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how and where can i get a gun permit

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Question by tatianna
Submitted on 9/28/2003
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how and where can i get a gun permit

Answer by just so
Submitted on 11/17/2003
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guns don't kill unless in the hands of people. no excuses. anyone with a gun is a potential killer. with or without a permit.


Answer by Chad
Submitted on 1/12/2004
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You know your right, criminals have been killing innocents for years now. Don't you think it's time to let the innocent defend themselves? It's time for you liberals to shut up. Your theory of this turning into a wild wild west thing are long past, and proven to be untrue. Crime goes down with law abiding people carring guns. Can't argue the truth.



Answer by nola237
Submitted on 3/30/2004
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the state of nj wont allow me to aquire a gun permet cause of a dwi on my driving record.
is there any way around this?


Answer by truckdriver
Submitted on 4/1/2004
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If someone wants a gun , there would be no problem for them to get one. The desire to hurt or kill comes from the heart and mind. That is why the innocent needs to carry a gun because of the heartless and mindless people that want to do harm.


Answer by Nitsuj
Submitted on 4/16/2004
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All I got to say is "Second Amendment" people. Its your right to have a gun and I should have the right to protect myself from those so called "outlaws".


Answer by Agrio
Submitted on 5/1/2004
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All anti gun liberal politicians should have their family suffer greatly. Where as if they had a gun they could have prevented it.


Answer by Kyle
Submitted on 8/11/2004
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Guns don't kill people. People kill people. If you are a good soul then you would have never killed a person...gun or not.


Answer by likwid
Submitted on 9/22/2004
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i just want a gun .


Answer by Shane
Submitted on 9/26/2004
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Will someone answer the freakin' question?


Answer by Ruben Rosario
Submitted on 12/8/2004
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I hunt can't carry gun from state to state   need to get permit


Answer by krissy
Submitted on 1/24/2005
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Most people would say I am a Liberal, I am a lefty and I believe in protecting yourself and family at all costs. I am intrested in getting a weapon permit, I would like to own and carry a gun! So people who say " it's time for you liberals to shut up" are small minded and need to become less critical. I am a strong democrat and pro guns.


Answer by Beymer&Chad-P
Submitted on 8/3/2005
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Anyone who has the authority to keep Chad H from getting a gun...Please do so, for not only the sake of his roommates but for all the ppl in the 12203 zip code!!


Answer by William J. Murphy
Submitted on 10/4/2005
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Britian has outlawed guns. Why cant we do the same? They have not had an increase in crime but have had a decrease in the number of gun related deaths. Those that are telling librals to shut up are being ignorant and not looking for healthy growth of the USA. Guns are meant for killing not for protection or play. You want protection go by an air taser gun. Its none leathal and can protect you. While I belive the general public shouldnt have guns I still bellieve that each community should have there own armery for protection. the original right to bear arms come from the idea that if the british where to return by surprise there would be a quick way to form a army. there is no real need now since we have a army the is ready for any threat with under 5 minutes anywhere around the USA. Also what is a gun going to do for you if some one has a bomb or if a nuclear weapon is fired at the USA. Guns seem to have little reason in the USA. If we took 3 years and removed all public owned guns we would see some of the good things brits have.


Answer by B dog
Submitted on 11/29/2005
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If people want to buy a gun they should not have to get a permit to buy the gun that is not right


Answer by is every1 else stupid
Submitted on 12/16/2005
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i would also like 2 know how 2 obtain a gun permit thats what shes asking people not your view's on guns and any1 with 1 just wants 2 hurt people i don't believe this view as my dad and my bro both have licenses and us there guns 2 rid our land of foxes and rabbits she just wants 2 know how 2 get a license not the both sides of a silly debate and if u only answer 2 voice your opinions on owning guns them shame and you


Answer by sirrod23
Submitted on 1/1/2006
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Sometime A sheep must wear wolf clothes


Answer by 3door
Submitted on 1/24/2006
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All I want to know is how to get a gun.


Answer by Biker!979 Cool
Submitted on 3/15/2006
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Guns don't Kill People People Kill People


Answer by maria
Submitted on 6/11/2006
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I would like to know where in the World I can get a gun with no permit and how. msorfiap2@yahoo.com for answers asap.


Answer by Daniel
Submitted on 6/26/2006
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I would like to know when you find cause I'm trying to get one too.


Answer by ok
Submitted on 8/5/2006
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Look the gun control movement is not to stop the average run of the mill citizen from having guns. It is to get the guns out of the hands of the criminals or at least make it more difficult. As for that comment about watching my family suffer i personally have witnessed the murder of an individual, and until you have seen something like that you don't know the first thing about gun violence.


