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...required to become a tattoo artist??

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Question by Ashley
Submitted on 9/15/2003
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What is required to become a tattoo artist??

Answer by mark L
Submitted on 11/20/2003
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How do i become a tattoo artist?


Answer by Dustin
Submitted on 11/24/2003
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Tattoo Artist


Answer by Angelspop
Submitted on 1/9/2004
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It depends on what state you live in as far as the laws go, but the best way to go as far as I have found is to study under an already licensed tattoo artist.I live in Maine and it is acually the law now that you must apprentice before you can become licensed as a tattoo artist.


Answer by Rebuttca
Submitted on 1/13/2004
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Yes you must be an apprentice before you go into the tattoo buissness.But what do i know Im only 11 years old.


Answer by Mr.clown
Submitted on 1/15/2004
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yes you mothas havta become apprentices then and only then can you look upon the ring as your salvation for only one of pure heart can wield the one true Ring the one to rule all rings and tattoos if seen in the right light. then from there you lather,rinse and repeat.


Answer by bigskillsSistarCA
Submitted on 6/30/2004
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You have to learn from the masters and put in time to become an expert. I'm an artist and i just figured out that i can use my skills and make BANK this way... but this also takes from the clock....if anyone knows any big name peeps to learn from... hit me at geewhizrocketchild@hotmail.com


Answer by B
Submitted on 9/20/2004
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Just don't worry about it. No one that has answered has actually ever got a tattoo to start with and no way in gee whiz that any of you fools could give a tattoo.



Answer by Baby D 1342069
Submitted on 10/27/2004
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What is needed to become a tattoo artist?


Answer by ZACH
Submitted on 11/24/2004
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I make jailhouse tats and I'm pretty fuuckin good.If anyone got any good info on how to become a licensed tattoo artist let me know.


Answer by shorty
Submitted on 2/14/2005
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Don't do something that is against the law


Answer by Molly
Submitted on 2/22/2005
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Do you have to go to college to become a tattoo artist or since my dad is one can he teach me and get my license?


Answer by Juggalo_Bot_3000
Submitted on 2/22/2005
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The best way is to take art classes and go under apprenticeship and then get a little slip of paper and there you go (and the test to get the slip of paper is kewl, you get to tattoo a pig):)


Answer by Projekt_YunafikationFFX2
Submitted on 2/23/2005
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well just put it this way..you need to be an apprentice for like 3 years..but it'll be hard to find someone to will take you under your wings you'll have to pay the person you want to be an apprentice for..and it's not going to be easy..so yeah expect to clean toilets and what not..and you need to go to trade school for about 6 months..you won't respected as an apprentice if you don't have any tattoos of your own and you're gonna need to keep a porfolio of all your work tha shows you are a skilled artist.


Answer by chick
Submitted on 5/17/2005
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could you get sued if you gave a person the wrong tattoo they wanted


Answer by neezy
Submitted on 7/19/2005
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i know it takes a lot of work and patience but if that's what it takes then i'm mall for it.


Answer by stakes ink stains
Submitted on 7/25/2005
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you can teach your self of course , at first practice on fake or pigs skin . then your own legs, once you get good get your friends to let you test out your skills on them


Submitted on 8/18/2005
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Answer by tattoogenius14
Submitted on 8/29/2005
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You must become a tattoists apprentice before you can become an artist but it also depends on the laws in your state!


Answer by Jesse
Submitted on 9/20/2005
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im not sure, but i think you need to take a course in art befor you become on , but i dont know anything im trying to figure out how i become one lol,


Answer by asd;flkj
Submitted on 9/21/2005
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Depending on how it's asked, this question probably receives the most
amount of flames when posted to RAB. The general concensus is that there
is only "one way" to do it, and that is to apprentice, period. There is
far more to be learned about the art and business of tattooing than what
can be obtained simply from a book (e.g. customer service, etiquette,
running a business, dealing with emergencies).

Ever seen _Karate Kid_ where the boy learns his skills through mundane,
seemingly unrelated things like waxing a car? Spending eight months to a
year under a well-established artist's wings can help you to really
learn what's involved in being a professional tattooist, as well as in
how to run your own small business. Just as you would never consider
becoming a professional masseuse or an acupuncturist without proper
training, neither should you try to become a professional tattooist
without the proper training.

