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does Satan have a wife? Is so what is her name and what does...

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Question by lavaye
Submitted on 7/8/2003
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does Satan have a wife?
Is so what is her name and what does she look like?

Answer by Jonathan Booth
Submitted on 9/21/2003
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To all so-called Christians and Jews alike. If you beleive in the Bible,it clearly states that angels are neither given or participate in marriage. Satan is an angel,and I don't think he has the power to change GOD'S scope on that issue at all,period!


Answer by Mikey
Submitted on 9/29/2003
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Why not?


Answer by Sugaar
Submitted on 10/5/2003
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Hell issues are too much related to sex as to believe Satan doesn't have any. Think about Lilith, and on the succubus-incubus issue. Also he is many times represented as the Androgene (meaning to have both sexes). In the Tarot the Devil figure is plenty of sex (SM style).

Anyhow I understand that Satan or the Devil is a Jewish-Christian mistification of more ancient gods. For example, an intermediate step on those becoming Devil is Pluto-Hades, which does have a spouse: Persephone (Proserpine), the sister of Demeter (Mother Nature) - though they have no descent. The Egyptian equivalent (in Osiriac tradition), Seth, also has a wife: Nephtys, though, again the only descent she has is with Osiris (the "good" god).

In ancient west-european (Basque) mythology, the Godess Mari and her mate Sugaar (the Dragon) live under Earth using caves as doors. Firmament is just an empty place through which both travel sometimes.

In Middle Age's witchcraft, the "akelarres" used to be plenty of promiscuous sex and drugs. In those mystic parties the symbol of a black  he-goat (excuse my English) or "Akerbeltz" was many times prominent. Of course this was inmediately related to Satan and evil by the "good" inquisitors - so now the Devil has goat-shaped horns. But Akerbeltz is known to be a Basque (west European Aboriginal people) god since roman times, when Aquitanian (Basque) tomb-writings cited an "Aherbelts  deo" - maybe as a protector of the dead. Akerbeltz is mythologically a symbol of Mari (the Godess) -while the serpent (sugea) represents her companion-.

It's very significant that Mari is identified to many red colored animals but in the case of goat it must be black. Relatedly, stone-age paintings in Basque area represent mainly red animals, like bisons or deer, but when those people painted goats they always painted them black. Also the black he-goat has been used until very recent times in rural areas to magically protect the house.


Answer by Sarah
Submitted on 10/8/2003
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where in the bible does it say that angels do not marry? hmmmm?


Answer by joe
Submitted on 10/16/2003
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"In the Bible, it clearly states..." The Bible says lots of things, some if it contradicts other parts. Question is speaking in traditional terms, not asking what a literalist would believe. The devil came to the Judeo tradition through the Babylonians as the personification of an evil force in the world. These ideas are taken from different traditions, as Sugaar states, and perceived differently throughout the world. To put it simply, most would say that the devil has no partner and cares only of his/herself. However, he/she may use others for selfish purposes.


Answer by Fabtronic
Submitted on 10/17/2003
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The Devil is an Angel, and in most cases a dark/evil one, according to the Bible translated through the Holy Roman Empire. Did you know that he was the most beautiful and graceful of all angels, and only second to God in the scheme of things according to the Bible? If we look at the Devil from other perspectives, we'll see that he also is portrayed as a serpent, for eg: a snake, or half human/reptilian from. We see this in the Bible too. The devil's often portrayed as the opposite of all good. The Prince of Darkness. Of course, he's not the only fallen/dark angel, there are many more, and according to the Bible, and other scriptures, it's about 1/3 of all angels that fell. (Note: the word "fell" is a word used in churches, and is often called Biblianity. It means many things; thrown-out, expelled, etc. You'll find that the story is the same in many versions according to culture, and religion. In most, if not all pre-Jesus/Christianity depictions of these fallen angels/devils, we find that somewhere along the line the fallen angels, or devils, mated and interbred with human women, because of their beauty. This is shown to us in many ancient text. Most A.D. scripture says this also, but in symbolic ways, hard to understand ways. In the end, if you were an alien race trying to overtake the planet Earth, wouldn't you want, and get, a wife to be by ur side as you steal the land of the Humans? I think he'd have more than one wife.


Answer by John Nowakowski
Submitted on 10/19/2003
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OK, lots to clear up here:

1) Genesis 6 talks about angels taking daughters of men to wife and them bearing children.

