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We bought 2 female guinea pigs. One was pregnant when we...

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Question by caroflor1@aol.com
Submitted on 9/8/2003
Related FAQ: Guinea Pig FAQ, Version 1.2.2
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We bought 2 female guinea pigs.  One was pregnant when we got her (we didn't know it until it was too late).  We now have 5 babies (2 1/2 weeks old).  When we put all the pigs together to play (which they do) the childless older female sprays the little ones with a white substance.  What does this mean?  We are very new to this.  Would appreciate your help.  Anyone?

Answer by CA
Submitted on 1/4/2004
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I am certainly no expert, but I would guess this is an act of dominance. the female with no kids may also be a bit jealous. You might want to wait and get another answer, because like I said, I may be wrong.


Answer by sammi20
Submitted on 2/26/2004
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judging from experiences with my guinea pigs i would say the the spraying is more of a dominance thing.  The guinea pig without any babies is just showing the babies where they stand because before they came along it was her home and now there is a lot more competition. just my opinion anyway.  Hope it helps.


Answer by Kimberly
Submitted on 5/9/2004
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It is most definitely an act of dominance. Patches (the 2nd guinea pig of mine) does it to Reeses (the new baby) and after a while they will stop. Bright Eyes (the 1st guinea pig) did it to Patches when I brought her home, but shes stopped now. Just relax and make sure it don't get on you carpet it doesn't feel good stepping in it. (I know know from experience) LOL!


Answer by meg
Submitted on 5/28/2004
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I'm not the best expert on guinea pigs but ever sense i got 2 of them i learned alot. I have a male and a female i want them to have babies and i already know its alot of work but i mostly think in that situtation that its an act of domiance,mostly because it wants to show them that thats her territory but is willing to share only because thats where there going to leave.


Answer by GuineaGoddess
Submitted on 7/12/2004
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I am a guinea pig expert, and this is clearly an act to establish dominance, or in other words,  to show the new babies who is boss. if this results in fighting, you should take away the older pup-less female. (when the babies reach 6 1/2 weeks, you MUST remove the males from the group. otherwise you will end up with either fighting boars, (males), or pregnant sows. (females).


Answer by Kat20
Submitted on 10/15/2004
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Dear Guinea pig expert

My guinea pig is 4 months old.We think she is pregnant because she is more plump and fatter than usual.But now after her mating she won't eat or drink or run.She just want to sleep all the time.We gave her greens, tablets, fruits, cereal etc. but she won't touch it.She used too be a healthy, energentic, loving guinea pig but now she is quiet, little piggies.What shall I do??? PLEASE HELP!!!!


Answer by Jo
Submitted on 11/24/2004
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ok very nice... i think u ppl just need 2 chill out and stop being retards


Answer by JOJO
Submitted on 11/24/2004
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excuse me but all u ppl r stupid weirdos... U JUST WONT LISTEN TO ME AND I, yes I AM THE MASTER OF THE GUINEA PIG WORLD... MWAHAHAHA


Answer by hermesetes hermenigildos arakannannyhey
Submitted on 11/24/2004
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i am teased for my strange name and it makes me very sad so i turn to my guinea pigs. They are my best friends and i love them very much. please dont let them take my guinea pigs away from me.


Answer by sabrina chapman
Submitted on 11/24/2004
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i love my guinea pigs, they are my best friends. everyday i pet them and i feed them, i let them run around in my room and the even sleep in my bed. i even have a little kitty basket for themt o rest in if they want to. i love your website, its been such an inspiration to me. me and my guinea pigs watch/read your website all the time!!! thanx guys!!!


Answer by JOJO
Submitted on 11/24/2004
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i'mall alone... theres no-one here beside me....... MY PROBLEMS R TAKING OVER THIS WORLD... WHY WONT ANYONE LISTEN TO ME!! THEY ARE MY LIFE... THEY ARE ME!! I AM A GUINEA PIG... no-one believes me..plz help me.. PLZ


Answer by sabrina chapman
Submitted on 11/24/2004
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please help me. i recently fell in love with my guinea pig. i love itmore than i love neone else in this world. i want to experiment but im worried about what will happen to me? and what about my gorgeous guinea pig!!! please help mne!!!