Unfortunately, many people consider "proper training" to mean "good at
drawing and used a tattoo machine." If you are a good illustrator, it
simply means you might have a better chance at finding an artist willing
to be your mentor.

The hardest part of becoming an apprentice is in finding an artist who
will take you seriously and let you work in the shop. Having a portfolio
of illustrations will certainly help. You will also end up knocking on a
lot of doors. Not every artist will want to have an apprentice, since
that means extra work for them. To prove your commitment, you may be
asked to put time in without any monetary compensation at all for a
while. And for many months, all you will do might be answering the phone
and mopping the floor. But remember that that is all part of your
training! Wax in, wax out! Expect to devote at least two to three years
to this form of training.

Lastly, think very carefully about your consequences should you decide
not to go with the apprentice route:
o You may have difficulty becoming an established artist.
o You may have difficulty finding people you can work on.
o You may end up with a bad reputation for bad work.
o You may not learn how to run a business, and end up having to
  declare bankruptcy.

...be happy you're not trying to become a master sushi chef: They take
*12 YEARS* to attain (and it takes five years just to get the privilege
of cooking the rice).


Answer by veebeangel
Submitted on 9/22/2005
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I Have always been interested in art ever since i was young i could draw. Ever since i was 16 i have been extremely interested in tattoos as well. I too feel that you need to learn as an apprentice in a shop. If anyone from any state is looking for a dedicated artist i am the one. Email me at angelvee1@hotmail.com


Answer by Lacey
Submitted on 9/25/2005
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I've made up my mind! I WANT TO BE A TATTOO ARTIST! I'm very passionate about it but i just dont know how to get started! If anyone has some good advice for me for getting started in the Austin, TX area please email me at LC87@msn.com


Submitted on 11/10/2005
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Answer by CECIL
Submitted on 11/10/2005
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Answer by lizard
Submitted on 11/15/2005
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are you all idiots?


Answer by crazytina
Submitted on 12/6/2005
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well my mother is a tattoo artist and i know it helps if you take certain courses in high school, like art, an certain math classes, if your interested you should talk to someone who works at a high school, consider taking an art class?...


Answer by loki
Submitted on 12/7/2005
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how do u get a naked cock on Ur arm


Answer by Alicia
Submitted on 1/18/2006
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My daughter wants to become tattoo artist.But we can't find a School in the southern california area.Need any information if anyone knows of one or some classes somewhere in our area.

Thank you,


Answer by Shady One_86
Submitted on 1/25/2006
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Im looking to apprentice under a good name i have lots of drawing experience, i just got ma first tatty on my forarm, u know it didnt hurt as much as i thought. not bad enjoy the art willing to train long hours dedicated to art.. email adress is ShadyOne_86@hotmail.com.   peace out


Answer by PeebleD
Submitted on 2/22/2006
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I am an artist and I'll tell you the truth.  I would love to get into tattooing, but I have waited so long and I'm sure I'm not alone.  To acquire the talent to operate the equipment without killing someone is of utmost importance.  By the time I do that I'll be ready for a dirt nap.  Do it when your still young.  Get with an established tattoo artist and learn as much as you can.  Don't be afraid to get up the nads to just ask.


Answer by RiotGrrl187
Submitted on 2/27/2006
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First you have to get a portfoleo of your art work  together, then you have to meet with an artist at a tattoo parlor near you. you may even need to go to a few tattoo places before you actually find someone who likes your work. I've looked into it extensively.now your on your own puppets. rock on!


Answer by Em
Submitted on 3/15/2006
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I was wondering do you have to go to collage for a tattoo artist?? This might sound like a dumb question, but I just want to know, and if you do have to go to collage for it.. Is there any collages for a tattoo artist in Blue Island, Illinois United States? Please E-mail me the answer at diva_princess15@hotmail.com.



Answer by B.J. Robbins
Submitted on 4/17/2006
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I'm doing a thing on tattoo artist b/c I want to become one day. well I was wondering if you can answer some questions.

1.) What skills do you need?
2.) Salary Range?
3.) Type of Education needed?
4.) Any extra information that would be cool to have.

Well thanks!!!