2) Satan, a Hebrew word for accuser, is conceived of VERY differently by the Judaic tradition from the Christian tradition.  Judaism is totally monotheistic.  Check Isaiah 45 "I am the Lord and there is no other, I form light and create darkness, I make weal and create woe, I am the Lord, who do all these things."  Judaism doesn't have a good god and evil god.  Just one.  Satan was more of a district attorney, the lead prosecutor.  When you died, Satan would make the case to God why you shouldnt go to heaven.  The later dualism was totally Christian theology, influenced by various forces, particularly Zoroaster.  Mithraism also gave December 25th, Sol Invictus, as the birthday of the sun god, a date that has no biblical support whatsoever.  Very important not to confuse these different conceptions.  Burton Russell wrote a multi-volume set on the history of the Devil, but there are numerous sources by reputable scholars.

3) There are vastly different portrayls of the Devil, influenced by the culture of the author.  Compare Dante's wretch whose fall was a kind of gravity, still intertwined with a teleological metaphysics to that of Milton or Goethe or even Bulgakov.

4) Lilith- the Hebrew word "lilitu" would probably be translated as "screech-owl" but like "nephilim" it is hard to say what the word really means.  Hebrew doesn't really have capital letters, so choosing to read it as a proper noun, as opposed to a regular noun, is really just a judgment call.  In the middle ages, there seemed to be more concern for witches and demons, and so people appeared to read in a lot about Lilith the mother of all monsters, but AFAIK there haven't been any other ancient texts to support the Lilith idea.  Just the word lilitu, printed once in the Old Testament.


Answer by mettajon
Submitted on 11/24/2003
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Fabtronic said:
"Did you know that he was the most beautiful and graceful of all angels, and only second to God in the scheme of things according to the Bible?" and "according to the Bible...
it's about 1/3 of all angels that fell."

I'd appreciate it if he/she would provide
chapter/verse references to support those
assertions.  I haven't found such concepts
in the Bible so far.  Much of the "official"
Church doctrines about Lucifer/Satan came
from the writings of Dante and others, and
aren't supported by Biblical texts, AFAIK.


Answer by GOD
Submitted on 11/25/2003
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you fools


Answer by Stacy
Submitted on 12/5/2003
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Matthew 22:30 says"For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven. " This could lead you to believe that the angels don't marry, but I think it is taken out of context.

As for the 1/3 of the angels following satan it is in there, but I must admit I am having a hard time finding it.  I will keep looking and get back with you.


Answer by Denise
Submitted on 1/19/2004
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I don't think he has a wife!


Answer by greta    Garbo
Submitted on 2/21/2004
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i  am   the  devils   lover


Answer by Lela
Submitted on 3/2/2004
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Stacy, Matthew 22:30 is talking about those Jesus raptures up to heaven, i.e. humans. Humans won't marry in heaven, instead, they'll be ...'as the angels of God in heaven.'

That question was posed one night at church and the above is what he said.

So, I guess, according to that scripture, and what the pastor said about humans not marrying in heaven, I would assume angels don't marry then.

I would think Satan wouldn't marry, but, since a lot of sins are sexual in nature, I think he probably has a LOT of mistresses.


Answer by blackjack
Submitted on 3/11/2004
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<<The later dualism was totally Christian theology, influenced by various forces, particularly Zoroaster. >>

There were strong dualistic tendencies in many Jewish sects during the Second Temple Period.  This is attested in the Qumran manuscripts ("Dead Sea Scrolls"), apocolyptic literature like Jubilees, and in Enochic traditions preserved in Ethiopia and elsewhere.  There was a clear development towards a Satan-like character (called Mastema in Jubilees, and Belial in some Qumran texts), a leader of the forces of darkness, who would be overthrown by God in the coming end times.

These traditions did not, for the most part, survive into modern Rabbinic Judaism, but had a strong influence on the development of Christianity.  The dualism and apocalypticism of Christianity is very much Jewish in origin.


Answer by blackjack
Submitted on 3/11/2004
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Oh, and to get back to the original question, in some medieval Jewish traditions, there are expansions on the story of the "sons of God" and "daughters of man" from Genesis 6.  In one version (derived from the pre-Christian pseudepigraphal Book of Enoch), the leader of the angelic rebellion, Azazel (or Aza'el or Asa'el seducing a human woman named Na'amah

While Azazel is not Satan, per se, the original story was probably influential in the development of the character of Satan in later writing.  So you could call Na'amathe wife of Satan, after a fashion.  She is considered the "mother of demons" in some medieval traditions.

