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who was the president during world war two and did he want...

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Question by Jessica
Submitted on 10/16/2003
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who was the president during world war two and did he want to go to war and if so why?

Answer by DrLou
Submitted on 11/25/2003
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There were 2 presidents during WWII. Franklin Delano Roosevelt and then Harry Truman. Mr. Roosevelt did not want to go to war, but he did want to support our British friends, who were already at war. When the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, he felt he didn't have a choice. When Roosevelt died, Mr. Truman took over and did everything he could to end the war. Truman also ordered the use of the first atomic bomb, which some credit as a factor in ending the war.


Answer by apple
Submitted on 11/29/2003
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yes i agree with James he is right


Answer by Jen
Submitted on 1/14/2004
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I'm studying World War II in school right now and about President Roosevelt. I think that Drlou is exactly right about the question Jessica asked. But Roosevelt also went with the countries mood about the war. That is another reason why we ended up fighting in the war.


Answer by 11pd
Submitted on 1/31/2004
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numbe the stars tells you and james is right


Answer by Crystal
Submitted on 2/9/2004
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When the Japanese began to threaten Southeast Asia, Roosevelt froze Japanese assets in the U.S. banks, resulting in a cutoff of Japanese oil supplies.  This would be considered an act of war by Japan, and as such Japanese retaliation was expected by Roosevelt and fellow schemers. As the Japanese fleet approached Pearl Harbor, intelligence services in Britain and the U.S. knew of the approach.  Churchill notified his Pacific commanders that the Japanese were heading for Pearl Harbor. Roosevelt, on the other hand, did not notify his commanders. Instead, he sent the most strategic ships (the aircraft carriers) out to sea where they would be safe, and instructed key observation outposts on the island of Kauai to stand down.  It was over Kauai that the Japanese made their approach to Pearl Harbor.


Answer by Becker
Submitted on 2/9/2004
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it is not President Roosevelt lead us to war. we lost a ton of men in the attack on pearl harbor that is including women and men. all of our best ships were sunk also. were we just supposed to sit there in awe? we should have been on full alert though when we found out that the Japanese carriers were missing. anyways they deceived us. they said they wanted to stay at peace with America. and then they go bomb pearl harbor. we lost 8 ships including the Arizona which carried at least 7000 men. Admiral Isoroku Yamaoto (the leader of the attack) brought us into this war. the only way we could win with out having to lose the lives of many more were dropping the atom bombs in japan. i don't feel sorry for the Japanese who died from it. if we would not have done it. where would we be today? the dropping of the atom bombs surrendered the country of japan. if we would not have done it there would be a possibility of you or me being alive right now as i type this. i have to do a 7 page report on this so please tell me if any of my info is incorrect or what do you think about this?


Answer by Paige
Submitted on 2/19/2004
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who was the president in the Korean War???


Answer by ass
Submitted on 2/25/2004
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Answer by jesi
Submitted on 2/27/2004
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Actually I have a question. If the japanes would have not attack Pearl harbor would the U.S have enter the war? why?


Answer by Runner816
Submitted on 3/3/2004
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an answer to jesi... If japan had not bombed Pearl Harbor we would not have joined the war immediateley, but because of president Truman we most likely would have joined the war anyway.


Answer by Laura
Submitted on 3/7/2004
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In response to Crystal's answer Roosevelt did not receive the message about Pearl Harbor until after the event had already occurred.  You see the normal translator was not present to receive the message from the Japanese.  There were many warning signs, however, that did go unnoticed; radar scans noticed a group of planes approaching and they were told they were only seeing birds, also a U.S. boat spotted the planes and their warnings too went unanswered.  In Roosevelt's Inaugural speech he promised that America would not enter the war, however, with the bombing of Pearl Harbor, the Nazi threat, and the Japanese threat he could no longer remain "neutral."  Harry S. Trueman received the presidency when Roosevelt died and the country was already in the war.  Trueman was left to deal with the Germans, the Japanese, and the Russians becoming greedy over land.  Trueman decided to use the atomic bombs on Japan ultimately ending the war.


Answer by jr
Submitted on 3/10/2004
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that's rite


Answer by BABES
Submitted on 3/15/2004
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Answer by Cricket
Submitted on 3/22/2004
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Why did Pearl Harbor Happen in the first place?


Answer by CptDavid
Submitted on 3/25/2004
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It's amazing how the politically correct have affected peoples perception of World War 2.  Painting a false picture of how the US is at fault for World War 2 is completely false.  Additionally, the dropping of two atomic bombs, thus ending the war, saved lives.  This is not speculation it is fact.  The Japanese were not even close to surrendering.  It would have cost the US and Japan hundreds of thousands of more lives to invade the Japanese mainland.

History revision is dangerous. It would be nice if the left in this country would stop this nonsense.


Answer by ben
Submitted on 3/26/2004
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The dropping of the Atomic bombs was not necessary. The U.S. carpet bombed and completely annihilated over fifty Japanese cities before the dropping of the Atomic Bombs. The Japanese didn't surrender b/c they wanted to still have an emperor. After the US dropped the bombs, they still wouldn't surrender unless they could keep their emperor.The United States changed their conditions of surrender. The Japanese would have surrendered earlier if we had offered the deal earlier where they could keep their emperor.


