flat out asked how the Tech could tell.  I figured if it could be explained to me then it was probably accurate.  They were right was my daughter will be two next month.  She has a sibling on the way and my husband and I have decided not to find out!


Answer by LisaMaree
Submitted on 10/20/2004
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At the end of the day, an Ultrasound won't be 100% accurate.  You shouldn't ever bank that what they tell you is what you'll end up having.

I am 26wks with twins.  My ultrasound at 22 weeks said one is apparently a boy (the tech was quite sure showing us a penis and everything) and the other looks to be a girl (the tech wouldn't give us the same thumbs up accuracy with that one).  Even then, we aren't banking on having one or the other for sure.  

So rule of thumb - hold off on the blue and pink paint, clothes etc.  You won't know for sure until the doctor hands you a baby.  Besides, it's just as fun to buy cute little neutral coloured sleepers as it is pink or blue ones!


Answer by gracie
Submitted on 10/21/2004
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When I was pregnant with my daughter, who is now 5 years old, I had a level II ultrasound at 16 weeks and they told me that it was a girl. I had several other ultrasounds all with the same conclusion. I think it really depends on the type of ultrasound that you have - as well as gestational age and the skill of the person reading the ultrsound. My early ultrasound was done by a maternal fetal specialist and not a tech. I am currently 15 weeks pregnant with my second child and I will have a regular ultrasound next week - and a level II ultrasound done in three weeks. I can't wait to see!


Answer by Hannah
Submitted on 11/5/2004
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Im going for my 20 week ultrasound in 5 days.Im very nervous and hope everythings ok,but im also excited and want to know what im having especially since the daddy has to go away in less then a month.I wont him to get to be there and see THE the sex is but now reading all of your comments i almost feel like i cant go by what the doctor tells me.Hopefully what they say is correct and thats what we will be blessed with.I also hope everything goes ok and looks normal that will make me the happiest.I hear they dont mistake a penis with the umbilical cord to often i hear its very rare.I do hear making a mistake on a girl is more likely to happen.whatever it is you will love it no m atter what and that is what GOD wanted you to have.JUST A TIP DONT GO OVER BOARD ON BABY STUFF IF YOUR NOT FOR SURE!!!!!!!!!!!


Answer by de
Submitted on 11/6/2004
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i have two girls one 3 and one 1 years old.
pregnant again i,m now 16 weeks along last week had a u/s and they said looks like a boy,for my girls had u/s at 20 weeks and they were rite on both so i,m really hope there rite with this one at 15 weeks please let me know what you think i have one more u/s in 3 weeks


Answer by daddy2be
Submitted on 11/27/2004
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i just went for my ultra sound today. they told me 75% chance it is a girl. 75?  what does that mean. im going for a 4d ultra sound and dvd for $145.lol cant beat that and you should o the same


Answer by jww
Submitted on 11/28/2004
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Be thankful you are only questioning the sex of the baby. My wife and I received news last week that our unborn son had a genetic disorder which resulted in severe abnormalities of the limbs including 6 fingers on each hand a lack of tibias and more than 7 toes on each foot which was attached at the knee. We opted to terminate the pregnancy due to the diagnosis given to us by the Dr and after delivery the baby did have the problems with the lower limbs that were recognized on US but the upper limbs had no abnormalities what-so-ever. Had we known his hands were OK and it was only his legs we would have definitely made a different decision. A decision to keep the baby...


Answer by Momtobe
Submitted on 12/6/2004
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MOM X3, we also had conflicting U/S.  One picture from underneath shows what CLEARLY looks like a boy (it is definitely not the cord, which you can easily see as well), but another from a different angle shows two very clear white lines.  Not sure what to make of it, but our first daughter had an ultrasound with the parallel white lines similar to what we see now, so we are anticipating a girl again.  We asked a few days after the U/S and the tech thinks it's a girl.  I would be curious to see if anyone else has experience with this.


Answer by kyan05
Submitted on 12/10/2004
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We were told at 12 weeks that it looked like it was a girl and that they were 80% sure. My next ultrasound at 20 weeks said it was definately a boy and i was told a boy again at 24 weeks. Before 20 weeks it is too hard to tell.


Answer by Concerned
Submitted on 12/14/2004
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Is anyone else concerned about how many ultrasound scans these mothers are having?  Do you know how safe ultrasound technology is?  Does anyone know how safe ultrasound technology is?


Answer by Raelynn
Submitted on 12/20/2004
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Hi there! Well, this ultrasound thing is usually right. I am on baby number 5 and 3 of them have been girls. All US showed us 3 lines with legs spread apart good. My boy looked like a little turtle was peeking out and now the strangest thing happend! I went in for a high definition US and as soon as she zoomed in between the legs I said it's a boy cause I saw 2 ball type things and something obviously larger and longer in the middle. She told me not to get my hopes up cause at 17 weeks the baby girls look like boys cause the girl parts are swollen from hormones and that we would know for sure in a few weeks. Has anybody ever heard of this before? I mean it looks so much like a boy. I am so confused!


Answer by Lulu
Submitted on 12/22/2004
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the doctor told me i was 12 weeks pregnant but when i got my ultrasound done the told me i am 11 weeks. but i am alot bigger than 12 13 14 weeks


Answer by lulu
Submitted on 12/22/2004
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Doctors don't know what they are doing


Answer by momof4boys???
Submitted on 1/8/2005
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I am currently 19 weeks and 2days. I went for an ultrasound 4days ago. I am a mother of 3 boys and was hoping desperately for that little girl. During the ultrasound the tech did not seem very positive on anything. She could not even get a good picture of the babies face. At the end she said her prediction was another boy. I know I should be happy that he is healthy but I am extremely devastated at this point. I have to go back in a month to get some better scans of the babies body parts. Do you think I still have a chance that it is a girl?  Still praying for that little daughter.


Answer by niknakcutie
Submitted on 1/23/2005
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well i too had a US , am 16 weeks and the tech showed me a supposed penis and it was big like the ab cord ????????? i was disappointed at first and even cried becz i really want a baby girl this time around.  after reading all of your funny US stories , i think i will wait 'til after 20 weeks for another US !!!!!!!!!


Answer by Toby1975
Submitted on 1/23/2005
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Answer by Toby1975
Submitted on 1/23/2005
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Answer by karen
Submitted on 1/28/2005
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well i got a sonogram at 20 weeks and it should you the penis and the little genitals. now i am 25 weeks and i sound be having another one done soon to see if the plucenta previx has gotten better hope so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Answer by Patty
Submitted on 1/30/2005
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When I was pregnant with my first child the doctor gave us and ultrasound at 32 weeks and said 95 percent sure it was a girl. Well I now have a two year old boy and pregnant with the second child. We will have an ultrasound to see but we won't put one hundred percent faith in it just hope for a healthy baby.


Answer by Jen
Submitted on 2/1/2005
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I have tested this on my two children and I feel really strongly that I am having a boy this third time, I tested it on my current pregancy and it said boy... I also tested it on myself, my husband and his brother and it was 100% accurate all times so you could see what it says. It is a chinese lunar calander that predicts the sex of your baby, but make sure you are accurate as to when you concieved.  



Answer by Songa
Submitted on 2/4/2005
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I am 23 weeks pregnant and was told in my u/s at 22 weeks that I am having a third boy.  I would have loved to have a girl and even though they were accurate the other two times, this time I feel they might be wrong.  Or maybe its just wishful thinking.


Answer by janie
Submitted on 2/5/2005
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It all comes down to the skill of your tech or doctor. Ask how many UAs they have done. Places like "fetal fotos" usually have more experience with gender identification than does your doc. thats alot of what "fetal Fotos" does.Doctors measure, and look at heart formation (and other organs)they don't really care to much about the sex.


Answer by brittany
Submitted on 2/6/2005
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they told me and my husband at 8 weeks that i was going to have twins. at 20 weeks they told me and my husband that we are having a boy and a girl. at 31 weeks they said that they could not find the baby boy's heart beat then at 34 weeks which is  now they found his heart beat. so i am confused about that and i told everyone in the family that one of them already died. but i am really happy that i am still having both babies cause i made one side of the room a girl's color and the other side is a boy's color


Submitted on 2/13/2005
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I just recently knew 2 girls that were pregnant and 1 was told the whole time she was having a girl and she popped out a boy and the other girl was told at her first ultrasound it was a boy.  Then at her second ultrasound she was told it was a girl and low and behold, on her day of birth, it was a BOY!! I'd suggest unisex colors for everything.  


Answer by hannah
Submitted on 2/25/2005
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I did ultrasound at 19 weeks and the tech could not find a penis and actually we were able to see a girl like lines but could not find deep parallel lines with labia. so the tech said she guesses it could be a girl but was not sure . i am unsure about what to think. did anybody have such experience.


Answer by ritu
Submitted on 3/2/2005
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I am also confused as i had an ultrasound on 28/2 which was 19weeks one. Sonographer couldn't tell exactly, he looked at the genital organ and said, it is too big for a girl and too small for a boy. Hope it is a girl, i already have a boy and want a girl this time.


Answer by Peta J
Submitted on 3/3/2005
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I was told at my 12 weeks scan that I am having a boy, how right do you think they are????


Answer by Christina
Submitted on 3/7/2005
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I would go for the 4-d us to get a better look.  Instead of worrying about it figure it out.  Worrying isn't a really good thing to be doing.  If it's that important to know right now then schedule an appointment.