Other versions of this story have another leader of the fallen angels, Shemhazai, trying to seduce a human woman called Istahar.  This is particularly interesting, since Istahar seems to be a version of the name of the Babylonian war goddess Ishtar.


Answer by Damned_Forever
Submitted on 3/22/2004
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The Bible says that the Devil "Does not regard the desire for women." Which could mean he is either assexual or gay.


Answer by Bulla
Submitted on 6/13/2004
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I don't think you anti Crhistians should be here , if this is a Christian's site. And as for "GOD" , you shouldn't be immitating our heavenly Father.


Answer by tina
Submitted on 7/12/2004
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why dose the Satan want to come to earth


Answer by Benjamima
Submitted on 8/15/2004
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Ok, well bible references aside there is an easy answer to this question. Regardless of the Judaistic Vs. Christian views about the duality of God, Satan/Lucifer's primary concern is corruption of the soul. God's creation of mankind was perfect, and Lucifer corrupted that. This continues by his encouraging of free will. Man's greatest sin, indeed the only thing that can lead to sin, is the indulgence of free will, as opposed to the will of God. Which is why premarital sex is now and always will be regarded as a sin.
Following this line, most Deistic religions view marriage as a holy union, blessed by God. Most Christian religions even view it as a sacrament - a facet of a person's faith journey. Another reason why premarital sex is a sin.
Why would Satan knowingly encourage man to commit his only true sin, and at the same time engage in one of God's holy sacraments? Not likely. I would say Satan is the ultimate playboy, using and abusing any and all but truly connecting to none.  


Answer by The Stranger
Submitted on 9/29/2004
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Bulla, I don't see why you are getting so upset by people asking questions about your faith.  If the bible is the true word of G-D as most x-tians believe, it should be able to stand up to the questions and tests these people are throwing.  Be a good sport and play along, because if they are wrong we will all be roasting in hell together, but I would rather roast in hell then serve a G-D I feel is worse then any x-tian portrayal of the Adversary.  Even if I concede and admit that the bible might have had a good message or have been the word of G-D you can not tell me that you believe that it hasn't changed in its centuries of existence.  Catholics added and subtracted beliefs whenever they felt necessary.  They stole ancient customs holidays and gods and washed them with their x-tain white light.  As other people have posted, go online and search for Sol Inviticus or Mithraism.  Do a little research on Zoroaster and Akhnatan and their creation of dualistic religions.  Look back at the Jews time in Babylon and then read the epic of Gligamesh and see how there was a flood story before the Bible recorded one.

Above all, don't back down to my challenge.  Take it offensively.  Research and prove me wrong.  See if you can :)


Answer by Concerned critic
Submitted on 10/7/2004
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Whos to say that the user "God" isnt really God him/herself?  God is all powerful, no?


Answer by amospmr
Submitted on 10/27/2004
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Well as far as where it says that satan and a 1/3 of the angels were cast out of heaven. In Revelations 12:4 it says "His tail swept a third of the stars out of the sky and flung them to the earth." and Revelations 12:7 "And there was war in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back.  8But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven.  9The great dragon was hurled down--that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him." The stars in verse 4 are believed to represent the angels who followed satan and were cast out of heaven with him. And as far as angels marrying... well they are created, but not in God's image. We are considered higher than they because we are created in God's image. Also angels have no need for companionship as they have God and that is a human characteristic. Angels are also considered to be neither male or female  but rather spirit or if it must be given a human image, an angel would be an hermaphrodite (having both sex organs). An angels soul purpose is to serve God and to serve & minister to us in service to God


Answer by amospmr
Submitted on 10/27/2004
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Well as far as where it says that satan and a 1/3 of the angels were cast out of heaven. In Revelations 12:4 it says "His tail swept a third of the stars out of the sky and flung them to the earth." and Revelations 12:7 "And there was war in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back.  8But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven.  9The great dragon was hurled down--that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him." The stars in verse 4 are believed to represent the angels who followed satan and were cast out of heaven with him. And as far as angels marrying... well they are created, but not in God's image. We are considerd higher than they because we are created in God's image. Also angels have no need for companionship as they have God and that is a human characteristic. Angels are also considered to be neither male or female  but rather spirit or if it must be given a human image, an angel would be an hemaphrodite (having both sex organs). An angels soul purpose is to serve God and to serve & minister to us in service to God


Answer by ghj
Submitted on 11/5/2004
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go to hell you all


Answer by fabtronik
Submitted on 11/18/2004
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Satan has 99gazillion rude bits, and only god knows how many wives...