Answer by Steve
Submitted on 3/28/2004
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Ben has the right idea, but didn't quite explain the part of the Japanese emperor really specifically.  To understand that part, soldiers learned a strict moral code that dates back to the samurai age.  They would give their lives for the emperor, to protect him at all costs.  The US wasn't interested in removing the emperor.  The Emperor was actually a lead figure much like the British Royal Family, but no real power.  The real power was held by the militants led by Hideki Tojo.  To force him to surrender, the US displayed their overwhelming power with the atomic bombs.  The Emperor then told his advisors to force surrender and removed Tojo from any power.

Another reason why the US dropped the atomic bombs was to show off to the Soviet Union, where US and USSR tensions were already growing.  Truman wanted to scare the Soviets and obtain superiority (of course, the Soviets caught up, and soon after lead the two superpowers into the Cold War).

Pearl Harbor happened in the first place because the Japanese believed that they could control a PACIFIC EMPIRE... only if the US was prevented from taking action against them.  They planned for months on a surprise attack, that succeeded stunningly.  Most ships sustained damage, and some, like the well known footage of the Arizona, were sunk.  However, the Japanese miscalculated the effect of this attack on the American public.  Instead of fearing the Japanese, the Americans were enraged, and FDR asked for war, which Congress nearly unanimously approved.  During the next few years, the US's industrial prowess enabled them to build a large and strong navy to defeat the Japanese.

Truman came near the end of the war, and did not contribute quite as much as FDR, who died in the Spring of 1945.  It was Truman that helped end the war, and authorized the use of the Atomic bombs.


Answer by Boost
Submitted on 3/31/2004
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Sorry but this is all wrong. Roosevelt wanted in the war so badly he could taste it( for what reason i haven't the slitest) Im not studying presidents but i don't know what he was thinking. Japan only did what they thought they had to. I am sorry for all those in japan wh died as well as here.


Answer by Gothboy
Submitted on 4/5/2004
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if anyone has any q's about nukes or some such thing i'm rite here


Answer by Lindsay
Submitted on 4/6/2004
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i agree w/ Boost.  Roosevelt wanted in the war because Japan and Germany were formal military allies.  entering war via a Japanese attack would give Roosevelt an excuse to enter into WWII but to destroy Hitler'sNazi forces


Answer by carlitos
Submitted on 4/13/2004
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You guys SUCK


Answer by Caleb
Submitted on 4/15/2004
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I agree with everything that everybody has said.


Answer by KTfromNC
Submitted on 4/17/2004
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I think that the U.S did what was needed to be done I mean we were mutilated at pearl harbor and the japs were given plenty of time to get the innocent people out that had nothing to do with the bombing of pearl harbor out, but they didnt and that would have to cost them, and it did, both phisically and emotionally, they were not only thousands of people short of fighting a war but they also were just completly beat down, their pride and honor was lost somewhere in the rubble of the former towns of hiroshima and nagasaki.


Answer by Nicole
Submitted on 4/25/2004
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If anyone knows anything about the government during World War II, please let me know. I have a report and i can not find anyhting on the internet.


Answer by mikie
Submitted on 4/26/2004
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if any one knows anything about how the economy changed after world war two help me out


Answer by Nicole
Submitted on 5/2/2004
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*****for BECKER*****

did u ever find any info for ur 7 page paper?!?! lemme know!!!  

AOl sn: n1c0leh0pe<- - -i am ALWAYS on


Answer by PiMpCeNtRaL21
Submitted on 5/4/2004
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Hey all! NICOLE...how old r u? Talk to me on AIM tonight.

AOL sn:PiMpCeNtRaL21


Answer by Realmz
Submitted on 5/4/2004
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Roosevelt wanted to help in the war effort to stop the facist powers but, he didn't actually want to go into a full out war (he promised he wouldn't) so he actually brkoe his own laws (neutrallity act) in his lend lease policy with the british and allied powers. After the bombing of pearl harbor, FDR knew that no if he did go to war, the american people wouldn't hate him for it, as that pretty much all of america was outraged at the attack.

As for the atomic bombs being dropped on hiroshima and nagasaki, the US wanted the japanese to surrender first then they'd talk about what would happen, this was the us policy, unconditional surrender. It was estimated that an invasion of japan would lead to casualties in the serveral millions, the deaths from the two bombs would be a fraction of this. Truman hoped that it would convince someone in the japanese militant government to surrender, as well as show the soviets that the us had weapons like this (i think it was from the movie hiroshima "if we drop one, then it's all we have. If we drop two, then we'll have millions" i like that movie)


Answer by chris
Submitted on 5/10/2004
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WWII was crap


Answer by Jessi
Submitted on 5/10/2004
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Was there a president back in WWII?


Answer by jessie
Submitted on 5/12/2004
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did truman want to destroy the soviet union? if not, what did he want to do to it?


Answer by idontknowwhatthisshouldbe
Submitted on 5/17/2004
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who did roosevelt beat in the 1932 election? was it hoover


Answer by becker
Submitted on 6/7/2004
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for jessi,
yes there was a prez in WWII. it was Roosevelt


Answer by kevin
Submitted on 9/12/2004
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roosevelt was uneasy about going to war with japan,by going to war with japan it is most likely unavoidable not to go to war with germany as well. knowing this roosevelt knew that going to war would cost thousands of american lives and that the cost of war would take a major toll on america. american'sattitude was to go to war before hitler marched down our streets. this also played a factor in roosevelt'sdecision,but after pearl harbor whether you wanted to or not war was unavoidable,and to dr.lou,going to war to help our brittish friends would have to result in war with germany because that is who britian was fighting


Answer by Lor
Submitted on 10/20/2004
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What presidents served in WWII... and do you have sites 2 visit?