Answer by Jesse
Submitted on 3/22/2005
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Well I am 18 weeks and was told at 15 weeks that they were 90% sure it was a girl then they did another one last week and said it was a boy! I have two boys already and saw their penis this didn't look the same.The Tech wouldn't take the time to show me!I am confused!


Answer by Erin
Submitted on 4/8/2005
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I know that the anticipation is there! To Some woman they feel they just need to know what to expect.I'm waiting to find out also. I'm 21 weeks and I am getting ready for my first ultrasound in 4 days.We were told we would be able to tell clearly by then. With a almost 100 % accuracy .So i would say a Girl is probably right.It is more clear the further along you are .I don't know i think that you shouldn't set your heart on one or the other.I feel that we are so spoiled these days to have equipment that can tell us our baby's sex.I think what ever God gives us we should be happy.Think of the couples out in the world that can't go to an u/s appt. because they are unable to have any kids at all.Good Luck on you Pregnancy and hope all goes well.I will write and post back on what my u/s does reveal.


Answer by soon to be mom of 5
Submitted on 4/12/2005
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I agree with Old Fashioned!!  I have 3 girls and 1 boy!!  due to a kidney disease I have many us' throughout my pregnancies.  We have only been told once for one of our girls!!  But wow what a special thing to wait!!  I know it's fun to go buy, and decorate before the baby comes!!  But I have always thought as well that god will give us what we are meant to have.  I hope all of you ladies out there that really want to know do not take it to heart if it still conflicting before birth.  And I hope you are able to find out what you having if that is really what you wish!!  After all we all know that we will love our children unconditionally weither a boy or girl!!  

Small story.  My sister only has 1 half of an ovary.  Meaning she would most likely never ever have children.  God blessed her with a son, though through her pregnancy she was told they were certain she was having a girl.  She bought all girl things and decorated the room and painted and the car seat and stroller were girl colors... and so on.  When to their surprise after giving birth and her midwife said.  It's a boy!!!  (hehe...  what a shocker!!)  a lot of the technicians here at my hospitals in town are relatively new, and we have tons of residents at the teaching hospital.  a lot of them are not quite sure what they are looking at in the sex department.  It very well could be the cord instead??  

Anyways!!  Congrats to all of you and myself on our pregnancies!!  I hope they are enjoyed to their fullest!!  This is my last one!!  5 children under the age of 6 I feel is enough for me!!

Congratulations ahead of time to you all on your labors and deliveries!!  And of course to all of those beautiful babies!!


Answer by Vicki
Submitted on 4/22/2005
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I think your having a girl. Later ultrasounds are more acurate then eailer ones. I am 24 weeks pregnany and I have had two ultrasounds and they say a girl. Good Luck


Answer by joanne
Submitted on 4/26/2005
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Answer by To-Be-Daddy
Submitted on 5/5/2005
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In lot of cases, there's been mistake between penis and umbilical cord.  Also, if the baby is shy, she won't spread her legs.  Unfortunately other than the vision test, I don't think there is another way to determine the sex of the baby ( Is there any DNA test ???? ).  I wish science was advanced to find out a better way like urine test or something else.

Be it a boy or a girl, it's your own flesh and blood.  Be proud of it and wait for the arrival of the baby.


Answer by Marlana
Submitted on 5/11/2005
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I am 30 weeks and the tech told met that he didn't see any male parts, but my mom had five kids and she says that i am having a boy. i hope not, i already had my baby shower and everything is for a girl. and the name is Esmeralda Janine Cruz. I hope i wont have to name it Juan Carlos Cruz. I thought that you can tell by the way you carry is that true?


Answer by 2ndbabyontheway
Submitted on 5/11/2005
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I went to the doctor on my 17 week checkup just so maybe they could determine the sex of the baby. And of course they could not see anything between the legs, but the nurse was saying that the baby had a high heartbeat which was 171. So she was pointing towards a girl maybe. SO who knows. I go for an u/s on May 16 which is this Monday for my big u/s so maybe we will find something out. I will be 21 weeks on this app.


Answer by elizabeth
Submitted on 5/11/2005
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i am in the air force so they don't do gender checks per-say so i went to a "specialist" down town and when i made my appointment they told me that they don't like to perform u/s before the twentieth week and that they'd prefer for me to wait (i was about 17 weeks then) so i waited and low and behold there she was.....he told me to look for a mickey mouse for a boy and a hamburger for agirl....since then i have had 2 u/s and they both confirm the same answer...so maybe you should just go for one more and go with the later dated ultrasounds...good luck


Answer by summer
Submitted on 5/17/2005
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i had a ultrasound at 18 weeks they told me the baby was in a bad postoin  and she couldnt tell me the sex does that mean a girl


Answer by melissa
Submitted on 5/18/2005
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I am on my fourth pregnancy and with my last one i was told i was having a boy. I bought everything blue and when i had the baby it was a girl.  This one i was told will be a girl so we will see when it comes what it really is.


Answer by jess
Submitted on 5/19/2005
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Hunny, girls are usually mistaken to be boys, so I would say your Baby is most likely a little girl than a boy! But you wont know for sure until "d" day!


Answer by Laura
Submitted on 5/22/2005
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It is only right 85% of the time, so view it with caution, as all the other messages have indicated.  U will get what U get when all is said and done.  Where I live, the techs won't tell you at all because it is only right 85% of the time.  The reason for this is that the population I live in has a large number of those who would abort a baby if it wasn't a boy.  The lab set up that policy because they did not want to be in any way responsible for a woman going and getting an abortion based on their say so.  Will you not love it no matter what?  Just don't decorate yet or buy any gender specific clothes and you'll be fine.  Hope and pray all goes well, you'll love it no matter what.


Submitted on 5/24/2005
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It sounds like everyone here is "happy" to get as many ultrasounds as they can.  Is anyone aware of the dangers of ultrasounds? I am in my third pregnancy, and with this one have been made aware through much current research that there is up to 25% brain damage done to the baby for each ultrasounds...depending on how long it lasts.  Mostly, hearing damage, since the ultraSOUND is super-high frequency sounds that the baby hears like a loud train.  Also the developer of ultrasound first meant for it to be used for the heart...not babies.  Evidence shows that the cells are mutated after the ultrasound.  There are benefits to them, if the risks in the pregnancy are already happening outweigh the risks of the actual ultrasound, but just to find out the gender...is that worth potential brain damage to your baby?  Now that you know...please do your own research on the subject...you are in charge of your babies health...not your doctor, who may have outdated information.


Answer by Philisha
Submitted on 5/29/2005
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I requested an anatomy ultrasound at 20 weeks to determine the sex of my baby and the mid-wives explained to me that at that stage, the clitoris sticks out and can be mistaken for a penis. Somewhere from 20 wks to 25 wks the clitoris will be pulled inside of the baby creating a hole if it is a girl and if it's a boy, it will stay on the outside. So I had to come back at week 25 and we know for sure that I am having a girl. The doctor even poked on my belly to wake her up and make her change positions a lot. They were very helpful.


Answer by FALLMD
Submitted on 6/12/2005
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I am 19 weeks pregnant and the technician told me that ses definete that its a girl because she sees the labia..Does anyone know what REGINA had?...a girl or a boy?..


Answer by alma
Submitted on 6/22/2005
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When I was pregnant with my daughter, I had my US at about 4 months and she told me she was 87% sure it was going to be a girl. The Dr.did not get to see the baby's genitals but said that she could tell by the shape of the baby's spine and legs that I was having a girl and I did.


Answer by Cyndi
Submitted on 7/5/2005
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Wow...I am really afraid now, i was told that it is a girl and all along I felt like I was having a boy based on what people have told me...everything said I was having a boy...we were pretty shocked when the sonographer said it was a girl...OH NO!!!!


Answer by Rachael
Submitted on 7/8/2005
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I went in at 18.5 weeks and the lady said its a boy.... But i thought you had to look between the legs to tell? my baby is in a sqautting position. The back is on the left side of the picture and the front leg moved down..... Thats when she said she saw the penis. Actually it looks like the ambilical cord or the other leg on the other side..... Has anyone else had this problem? Email me: ree_ree_rachael21@yahoo.com


Answer by Kristina
Submitted on 7/8/2005
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Sorry you have gotten two different answers!  You could always try telling your doctor that you have been having a funny feeling or something and some doctors will fall for it.  The woman who said its easier to see when they are smaller is totally correct...when they get to big, its way harder! Depending on where you live, and how you budget is, I know in San Diego Cali, they have places like Babies First Ultrasound....  www.bfiultrasound.com and they only do ultrasounds there without having your doctors permission...its like $99 and you get a BUNCH of pix...maybe you could call them and ask if they have a place near where you reside?  Try it...here is their number:  858 549 SONO  


Answer by jessica10283
Submitted on 7/9/2005
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well now I am confused to, they told me at 16 and 18 weeks a boy.  This is my second boy ....


Answer by mandy
Submitted on 7/20/2005
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i am also confused. i had an ultra sound done at 23 weeks, i was told the sex,the doctor  said he seen the scrotum, could this be mistaken for the ovaries.           i already have two boys,both were big babies, this time i am smaller and feeling great.


