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How long is a dog pregnant for?

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Question by toffee
Submitted on 9/3/2003
Related FAQ: rec.pets.dogs: Breeding Your Dog FAQ
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How long is a dog pregnant for?

Answer by atomicrenegade
Submitted on 9/5/2003
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usually for 5 in a half months to 6


Answer by Ohmydog
Submitted on 10/25/2003
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Use a search engin next time. 5-6 months is rediculous. A dog os pregnant from 55-70 days


Answer by Tanisha
Submitted on 1/1/2004
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They're actually both wrong. 5-6 months would mean that the pups had died in the mom and it would have by then killed her too. 55-70 days is slightly off too. 58 is about the minimum and if your dog tarrys until 70 days the pups have probably died. 63 days is the average time. Tanisha


Answer by fifty
Submitted on 1/11/2004
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58-63 days


Answer by squeeze
Submitted on 1/13/2004
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The length of gestation in dogs is normally 61 to 63 days.


Answer by lablover
Submitted on 1/15/2004
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what freakin planet are you from, atomicrenegade?  You sounded like you really thought you were right!  If you don't know the answer....don't answer it then!!!  I would say 58-63 days.  


Answer by huntergirl
Submitted on 1/18/2004
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My dog just had puppies.  Its usually about 2 months.  The vet said sometimes sooner.  


Answer by Veryoldvetlady
Submitted on 1/31/2004
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The answer is 61 to 63 days.  But all of your answers were very thoughtful.  I don't think 5 to 6 months is ridiculous.  You took a shot, good for you.


Answer by love4me501
Submitted on 2/1/2004
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it is about 60-63 days a dog is pregnant.


Answer by chiwannahuahua
Submitted on 2/8/2004
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I believe that the 5-6 months was referring to the time in between heat cycles for some dogs as this is the case for chihuahuas-according to my vet.  Otherwise 5-6 months is too long and sounds more like the pregnancy of a small pony.


Answer by niece14369
Submitted on 3/19/2004
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all of u r pretty well right except for the 5-6 month crock it's usually 58-62 days


Answer by Haylees.my.baby
Submitted on 3/29/2004
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I've heard by vet's and people who breed their dog's all the time that it takes only 62 days for her to have her puppies.


Answer by PRINCESS
Submitted on 4/2/2004
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which answer is right


Answer by LowRiderRedNosePit
Submitted on 4/6/2004
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Hello! Today is going to be my dogs 66th day pregnant. How long can she go before having them. Yes is she is pregnant the x-ray showed at least 7 puppies. She has gained 12 pounds during her time pregnant. I can see that babies kick inside so I know there not dead Please help!


Answer by KEL
Submitted on 4/18/2004
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my dog had 11 puppies a year ago and now is expecting again in about a week or so and she had her  first litter of pups after about 2 months she is now about 54 days and now starting to look for her nesting spot so we will soon have puppies.


Answer by ChrisMo
Submitted on 5/5/2004
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it also depends on the breed. Smaller Dogs carry less time.


Answer by animal person
Submitted on 5/7/2004
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Answer by Brat
Submitted on 6/27/2004
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Hello, from all I have read that a dog is pregnant 59 to 63 days.... anything before the 59th day the pups may not make it.  Now Help me please .. My dog is pregnat how far along I am , she went into heat sometime in april... after the 6th I believe (my aunt died thats why I can't recall) I am guessing between now and the next 10 days... She miscarried 1 puppy. Thursday night.. is it possible to still have all the rest normal and healthy?  oh and to the one who's dog is on day 67... I think you should call the vet.. I can't help you on that one..


Answer by catlovers
Submitted on 6/29/2004
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My cat's been pregnant for five years...do you have any suggestions?


Answer by booger
Submitted on 8/11/2004
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hell no it does not take it 5-6 months, more like 55-60


Answer by Babygurl
Submitted on 8/16/2004
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I don't know much sop i cant help you there. my boy dog got my girl dog on July 6th 2004, she is showing but i don't know how long aways she is, she is a small dog and the daddy of the pups are the same. do you know how long she is and when she is going to have them? oh and one more thing, she always licking down there, like ever time she walk she stops and licks what might you think is going on?