Answer by BOB
Submitted on 10/21/2004
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I AM SCARED OF THIS WEBSITE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Answer by Tracie :)
Submitted on 11/7/2004
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World War 2 was a very difficulty time 4 everyone living during that time. Hitler was trying to kill off every Jew, America was imprisoning Japanese Americans, and people were suffering all over the world. America had to go to war or else Hitler could have completed what he desired to complete, destruction of the Jewish people and their religion all together.


Answer by west
Submitted on 11/10/2004
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Eat cheese fool


Answer by lilblondie
Submitted on 11/14/2004
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Answer by manni
Submitted on 11/21/2004
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DOes anyone know  how did our executive branch of government handle diplomacy and propoganda for world war 2?


Answer by disappointed with what i've read
Submitted on 11/28/2004
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The bombings of Japan went a-head to justify the expenses of the bomb and also to keep the USSR out of any post-war peace settlements. Truman, in rivalry with the USSR, wanted to prove American supremacy by showing that he was prepared to use weapons of mass destruction. Isn't it funny how the only country concerned with ensuring 'world peace' had been the only country to use nuclear weapons? Maybe Truman was thinking long-term, that by using the atomic bombs a future nuclear war would be prevented, that nuclear weapons would serve as a deterrent in preventing global conflict. This has worked up until now, Iraq. America wanted vengeance after Pearl Harbor and the Bataan Death march. the Japanese were portrayed by the American's as barbarians and were hated immensely. Nothing, not even pearl harbor can justify the bombings, millions of innocent lives were lost and the survivors suffered from radiation sickness, ultimately ending their lives. scientists even regret going to work on the bomb. Einstein even said that he wished he had become a 'black-smith' knowing what his work would lead to. Truman delayed the Potsdam meetings until he got word that the atomic bomb was ready to use. Hiroshima and Nagasaki did not stand a chance, it would have happened anyway. The decision to go ahead with the bombing was made the day before the Potsdam Declaration. Truman was determined to justify the expenses of the bomb. It is also important to remember that Truman lied to the American people to increase his chances of being re-elected. Had America and its Allies gone ahead with a land invasion, this would not have only been costly but would have cost American lives. However, the war would have still ended, Japan was already on the brink of surrender. It would have delayed the war by only a "matter of months" (James Byrnes). Truman should have accepted Japans conditional surrender, after all Japan did get to keep their Emperor after all. The real target was the USSR, the ultimate communist threat. It is hardly just that Japan had to suffer as a consequence. Truman used the bomb for his own selfish and non-democratic reasons; to increases his chances of being re-elected and to avoid a congressional inquiry for the mis-appropriation of $2 billion. Can America really call itself a democracy when their president lies to them and prevents them from the freedom of open debate? Now that's the larger question. I apologize for the poor grammar, mis-spelling and non paragraphing, but these points cannot be ignored and I don't really have time to spare because I have research to be getting back to. I do suggest however that you do some further reading of your own, just remember, don't accept everything you hear, do some real thinking for yourself.


Answer by aaaa
Submitted on 11/28/2004
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you all should actually check out the other aspect of pearl harbor and FDR....although it is far fetched it is very interesting.  
Their are lots of books written suggesting that Pearl Harbor was a conspiracy and that everything was known to Roosevelt.


Answer by shorty
Submitted on 12/1/2004
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what president was award the distingshed cross for pilot and for his brave


Answer by anon
Submitted on 12/2/2004
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Actually, FDR did indeed want to participate in the war. He just didn't have an entrance strategy. If FDR wanted into the war, why didn't he just do it? Well, the non-intervention movement was very strong in America at the time. FDR had to combat this movement, he didn't want to bring the USA into an unpopular war. The Japanese came into conflict with the US because of an American embargo on Japan and because of American support for French claims in Indochina. The Japanese launched the Pearl Harbor attack, and so FDR had the support he needed to declare war on Japan. Because of Japan's alliances, German and Italy were later forced to declare with on the United States.


Answer by jeresa
Submitted on 12/6/2004
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all yall on here suck so get over it!!!!!!!


Answer by Shady
Submitted on 12/7/2004
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if you have any q's about rap ask me


Answer by pdaddy5
Submitted on 12/13/2004
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won't someone please touch my body?!!


Answer by pdaddy5
Submitted on 12/13/2004
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if you want to touch my body then leave your # and i'll give you a ring!!


Answer by pdaddy5
Submitted on 12/14/2004
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has anyone taken any thought on touching my body?


Answer by DDD
Submitted on 12/19/2004
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Answer by TC
Submitted on 12/20/2004
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The USA NEEDED to be involved in WWII.  Hitler was trying to take over the WORLD!!! If we had NOT gotten involved Hitler WOULD have eventually tried for the USA. Hitler and Japan were working together.  Would it have been right to sit back and let more Jews die? Would it be alright to sit back and watch more of the world being taken over by a madman? Hitler was indiscriminately MURDERing any and all Jews. Using their hair for pillow stuffing, their skin for lamp shades, medically experimenting on some like they were lab mice.  


Answer by Fluffy
Submitted on 12/22/2004
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omg i liek to plya this game clled countr -strike and its like ww2. what gunz did dey use in ww2?


Answer by Kris
Submitted on 1/7/2005
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Answer by Brad
Submitted on 1/21/2005
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What were the dates for both presidents elections?


Answer by Brad
Submitted on 1/21/2005
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What were the dates of both election?


Answer by Brad
Submitted on 1/24/2005
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Who won the presidential election of 1948?