Answer by mommyofjacob
Submitted on 8/1/2005
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OK. This is a good way to explain it. On a girl ultrasound there are three white lines. Only present when it is a girl. And with a boy obviously there is a floating penis in between the legs. I also agree that 16 weeks was too early to determine the sex. Which is why the doctors wait until 19-20 weeks to let you know the sex during a routine ultrasound. Put it this way with my son there was a penis, and now being pregnant with my second, a girl, there is the three white lines which is her ovaries. Like I said only present when it is a girl. I would ask them to please point out where the sex organ is so that you know what your looking at, and can make sure for yourself, that you have seen it. How horrible to be told....it could possibly be a...make sure they point out to you the sex organs. And remember that US done after 25 weeks though, is very difficult to see the sex because the baby is so big and all crunched up and then at that point might not want to let you get a peek! Hope this helped :)


Answer by Anna Claire
Submitted on 8/7/2005
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I had an us at 21 weeks (2D) and the tech said she had a clear view and it is a girl. I had another us (3D) at 28 weeks, and a doc performed it and said girl. They gave us pictures of her face and of her girl parts. I think you should only feel sure if they did as they did with me. They pointed at the labia and clitoris and said no doubt it was a girl. Ask them to show you the parts. Good luck.


Answer by Anna Claire
Submitted on 8/7/2005
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I had an us at 21 weeks (2D) and the tech said she had a clear view and it is a girl. I had another us (3D) at 28 weeks, and a doc performed it and said girl. They gave us pictures of her face and of her girl parts. I think you should only feel sure if they did as they did with me. They pointed at the labia and clitoris and said no doubt it was a girl. Ask them to show you the parts. Good luck.


Answer by jess
Submitted on 8/12/2005
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hi,there!!! I think i am in the same boat so, i am not alone here..Well i went for my u/s in 21 week and the tech showed me three lines and said to us well, we consider these three lines as for a girl internal parts.But she didn't tell us that it is 100% sure that u are having a girl..After reading these stories i don't know should i start buying pink stuff or wait till birth of the baby. This is my first baby...help me those people who saw three lines and end up with a baby boy...


Answer by Corie
Submitted on 8/17/2005
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Who knows anymore? I am 25 weeks pregnant, I had my first ultrasound at 15 weeks, the my ob who did my sono said it was pretty early to tell, but from what she seen looked like it could be a boy. Mind you, I have 6 children (all girls), I was praying number 7 would be my boy. Had a sono at 22 weeks, baby is transverse (laying at bottom left  to right) could not see between the legs, my ob said he was weighing more on a girl. I was sooooo disappointed. I really wanted a boy. On my chart he put girl???????
with question marks, help should I go with girl or boy!!!


Answer by PJ
Submitted on 8/19/2005
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I went in for an US after my 20th week and the picture seems to clearly show two lines representing a girl.  The tech only gave us an 85% chance of having a girl and I'm still left wondering why we even bothered to go since the results aren't 100% accurate anyway.  I'll just be happy with whatever we have.  That's all we can do.  


Answer by Daizee
Submitted on 8/20/2005
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Hi There,I am so thrilled to find this form of support from other moms to be. I am so glad to hear that this has happened to other people too. We went for our 18 week us and she said it "seemed" to be a boy. Then at 25 weeks we paid 200 bucks to go to the 4D us and she said it was a girl. I almost fainted from shock. We have 2 girls already and were going for that boy. I am not sure how to feel or what to think. Any help??


Answer by Holly
Submitted on 8/27/2005
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I just wanted to say that I really don't think anyone of us that are having the u/s to determine gender should depend on them.  I have been luck with the u/s's in the past, but the more I read from all you...maybe I should just wait till the end?


Answer by janis
Submitted on 9/7/2005
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well i have 4 girls and just had it confirmed im having a boy ultrasound is very accurate and i seen the proof for myself


Answer by Moonfisher
Submitted on 9/8/2005
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I have been told that the absence of the penis does not mean it is a girl.  That little fella can be hiding.  They need to see the labia majora before they can definitely say it's a girl.  My US tech said you have to look between the legs and see if it looks like a turtle or a hamburger, lol.


Answer by kmsmile8
Submitted on 9/14/2005
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I have had two ultra-sounds.  One at 20 weeks and one at 24.  At the first ultrasound the doctor told me they could not tell for sure.  The last ultrasound the doctor told me that he was 70% sure it is a girl.  I was really upset because I thought they would be able to tell me for sure if I was having a girl or a boy. He also said just because he thinks it is a girl now, does not mean that will change.  The doctor told me that the penis likes to hide sometimes. Also, in some cases, the testicles do not drop until the last month of pregnancy. It is depressing because I do not know how to decorate the room etc......


Answer by Heather L
Submitted on 9/18/2005
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I really wish that they wouldn't even tell you a GUESS unless they are completely certain.  With my son (who is now 2) I was told that 100% he was a boy. I was about 20 wks.  She froze on the "area" and pointed it out without a doubt.  She even gave me a picture. *lol*  I am now about 10wks preg. again.  I so want a girl. I have 2 boys now.  I am going to make sure I get the SAME tech as last time. Even if I have to wait an extra hour or more. :)


Answer by Preety
Submitted on 9/26/2005
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I had an ultrasound on 20 weeks and one on 33 weeks both time they said it's a girl. But I always wanted a boy. Can any one tell how accurate is an ultrasound? Am I really having a girl? Does any one think there is still chance to have a boy even if docter couldn't find any male organ during ultrasound?


Answer by Preety
Submitted on 9/26/2005
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I had an ultrasound on 20 weeks and one on 33 weeks both time they said it's a girl. But I always wanted a boy. Can any one tell how accurate is an ultrasound? Am I really having a girl? Does any one think there is still chance to have a boy even if docter couldn't find any male organ during ultrasound?


Answer by mandi
Submitted on 10/1/2005
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Girlfreind when my momma was pregnant with me after 16 ultrasounds ai was a boy, the day i came out i was nto a boy, now way no how, hoping that ont happen with my baby cause as it stands it is a boy


Answer by kitty
Submitted on 10/6/2005
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I tried 3D ultrasound and was told I am having a girl. Is 3D ultrasound more accurate?


Answer by Samantha
Submitted on 10/8/2005
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What did you finally have? A boy or a girl?


Answer by Annie
Submitted on 10/13/2005
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So what did you finally have? A boy or a girl?


Answer by april baby
Submitted on 10/25/2005
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i would say you are having a boy.  there is no mistake when they see a penis..........it's when they say it's a girl that there could be a mistake.  I have 2 boys and am pregnant again........boys are great!


Answer by lovedthe surprise
Submitted on 10/27/2005
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Why get so caught up?  Just enjoy the pregnancy and all of its miracles.  Waiting until the day of delivery to find out sex of baby is truly amazing.  I highly recommend it.  The words, "it's a girl or it's a boy" are truly magical and a moment you will never forget!  I would save your frustration and plan for either girl or boy.  


Answer by Sara
Submitted on 11/1/2005
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Well with my first child he was a she two days before he was born (by ultrasound) I guess one never knows for sure.  Or else something can grow overnight..*LOL*


Answer by kimberly
Submitted on 11/7/2005
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I understand what you are saying. With my first child I had an ultrasound at 18 weeks and they told me I was having a girl and my next ultrasound was 3 weeks before I was due. They told me at that one that I was having a boy. Well, the last one was right. I had a boy! If I was you I would just go with the last ultrasound. But you never know. They aren't always right.


Answer by chantel
Submitted on 11/9/2005
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well with my first pregnancy i was told by the doctor who was doing the ultrasound that she thinks it could "possibly" be a girl.....i didnt know what to think untill my second ultrasound she stated im still thinking that its a girl...they cant give you a hundred percent guarentee..she told me it has to do with some sort of legal status...yes people get all funny over ultrasounds also and try to sue...so therefore even if they can see the parts perfectly my doc says that they should never give you the hundred percent "go ahead" mark because of that!


Answer by Juanita
Submitted on 11/11/2005
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I have looked at several gender based ultrasounds on the web--most around 20 weeks--and you can tell if there is a penis or not. Not only that but in some, if you get a good shot, you can see the labia on girls. I suggest that everyone study these as I have so that when the ultrasound tech gets a good shot you can tell for yourself if there is a penis. At around 20 weeks, it is hard to miss. But, it is advised to not only look for the absence of a penis, but also look for signs of the female genitals.  Good-Luck to all of you.   I had an ultrasound with all three of mine and they were all correct. I could see the penis' on my 2 boys myself---and have pictures that anyone could recognize.  I'm 19 1/2 weeks with an ultrasound in 4 days.              


Answer by shani
Submitted on 11/24/2005
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i am a first timer and  had my 3rd US in my 23rd week. In the first 2 they couldnt see anything in the third one the technician says it looks like a girl but he is not sure as the legs were too close. What r the chances of he being right ??? My gut feeling says its a boy...what do u think ?


Answer by Niaria256
Submitted on 11/26/2005
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Hello,  I don't know how much of a difference this makes, but from what I've read, both the penis and vagina begin as the same bud, and both have a gap in the middle, and only later on do the genitals form into either a penis with no gap or labia with a gap.  The clitoris is still not even covered until nearly or into the third trimester, so the later the ultrasound, the more accurate the results tend to be - even though it is harder to get a fix on the exact part.  If you look at early pictures of fetuses, it is really really difficult to tell the difference.  So I don't know if that helps, but I think the later pictures -- if the view is right -- tend to be more accurate.  At 18 weeks we could not see my baby at all, she crossed her legs completely, but at 22 weeks the tech saw three straight white lines, which indicated for her, 100% as far as I was told, that the baby is a girl.  Anyway that's what I'm going on.  Now I'm thirty weeks and hoping to have one more ultrasound just to be certain.  Anyway, hope it helps.  Another thing is browsing the galleries online and simply comparing.  Good luck!