Answer by Babygurl
Submitted on 8/16/2004
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I don't know much sop i cant help you there. my boy dog got my girl dog on July 6th 2004, she is showing but i don't know how long aways she is, she is a small dog and the daddy of the pups are the same. do you know how long she is and when she is going to have them? oh and one more thing, she always licking down there, like ever time she walk she stops and licks what might you think is going on?


Answer by ilovemydogs
Submitted on 8/30/2004
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The Farmers Almanac says the normal gestagetion period for a dog is 51 to 72 days.


Answer by denny d
Submitted on 9/21/2004
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My dog have been carrying her litter for about 5 weeks. I am very exciting about it. I don't know when she is going to give birth.If you can help me out. PLEASE DO!


Answer by Mr. Bob
Submitted on 9/22/2004
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i think your cat is not pregnant but is fat becasause not even a whale is pregnant that long!


Answer by ana
Submitted on 9/23/2004
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i don't know if my dog is pregnant or not!
she seems a little overweight all of a sudden and her nipples have suddenly grown out more and our pointier. if someone thinks she is or knows or whatever please tell me!!
by the way, she's an eskimo and my other dog is a spitz, they're about on the edge 2 being medium sized dogs but i don't know how long the pregnancy should be. i just got them about a week ago and the lady said she looks like she's pregnant.
it's ok if u don't know or not i would just like ur thoughts and opinions.
thank u and also sorry 4 typing so much


Answer by samantha
Submitted on 9/23/2004
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My sisters dog is pregnant I am not sure how far along but it think that it is 2-3 weeks and she needs info on how to care for her prego pup while shes giving birth, does she need to stay home when her pup is going to give birth are there signs to show she going to give birth and how long does a Corgi stay pregnant for??? they are pretty small dogs.


Answer by molly
Submitted on 9/25/2004
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my dog has been pregnant for about 56 day's and there's and there is milk in here boob's how long more will she be.


Answer by Amanda
Submitted on 9/29/2004
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I think you guys are being a little harsh to the person who answered 5-6 months. Give me a break is it really worth it calling him/her names??? Life is to short let go of your anger when someone says something that is not totally right!!! I'm sure none of you are still in Grade school...let it go!!!


Answer by angel
Submitted on 10/25/2004
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I think that the cat being pregnant for 5 years is silly. Dogs are pregnant for about 2 months.


Answer by MR. doc
Submitted on 11/2/2004
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I think about 2 months


Answer by squid kiely
Submitted on 11/7/2004
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well i think that a dog is like pregnat for like maybe 5 in a half to 6 months. How should i know? I am only 11. Anyways i predict that it is that because most of you said it was and my neighbors dog had like 7 puppies and that took about 5 months because that is how long i have been living at my new house so i kept track and i am doing a report on dogs and that is the average lenth of a dogs pregnatsey. Thanks and if you have any questions email me at Seto_is_a_babe_to@yahoo.com or just rate what you think is true and i will check and see if i have 5 stars. thankyou and have a good day


Answer by jajo
Submitted on 11/13/2004
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Pregnancy, also called the gestation period, ranges from 60 to 67 days, averaging 63 days.  Most dogs deliver (whelp) between days 63 and 65.  The only way to accurately determine the stage of pregnancy is to count days from the time of breeding.  If at all possible, the breeding date(s) should be recorded.  The mother should be examined three weeks after breeding to confirm her pregnancy.


Answer by maddie
Submitted on 11/22/2004
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dogs are pregnant for 2 months about 53 to 69 days. my dog is pregnant and she is going to have her puppies next week.


Answer by tephie
Submitted on 11/26/2004
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ur cat needs to see the vet ASAP
ur cat might just be fat get it checked out plz


Answer by dog lover
Submitted on 12/5/2004
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Five years is way to long....sorry hunny the kittens are dead.....I suggest you go to the vet for an x-ray to see if there is any kittens in her...if there is they'll be dead and you should really get her surgery to get them removed


Answer by charleyluvsya
Submitted on 12/7/2004
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how can you tell how far along a dog is


Answer by Bonnie
Submitted on 12/17/2004
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Hello to all, but if you dont know just call your pets vet and ask them. Instead of getting a bunch of different answers, that will make you more confused.