Answer by PENIS
Submitted on 1/26/2005
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Answer by Alexandra
Submitted on 1/27/2005
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who was the leader of Italy during World War 2 and what was their goverment about?


Answer by jray
Submitted on 2/2/2005
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who was the commander in chief during WWll


Answer by
Submitted on 2/8/2005
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How much did FDR buy the bomb for?


Answer by n/a
Submitted on 2/16/2005
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thanks 4 the info u guys really helped me!!!!!!!!!


Answer by brandie
Submitted on 2/16/2005
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yes there was a president during war world two it was franklin d. rosevelt he wa the 32 prez. he served for more then 12 years


Answer by Andy
Submitted on 2/24/2005
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The debate on why Truman decided to use the Atomic Bombs on Japan is a complicated and exhaustible one. Truman stated that an invasion of the Japanese home islands could cost up to 1million U.S. casualties. This however, has been debated by historians such as R. Miles Jr who quite rightly states that Truman does not give any evidence for this estimation.

Where there other options to the Atomic Bombs? Yes. Truman could have continued a policy of Strategic bombing and continued blockade of Japan. Evidence from the U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey of 1945 show that if this option was used then Japan would have capitulated in early December.

Did Truman want unconditional surrender? Possibly but it is very important to remember that even after the bombs had been dropped it was a negotiated surrender that he accepted not an unconditional one. The Japanese Emperor remained in place. If it could be accepted after using the Atomic Bombs why not before?

My conclusion would be that although other factors would have played apart in Truman's decision his main objective was to stop the spread of the Soviet Union (communism) and limit their influence in Manchuria and Japan.


Answer by Fran D.
Submitted on 2/28/2005
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Keep in mind that
A: None of the previous replies show        .  anything about the eastern front
B: there isn't one complete answer in here
C: these are people you don't know
1: FDR was elected president in 1932
2: pearl Harbor was bombed in 1941
3: D-Day June 6th, 1944
4: TDR dies, 1945
5: Truman becomes pres. April 12th 1945
6: Mussolini Captured by partisans and       .  Executed April 28th
7: Hitler commits suicide April 30th 1945
8: Bomb dropped, August 6th Bomb dropped on   .  Hiroshima
9: Soviets declare war on Japan, August 7
10: Bomb dropped on Nagasaki August 9th 1945
11: Japanese surrender August 14th 1945
There were obviously more factors than just pearl harbor when the United States entered the war. WWII's Victory was not solely because of the US. Although the bombing of Japan played a large part in the Japanese surrender, it was not the only factor. Consider this:
A: both of its major allies were defeated
B: a new super power had just declared war on them
C: The allied powers were...well still allied


Answer by home fry
Submitted on 3/1/2005
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lala how r u today are u gay people out there, why are on this subject


Answer by retired military of wwII
Submitted on 3/6/2005
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crystal is wrong about FDR not notifying his commanders and the plot to get Japan into the war.  we didn't know they were coming and FDR did not want war for the U.S.


Answer by Miko miko
Submitted on 3/15/2005
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How did Truman feel about FDR’s death?


Answer by ppp
Submitted on 3/18/2005
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i love u all


Answer by maddi
Submitted on 3/30/2005
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who was the emperor in ww2


Answer by rainbowar
Submitted on 3/31/2005
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How many bombs were used in WW2 and WW1?  How many tons of bombs blew up in every war that has occured?  How many boobs were shown during the wars?


Answer by courtney
Submitted on 4/14/2005
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i really just have another question??i need to know everything anyone knows about teddy roosevelt?? kinda off this subject but whatever<<<


Answer by PW
Submitted on 4/17/2005
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Why did people during World War II not wan to drop the atomic bomb?


Answer by monkey
Submitted on 4/20/2005
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how started peral herbor.
if your smart


Answer by navi
Submitted on 4/21/2005
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hey yall


Answer by ElvenReaper
Submitted on 4/25/2005
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I beleive that the japanese have no sense in war tactics, we told them that we will seek revenge on them for bombing Hawaii, and we showed them our missiles and our bombs, but they shrugged it off, and what did the U.S do? We bombed their island and rendered over 50 square miles usless!  I beleive, since i live in Hawaii, that the U.S are hypocrites, and that the japanese should contorl these islands, especially Oahu, since the U.S illegally took these islands.  And yes, i live on oahu, near mililani.


Answer by mr. jordan
Submitted on 4/28/2005
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I have a small ... you could say report.  
I have some questions about the president and presidents of the war..

"Roosevelt's growing dilemma:  how to help England without losing the support of the non interventionists?"

Pls answer that question for me if you can.... also if there is any other info that you can give me for the war ....  How the president felt mabe..?..




Answer by iceman
Submitted on 4/29/2005
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The president was Franklin D. Roosevelt. He wanted to go to war with japan. He didn't want to go to war with Germany. But his alliances were in it and they asked for helped and the president answered their call.He wanted to go to war with japan because they bombed America unprovoked. They bombed our biggest naval base, Pearl Harbor.


Answer by terror squad
Submitted on 4/29/2005
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everyone here sucks.


Answer by lyssa
Submitted on 5/4/2005
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why was hideki tojo afraid of joesph stalins plans?


Answer by ASP
Submitted on 5/5/2005
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You people are wrong


Answer by starr
Submitted on 5/11/2005
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That presidnet rock my socks!


Answer by Juan -Juana
Submitted on 5/11/2005
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Why Did the President decide to bomb Japan ?  The world my never Know will we...? I dont think so .