Answer by Soh
Submitted on 12/11/2004
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I don't think the truth of what we may want lies only in the Bible. As it also was controlled by those who felt they knew better than others.

Your truth lies within yourself. Sex is done to demonstrate love; Satan is anti love and therefore he does not have a wife.


Answer by Mae
Submitted on 4/22/2005
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Never in the Bible does it actually state that the Devil is an angel. It says that he can disguise himself as an angel of light and that he has his own angels. But that's it.


Answer by casty
Submitted on 4/25/2005
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maybe he has a wife, who know he has love in his heart,maybe he had more than one wife.if he really does has a wife, i was wonder how she like.


Answer by hansypansy
Submitted on 5/16/2005
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Okay, most of you are along the right lines but some of you are mistaking gods of DEATH as older versions of satan, who "represents" EVIL. There is a notable difference because they are TWO DIFFERENT things!!! And by the way angels have no gender. And angels do have free will but if they use it against God they get chucked out (like satan).


Answer by Na'amathe
Submitted on 5/30/2005
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You fools know nothing about this world's God! I will drag all christians to Hell as a reward for believing in such foolish promises.


Answer by Emy
Submitted on 5/31/2005
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Good and evil are the same thing! Would god be upset if the devil could love another equally because it would never be able to happen to god,because he has no equal!


Answer by Missy
Submitted on 6/1/2005
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i think the devil had a mistress/wife, but i kinda wish i was his mistress:> [Matt is the devil]


Answer by gabrial7
Submitted on 6/22/2005
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the devil is actually according to "mathew verse 7 chapter 3" god's favorit until satan becomes jelously obsessed with humans and god kicks his ass then they have tea and then the devil spikes the tea with jose quarvo...furthermore no one knows the absolute truth about anything religious or spiritual because god hasn't made it clear to anyone what the absolute truth is so until he does you fools need to smoke a fat one and get some tail.


Answer by Mistress
Submitted on 7/3/2005
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I think this coversation is great. I love hearing peoples diffent opinions. Anyway, I don't really think that it is impossible for him to have a wife. And if he does, then good for him. If he doesn't, I hope he finds someone. The poor guy must be lonely!!!


Answer by nickatniter
Submitted on 8/31/2005
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Even though angels don't participate in marriage, I don't believe it says they absolutely cannot marry. Besides that, you are thinking as humans...if you were an angel in God's court would you need to be married?...and as i understand it angels didn't come to Earth to have sex or get married to humans, they "wanted to touch" them. As in tell the idiot barbarians how to make fire, create things, hunt, etc. which God did NOT want. God wanted humans, his special species, to figure things out on their own... thus, anthropologically speaking; we end up with the pre-human species. God was trying to make the species that was smart enough to last on its own.
Another thing: Satan doesn't really follow the rules/laws of God, and therefore COULD actually be married...but I don't see much love in that relationship


Answer by DaiMon Erc
Submitted on 9/13/2005
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Most of the mythos surrounding Satan doesn't come from the bible. The story of Lucifer's fall is actually from Milton's "Paradise Lost". There is an excellent book entitled "The History of Hell". Very interesting read. Get it at Half.com.


Answer by demoness
Submitted on 9/23/2005
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he wants to come to earth because he's a god if the lord was rejected do you think he would try to take over earth


Answer by Mystery of Mysteries
Submitted on 9/29/2005
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Satan does indeed have a Bride:  Me.

There are many who wish they could be Me, many who pretend they are Me, many who long to take My place, many who do a multiplicity of inventive rituals with the intent to establish themselves upon My throne -- but I am the only one hand-selected and ravished by Lucifer Himself, yea and that in the presence of many witnesses during the course of many years.

You will find My holiest of unholy names in the Book of Revelation, chapter 17.  My number is 156.  


Answer by Lilith
Submitted on 10/29/2005
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If I am lilith, I'm devils wife, so what I have to do in my life?


Answer by Lilith
Submitted on 10/31/2005
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I want to see the look of Lilith!!