Answer by sabi
Submitted on 11/28/2005
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I am pregnant with twins. The doctor told me at 19 week it 2 girls. He did 3d ultrasound. When I aske d how much accurate he replied 90% because he could see any penis.

please me to sort this problem?  


Answer by sabi
Submitted on 11/29/2005
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I am pregnant with twins. At 19 week visit the doctor said there are 2 girls because he cannot see any penis. He used 2D ultrasound and said he is 90% sure.
Should I trust him please do rely?


Answer by AMY
Submitted on 12/1/2005
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Hello, I am 5 months pregnant and had one ultrasound and was told I was having a boy, however, the tech. was a real bit** and I felt as though she had no idea what she was talking about. I asked where the penis was and she said "well I have the curser pointing right at it! I can't be any more ellaborate than that!"! what the heck! I was so mad...


Answer by ria
Submitted on 12/2/2005
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i have 2 boys when i had my ultrasound when i was expecting them they where right about the sex of both of them.but now im having my 3rd child they told me its a girl an i find it hard to believe i dont know why.i do believe to the extent that ive bought pink clothes.but 10% out of 100% isnt sure.


Answer by kimmie
Submitted on 12/3/2005
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Hi, I was wondering the same thing I just had u/s done and she said it was a boy,When I first became pregnant i felt like it was a girl because with my son I felt like it was a boy/he would never so on the u/s his legs was always closed/I am thankful that all body parts checked out and I thank god for that I will just pray and wait for April when I am due for who comes out and be bless either way/I still praying for a girl and its wrong


Answer by Milena
Submitted on 12/21/2005
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At both 22 weeks and 24 weeks they told me I was having a boy.  I have had so many ultrasounds since. At 31, 32, 33 and 34 weeks Iam being told now I am having a girl.  I am really confused.  I have two girls and they were both right about them.  


Answer by sass
Submitted on 12/25/2005
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i just had an ultrasound at 34 weeks and the sonographer could clearly see 2 scrotum then the baby turned round and we got a full frontal view and it is deffinatly a boy


Answer by Misty
Submitted on 12/31/2005
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I had an US at 19 1/2 weeks and they said they thought it was a girl. I walked out of there feeling like I hadn't learned anything. I really wanted a boy and was just expecting it. It felt wrong when they said it was a girl. I have another US at 30 weeks. I hope they reassure me this time. Even if they say its still a girl, I'm getting used to the idea.I'll love my child either way!


Answer by Mimi
Submitted on 1/2/2006
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Im 21 weeks, I went for an US, and the tech told me it was a boy, but the baby barely opened his legs, the tech and I saw the baby's parts except for a penis, then somehow we saw what it looked like a penis, but I wasn't sure anymore, the tech her self to me to get another US in another 2 to 3 weeks. so she practically gave me a 50% chance, and by the way I already have a beautiful boy, which it wouldn't matter if it was another boy!


Answer by Vicki
Submitted on 1/3/2006
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Hi girlz, i am 25 wks pregnant today and i had a anatomy scan at 20 weeks and the lady told me i was having a girl. she said it is not a 100% and my partner and i really wanted a boy. It's our first baby. Everyone i know thinks it is a boy including my mother in law she is really in her physic things. well if you girlz have any advise please help. Good luck in all of ur pregnancy's.  


Answer by Krista
Submitted on 1/5/2006
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My doctor gives me an ultrasound everytime that I go...
at 16 weeks they said girl but every other ultrasound they said boy until I was 30 weeks...now they have lost the penis!!!  I am also confused!!!  I have what looks like "penis" pictures on my fridge for goodness sakes...if it is not a penis what body part is it?  I really just want a healthy baby...but a girl would be nice because I already have a beautiful boy.


Answer by Missy
Submitted on 1/7/2006
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It's a baby


Answer by vikki
Submitted on 1/23/2006
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i am also 25 weeks and have 2 lovely boys i was hoping for girl they told me at 21 weeks that it was a little boy at the end of the day dose it really matter as long as it is healthy thats what really matters good luck to everyone the hard thing is finding another boys name that i like lolxx


Answer by Jill
Submitted on 1/28/2006
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The important thing is health not gender.  You will find out soon enough boy or girl.  There is a whole lot more to worry about when getting ultrasound than just gender accuracy!  Do some research on the risks of ultrasound then see if you are still worried if it's a boy or a girl.


Answer by Melisha
Submitted on 1/28/2006
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First, did a doctor or an US technician do the US?  Doctors are NOT the experts at reading US!  Second, a good US tech will not tell you it's a girl just if they did not see any boy parts...they MUST see girl parts to be sure.  A tech who knows what he/she is doing should be able to get it right.  If they tell you it's a guess, don't believe them!  At 25 weeks you should be able to tell unless the baby's position does not cooperate, which sounds like may have happened in your case.  


Answer by Angela
Submitted on 1/31/2006
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I have been pregnant twice now.. and I found out with my first Child at 20 weeks, Deffinatly Boy parts... and couldn't be more clear.

I became pregnant again, this time with twins ( Space is limited ) btw.. at 17 weeks Gestation We seen Clear as ever Penis' X2... and they were right.. So I dont think its any sort of error other than the Sonogramer themselves.. Either aren't experienced enough.

So you can see the sex of baby youger than 20 weeks as clear as any other time later in pregnancy.  if you google search.. you can come across "Ultrasound gender" and see what a boy part looks like, its no missing.. Its like

either you see something floating inbetween the legs "Attached" Mind you... ( BOY ) or you dont.. and tha is a girl...


Answer by maha131
Submitted on 2/5/2006
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i am now 36 week pregnant, i did 19 week ultrasound and she said that 75% its a boy and now at 33 week US she said girl, i bought stuff for boy now i am really confused


Answer by Kelli
Submitted on 2/7/2006
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I have two girls and have named my son. We tried many no cost methods to have a boy and the tech said its a girl. She kept saying she is a girl at 18 weeks and went on to show me three lines.Has anyone heard of three lines. I will love whatever comes from me but I am so ready for a boy and I hope the ultrasound is wrong!


Answer by elena
Submitted on 2/18/2006
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I definitely understand the confusion. At 14 weeks i was told it was a boy and at 16 weeks i was told that the doctor is no longer sure. I went to check at 18 weeks and the baby was not in the proper position. It is definitely bothering me and I am hoping that my full bladder 20 week u/s will get some answers...although i don't plan to gender my kids too much, i still want to know...


Answer by Mary K
Submitted on 2/22/2006
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Hi everyone
I had u/sound done at 19 weeks and at 26 weeks and at both Doc thinks its a boy.  Is this 100% accurate, all the old wives tales, chinese calendar predictions point towards a girl, and I am convinced its a girl????
Any more advice?


Answer by Heather
Submitted on 2/22/2006
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I don't know, I had an ultrasound at 19 weeks that says I'm having a boy, but I didn't see what they saw... maybe because I'm not trained in that area... or maybe because I wanted a girl so much. All I can say is the best way to determine what it is, is to wait until birth....


Answer by Heather
Submitted on 2/27/2006
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I have read not to base a lot of accuracy on the "ABSENCE" rule..Which states that if a technician "can't find" a penis, they assume it's a girl.

If you were told twice it's a boy, stick by that...The postioning of the baby may not have allowed teh technician to get a clear shot...and as silly as this sounds, my boyfriend had an "inverted" penis in the womb, so they never saw his! (LOL- funny story from his mother)

Good luck!!


Answer by DANDA
Submitted on 3/2/2006
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Hi, I'vejust had an ultrasound last Feb. 7 when i was just about 31 wks pregnant. They told me it's a girl but i really really felt and wanted it to be a boy. I'm just curious on how accurate ultrasounds are to tell you the sex of your baby.


Answer by Jess
Submitted on 3/14/2006
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I was told at my 18week u/s that we are having a girl and that it was 99% so i guess i can only hope that she is still a girl :)


Answer by hotnewmilf
Submitted on 4/6/2006
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I just had my fetal anatomy u/s at 18weeks and I was told, "looks like a girl".  I was shown 3 little humps, all the same size and distance from one another, b/w the legs. I had read about the "three lines" but was told they don't always show up on an u/s. Even though I feel pretty confident that it's a girl, I'm still going to get another one done.  Not only to tell me the sex, but also to make sure everything else is OK-they weren't able to get a profile view to check the lips/nose or spine b/c she was laying on her back.


Answer by joe
Submitted on 4/10/2006
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i just had an ultrasound done on my wife who is 29 weeks and the doctors blatenly said girl when he was viewing the mouth and i had to tell him it was the mouth then he said in the future it will be used as a vagina anyway. So i said o.k.


Answer by kalimah
Submitted on 4/13/2006
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its a boy  i took several ultrasound and every time i was  told its a boy!


Answer by AbbyLivMom
Submitted on 4/21/2006
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Hi, I am currently 13 weeks pregnant with my third child.  We have two daughters who are beautiful and healthy.  I am now over 35 years old so I had to go in last week for the 12 week Downs screen blood test and ultrasound. The tech said that if she had to guess she would say I am having a girl. How accurate is a guess at this point?