Answer by coodep
Submitted on 5/12/2005
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yes, truman did not destroy the soviet union


Answer by tler
Submitted on 5/13/2005
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who was the president of world war 2 (both)


Answer by bulldog
Submitted on 6/1/2005
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World War 2 Was a big jucie piece of crap


Answer by jo
Submitted on 6/8/2005
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Japps suck


Answer by jojo
Submitted on 6/8/2005
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i hate japps


Answer by Q
Submitted on 8/9/2005
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Clearly Roosevelt badly wanted the United States to go into the war, but the majority of American people opposed the idea. At first, congress had the Neutrality Acts to prevent the US to go into the war, but later when Roosevelt modified the administration a bit (like putting 11 people in the Supreme Court, 2 of them completely supported him), the Neutrality Acts were gradually repealed. I believed that it was the fact that Roosevelt knew and got the messages from the Japanese about the Pearl Harbor attack and ignored it. He had wished that if the attack occurred, Americans would no longer oppose the idea the US would go into WW2. After all, who would stand to see his country getting bombed by the invaders who we tried to stay away? We all at least have patriotism and pride. Besides all the evidences of the messages encryption in the secured naval documents that Robert Stinnett successfully interpreted, Colonel Donovan (Roosevelt's Coordinator of Information) also said when he met the president in white house in the evening of the attack, the president didn't seem to care about the people of Hawaii. All he cared about, he said, was whether now the Americans were willing to go into the war. I am not sure whether the reason wanted to go war was just primarily to help our British friend, but he did want to go into the war, and letting the Pearl Harbor attack happened was the only way to get rid of the "isolationism" that the American people preferred during that time.


Answer by g.i.glow
Submitted on 8/15/2005
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can anyone tell me what the president during ww2 thought about the Jews?


Answer by MeG
Submitted on 9/5/2005
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I dont get what yall r talkin about


Answer by wewewewewewe
Submitted on 10/10/2005
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why did japan attack in the first place


Answer by Jessi Ann
Submitted on 10/24/2005
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Answer by oso
Submitted on 10/25/2005
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how did German's, Japanese, American's citizens feel about world war two


Answer by bravo
Submitted on 10/26/2005
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honestly i would atack pearl harbor myself the way we were set up there was retarted. with most of our strong naval forces pact into one place it is aperfect place for an attack


Answer by may
Submitted on 11/4/2005
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a great military hero of ww2


Answer by petnaby
Submitted on 11/10/2005
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im a six grader and i need info on the prez in ww2 asap


Answer by petnaby
Submitted on 11/10/2005
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iim a six grader and i need info on the prez in ww2 asap


Answer by soccer chic
Submitted on 11/15/2005
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I think we should have bombed b/c they started it and we had the right for self defense.


Answer by soccer chic
Submitted on 11/15/2005
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omg wat is truman'smiddle name


Answer by WarBuff11
Submitted on 11/15/2005
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How did we get in a tangle with the German's if it was Japan who bombed us?


Answer by Warbuff11
Submitted on 11/16/2005
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If japan attacked us in Pearl harbor to bring us into the war, then how did we get into a fight with Germany too?


Answer by ashnew
Submitted on 11/20/2005
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How did World War 2 affect our society?


Answer by Matt
Submitted on 11/21/2005
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too KTfromNC
Okay, Were in the "it would have cost both the Us and Japan thousands too invade the japanese homeland" ...They were not Emotionally and Physically beaten... They would have fought too the death agianst an enemy that was at just about equal strength. Thier Honor was lost at Nagasaki and Hiroshima..It takes more honor and pride too admit defeat then too surrender


Answer by Drew
Submitted on 11/25/2005
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For Jesi, Yes the U.S.A would have joined World War 2 even if the Japanese didn't attack Pearl Harbor because of the controversy of World War 1, shouldn't you know that.


Answer by hey
Submitted on 12/15/2005
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i am doing a report on roosevelt and truman, and i want to know that if roosevelt didnt want to be in war anymore, why didnt he just drop out of presidency?
and did truman want to be be in war?


Answer by ibony
Submitted on 12/23/2005
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was pearl harbor a war?


Answer by Didi
Submitted on 1/6/2006
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Ya'llr all dorks!!! HA-HA!


Answer by krissy
Submitted on 1/6/2006
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the nuke guy is a GEEK!!!


Answer by Elle
Submitted on 1/20/2006
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I think y'all are all right it was Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Harry S.Truman


Answer by Miracle
Submitted on 2/2/2006
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I figure if President Roosevelt died during this time and President Truman became president at that time then that would have made him President during World War II and he also ended World War II. If anybody disagree with this please respond.


Answer by lissa nicole
Submitted on 2/6/2006
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why is this stuff so important to the world why do we even go to war with other countries
since the president can control all americans why doenst he  just tell them not to fight with the foign countris and tell them to stop fighting too or better yet why dont we just make a truce cause all this stuff is really imature theyre acting like wo year olds


