OK guys and girls I guess i am going to start over and try and make this understandable. I see that alot of you have your own views and what not and that is all great. If i were you however, I would not conclude on ANY idea yet, for the reasoning behind homosexuality is not certain at this point in time.
The bible is a wonderful book with the most significant size of history known to date, and the subject of homosexuality comes to the surface. It basicly has 2 men that are attracted to each other and I belive some other men are with many other men. Jesus of Nazerath says that they should not do that for it is against his father, and that they should turn away from their sins, and move basicly on the right path. As we see this, we must conclude that the bible's info says for us to turn from this sin so many of us is commiting. Sin as in, the ways of the Bible. It also says that homosexuals will not be allowed in the gates of heaven. (1st Corinthians 6:8) There for guys, You must turn from this if you want to go to heaven, if you believe in such thing. I for one am not putting down the bible, or its command at all, I am just giving you information that may help you understand all this. If you are going to the Bible's point of view, Homosexuality is a sin, and you must overcome it. you know everyone that when you lie, it is a sin correct? Well then when you lie, you repent and turn from those ways, but down the path you may lie again, this is because it is a sin and sins do not go away from you in the aspect that you would be tempted to do wronge. In this matter, homosexuality could be the same. You may be looking for a """""Healing"""""" from this and maybe it is possible, but as the bible seems to put it it is a sin and of coarse as you know you can keep sinning and sinning, IE. You might have to live with this the rest of your life repenting from your ways. This is the Bible's Stand Point.
Scientist for many years have wondered about the comings of Homosexuality and if at all there is a way to prevent it. Just in the past 10 years or some more there has been the study of DNA that has grown to a large study. As the study being so young, we are just in a small portion of the subject, and still of coarse trying to get into it more, but the deeper you go, the more advanced the systems get, being harder to understand or even grasp the data. I could talk on and on about this but I am going to tell you, what I believe, (After doing alot of reading and studying from MANY different sources,) Best supports this information.
People say that DNA has nothing to do with homosexuality and I frown to the thought of that due to the fact that we do not have all the information at hand. Like I said before, we are 98% identical to Apes in DNA Sequencing...98%!!! The 98% is large, but that last little bit is apparently important. The Easier DNA to sequence is double bounded. The last bit that we have not gotten yet, is tripled. This being said, the information in the last bit of DNA of basic humans is so important that it could very well hold the answers we are looking for about homosexuality. Do you understand everyone that there is so so so many Hypothesis about this subject and none yet have been proven? You can not conclude anything yet, unless you are, well Dumb, and dumb not in the extremely negative way. One last and final reasoning I believe how humans are gay is very simple indeed. (Let me remind you guys and girls, the information is NOT my speculation, it is information I learned and read over years). When you are in your mother's womb many things occur, one being the changing of Chromes in the body. This is changed with the mother and the father...let me give you an example. if you had 42 X-Chromes, 21 would come from your mother, and 21 would come from your father. when this happens in Meiosis, stage 2, Sometimes, the mother's X-Chromes, or Y-Link, can out weigh the father's X-linked Chromes. when this happens, the mother's traits could be more than the fathers, and the liking of males could occur later on. remember that when one goes into Puberty, many Chemicals are being released and many changes can occur, but who are we to know yet right?.
I really hope that My information was significant to you people some how or another. I am always glad to help.
~later Moons