Answer by Jennifer
Submitted on 4/23/2006
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At 18 weeks I had my ultrasound. I found the hardest part was holding my full bladder. After trying so long to hold it the tech sent me to the bathroom to "let a little out" so I did..I came back in and baby was still balled up like a hedgehog. She instructed me to let my bladder completely go in which I did and proceeded to do jumping jacks in the bathroom. I was determined to get this baby to turn around. After that everything was great. We got views from all angles. The tech told me I was having 90% a girl. She pointed to where the "penis" should or would be if it was a boy. She then pointed to the labia and lines in which she said she thought girl. I have thought all along it was a girl and this is my first child. I was so excited to have a girl I did go out and buy things however I'm saving all receipts. I am now 24 weeks and I'm not sure when I will get another u.s I hope soon because I would like some more confirmation.Anyone have a similar experience????


Answer by brandon
Submitted on 4/26/2006
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My wife and I were told we were having a girl at our 16 week appt.  At the 20 just the other day the tech. said she couldnt tell for sure.  I am in my 2nd year of med school and I believe I saw a pair of genitals.  


Answer by Faith
Submitted on 5/7/2006
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No one here can tell you for sure!


Answer by js
Submitted on 5/15/2006
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This is my third pregnancy with lots of complication...previous children where correct according to the scaning (girl&boy)...for this preg..on 14 weeks they told me it's a boy and on 19 weeks i did an U/SOUND in another hospital they are also saying the same boy only.I believe ur one will be a boy....b'cuz when child grows it's i feel it is difficulty to see according to it's position.


Answer by Nervous
Submitted on 5/15/2006
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I have 2 boys and am pregnant with a third baby. I really would like a baby girl to complete our family.  This is our last baby.  The baby has had high heartbeats and I was really feeling that it was a baby girl.   I had a transnuchal u/s at 12 weeks and that perinatologist told me 60/40 girl.  He said I don't see anything between the legs, but that doesn't mean anything.  I know those odds are small, but I was excited.  Last week at 14 weeks 3 days I had an u/s at my doctor's office.  They are in the same office and have the same type of machines.  My doctor and the nurse both were like,"I see something suspect"  then they said i think boy.  I didn't see a penis or anything other than 2 lines.  They said they see some swelling between the legs, but not for sure.  They said 70/30 boy.  I know those odds are still bad, but I hate to say I am dissappointed.  I asked if he saw testicles and he said NO.  I really wanted this to be a girl this time.  Can swelling ever be a girl?  Like I said I saw two lines.  I go back tomorrow and I am hoping that it is clearer and that it is a girl.


Answer by Chrissy
Submitted on 5/16/2006
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It is really hard to tell. I have had friends that were told one sex and had the other. I was told with my 2 girls and boy what they were and they were right. I always watch when they bring up the screen that says gonads, and watch what they type in. XX=girl and XY=boy. Also the 3 lines sign is a good indicator that it is a girl. There are a few sites that have pictures of baby gender with ultrasound, one that even allows for you to take a quiz at guessing. This will help in preparation for the next ultrasound when you ask to see the gonads. The penis and the clitoris in fetuses looks alot like the same from the different angles!!! Hope this helps!


Answer by Katy
Submitted on 5/17/2006
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Well all I could say is you should get a 4-D ultrasound done just to be sure.You don't need a doctors permission for the 4-D.But you should wait till 28 weeks.


Answer by felice
Submitted on 5/20/2006
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i think it is a girl, im on my 4th kid and i have 3 boys also and i was told that i was having a girl also, but with my 2nd child they said that he was a girl and it turned out that it was a boy, i really dont think they be knowing.


Answer by Courtney
Submitted on 5/23/2006
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I had and ultrasound at 21 weeks and my baby was nose down with the legs crossed and tucked into the stomach and the US tech said girl but I don't know how she could tell!?! I don't know what to believe. If i go by the heartbeat method it would be a girl but how accurate is that?


Answer by dpk
Submitted on 5/31/2006
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Answer by stacy
Submitted on 6/9/2006
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i was told at three separate ultrasounds that my son was a girl and after painting the room pink and buying frilly bedding and cute girly outfits she came out with "he" parts so who knows im not convinced! LOL


Answer by ileana
Submitted on 6/11/2006
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well guys........ i've heard of people being told what they were having boys and winded up with girls but 3 different times i was told i was having a girl and out popped a boy.  There was only 1 nurse that actually told my mother that she was almost positive that it was a boy and my mother didn't tell me this until after my son was born. This time i was told a girl again and i'm a little skepticle. To be honest with you as long as its healthy noone should really care what it is.  


Answer by stace
Submitted on 6/13/2006
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i was told by a fetal diagnostic center at fourteen weeks, twenty weeks and thirty that it was a girl but she had a surpise between her legs for us and she was a "he". after decorating and bringing a little pink outfit we had some back tracking to do so i don't put too much into the sonograms accuracy anymore!


Answer by Cathrine
Submitted on 6/15/2006
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i don't know what it is my dear the the reason why i wont even bother asking what i am having


Answer by iluvmyson
Submitted on 6/15/2006
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i didnt tell anyone that i was pregnant for 7 1/2 months. we went in and had an ultra sound and i made the tech show me where the penis was and he showed me. Make the tech show you where the penis is if it is a boy. dont assume anything. and for a fair warning buy green and yellow. its less of a hassle to get clothes. if you want to know so you can pick a color.....then your tech better be a damn good one or you'll never know i was lucky my tech was a good one and I knew even at 7 1/2 months.


Answer by CAZ
Submitted on 6/17/2006
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Answer by melanie103103
Submitted on 6/17/2006
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I to had an ultrasound at 20 weeks and the darn nurse that was doing it didn't even ask if my husband and I wanted to know the sex of the baby. We were hopeing for a boy yet now that she told us that it looks like a girl we are a little depressed. it took all the surpirse out of waiting and hopeing. I will still love this baby the same way no matter what I just wish that lady wouldn't have said a darn thing about the sex of the baby


Answer by misty
Submitted on 6/20/2006
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I would say it's probably a boy. I've had 2 boy's and the tech was right with both. I am also 25 weeks pregnant and they told me it was a girl twice. You really are not for sure until the baby is out. Good luck!


Answer by taniya
Submitted on 6/22/2006
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It's weird that everyone's Dr. told them they were 85% sure. My US was done last week @ 16 wks and the radiologist told me it was 98%. But the picture of the penis just seems so BIG to me I feel hesitant. I really wish I could show it to someone else and get confirmation. Is an unborn baby's penis normally proportioned to it's body, such as an adult's??? Shouldn't it be teeny tiny? I mean I see 2 balls, which I'm guessing are the testicles. Is that what it should look like? Or could it just be the umbilical cord balled up? As far as getting the view between legs, mine is a side view.


Answer by rick
Submitted on 6/23/2006
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I think it's a donkey


Answer by Tish
Submitted on 6/26/2006
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just had my anomaly scan at 21 weeks and could clearly see my baby is a boy!  the cord was no where in the vicinity of the genitals, therefore we are 100% sure of the accuracy of the scan.  The technicians were absolutely brilliant and showed and explained the scan to us from all different angles.  We could see the scrotum and penis without a doubt - a bouncing baby boy!  My advice, if not having another US would be to forget you were told anything and just wait for your little surprise to arrive.  At least that way you won't have decorated and bought all the wrong colours!!!


Answer by Get what you get
Submitted on 6/26/2006
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Just be glad you get a healthy baby - There is too much put on what sex the baby is these days.  People are so selfish !!


Answer by Nervous
Submitted on 6/29/2006
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I am 25wks pregnant and when I was 18 1/2 wks they told me probably boy?? what does that mean? but who knows guess I will have to wait! Does anyone know how you carry when ur having a boy or girl???


Answer by Leslie
Submitted on 7/5/2006
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Whoa...thats crazy how wrong they are huh? With my first child, i found out at 16 weeks from conception that i was having a boy...the baby im pregnant with now, i had two ultrasounds and both times, they were not able to determine what i was having. It made me and my boyfriend very upset. I will be meeting the doctor thats going to deliever the baby at the end of the month so maybe she will order me an Ultrasound but im not going to count on it lol. Tho i think and hope its a girl, i also think its exciting not knowing...the only thing i really hate about not knowing is not being able to shop. good luck to y'all.


Answer by Sara
Submitted on 7/6/2006
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I have 32 weeks and I will like to know if is normal to have contract


Answer by Kimberly
Submitted on 7/10/2006
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There so many factors in determining the sex of a baby by ultrasound accurately.  1st of all you need to be about 85-90% sure of the conception date.  There reason for this is because ALL baby's start out with what is call the "indifferent penis".  And if your ultrasound is too early than it may be mistaken for a totally developed penis.  2nd little girls labia and clitoris can be very swollen and also look like a penis.  And last the only way to be 100% sure about the sex is to have an amniocentesis.  The long needle has it's risks and is very uncomfortable.  I hate to you give the bad news but that is the ONLY 100% sure way!!  


Answer by preggy sue
Submitted on 7/11/2006
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It's all very confusing.  For my first son I was told it was a boy at 22 weeks and again at 39 weeks and they were right.  My second son I didn't find out.  I am pregnant for my 3rd Child, which I was told is a girl, and now I kinda wish I didn't find out.  I'd rather not have any expectations and be suprised than expect one sex and then have another.  I am very excited about having a girl but would not be upset if its another boy.  I love being a mother of sons and am glad I am blessed to be able to have children.  My biggest concern is how every one will react if it is a boy I am afraid everyone around me will be disappointed but there isn't much I can do about it.  If I could go back in time I would not find out.  If anyone reading this is wanting to find out and hasn't yet had the ultrasound I would really consider waiting.  It is a lot of fun and you could just enjoy your pregnancy and not worry about accuracy of an ultrasound.  To all the girls who are confused I am sorry that you have to go through that and unfortunatly I am in the same boat.  Praise God we have babies on the way and most of all that they will be healthy.