Answer by Techgeist
Submitted on 2/13/2006
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The posting about how the left should stop revising history depresses me. So many Americans are so afraid of any change, especially changes in thought. It's one of the bad habits of our country, and it's sad that when somebody gets some new information and new perspective on history, which is always clearer in retrospect, just like everything else, you get loyalist fanatics trying to call them names and discredit them. Roosevelt WANTED to enter WWII, that has pretty much been established, and he IGNORED numerous warnings that could have prevented the surprise attack at Pearl Harbor from happening. But this is also kind of an American tradition. For further examples take a look at the incident that causes the Spanish American War, and at the Sept. 11th attacks. Any American leader who studies history can figure us easy--Americans are never really sure whether to go to war until we're attacked, so what's the best choice if you're an American leader and you want to join or start a particular war? Let yourself get attacked.
The bombing at Pearl Harbor was, generally provoked, as someone has already mentioned, by U.S. sanctions against and blockades of Japanese interests in Asia, which if the U.S. had been truly neutral wouldn't have been happening. Also, Truman was itching to drop the atomic bomb pretty much as soon as Einstein told him it was possible to make one. For a number of reasons, many of which have already been mentioned. I don't think he should be excused for wanting to use such a horrific weapon against any nation or people, but you have to look more closely at the mentality of the time. Hitler was enacting mass genocide in Europe. The Germans, the British, and the Russians, the Japanese, and the Americans had all engaged in the practice of using large amounts of military hardware against civilian targets, mostly by dropping bombs on major population centers for no reason other than to make the citizens suffer and lower morale. This was the way WWII was fought, not just by soldiers in battlefields, but by acts of cruelty against normal people living in the middles of cities. So while I think Truman was in the wrong for using the atomic bomb, despite all the propaganda he cooked up to justify it, like the notion that the Japanese weren't planning to surrender and that more lives would be lost if he didn't use atomic force (he also promised the public that great care would be taken not to harm any civilians in the use of the atomic bomb), but he was just doing what basically any of the leaders of the time would have done.


Answer by Yupper
Submitted on 2/13/2006
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Answer by kk boo
Submitted on 2/15/2006
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read this it is Good  ww2 is cool


Answer by Pat
Submitted on 2/15/2006
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ROFL at Jessi.
"Was there a president back in WWII?"
That was the most stupid question i have ever heard... of course there was, and ppl are talking about it here. rofl.


Answer by pinkyfunkbunny
Submitted on 2/22/2006
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I have a question actually.  What were some of the critical/turning points of WWII? Please let my know soon.


Answer by "E"
Submitted on 2/23/2006
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***all of them are good***


Answer by el toltero
Submitted on 3/6/2006
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qur pajo mama


Answer by pepocho
Submitted on 3/8/2006
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Answer by froggy
Submitted on 3/10/2006
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that was a great question!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Answer by dtgretrctdrt
Submitted on 3/12/2006
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Answer by cdcdcd1
Submitted on 3/15/2006
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Who was the British Prime Minister after Chamberlain?


Answer by abs
Submitted on 3/17/2006
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what date did president trueman drop the atomic bomb on japan?


Answer by b@by@home
Submitted on 3/19/2006
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HELP!!!! My exit project is on WW2. I need help on how the USA changed during the course of the war.


Answer by X x J A C K y y
Submitted on 3/20/2006
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haha just kedding.. im just on here to looking for the answer...

well any of u have aim...


Answer by NAY NAY
Submitted on 3/22/2006
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Answer by abby
Submitted on 3/26/2006
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what type of government did japan have?


Answer by jackilovesyou@greatestjournal.com and Jacki is a Beautiful Disaster@myspace.com
Submitted on 3/28/2006
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Thanx!The two presidents in ww2 were Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman.:):D;)


Answer by Idiot
Submitted on 3/29/2006
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Becker i think there was 2 prez. Truman and FDR



Answer by Idiot
Submitted on 3/29/2006
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what were the names of the US planes that dropped the nukes on Japan



Answer by Milk
Submitted on 3/30/2006
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yea, i sgree with all ya'll


Answer by johnohnjohnjohnjohnjohnjohnjohnjohnjohnjohnjhnojhnjohnhjonhojnhnjohnojnhojhnojnhojhnojhnj
Submitted on 4/6/2006
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i love frogs


Answer by MaNdApAnDa
Submitted on 4/6/2006
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why did we go and liberate and stop communism?


Answer by Fatty
Submitted on 4/8/2006
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I think the President was a good person. He took the U.S. to war because that's what we do!!!! WE DA BOMB!!!!


Answer by kathy
Submitted on 4/11/2006
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no looser


Answer by superman
Submitted on 4/12/2006
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i dump my gf


Answer by John
Submitted on 4/12/2006
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Actually, there were two presidents in WWII.  They were Franklin D Roosevelt, and Harry S Truman.


Answer by ****************
Submitted on 4/23/2006
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suck man


Answer by chesey
Submitted on 4/24/2006
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who was president during the transcontinental railroad?


Answer by waba
Submitted on 4/26/2006
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i agree with james


Answer by smmity
Submitted on 4/26/2006
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roosevelt was prs


Answer by supercalifragilisticexpealidiousious
Submitted on 4/27/2006
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for Becker
there was Roosevelt then Truman  :P


Answer by Kenzer
Submitted on 4/29/2006
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I agree with Realmz!!!


Answer by bob
Submitted on 4/30/2006
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I have a Question. Why did they bomb Peril Harber??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


Answer by eccaxshecka
Submitted on 5/2/2006
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I have a question.  What is an atomic bomb?  I know it is a bomb, but, well, take this question and answer it in whatever direction you wish to take it. =P


Answer by fdcv
Submitted on 5/5/2006
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why did AMERICA get into war


Answer by bob
Submitted on 5/8/2006
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who was president during World War1


Answer by alli33
Submitted on 5/8/2006
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What position did Harry S. Truman have in the war?