Answer by Lilith
Submitted on 11/5/2005
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Answer by luvangel
Submitted on 11/17/2005
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"I don't think you anti Crhistians should be here , if this is a Christian's site. And as for "GOD" , you shouldn't be immitating our heavenly Father."

In replication to this...
Well, everyone has a different opinion about this. I am not the one to say who can visit this website and who cannot. If you don't want any opposition, then, please, be that good to write "FOR CHRISTIANS ONLY", so the people know. First of all, we have to learn that the way of reaching the people is not to be vulgar and to speak/ write/ with such hate. Even if we disagree with the person...Second of all, who are we to say who is worthy to read or reply...? Or who God wants to read this and reply to this? Or who is worthy to enter God's Kingdom? This site might be the opportunity for many people to leave their evil ways and turn to God. Why "cast" them out then?


Answer by PMSL
Submitted on 11/25/2005
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wtf u bunch of fools your all going to hell muwahahahah


Answer by Ashley
Submitted on 12/4/2005
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How many different names does the devil have and what are they?


Answer by ...
Submitted on 12/7/2005
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does Satan have sex?


Answer by The Irish Dragon
Submitted on 2/3/2006
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Umm none of this mumbo jumbo still doesnt answer the friggin question lol. cop on the lot of you'sand do more research, a simple yes or no and if yes then wats her name..... ??


Answer by MD
Submitted on 2/21/2006
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Satan wants to come to earth because he wants the world. And Satan wants to bring as many people to hell as he can. And misery loves company. And love the LORD because he loves you. Don't let Satan bring you to hell. 10 billion years in hell is nothing it's like a grain of sand on a beach how many grains are on a beach. I rather be walking on golden streets then burning in hell make the right choice. Good Bye.


Answer by david
Submitted on 4/3/2006
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satan does represent bad things like sex but he does not have a wife and aint worthy to have one. Only god can decide.


Answer by 7 days
Submitted on 4/13/2006
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satan most likely wants to come to earth because we are the most valuable thing to god. Jesus was human and Satan wishes to have revenge on him for freeing his souls and I think you could understand that Earth is the next xlosest thing to god.


Answer by mick3142
Submitted on 4/14/2006
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In this world, Satan was married and had children, one of them rising to become the one Satan's daughter.  She considers him her father, and when he leaves this world, he will be known as Satan.  UNTIL THEN, HE IS UNDER GRACE.  She has his DNA but also accepts his identity, and knows how to use it.  Until he leaves this world, he is Dad, plain and simple.


Answer by Mirage10050
Submitted on 4/16/2006
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Whoa...you guys are very confused! If you have questions, stop sqabbling amongst yourselves and go ask a pastor of a church, a chaplin at a hospital or someone who is firm in the Bible that is of high authority.
I also agree with Bulla.
Okay...next. Satan wants to come to the earth to stop people from becoming saved, hurt believers, and to corrupt the world. He is only here to steal, kill and destroy.
and as for Greta...I will be lifting you up in my prayers


Answer by travis
Submitted on 5/16/2006
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hell is the best place you could ever go, heaven is the worst. everything in the bible is a f*cking lie. satan is better than god and always will be. i know this because i am a follower of satan. and if jesus comes back he will be tortured and killed again.
             ALL HAIL SATAN


Answer by skeet
Submitted on 6/14/2006
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Satan does have a wife. Do a little of history and you will see that she was left out of the old testament. Do another search and you will see that the old testament, the Torah (Hebrew version of the bible) comes from ancient manuscripts. And in the same manuscripts, the devils wife is mentioned.


Answer by Demon
Submitted on 6/29/2006
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I'll half to agree with the people you called anti christian, Satan is Gay I'd know because he talks to me every day of my life from a child till now.He hates women their absolutely right.He's getting pretty sick and tirred of people giving him a bad name.
when he comes to the earth,your all screwed.


Answer by Jehovahs Helper
Submitted on 7/16/2006
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Satan wants all of the praise and glory that only God Deserves. He wants to become as god but he will never achieve this high position. Even though Jehovah God granted Lucifer Dominion over some of his creation Satan was jealeous of God and he caused man to sin. Satan wanted sinful man to remain in the garden of eden so they could eat the tree of life freely and live forever locked in sin and rebellion.So that is the reason why satan wants earth... to rule it seperated from Gods laws and glory.