Answer by lassy
Submitted on 1/2/2005
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as an answer to the question to the gestation period to a dog you are all wrong. sir ulrick vanlickinstein a famous german that studied dogs his whole life stated that the optimum gestation period for a dog is, directly proportional to the scrotal circumference of the male that knocked your little princess up.


Answer by WaterDoggie
Submitted on 1/8/2005
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Hey cat lovers if your cat was pregmamt for five years your cat wouldn't be living! Get a clue you cat is not pregnant!


Answer by kay
Submitted on 1/8/2005
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what signs did you see before you realized your dog was pregnant? my dog is getting bigger and i'm not sure if she's pregnant. She's also a small breed how long are they usually pregnant?


Answer by germanchick2oo3@yahoo.com
Submitted on 1/11/2005
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You count 58 to 63 days from the day she got her period. You will Know when she starts making her nest or rests in the litter box a lot. She will stop eating about 24 hours before she has them. Every dog is different.


Answer by D.Justice
Submitted on 1/23/2005
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Yes.  Kill it.  That's not normal.  


Answer by butterfly121190
Submitted on 2/2/2005
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I think this is all CRAZY ! ! ! Nature will take care of it self,when its time to have the pups or kittens the mom dog-cat will take care of it!!!!!!


Answer by Goober
Submitted on 2/7/2005
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Maybe your cat is just fat!  Give it a slim fast, that should take care of the problem! lol :)


Answer by Goober
Submitted on 2/7/2005
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Maybe your cat is just fat!  Give it a slim fast, that should take care of the problem! lol :)


Answer by babyrachy
Submitted on 3/7/2005
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Thanks for the answer. Since most people said 58-63 days thats what i believe. which is exciting because my dog has been pregnant around 50 days. We're all excited but its weird because my dog is a mix between lab, chow and German shepherd and the daddy is a Bassett hound. I cant wait to see what the pups will look like. Oh and the person that said 5-6 months needs to get of the crack pipe.


Answer by Shy girl
Submitted on 3/24/2005
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Kel is right it would take 2 months, or from expeirences it would take 2 months or sooner.
And all you dogs haveing puppies congragulations.


Answer by Nikki
Submitted on 4/3/2005
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its about 61-63 but thats just what i think


Answer by yunaish
Submitted on 4/7/2005
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5 years?!?!?!...think ur cat is juz fat dude..btw...its around 63 dayz...or so i'veheard..


Answer by Kitty Kat
Submitted on 4/14/2005
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ummm..... i thought we were talking about dogs here buddy....


Answer by kelnan
Submitted on 4/22/2005
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I had a toyfox terrior who has just passed away while she was pregnant.  She went into labor and nothing happened.  I called her vet and he told me to wait 4 hours and if she did not have a pup to bring her in. She had toxemia and passed away last night.  I really do not understand what happened.  She was fine then she was dead and all the puppies too.  Can anyone give me some answers?


Answer by bonitaa
Submitted on 4/23/2005
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YA ok ur aur cat cant be pregnet for 5 years, she would be DEAD!


Answer by Anna
Submitted on 4/23/2005
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Hello? Can a boy Golden Retriever and a girl Jack Russel Terrier mate? How do you know when a dog is in heat? Are they actually hot?

I'm worried,


Answer by craly
Submitted on 4/24/2005
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ok all of you are wrong. usually it is 10 to 12 weeks. maybe you should make more accurate guesses. i actually do know as i am studying vet.


Submitted on 4/26/2005
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Answer by Jordy
Submitted on 5/1/2005
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Don't Ask Me!


Answer by Sarah
Submitted on 5/2/2005
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Answer by niecee
Submitted on 5/12/2005
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How long is a dog in heat (Pomerine)


Answer by mddcs
Submitted on 5/16/2005
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The veterinarian told me that a dog is pregnant for 63 days give or take 5.


Answer by Dixie
Submitted on 6/14/2005
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The real awnser is 9 weeks!