                 -B.J. Robbins


Answer by gothic boy
Submitted on 4/24/2006
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how do i become a body piercer


Answer by DALT0N
Submitted on 5/16/2006
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i am just doing this for a school project...


Answer by Kornkhild
Submitted on 5/17/2006
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you have to become an aprentice and you can only become that if you have true potential at the age of 18. also it may take up to 1.5 years for you to open upyour own tatto shop with enough experience from your tattoo teacher. i say okay cool but ill only be in the apprentice shipfor 3 months so im outta here by the way any chicks my e-mailis miroku564@yahoo.com hell ya!


Answer by Aly
Submitted on 5/22/2006
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yeah having an apprenticeship is probly the first step, I'm starting an apprenticeship in december 2006 and I can;t wait :P


Answer by Steveo
Submitted on 5/29/2006
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The best way to find your answers are to e-mail a experinced tattoo artist or interveiw a tattoo artist from your local  area. If this doesn't work e-mail tattoos artists on the enternet.


Answer by hi
Submitted on 8/21/2006
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this is probably stupid but to get an apprenticeship do you just go and ask a tattoo artist


Answer by charlie
Submitted on 10/9/2006
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About how much do you think it would cost to become a tattoo apprentice because Ive heard many different numbers and i already give my friends and other people tattoos in my living room but i want to be license and get a job doing it.


Answer by hawk
Submitted on 10/11/2006
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There is a tattoo school located in Detroit MI. You can find it through a search engine on the internet. Me personally, I learned from a tattoo master. It takes a lot of pratice & hard work to become a master. If you believe than you can acheive...


Answer by You Blow
Submitted on 11/1/2006
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You Blowe


Answer by Crazy
Submitted on 11/14/2006
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I have a question how do you become a tattoo artist.  Can you drop out of school and become one still.  Do you have to go to art school or something like to become a tattoo artist?


Answer by taylertot
Submitted on 2/18/2007
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you have to start as an apprentence then hopefuly turn into an assistant and maybe after a year or so get a full tiem position. atleast thats how it was for me when i worked at ami james shop.


Answer by TheChicks
Submitted on 2/21/2007
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yoyoyoy whats up? i dont even know what this place is, but im TRIPPING OUT@!! ne wyas back to ur question... a tattoo artist first of all has to be able to draw, and thats pretty much it, later



Answer by kittie
Submitted on 3/16/2007
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i don't really have an answer i have a question like I'm becoming a tattoo artist and like i dont know how and this website is not helping me


Answer by jody
Submitted on 4/17/2007
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you have to become and apprentice thats what i am now then when your teacher or whatever you wanna call them tells you your ready you are im almost there


Answer by soul
Submitted on 4/21/2007
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You must poses a strong understanding of Fine Art...and be able to create works of Art...not one tone pencil drawings like you do in your high school notebook...
If you can't draw/paint a portrait. Your not going to be able to understand how to tattoo it.
With no art background...you can't move far in this industry.
Sure you can try to say your a tattoo artist...you can buy a kit threw some magazines that gives you a certificate or even better a t-shirt to verify it...No you don't need an apprenticeship, but hey it's only permanent-who cares. (By the way I'm joking)
Find a Good Artist...one who's portfolio doesn't consist of manly tribal and Tasmanian devil's, i.e. portraits, realism, oriental, traditional...Something your really into seeing, and actually want to do. That is who you want to learn from...
But in-order to make them say yes you must impress!!!
So bring them professional portfolios-and a want-to-do-this attitude.
Your a dime a dozen to them-and your apprenticeship will be hell...But if your good and want it; it's worth it.


Answer by ???
Submitted on 5/14/2007
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this is so bad ... this doesnot asnwer anything ... omg im going to ask jeeves you guys really surprised me that you can actually read!!


Answer by Dezzie
Submitted on 5/17/2007
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Hm, I have been trying to Get into Tattoo+Peircing, Becausethat is what I want to do when I get older and when i have more time to putinto it, I am only 17 at the time but this has been a long time dream of mine. I don't realy know how to Get myself setup in a place because I am to yung at the momment, but i was wondering if any of you all would like to help me, And if you know anything i Don';t know please tell  me.



Answer by bob
Submitted on 5/23/2007
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what do yuo now about that yuour just 11


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