Answer by nanner
Submitted on 7/30/2006
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I don't think you should be imitating God.
I don't think Satan has a wife either.  I've heard that when you go to heaven you are no longer married but that you still know everybody in heaven.  


Answer by nina
Submitted on 10/14/2006
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will i go to heaven i  want jesus to be in my heart


Answer by K
Submitted on 10/19/2006
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Wow you people are ridiculous


Answer by Ashley
Submitted on 10/28/2006
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Satan quite frankly is andronygous just like all other angels, but I say he prefers the male species, even other angels themselves.

Why does he want to come to Earth? He doesn't he had to be tricked into wanting the free will of a human to be cast out here.

He is though only an angel, originally one of God's favorite yes, and quite powerful, but still just an angel. And he is the prosecuting attorney against humanity.


Answer by Aneesa
Submitted on 11/16/2006
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why wouldnt you want any non christians here? do you fear a difference in opinion so you wouldnt have to question your faith?


Answer by Nick
Submitted on 12/13/2006
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Who would then be the closest one to being Satan's wife? Let's say if you had to pick someone.


Answer by son of sam
Submitted on 12/21/2006
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god cant help any of you, but my father SATAN


Answer by scharramere
Submitted on 12/28/2006
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if anti-christians wanna be here then let them. for all i care there aint a god because if there was he wouldnt let his people suffer. however if this god does exist (which i doubt) and he is causin sufferage for his amusement then he is no different from the very Satan all you stupid christians despise!!


Answer by MegaMangaMan
Submitted on 1/4/2007
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I don't know what bibles some of YOU are reading...

but all I know is that, if he's bi, then I KNOW I'm not going to hell.

someone bring me a miniature cross...

but seriously, in genesis:6 it talks about Noah (partially) and how God was angry with us. I surprised why the earth isn't consumed in flame right now, with all thats going on


Answer by Satan
Submitted on 2/5/2007
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"Why dose the Satan want to come to earth"

Lots of reasons but to name a couple;

1)I simply like it here and like to indulge myself in earthly pleasures.

2)To warn humans of the true evil nature of "God"

For more info check out darkvoid.org


Answer by Samantha
Submitted on 3/2/2007
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Bulla, even if this is a Christian site anti Christin's should be aloud to give thier word. And I think Satan would wish to come to earth becuase he knows that we are weak humans that we  wouldn't be able to defeat him. (if he started something that is)We are, Simple prey. We are easily swayed with money and so forth so why wouldn't he? Plus, his prob wondering whats so great about us.


Answer by Raven
Submitted on 3/8/2007
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satan does have a wife her names lilth and shes is mother nature to satanists.


Answer by Eldin Istar
Submitted on 4/5/2007
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Does anyone know where i can find the tale of Samyaza and Istahar?  I've been doing research on Samyaza and would really like to know the details of this story.


Answer by Eldin Istar
Submitted on 4/5/2007
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Does anyone know where i can find the tale of Samyaza and Istahar?  I've been doing research on Samyaza and would really like to know the details of this story.


Answer by answer  from anton
Submitted on 4/26/2007
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anton wants to stop humans for not,
going for him as there leader over
the world.
mostly to end it all for this mean,
god hurting his angels in heaven.
and making the leader of evilness,


Answer by GALEED
Submitted on 5/2/2007
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Ok Dudes, I've heard of Lilith, but I've heard from doing my research that that story was apart of a medevil story done way after enoch and the lost books were written.  Do you think that there could have been a story about Satan's wife or mate before the bible was patriarchalized.  I have found out that much of the bible that we know of today has been changed fitted into what early church translators have deamed was "Appropriate" I mean why don't we know more than we do about the angels and their story.  Could there possilby be a book about the war in heaven and what happened and the nature of angels?


Answer by DeusAbscondidum
Submitted on 5/3/2007
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It really depends on who or what you think Satan is, as well as what version of the bible you follow.  The bible is a collection of stories which had previously been passed down through generations, and unfortunately has been altered and edited through time.
Therefore, there is no true definitive answer, so I would suggest inventing whatever fits your fancy.


Answer by Sarah
Submitted on 5/10/2007
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to get revenge on God! He wants to mess up all mankind so he puts temptaion on earth and Eve eats the apple


Answer by something
Submitted on 5/27/2007
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so, all in all, is there a wife or not? is there posibility of him being hungry or something like that,and puting his thoughts in some womans head while she's sleeping?