Answer by BASKET BALL # 35
Submitted on 5/8/2006
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Answer by Rae Rae
Submitted on 5/8/2006
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Answer by holy cow
Submitted on 5/9/2006
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oh man.  delete this site from the web.  these are probably some of the most idiotic and uneducated posts in the world.  pick up a history book that is above a kindergarden level and learn how the world works, plz


Answer by jasmine
Submitted on 5/10/2006
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I think Roosevelt didn't want to go to war with anyone till japan pulled a stupid stunt like pearl harbor they deserved what was comming .Japan wanted the war not the Americans!


Answer by shadow
Submitted on 5/11/2006
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Was Roosevelt the president for most of WW2?


Answer by you
Submitted on 5/14/2006
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WOW me........you r really educated....!!!!!


Answer by jonny daniel
Submitted on 5/16/2006
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Im learning about world war II right now in school.  president Roosevelt was the one who decided to stay neutral and then after Japan bombed pearl harbor, he decided to join the war as an allied power.  Then, president Truman took over after Roosevelt died and and lead the U.S to victory in Europe as well as Victory over Japan


Answer by colombianangel77
Submitted on 5/17/2006
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i have a Q my friend says Theodore Roosevelt was the one who agreed to world war 1 but i don't really know who is the one who said to go to world war.so what president sent us to world war 1!


Answer by torres
Submitted on 5/18/2006
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all i have to say is that us Americans will not go down by the faith of god!!


Answer by Luna Lovegood
Submitted on 5/22/2006
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I agree mostly with Ben's point of veiw.... not overwhelmingly patriotic and not anti-war. Yes, he has the best answers!


Answer by hicks101
Submitted on 6/1/2006
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u all suck


Answer by Jewel Jane
Submitted on 6/6/2006
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umm well i think the president was Roosevelt. see somebody might need to help me i have to finish my test.


Answer by jujub
Submitted on 6/6/2006
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i think  it is Roosevelt. I'm taking a test and i need to finish it


Answer by pwnage!!!!!!
Submitted on 6/11/2006
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You guys lick scrotums


Answer by felicia
Submitted on 9/13/2006
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who was the president in world  war 2


Answer by ProudCanadian
Submitted on 9/22/2006
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Uhhh hello people, Japan did what it had to do to defend against American aggression.


Answer by I am smart
Submitted on 9/29/2006
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For Chris,
Your crap


Answer by Kyle
Submitted on 10/12/2006
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For Mikie:

During all wars, the economy boosts. World War II actually helped bring the United States fully out of the Depression.  By going to war, tanks, planes, and guns are needed, thus creating jobs in production plants.

Fun Fact: Henry Ford, of Ford Motor's, supplied parts for the Nazi party during WWII, and was awarded a medal by Hitler himself.


Answer by twitch
Submitted on 10/12/2006
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i think that the president fdr did want to go to war.


Answer by 7y455y
Submitted on 10/24/2006
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Answer by kee kee
Submitted on 11/3/2006
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I think every one have their own head.


Answer by DSDFKhdsflgbfgjvkcbgvcligbfkhgkfdgfdg
Submitted on 11/13/2006
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you dumdum the soviet uniun although communistic as they were hated the nazis and were on our side but afterwords we entered the cold war because of the communisom and russia had their little communist  rebellien war and we hated each other numnuts


Answer by Terra
Submitted on 12/4/2006
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how far from the united state's west coast is pearl harbor?


Answer by raven
Submitted on 12/19/2006
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was it Truman fault for world war 2 and if it was why and how did Truman feel bout killing all those who were innocent


Answer by merrick77
Submitted on 1/10/2007
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does anyone play www.runescape.com


Answer by ?????????
Submitted on 1/11/2007
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The war wasnt planned and the name was Franklin D. Roosevelt. Since we were bombed by the the japanese planes on december 7, 1941. So if pearl harbor wasnt bombed we wouldnt be in war


Answer by jo mama
Submitted on 1/21/2007
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Why or how did Mr.Teddy Rosevelt die?


Answer by agajaga
Submitted on 1/28/2007
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haha im like 2 years late 2 answer that question like 3 actually


Answer by simsoki
Submitted on 1/30/2007
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i reckon the japs should have nuked america. that would have stopped all them dumb fat ass yanks thinking they own the world


Answer by nautica
Submitted on 2/7/2007
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there were two presdients franklin delane roosevelt and harry truman yes they both whated to go to war in the effort to help the allies win.


Answer by b
Submitted on 2/12/2007
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Answer by world war 2 export
Submitted on 2/24/2007
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you guys are wrong when the japs bombed peral habor,we declared war on japan then germany declared war on us and plus the germans skunk our cargo ships.


Answer by world war 2 export
Submitted on 2/24/2007
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i like the Nazi helmet there alsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and panzer and king tigers they kick t34 and Sherman butt!!!!!


Answer by world war 2 export
Submitted on 2/24/2007
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we had Peral harbor coming.we kept driving our Battle ships,destroys, and aircraft carriers around japan.japan knew that we wouldn't t just sit back and watch them take island after island.they thought if they destroy our naval base that we wouldn't t dare fight them but there were wrong.And plus they were hard to fight.they lasted long then the Germans but the Germans had 3 fronts and japan had 2 and the japs turned every island into a fortress.


Answer by monkyhuner777
Submitted on 2/25/2007
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Answer by $mart and Hot
Submitted on 2/26/2007
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Hey cricket, japan bombed pearl harbour coz the americans cut off their supply and trading sources. Japan saw bombing pearl harbour as a strategic move to re-gain access to their trading.


Answer by $mart and Hot
Submitted on 2/26/2007
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If you've got anything to do in history about the kokoda trail its simple wot its about, the aussie's sent un-trained aussies to hold the japanese back long enough to stop them invedaing aussie land... they succeeded and now we dont all have shoelace eyes and speak japanese.