Answer by louise :)
Submitted on 6/26/2005
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hey if your cat has been pregnant for 5 years then the kittens will have died a long time ago! i was wondering how long an english cocker spaniel would be pregnant for? thanx


Answer by daddyslilangel
Submitted on 6/27/2005
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I think your cat is just FAT.


Answer by Saber
Submitted on 7/16/2005
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it takes about 60-63 days as i have read. my rat terrier dogs have just gotten pregnate on their 1st time in heat. IS this ok? will the puppies still make it? is there a great chance that our dogs will die giving birth?


Answer by bo
Submitted on 7/22/2005
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my pug is having puppies at least i think so be-case her bag is getting bigger but i dont know how to tell if she is pregnant so how do i know


Answer by Reeses/Gordo
Submitted on 7/31/2005
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Your cat is NOT!!! Pregnant you should take her to the vet her kittens might have died.Sorry



Answer by shygirl241553
Submitted on 8/7/2005
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how long after a dog has puppies does she go back in heat?


Answer by lala
Submitted on 8/14/2005
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Ha ha ha, maybe the pregnancy is just a couple of extra pounds. =P


Answer by meggan
Submitted on 8/29/2005
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a cat cant be pregnet for 5 years impossiblle


Answer by Bec
Submitted on 9/12/2005
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my dog has just has just finished havin puppies about 10minz ago...she was pregnant 4 63 days! she is a big dog aswell. unfortunatly 1 has died n we cudnt get it bk! but the other 5 are fine n heathly from wha i can make out. they luk soooo sweet!


Answer by nazi
Submitted on 9/27/2005
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hi catlover dont you think you should take your cat to the vet?


Answer by christoph
Submitted on 9/30/2005
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i think that the average is 63 days and im always correct so ha ha ha


Answer by jnbwebpromotion.com
Submitted on 10/1/2005
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Correct it's about 60 to 63 days.

John Bertrand



Answer by Dancinkika
Submitted on 10/2/2005
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Well the doctors tell you 63 days but it ranges from 58-65 days


Answer by boston/pitbull
Submitted on 10/3/2005
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this for lowriderrednosepit. if your dog still has not had her puppies they might not have made it. you should go to the vet and get her checked. and for the one whose dogs already aborted one puppy the others have a very slim chance of living. and dogs carry 9 weeks. you all have a good day


Answer by peanut
Submitted on 10/6/2005
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my dog is pregnat right now. we are feeling puppies!!!this is her first litter!!!!she is a jack russel breed with a yorkie who died about 3 weeks ago!!shes about 49 days today!!i need advise!


Answer by fish
Submitted on 10/12/2005
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Yeah your a dumbass is a good suggestion


Answer by dog freek
Submitted on 10/25/2005
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i have a project and i need to now the the right answer and for all you people out ther you r all wrong it takes 50 to 65 days so there you go


Answer by Catkiller
Submitted on 10/27/2005
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Just run over it this will fix your cat


Answer by madforit
Submitted on 11/1/2005
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wanted to ask a question looking for an answer,


Answer by sunny
Submitted on 11/2/2005
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6 months


Answer by hippy chick
Submitted on 11/8/2005
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your are all  wrong my mum is a vet and she said a dog is pregnant for 4 to 5 months


Answer by *MARCUS*
Submitted on 11/8/2005
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Answer by jesabell
Submitted on 11/13/2005
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a dog is pregnant up to 65 days.


Answer by snousequeen79
Submitted on 11/20/2005
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i guess that all depends on the dog , ny females was pregnant twice once for 63 days and the second time for 59 days , and the pups were healthy.


Answer by youallsuck1
Submitted on 11/20/2005
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uh no sweety that just means your cat is fat!


Answer by drum bunny
Submitted on 11/26/2005
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catlovers-dont be silly thats just childish u fool


Answer by srah11111
Submitted on 11/26/2005
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the female dog is pregnant for 58 days to 65 days it matters on the dog


Answer by puppylove
Submitted on 11/27/2005
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most of you guys are right in some cases bigger dogs take along time and smaller dogs take the less time because their bodies are smaller some times for small dogs say like a minatuer poodle it takes about 1 month and a half and for bigger dogs say like a great dane it takes about 2 months you really know your stuff guys and girls.xoxo puppylove


Answer by hiya hayley here
Submitted on 12/14/2005
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catlovers you should take your cat to a vet NOW!!!!!!!! it must be dead or something my cat was only pregnant for 5 weeks my vet thought it was quite cool


Answer by Lindsay
Submitted on 12/19/2005
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I have a MALE cat that has been pregnant for five years too!  Help!