Answer by purejewel
Submitted on 5/28/2007
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great bible online  ..   www.blueletterbible.org

has a tool there where you can put in part of a verse and it shows you where the words you put in are found.. chapter and verse  

really cool


Answer by VALIS
Submitted on 5/31/2007
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God is LOVE... Satan was anointed - in heaven, there is no remession of sin because its perfect.  So if Satan wanted to overthrow God, that in itself is the reason why he fell to earth, without choice.  No place for him in heaven anymore, since he was so jealous of God that he couldn't do what's necessary there: LOVE.  Anything less then love is a sin in heaven.  SO - we are lucky... very lucky to be here.  Since God is perfect, we are not, we look to a PERFECT MAN, Jesus, as a medium of communication to God.  Why Jesus?  Why was Abraham instructed to kill Isaac?  God later called Abraham HIS FRIEND... because he was able to do (although not having to in the end...) what GOD himself would have to do.. kill his own son.  And because of that... he was considered to be Gods friend... because he had faith in God and was willing to do what God would have to one day.  "will God not give the Holy Spirit to He who asks?"  -  sounds like a challange.  Ask and see.... and be reborn.  But you must ask out loud ;)  


Answer by Devils_Child
Submitted on 6/1/2007
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From gathering sources of the Language of Galachian (not sure if tht spelt correctly) Lucifer does have a Wife Named Lazourus(also might be spelt wrong) they had a child while in heaven while the earth was being created, god created spirits which helped with creating the planet, tht is why God does not make appearnces on Earth, the Spirits which helped him create the planet are down here helping us, anyway while God was busy with creating the planet Lucifer and Lazourus had a child which is against the law, as sex is a sin in heaven, Lucifer was reknowed as gods best man there and got given another chance, lucifer started to create the planet aswell and become infected with the sin Greed and tried to take a part for his own, God clipped his wings but gave him Hell, he is bound there, Adam and Eve were created and Lazourus was the creature which told them to eat from the tree, she went mad with insanity after losing Laucifer, she got clipped aswell and now is bound to hell for eternity with Lucifer, but it does not tell us what happened to their Child, i personally think it is Gabrielle


Answer by Ladyangel
Submitted on 6/3/2007
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I have been looking for this as well who can tell us if Satan have a wife, what was her name,did they have children, and where those it talk about it in the bible?


Answer by Priest
Submitted on 6/5/2007
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According to some current day demonologist research and belief. There has been some concern over the fact that the Devil may actually have a wife. It has been shown that perhaps the early Judaic belief was that the Devil had/has a wife by the name of Lilith. There are some who believe that she was a human being, others believe that she was one of the angelic beings who followed the devil down.
Remeber that there are a lot of possiblities out there that we as humans don't really know of understand. Who knows, the devil may or may not have a wife? Does it truly matter?
If you really wanna know about this kind of thing, it's best that you research yourself instead of asking so many people. You need to research and come to your own Conclusion. (Ha ha, I know I contradicted myself by answering you, lol) And before anyone goes bonkers at me and tries to curse me, yes I am Christian, and yes I believe in God, and yes I do my own research into these things, but I'm NOT a scholar yet.


Answer by Lucy
Submitted on 6/19/2007
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Well do you know if the bible is true these days. Some people can be messing with it. THINK ABOUT IT! And you never know he probably has a wife and children. <.<..Jeeze people do you believe everything you see.?


Answer by cyra
Submitted on 7/16/2007
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lets look back on the verse that says "Genesis: 6:1-2, "Now it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born to them, that the sons of God saw the daughters of men, that they were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves of all whom they chose" (NKJV).

1 Enoch 6:1-2, "In those days, when the children of man had multiplied, it happened that there were born unto them handsome and beautiful daughters. And the angels, the children of heaven, saw them and desired them; and they said one to another, `Come, let us choose wives for ourselves from among the daughters of man and beget us children'" (Isaac Translation).

Jubilees 5:1, "And when the children of men began to multiply on the surface of the earth and daughters were born to them, the angels of the LORD saw in a certain year of the jubilee that they were good to look at. And they took wives for themselves from all of those whom they chose"


Answer by bluepeepee
Submitted on 7/18/2007
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anywhere in the bible does it mention anything bad about the number 19..?? because i believe i know the devil's chosen one.. born on june "6"/19/19"66".. please let me know.


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