Answer by JOJO
Submitted on 11/24/2004
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I am in love... Plz help me.. I have problems..large problems and I need help. My guinea pig side is taking over.. My bed is my home.. My guinea pigs sleep with me... we are one... i cant survive... i need serious help.. I THINK I AM FALLING FOR MY GUINEA PIG!!!


Answer by sabrina chapman
Submitted on 11/24/2004
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please help . i am delirious i recently stole the guinea pigs from the pet store for my own "satisfaction". iof you know what i mean... i think i have a serious problem. i recently started experimenting with goldfish as well, \its just so exciting. i turned to you because i now youre a guinea pig expert. please help me!!! what can i do? will i damage my guinea pig? am i the only one???


Answer by JOJO
Submitted on 11/24/2004
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Answer by Bug
Submitted on 1/24/2005
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I have 2 piggies and I know a lot!
This definitely shows that this is an act to establish dominance. The elder pig would do that because she was boss and the little piggies are in her area if you know what I mean. She would do something to the piggies to show that she is boss of that area. p.s you must separates the boys from the mum and babies as after 4 weeks they will mate, even with their mother!


Answer by GuineaLover
Submitted on 6/30/2005
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I would like to know some signs that a guinea pig is pregnant. I mean what signs should I look for? The only difference I see in my guinea (Jovi) is that she lays around alot more and her nipples are starting to stick out more than usual. Can someone please help me. Your help would be greatly appreciated!!!


Answer by schmity
Submitted on 11/10/2005
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I also have  a pregnant guinea pig but not another female. but once i mate them again i will send you an answer. I believe it is demnominees.


Answer by countrygal30
Submitted on 12/24/2005
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I think that the other female is just telling the other kids what to do and what not to do. Maybe you should separate them for a while. Good luck!


Answer by sasasasasasasasasasasas
Submitted on 1/18/2006
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i personly am not sure.maby before you got the spraier she was pragnet and she still has milk.


Answer by sasasasasasasasasasasas
Submitted on 1/18/2006
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i persoly am not sure.maby before you got the spraer she was pragnet and she still has milk.


Answer by Chris
Submitted on 6/18/2006
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Answer by Rache
Submitted on 7/3/2006
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i will have to say she is telling them were to be and where to not go (her territory)


Answer by nels
Submitted on 8/11/2006
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i had 2 guinea pigs 1 male and 1 feamle and when the female had babies(3 of them) she did not spray them, except when we put the father with the babies for the first time the mother sprayed this white substance at the father. i thought this meant dominance and that she was telling him to back off there mine.


Answer by Nick
Submitted on 11/7/2006
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I have 2 female Guinea pigs and one male and I was wanting to breed them, but how will I know when there prenant? And how long does it usally take for the male to pregnate the female?


Answer by britt
Submitted on 2/3/2007
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im not an expert but if you take out the one that hasn't had babies. And then put it in a place were it will feel  comfortable.After a few days (4tops)put it back and every thing should work out


Answer by Shannon
Submitted on 2/11/2007
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I have a question. I bought a guinea pig from a pet store they couldn't tell if the guinea pig's sex was female or male. We then alter found out it was a girl from a kind person. I was just wondering because they just put guinea pig's run wild with each other even if it is boy or girl and she has been getting bigger in the belly with the last couple of weeks we have had her.


Answer by Charlotte
Submitted on 3/25/2007
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I have the same problem, i got a guinea pig girl then i got another guinea pigs girl who's called Milly but shes pregnant! Will my first guinea pig Muffin be jealous when she has the babies? We have no idea how old Milly is, the shop keeper didn't no. She's either pregnant or very, very chubby. How can i tell if she's pregnant? Please Help!


Answer by tasha
Submitted on 4/21/2007
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hi i have just bought 2 female guinea pigs but i don't no if one of them is pregnant how can i tell ???


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