Answer by felesha
Submitted on 2/26/2007
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who was the leader of the soviet union during world war 2?


Answer by hking to p
Submitted on 3/3/2007
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Answer by lili
Submitted on 3/5/2007
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Answer by chikis
Submitted on 3/7/2007
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Sue me no English


Answer by rsg9
Submitted on 3/7/2007
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i agree with Drlou roosevelt did start off as president but he died and then truman became president and yes he wanted to go to war he felt the need to go to war because if he didnt the axis powers sure enough would have reached the united states. i hope this helps anyone who needs this out


Answer by candy
Submitted on 3/22/2007
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How did the Hawaiians feel?


Answer by Mz_Nique_1228
Submitted on 4/2/2007
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What did Truman think of the war?


Answer by Ur Mom
Submitted on 4/4/2007
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and how many terms????????????????????


Answer by Kenyan Sage
Submitted on 4/7/2007
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to idontknowwhatthisshouldbe's question Roosevelt beat Herbert Hoover in the 1926 election because everyone was sick of Hoover and his rugged individualism crap. There was a depression and Hoover wasn't doing anything about it because he strongly believed that government should not get too involved in people's lives. Theres a pro and con side to Hoovers argument but people don't care to discuss politics and government if they're hungry.


Answer by tigger
Submitted on 4/10/2007
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why did Roosevelt wife leave their beautiful home and why did it get burnt down or was it a different president.


Answer by ashland
Submitted on 4/11/2007
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when did the us enter world war2


Answer by Bri
Submitted on 4/22/2007
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What did FDR do during WWII?


Answer by Ashley
Submitted on 4/23/2007
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hi my name is ashley and i love world war 2 and im really hot u guys can check me out on myspace ;)


Answer by alexander
Submitted on 4/23/2007
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hey ladies
ive been having some love life problems so i figured if any of you hotties out there were interested in talking to a hot 6 foot  tan sophmore whos in love with girls into history
than hit me up
sn: herbsmen<- - -i am ALWAYS on


Answer by Big Black
Submitted on 4/24/2007
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For the most part everyone has a different take on these things. you can't just rely on the history books to tell you what you need. they jut tell the story of the winners side, not the losers. so if you want to learn the real truth, you need to look deep in the journals of the veterans standings.


Answer by john
Submitted on 4/26/2007
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truman was a good president he tried to end the war quickly. so he dropped the atom bomb on those suckers!


Answer by Nicole
Submitted on 4/27/2007
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Answer by Nicole
Submitted on 4/27/2007
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F YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Answer by schenkbrian@yahoo.com
Submitted on 4/27/2007
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you guys r all @$$ holes

<3 <3 <3 :D


Answer by Skittles
Submitted on 5/3/2007
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My social studies teach said that a pres. named Millar Filmore sent to bombs to Japan durring WWII but i thing it was Trueman help me!!!


Answer by dumdude
Submitted on 5/4/2007
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who was the president during world war 1


Answer by blllllllllaaaa
Submitted on 5/8/2007
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Check me out gotta date so can't be late!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gotta GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GOOD LUCK


Answer by monte
Submitted on 5/10/2007
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i have to write a news article about ww2 can any one help me please


Answer by the phat lady
Submitted on 5/19/2007
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which presedint bombed jappan in WWII?


Answer by josh
Submitted on 5/22/2007
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A comment about laura's answer. Yes, roosvelt and the people at pearl harbor knew about the attack before it happened. It showed the planes on radar but they had ignored all signs of the attack.


Answer by looney toon
Submitted on 5/22/2007
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hitler is the 1 who started the war of putting the jews in consentraion camps


Answer by jared
Submitted on 5/23/2007
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ALL you peoples are wrong I was the presedent!!!!


Answer by kelli d
Submitted on 5/23/2007
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stop no way i dont belive this


Answer by Lenna
Submitted on 5/28/2007
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I actually have a question What exactly were the Americans fighting for in world war 11 democracy?


Answer by Krissy
Submitted on 5/28/2007
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Yes. of course there was a president during WWII. It was Franklin D. Roosevelt. Also there a another president.


Answer by gota
Submitted on 6/1/2007
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President FDR is a very good person he tried ending the depression but instead he grow old and died being involved in the war. President Wilson was right when he said there will be another war because of the treaty of Versailles.


Answer by sos
Submitted on 6/1/2007
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Do you know there is two main causes of the world war hitler and ... the death of franz feridand because of the great depression hitler became a dictator and the great depression was the cause of world war then back to the death of franz feridand


Answer by chicken head
Submitted on 6/26/2007
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Roosevelt wanted to help in the war effort to stop the facist powers but, he didn't actually want to go into a full out war (he promised he wouldn't) so he actually brkoe his own laws (neutrallity act) in his lend lease policy with the british and allied powers. After the bombing of pearl harbor, FDR knew that no if he did go to war, the american people wouldn't hate him for it, as that pretty much all of america was outraged at the attack.

As for the atomic bombs being dropped on hiroshima and nagasaki, the US wanted the japanese to surrender first then they'd talk about what would happen, this was the us policy, unconditional surrender. It was estimated that an invasion of japan would lead to casualties in the serveral millions, the deaths from the two bombs would be a fraction of this. Truman hoped that it would convince someone in the japanese militant government to surrender, as well as show the soviets that the us had weapons like this (i think it was from the movie hiroshima "if we drop one, then it's all we have. If we drop two, then we'll have millions" i like that movie)


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