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I'm considering buying a Yamaha Motif 6 or ES 6 but must...

<< Back to: Motif FAQ (Part 1 of 9)

Question by Kelly Dunn
Submitted on 10/19/2003
Related FAQ: Motif FAQ (Part 1 of 9)
Rating: Rate this question: Vote
I'm considering buying a Yamaha Motif 6 or ES 6 but must know a couple of things 1st.
Considering the limitations of only 4 outputs (2 stereo pairs?), is it possible to
pan sounds hard R or L so you can have say, a different monaural (non-stereo) sound
coming out of each of the 4 separate outputs? If so are these mono sounds good
sounding or do they suffer from phase type problems?   Next............what are the
basic differences between the Motif and the Motif ES? Lastly........are monophonic
sounds possible, enabling you to play a single bass line  for instance without
re triggering the EGs when playing *legato*? OK, thanks in advance for your answers.


Answer by y0
Submitted on 3/16/2004
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
128 note poly is a big deal when using the seq. there are ALOT more voices and kits in the ES, yes you can pan and assign, and yes mono sounds are possible on that application on both models.


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