Answer by ELKPAETAN999
Submitted on 9/18/2006
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Answer by Trevor allen jones
Submitted on 10/17/2006
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i  only use a firearm for hunting for farm if i got some sick cows


Answer by Deb
Submitted on 10/22/2006
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If guns weren't so available to anyone, we'd be safe. if no one had a gun in the first place, we wouldnt need them to to protect ourselves from them.


Answer by gabe cook
Submitted on 11/1/2006
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i say that every person should get a gun perment first before getting a firearm myself


Answer by Tisha
Submitted on 11/28/2006
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How can I get a gun permit


Answer by Tisha
Submitted on 11/28/2006
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How can I get a gun permit


Answer by llionevs
Submitted on 12/12/2006
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where can i get a gun license i am a 14 year old and own a 20Ga Baikal and a 12Ga winchester pump action 3 shot but they are on my grand fathers license and i want them 2 b on mine


Answer by Pauvro
Submitted on 12/13/2006
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We have the right to bear arms, we shouldn't need a permit.  Why register?  They will know that you have a gun, when they try to disarm you it will be that much easier.


Answer by veteran
Submitted on 12/14/2006
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it gives a normal man the power of life and death thats so crazy to me


Answer by marvolo
Submitted on 12/18/2006
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Ok...people could just get rid of guns and there wouldnt be any death at all.Most of you are so sterotypical americans from the eyes of a non american.


Answer by Wahid S.
Submitted on 12/19/2006
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You guys didn't answer the question, I'm wondering the same thing


Answer by insult
Submitted on 1/25/2007
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Answer by metal_mind
Submitted on 2/23/2007
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All of you are faggs. Lots of people get guns to protect themselves, go to your local street or gun store and get one.


Answer by Lindsay
Submitted on 2/24/2007
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I have to say that I consider myself pretty liberal but with all the sick people out in the world today I think that people should have to right to protect themselves and their families, and a great way to do that is to obtain a firearm


Answer by Devil
Submitted on 2/25/2007
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Answer by banana
Submitted on 3/7/2007
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my brother commit sucide with a gun!!


Answer by they7692
Submitted on 3/17/2007
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hehehe, well... if you have the gun and no ammo without a permit, its legal, and visa versa.

as for the permit, you should ask a local sheriff or popo. they might have something to say.


Answer by dozer
Submitted on 3/23/2007
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guns go round so no need to ban them whats the point right


Answer by What?
Submitted on 3/26/2007
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You know, if people outlaw guns and don't let anyone have them, that wouldn't stop criminals from stealing them. so the people who would use them in an illegal manner would get them anyways. the law wouldn't do anything.


Answer by gtpb73
Submitted on 3/29/2007
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I am currently a 3rd oui convicted felon  . i was wondering if possibly would i be able to get a permit for a firearm ..how do the laws conflict with this ?


Answer by Dude
Submitted on 4/12/2007
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You conservative rednecks are all the same. Get rid of guns and you get rid of gun murders. End of story.


Answer by Conrad
Submitted on 4/22/2007
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I believe it would be a lot better to have a legal gun than an illegal gun. Therefore a gun permit would be the ideal fix.


Answer by wild tiger
Submitted on 5/3/2007
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I dont think guns can prevent that. I think the police can though.


Answer by Flank Steak
Submitted on 5/10/2007
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Answer by macca
Submitted on 5/10/2007
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you should get if you want to BUT only for hunting feral animals. dont use it 4 anything else


Answer by bigman
Submitted on 5/21/2007
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A lot of people feel that possessing a gun is "evil" or "unjust" but what i say is go out get your gun permit which i believe takes a week or so to process and buy a gun.  too many defenceless people die each year because they dont own a firearm. we need to stop this


Answer by kgawsome
Submitted on 6/7/2007
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i think you should have a gun in the UK and around the world just in case


Answer by The Answer
Submitted on 6/10/2007
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Everybody is a potential Killer, whether a gun is in hand with permit or no gun at all. Ban guns, then yes the outlaws will be the only people with guns, besides cops and any gov. association. So if the innocent people of America say they want a gun to arm themselfs, then let them. Thats why theres a gun control policy. Even though there is, there will always be criminals that will manage to get their hands on a gun.


Answer by GABY
Submitted on 6/11/2007
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Answer by kk
Submitted on 6/15/2007
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Answer by druglord
Submitted on 6/25/2007
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well i thing that if you want to have gun then you should get the permit because gun can save your life and help others


Answer by Preston
Submitted on 6/29/2007
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I am in the Navy and will be a seal soon. I DONT think that everyone should cary a gun for the resons we see every day. Whether your intent is to do harm or not you are a potential thret to every one and your self if you were to loose your cool. I do beleve though that if you are in some kind of government job you shold cary. If you realy want to protect your self then be a police man or join the military.


Answer by Prakash Khatanhar
Submitted on 7/8/2007
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Good questions


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