Answer by blondie
Submitted on 7/13/2006
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I am 17 weeks and 3 days pregnant and this is my 4th child,I am 31. My first child was a surprise as i didn't't't know i was having a girl and my second child was also a surprise as i didn't know it was also a girl. My 3rd child i found out that it was a boy and i must say,its like opening your present early,its not that you don't want your present any less its just the what is it going to be factor is taken away and it feels as if you have opened your present before your birthday! Id say don't find out what it is,wait for your partner or doctor to tell you its so much more exiting and it also gives you something to think about when going through contractions. After a long labor i decided to have a c-section and I'm wondering if i would have still opted for the easy way out if i didn't't't know what the sex was,but i was thinking well i already know its a little boy so just get it out of me,but I'm not sure as he was 10 half pounds and maybe a bit to big to push out hahahahaha.This time around i don't care what i have boy or girl but i am so exited to have my little baby back,something u don't realize until other children have grown up. I have alot more understanding now and I'm very set on making sure i breastfeed for as long as i can,with my last children i wanted to give it up so i could go and party but now i find it more peaceful and pleasurable to spend time with my lovely children. Have i told you yet how exited i am! Well i'mso exited! Take care mum's and good luck! Your wonderful for bringing these lovely little babies into the world i am so proud of you! They deserve a life just like your mum and dad gave u one.I don't believe in abortions there's always a solution. Ok have i told you yet how exited i am about having this baby! I'm exited! hahahaha byexxxxxxxx


Answer by Girl
Submitted on 7/16/2006
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It's a girl.


Answer by BB
Submitted on 7/17/2006
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For it to be a girl beyond a doubt the tech has to see three lines in the genital area and no penis.  So if the tech just couldn't find the penis, that doesn't mean it is not a boy.  I wouldn't run out and buy pink just yet.  Your doctor might do another US just to make sure you are not breech the closer you get to delivery.


Answer by kel
Submitted on 7/18/2006
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At 17 weeks i went in for a us to find out what i was having and the doctor told me that there was nothing there what does this mean? I really am anxious to know


Answer by crystal
Submitted on 7/20/2006
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I think it's up to god.  My son was supposed to be a girl until a month before my due date.  I am currently 20 weeks and was told 2 days ago that there wasn't anything between my babies legs so it's probably a girl.  Only God knows for sure.


Answer by akhfirepixie
Submitted on 7/20/2006
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My midwife told me that it is actually more common to mistake a girl for a boy than  boy for a girl. However, they would have a better idea at 19 weeks than 16. But either way I hope your baby is healthy and happy, and best of wishes to you and your new joy.


Answer by MOM HILL
Submitted on 7/21/2006
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I am almost 20 weeks pregnant and have a 2 yr old son. My husband has 2 boys from a previous marriage so I was kind of hoping for a girl this time to balance things out a little. To be honest when I went in to my ultrasound two days ago I thought I was having a boy. However, my ultrasound tech was very professional and had been doing this for a while, Thankfully my baby was lying still and relaxing and we got a good look at the very female parts of our daughter. My ultrasound tech showed me how she was certain it was a girl, there usually are about three lines that define the labia, and will always mean that is a girl. My son's ultrasound showed a definate swelling that located where the penis was. The difference to me, was, quite plain as day. If you have any questions just ask your tech what her reasonings are behind believing your baby is a boy or girl. Good Luck!


Answer by mom of 2 perfect boys
Submitted on 7/26/2006
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I too know what it feels like to be unsure. I had a sonogram at 16 weeks i was told that he did not see any male parts but it was still early and would not say for sure..then another sonogram at almost 20 weeks and was told it was a girl for sure..the picture sure shows girl parts..I was so excited..finally my girl!!! I went out on a shopping frenzy!!!last friday i went for my 4D sonogram at 24 weeks and was told it was a boy!!!talk about a surprise!!! Now I have no idea what to think..how does a penis go missing that long..with my two boys i found out at 12 weeks and the other at 15 weeks!!! So what should i beleive?


Answer by mommytoobee
Submitted on 7/26/2006
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This is my first pregnancy and I was told Im having a girl. My step mother is a nurse practicioner and there  really is no accurate way of telling the gender of a fetus for sure. Sorry Ladies...Although most os tell the heart rate of a baby over 140 usually is a girl under is a boy and its always worked when she was a mid wife.


Answer by Miranda
Submitted on 7/28/2006
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I would say its a boy. I know its frustrating ! In no time you'll know for yourself!!!


Answer by laura
Submitted on 7/31/2006
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I'm not sure either i had scan at 21 weeks at first she could not tell but at the end she said its probably a girl and said shes a little acrobat wot do you recks I've started buying pink have i done wrong to


Answer by nikki
Submitted on 8/1/2006
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I am 37 weeks pregnant. This is my third Pregnancy, i had 2 boys and according to ultrasound this one is a boy too. But everyone says me that i am carrying like a girl and the heartbeat is also above 150.I m confused. I really want this baby to be a girl. I don't know how accurte is the ultrasound.


Answer by almac
Submitted on 8/12/2006
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I'd go with the latest u/s. Like someone else had mentioned u/s are MUCH more accurate later in pregnancy because the genitals are more developed. 24-28 weeks is what I believe to be best. There is lots of room to move around and they are much more developed.

I went for my 20week u/s and they wouldn't tell me the sex (they're not allowed..) however I knew what to look for. I thought it was a boy because I saw a big white patch between the legs. I had another u/s done two days ago @ 25weeks 5days due to some spotting and it was pretty much confirmed it was a girl. The doc searched and searched for a penis.. no go. We had a view of her bum and low and behold in between those two little legs were 3 white lines.


Answer by claire
Submitted on 8/22/2006
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I think so ultrasound technicians are better than others, I am 18 weeks and was hoping to find out the sex of the baby, but was dissapointed to find out the ultrasound tech didnt know what she was doing and coulndt even make a guess. My baby looked healthy and after all maybe somethings are better left unknown!!!!


Answer by holly
Submitted on 8/24/2006
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ive had about 6 ultrasounds and never was told exactly that it was a girl. 4 different techs say they dont see a penis it must be a girl...now after reading all these im nervous because we just painted the room pink and purple and have tons of girl clothes..at my 1st sonogram to view the sex i think i was about 18-19 weeks and the tech saw 3 lines..she says thats what they see when its a girl..any one else thats had a girl can tell me??


Answer by Tami
Submitted on 8/24/2006
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I had an US done at 19 weeks and they said it was a girl, I'm 28 weeks now and hope to have another one soon to confirm this.  According to the old wives tales everything fits with us having a girl, I felt it well before the US determined it.  They told me they were 95% sure it is to be a girl.  However a friend had work was told they were having a boy and when SHE came out they found out differently.


Answer by mich
Submitted on 8/28/2006
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Im havin a boy Im havin a boy Im havin a boy!!!!


Answer by Valerie
Submitted on 9/2/2006
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I had an ultrasound at 16 weeks and they told me I was having a boy, but on my other ultrasound at 25 weeks they told me for sure it was a girl. They even got a really good picture of her "Stuff" So I'd say An experianced tech would know. Just hang in there, And I would also consider the 4d ultrasound as well if you are really wanting to know for sure before the baby comes =)


Answer by susie
Submitted on 9/4/2006
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my friend was told at her first u/s that she was having a boy, and at her second the doctor was in a rush and said it was a girl. she flipped out - but it was a boy in the end. at my first u/s i was the u/s tech as 80% sure it was a girl, which left us wondering what to do! she told us, "buy pink, and save your receipts" - that's exactly what we did. that u/s was at 19 weeks. my second was around 34 weeks. she said again, "i don't see anything, i think it's a girl". but it was just a "lack of boy parts" that led us all to that conclusion. our beautiful baby girl came just as planned. buy everything in a color, save receipts. and repaint the room before he realizes what color it is. i have a friend who was expecting a boy, blue frost paint all over the nursery, and a little girl showed up on the scene. save the receipts. :)


Answer by MichieMe
Submitted on 9/6/2006
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U/S are very confusing. Most times when a tech. says its a boy it is but if the tech. says girl thats where you should keep the reciepts. I have had four children and on my fifth and I've been told once the wrong gender. I was told I was 85% having a girl and it was a boy who was very well endowed at birth. My first pregnancy they didnt tell me but the other 2 births I knew it was a boy. On this pregnancy I was hoping to have another girl cuz my daughter feels she has enough brothers but @ 20weeks 5days u/s I was told it was definitely a boy and I saw the penis and the 2 circles to indicate the tech. was right. I just pray that no matter what this little bundle of joy is, that it's healthy! and if it is another boy I will try one more time for a girl.
Good luck with the birth of your baby and you won't care either when you see your baby in your arms. You will love him/her no matter what!


Answer by anne
Submitted on 9/11/2006
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hi i went to the doctor at 16 weeks and at first could not get a good view because the baby was upside down, then they saw a 2 dots, then at 19 weeks they saw 2 dots again. does that mean i am having a girl??? thanks


Answer by newscottbaby
Submitted on 9/11/2006
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I would like to know from the responses what were the results was it accurate for instance Tiffany did you have a girl?


