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My amp keeps shutting off when the bass hits hard. I have...

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Question by Castor
Submitted on 7/4/2003
Related FAQ: rec.audio.car FAQ (Part 5/5)
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My amp keeps shutting off when the bass hits hard. I have changed Head units 3 times and have gone through 4 amps and still the same problem.

I have come to these conclusions:

I have a bad ground.
or, My fuse is too big on the amp power wire;( I have a 80amp big-blade type)

P.S. I currently have a 500-watt amp pushing 2 Lightning Audio 15"s

Answer by yahoodsl
Submitted on 10/31/2003
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not sure if anyone has answered your question, but over the last few days i have been reading up on speakers and I think you just need to put in a capacitor(i think they also call them lighting caps. It will store up power and when your system needs that extra power that your subs need for the deep bass hits. It will have it in reserve and use that saved power. I'm no pro but i think thats your answer. Hope it helps..  :-)


Answer by Teufel
Submitted on 2/8/2005
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your amp is making to much heat it has a thermal shut down circuit inside of it u have 2 15's on a 500 watt amp.... upgrade your amp my friend


Answer by feliks66
Submitted on 4/6/2006
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does the amp shut off after pounding for a while or does it shut off right away if it shuts off after a while it might be the amps overheating and the power protect turning on, on the amp
suggest getting a bigger and better amp to power 2 15'S


Answer by tippmannphreak
Submitted on 5/16/2006
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I think that your power wire on your amp keeps shaking. My brother has two 15" also. He had this problem but I forgot how he fixed it.


Answer by nitro
Submitted on 6/7/2006
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If u are running it bridged and it keeps shutting off then u need a bigger amp i had the same problem i had 2 12 inches running off of a 200 watt amp and it kept shutting off. i got an older alpine amp which is only pushing 120 watts on 1 sub and it works fine but i put 2 on it one time and it over heated and shut off in about half hour so i would go for a bigger amp if i wee u.


Answer by J.Relax
Submitted on 7/29/2006
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a capacitor wont help, you need to upgrade the Big 3 and ur grounds, when the amp ties to draw power and there isnt enough it cuts off had same prob


Answer by Nick
Submitted on 10/5/2006
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Or you can upgrade some of the wires under the hood the "big 3".... its much cheaper than a capacitor



Answer by brian
Submitted on 10/29/2006
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the reason is yes you speakers are trying to pull more power then your amp has but also depends on the ohms of your speakers and the setup


Answer by jamese
Submitted on 11/24/2006
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This is usually caused by power and ground wires not being big enough.  Amps need a lot of food and the larger supply cables usually fix the hunger.  It causes the amp to starve and also clip.  Try installing larger power and ground cables.  Best way to run them are right to the battery with (and this is very important) the same exact size for both.  Good luck


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