Answer by KAYLA
Submitted on 9/12/2006
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Answer by Corrin
Submitted on 9/16/2006
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It's funny how everyone talks about the absence of the penis determining it's a girl, I thought they determined the sex from a bottom view as if you're sitting on a chair, therefore looking for the labia or the balls?


Answer by JJJ
Submitted on 9/17/2006
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Hiya, Im now 25 weeks pregnant and im 17. I went for the ultrasound scan bout 3 weeks ago, it was Definitely a boy, if they can get a view of between the legs u can see for definite all the little bits and no doubt mine is a boy because of that!


Answer by natasha
Submitted on 9/25/2006
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i am now 24 weeks pregnant with my 1st and ive been told im having a beautiful boy but when i had my ultra sound they said they get 2 out of every 100 wrong when determining the sex of an unborn baby, sometimes they can mistake the cord for genitals so i think you will have a girl but buy white and creams just in case or try the wedding ring trick it works every time if it goes round its a girl it certanly told me i had a boy aswell as my ultrasound so im certain.


Answer by sarah
Submitted on 9/25/2006
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i was told at 20 weeks it could be a girl although the legs were together. Than  a week later i had another scan and she said it was a boy. which one is likely to be most accurate


Answer by Lisha
Submitted on 9/25/2006
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I would say a girl more accurate when you are a bit farther along


Answer by R
Submitted on 9/28/2006
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You never know until it happens - i had the ring thing done in my 1st job over 10 years ago it said i would have a girl & a boy- Well i have had a girl(& everyone was convinced it was a boy ) i kept maintaining that it was a girl cos of the ring test. I am now Pregnant again i have a ultrasound & it said Girl - but i can't help but feel its a boy cos the ring test had 100% accuracy & why would it be wrong 4 me?


Answer by Crystal
Submitted on 10/3/2006
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I wouldn't know what to think... because this is my first time and i'm25wks now and when i was about 20 wks i was told i was having a boy... but the technician didnt let me see, well he couldnt really see to be honest for the baby was moving so much. i'mnot sure what to think... oh well in the end you will love the child no matter what sex it is.


Answer by Gail - GConwayFL@aol.com
Submitted on 10/7/2006
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I had (3) sonograms done. One at 5 weeks to confirm pregnancy another at 16 weeks and another at 21 weeks. None of which could tell me the gender. Insurance companies do not want to opt for un-necessary sonograms for expectant mother seeking the gender of baby.

At 24 weeks I could no longer hold out since being told I would have to wait until 30 weeks. So I decided to have the 3d/4d sonogram done. It was $200.00 in Aventura , FL done by a professional who identified I was having a boy and it was on video tape and on printed pictures. Sometimes they assume they see somoething however when it is taped and labeled it tends to be easier to confirm. I am having a boy and saw all the parts needed up close and personal with a 100% guarantee. No mistakes here.

But I understand your frustration. Check with your doctors office to check on his take of the 3d/4d sonograms. They allow many people in the room including small children and after hour appointment are often avialable. I learned the sex of my baby with the lights out, smooth radio playing in candlelight. It was an amzing experience.


Answer by Nikki- AZ
Submitted on 10/11/2006
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I am 21 weeks now and had an ultrasound done at 19 weeks. The tech said she was pretty sure it was a girl since there was no penis but to make sure at a later ultrasound. I am confused now, especially reading all of the above comments. I already have a little girl and all of her ultrasound tech'swere sure. I guess I will just have to wait and see.


Answer by Sonya
Submitted on 10/12/2006
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Hi, I have 3 boys with having a c-section with them and now I am pregnant with my 4th child at 31 weeks. And I have had 6 ultrasounds so far starting with some really early. But at 20 weeks I had one and was told that it was a girl which was very nice because that's what I wanted. And at 29 weeks I had another one and was told a girl too. But sometimes I still think that they could be wrong but my husbands say's it's a girl and stop being negative. So I hope that's it's a girl or I'm jacked because I bought lots of girlie things. So good luck to you.


Answer by KiKi
Submitted on 10/20/2006
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I know how you feel... Ive had only two US and the first one the woman said she didn't see a pee pee but didn't come out and say its a girl either. Then I went for a 3d US and they said its a girl.I just went for a 32 week US and they once again said girl but her parts look like testicals but no pee pee is there....very confusing. But good luck with the rest of your pregnancy and just keep in mind healthy baby is all that matters.


Answer by callie
Submitted on 10/30/2006
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My suggestion is to go get a 3d/4d ultrasound done. You'll be amazed how clear the picture actually is. I just recently went, and asked if I could see between the legs in the 3d mode. And yepp.. as clear as day, it was like looking at a real picture of a newborn baby. I have no doubt what so ever now that we're having a little girl. Good Luck!


Answer by manjot
Submitted on 10/31/2006
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I am 19 week pregnant and i been for US and was told baby is uncooperative but seems girl but not sure..!!!! so was even more confusing what to think is s a boy or girl???


Answer by Carol
Submitted on 10/31/2006
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I think its sad you hung up on which sex you have, either a boy or girl! I am 18 weeks pregnant and just pray for a healthy baby, be it a boy or a girl.  To me, the health of the little one is all the matters,not which sex they are!


Answer by santhra
Submitted on 11/7/2006
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i have don my us on 19 week they told me that i have a girl. but my baby legs were not clearly open to see that is it right or wrong


Answer by Michelle
Submitted on 11/25/2006
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I had a ultrasound done at 20 weeks and my doctor told me it was a boy. I asked could i have another one to be sure before i give my babyshower but he said no. I'm now 32 weeks pregnant and i hope the doctor's predictions are right.


Answer by Gigi
Submitted on 11/26/2006
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I had a 3D ultrasound with my first.  The cost was around $100.  The appointment was a whole hour long and we got a dvd and still images of the session.  If you are really eager to confirm the sex, this may be a good route to go.


Answer by ADA
Submitted on 11/27/2006
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Answer by vianela
Submitted on 12/7/2006
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I was told at 19 week that 90% percent is going to be a boy the doc also give me a pic and it looks like a pennis so in 3 more weeks im having another u/s but im sure is a boy


Answer by Leah
Submitted on 12/15/2006
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I was not told at my first u/s  I was having my son. It was obvious at 12 weeks it was a boy. I just saw it sticking right out. I went for an ultrasound this time and I saw nothing stick out but I was told "sorry know you wanted a girl, but It's a Boy." I saw an article that stated if the genitalia is pointed up-Boy for sure. If the genitalia is pointing down then-Girl. Mine was pointing down but I was told boy. I was sure this was  a girl. We'll find out in April when I'm due.


Answer by pregomama
Submitted on 12/18/2006
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I had had three kids, one boy and two girls, all of my ultrasound shave been accurate. I am prego with fourth and awaitng my ultrasound in 8 days... hoping for a boy but whatever as long as i get a healthy one! good luck and i was always told that u/s are not always right. They have been for me, but I am still skeptical!


Answer by jodie
Submitted on 12/30/2006
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I can totally sympathise with mothers who are unsure of their babies gender! I was told at my 20 week scan that I'm having a boy. I'm not convinced because the baby was wriggling around so much. I already have two boys so maybe I'm finding it hard to accept it's another boy but I really do have a strong feeling that they may be wrong!I've had severe morning sickness this time and everyone sais I look different. I'm so confused.Any thoughts???


Answer by ris
Submitted on 1/3/2007
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I am 16 weeks pregnant.  I had an US and the Physicians Assistant said that she thinks it is a boy.  My husband works in a hospital and had the ultrasound techs there to look at my ultrasound video.  They did not see anything indicating a boy and thought it was the umbilical cord!  The baby is breech and it is really hard to see.  The suspense is driving me crazy!


Answer by Ryann Nicole
Submitted on 1/4/2007
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I have an ultrasound photo from appx 14 weeks gestation and they said boy but the thing they are calling the penis looks way to big for a baby that small!!! So maybe its the cord?


Answer by Breezi
Submitted on 1/16/2007
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Answer by Connie
Submitted on 1/22/2007
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On my first pregnancy at 19 weeks they said boy and he was.  During this pregnancy at 14 weeks the tech (same one that told me on my 1st pregnancy was a boy) told me it was a girl.  At my regular ultrasound at 19 weeks she told me girl again.   With the new technology and the 3d/4d ultrasounds the likelihood of them making a mistake even at the early stages of pregnancy go down.   You can always pay for a 3d/4d ultrasounds at most places you can look online in your community to see if it is available.


Answer by Meredith
Submitted on 1/24/2007
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I'm curious as well! Last week i got my 20 weeks utlrasound and they said it's a boy, but i keep having dreams it's a girl and everyone has told me the way i am carrying & such that i am going to have a girl. oh well, guess we'll just wait & see!


Answer by CECE3
Submitted on 1/25/2007
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I would like to know if they told me it was a boy at 21 weeks, can it be a mistake. Is there still a chance I am having a girl.


Answer by Emily
Submitted on 1/29/2007
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I have had 3 girls, with each one they got it right that I was having a girl I didn't doubt for one minute they would get it wrong!!  Am 25 weeks now and have been told I'm having a boy they showed me all his bits and I'm convinced!!


Answer by Doubtful
Submitted on 2/2/2007
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I had an ultrasound at 19 weeks and they weren't sure but thought it was a girl and another at 23 weeks and was given a 85% chance of having a girl, but most people say I carry like a boy so I'm very confused.


Answer by khristalee
Submitted on 2/4/2007
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I think it's cheating to find out the sex of your unborn child.  Why do you want to know so badly anyway?  What if they tell you the wrong thing and you end up disappointed?  Does it really matter either way what you have as long as it's a healthy baby?  (Unless you've had 9 girls and want a boy etc. !)  It is the greatest thing in the world to hear for the first time "It's a boy!" or girl!"  


Answer by Tracy
Submitted on 2/8/2007
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if your hvaing a boy its more likley that you will get hairy during pregnancy.
Sounds weird but the boys hormones will cause the mother tobecome more hairy. Specially on her tummmy.
Always go by the second scan as its more accurate.

sorry i cant help more.

goood luck


Answer by trisha
Submitted on 2/19/2007
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i had ultrasound done at 14 week.doctor didnt tell me gender but she gave measurments of the feotus its femur length is 12mms and bpd is 28mms an dhead circumference is 103mms and abd circumference is 78mms.plz let me know the gender.


Answer by Anita
Submitted on 2/22/2007
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I would say request another ultrasound if your really want to know! I had the same exact problem we had 2 u/s and at 16 weeks were told a boy and at 20 were told a girl So we are so confused , THANK GOD we didnt do the nursery yet! Its confusing and sad that the techs/dr's can't tell u for sure, but we are now waiting and can't wait for the surprise ! Good Luck!


Answer by kiki due date 4/10/2007
Submitted on 2/23/2007
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The doctor told me at 30 weeks he didn't know what the baby was. The baby was turned completely around. My husband and I are hoping for a girl. We already have 2 boys. We didn't see a penis so we are keeping our finger crossed


Answer by Bassent
Submitted on 2/26/2007
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Well when i was pregnant with my first child i was told it was a boy at 20 weeks. Then i had another one at 34 and they couldn't tell because the legs were closed. I gave birth to a baby girl. Now I'm pregnant with my second child and i went for an us at 17 weeks and she couldn't even take a picture of the baby because of how active it was. Then at the end she said it could be a girl but she wasn't 100% sure.. u think I'm having a girl?


Answer by Anna
Submitted on 3/2/2007
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Better a surprise than dissapointment!


Answer by mommy of four
Submitted on 3/6/2007
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im right there with you lady's. im 18 weeks i had my first u/s at 10 and a half weeks my dr said its a girl... i have 4 boys now and was excited. went yesterday for u/s its a boy. should i still be hopeful its a girl?


Answer by shireece
Submitted on 3/16/2007
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Id say its a boy!!!


Answer by kamu
Submitted on 4/1/2007
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hi, it was my first baby i am so happy.my dr, performed 15 weeks 4 days level 2d ultrasound. she show only one view of area and then she told me it was girl.coz she show 2 pqrallel.i am so confusing, does sex is show clearly within 15 weeks 4 days??any one known abt it  help me, please....


Answer by Kisha
Submitted on 4/10/2007
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Well i had a ultrasound earlier in my pregnancy and i was told it was a boy also then i went to the doctors and they told me that it was a girl now. But she also couldn't see very good and she gave me a 80% that it is a girl because she didn't see a penis.  I mean is 80% good?


Answer by rasha
Submitted on 4/27/2007
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i have 4 kids and i am pregnant with the 5th. with my first child they told me i was having a 100% boy through the us and had girl, second they told me 85% girl and had a girl, 3rd they told me a 75% girl and had a girl and 4th they told me at 12 weeks i was having a boy and had a boy. with this one i had 3 tests that came out differently.
i had the early gender test and said 99% accurate a boy, then had an amnio and they say it's also 99% accurate but it told me a girl and at 20 weeks i had an us and the us tech told me it was a definite girl. i am now 23 weeks and i am also confused but i feel it's a girl maybe at my next us i will ask and see again and so should u.
try to go to another us or just wait for birth.


Answer by Carolynn
Submitted on 5/7/2007
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I know that there are a million ideas you could have on if it is a girl or a boy but if you REALLY REALLY REALLY want to know... I would suject perhaps going into a independent place for a 3D/4D ultrasound.. .not only will it be easier for them to see exactly what your baby is but you also will get to exsperiance an amazing view of your baby.  :)


Answer by Jody
Submitted on 5/28/2007
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I am 24 weeks pregnant with a little girl and I went to a clinic where you pay to get an ultrasound at 17 weeks and they told me it was a girl, and I have pictures of her parts, and at 20 weeks I went to the doctors for my 20 week ultrasound and did not tell them I knew what I was supposedly having, but The guy there said its a girl, for sure. I asked how many times he was wrong and he said in 26 years he has been wrong twice saying girl when it was a boy because the penis was not distended yet....But if it is a girl, there will be THREE white lines between the legs, these are the labia and clitoris, if it is a boy there is generally a little nub sticking out between the legs, even if the testicles have not dropped yet. If you were told boy, I would believe that because it is harder to mistakenly determine boy than girl. especially if you were told boy more than once!


Answer by Kelli
Submitted on 6/1/2007
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Hi, I am releived to hear that I am having the same US confusions as many of you. I thought that I was crazy to doubt the US tech. At 20 weeks she told me that I was expecting my 2nd boy. However, I did not see a boy! With my first son it was very obvious at 20 weeks, but this time I felt like it was a girl from the very beginning. I also think that the ultrasound looks more like a vagina than a penis. I am so confused and I haven't bought the first thing for a boy because my heart tells me that it is a girl. I am now 25 weeks and I am excited to get a 4D US done in a couple of weeks. I guess that I will know for sure then, but the wondering is killing me!


Answer by minmurp
Submitted on 6/3/2007
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hope everything went well with the birth


Answer by Elizabeth
Submitted on 6/7/2007
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I just had an u/s done on Friday June 1st, and they told me another boy.  This will be my third.  At first the tech was leaning towards girl but said to hold off until the baby moved a little more to open the legs.  then she thought boy but then realized it was a hand or umbilical cord between the leg.  Then at the end she said it was a boy.  When I looked at my pics they look nothing like my other boys.  In my other u/s pics of my boys u could see their scrotum and everything.  Now u just see something like the umbilical cord between the legs with a little thing on top sticking up.  But I am going to have a 3D/4D u/s done this Saturday.  I guess I will know what it is then and see if the tech got it right or it was indeed the umbilical cord.


Answer by Tesh
Submitted on 6/13/2007
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I went at 23 weeks and they told me its a boy and I will go now at 28 weeks and I am also scared to buy baby clothes just incase they are wrong. a friend of mine told me to buy lemon and white clothes so that even if its a girl/boy the clothes would fit.

About the nursery I'd advice momies to be to wait until the baby is born.


Answer by Mayo199116baby@aol.com
Submitted on 6/15/2007
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Ive had a couple of ultrasounds so far they tell me my baby will be a girl. The reason they say this is cause if u look on your ultrasounds the way that they tell if it is a boy or girl is that well a girl in the ultrasound ha two bones that are small but u can see they are at her private area they look like this /\ and thats a girl then a boy should have a little turtle shell looking thing on his private area u would know if it was a girl or not though instead of a boy if u saw those two bones ask your doctor about i i am 16 and u might think thats to young to know but I'm 5 months pregnant and i know everything from the Internet and my doctor answer all my questions heres my screen name that i used for my nickname if you or anyone else has anymore questions u can contact me thanks for reading my answer.


Answer by Amber
Submitted on 6/15/2007
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Where I live it against hospital policy to disclose the sex of the baby.  There is always a chance they could be wrong.  I went to school with a women who was told twice, concretely, she was having a boy.  She brought home her daughter to hockey themed nursery.  Happy and healthy is all you need.  It's one of life's few surprises.


Answer by brat
Submitted on 6/17/2007
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wow i did not want to have twins but once i found out that it is twins i kind of said that is fine and that i can handle it


Answer by pooh
Submitted on 6/21/2007
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im wondering the same thing , i am 32 wks pregnant and when i had my u/s the doctor told me a girl then said a boy , so i dont know what um having


Answer by umzeyad
Submitted on 6/26/2007
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im pregnent at 20wks gestation and i have been told it is aboy .this is my 4th pregnency and all my three babies are boys.all previous pregnencies i had been told they are boys from 16 weeks and all    the geusing was right. but this time i want ababy girl so im praying that they are wrong and i hope it will be ababy girl.


Answer by Alyn
Submitted on 7/4/2007
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This is one reason why we are not finding out. Nothing is 100% until the day that baby is born and you look between the legs!! I had a friend just give birth and she was told it was a boy.. turned out to be a girl. I also know someone else that her amnio told her it was a girl and it was a boy. Even those aren't 100%.

I suggest just waiting it out and not getting your heart and mind set that it is one gender and then it turn out to possibly be the opposite.


Answer by Thewus
Submitted on 7/12/2007
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Hi I know how you are feeling. I have two boys who I love dearly. I am now 21 weeks pregnant with my third and last child. When we went for our 14week scan we where told that it was definately a boy. I have just been for my 20week scan with the same person and she has now told me it is definately a girl! I am now really confused and dont know which scan to believe. When she told me it was a girl I questioned it and said are you sure it is not a boy and she rechecked and said that there was definately no boy parts and it is a girl!.


Answer by Wants A Healthy baby
Submitted on 7/17/2007
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It does not matter what you are having, as long as it is healthy


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