Answer by juls
Submitted on 12/26/2005
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5 years hahahahahahahaha


Answer by wickawick
Submitted on 12/30/2005
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It is usally 20 days then there born.


Answer by agilityluver87
Submitted on 12/30/2005
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Ok your cat can't have been pregnant for 5 yrs that is logically impossible, and a dogs gestation period is on average 62 days, and depending on the breeding dates the normal variation is 54-72 days!


Answer by cat hater
Submitted on 1/2/2006
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My ass your cat has been pregnant for 5 years...its just fat! put it on a diet dumass!


Answer by mimio
Submitted on 1/3/2006
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I How long is a dog pregnant Tallie got Pregnant I Hope she 15 puppies


Answer by KenKen
Submitted on 1/3/2006
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I have Brantley is a dog pregnant


Answer by tommy
Submitted on 1/11/2006
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my dog is on her 7th week and i am so nerves AH


Answer by mr
Submitted on 1/14/2006
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Sounds like you need to get a Dog!


Answer by sam
Submitted on 1/16/2006
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omg really 5 years that wkd i think they should be born soon


Answer by JADA
Submitted on 2/2/2006
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Answer by nic
Submitted on 2/4/2006
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your cat isn't pregnant. cats have their offspring within a month - month and a half. she's probably just overweight.


Answer by Melanie
Submitted on 2/7/2006
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How do i know if my dog is pregnant or not? See i have a lab and a chihuahua got over the fence when she was in heat and now i dont know if she is pregnant or not, and i cant take her to the vet because we dont have any money for that so what do i do, and how do i find out if she is pregnant or not? Can someone please give me a accurate answer?


Answer by LWSNCLAN
Submitted on 2/28/2006
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My dog became pregnant the first part of Jan.  So she is on day 51-55 and looks like she's ready to pop!  So when she is ready to have her pups, she will look for a place like nesting?


Answer by phix71
Submitted on 3/13/2006
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You say your cat's been pg for five years?!??! Try putting her on a diet and see if she becomes un-pg


Answer by tina
Submitted on 3/23/2006
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what do you mean your cat has been pregnant for five years? Is that able to happen? i would suggest that you permantly fix that little kitten maker.


Answer by aly
Submitted on 3/23/2006
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If you don't know the answer....don't answer it then!!!  fag


Answer by hall
Submitted on 3/29/2006
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14 months


Answer by kim
Submitted on 3/31/2006
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i gave birth 9 year's ago and i still feel
pregnant any advice on this


Answer by layla0310
Submitted on 4/2/2006
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I'm a new dog owner. I've just adopted my first dog almost a month ago and she has gained a few pounds or so. I've also noticed that the four nipples closest to her back legs have swelled profusely. Is this a sign that she could be pregnant? If so, isnt that something the shelter should have told me?


Answer by mommypomchi
Submitted on 5/8/2006
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should i let my dog get pregnant during her first heat?


Answer by fernando
Submitted on 5/9/2006
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my dog HAS been pregnant for two years and
still is on heat


Answer by Jesus chic! Hek Yes
Submitted on 5/11/2006
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I need help because my dog is pregnant and i don`t know what to do!!!!!!!!!!HELP~!!!!
~~~~Jesus chic!Hek Yes ~~~~


Answer by PitBullBoy
Submitted on 5/22/2006
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They usually have their pups somewhere around 2 months.


Answer by alyssa505
Submitted on 5/28/2006
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My dog is about to have puppies VERY soon, does anyone know how long it will be before she'll let me hold or touch the puppies?    


Answer by haha
Submitted on 5/31/2006
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all of you are wrong except the 5-6 months


Answer by j0hnnyr0tn
Submitted on 6/4/2006
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my right hand maybe pregnate


Answer by Candy
Submitted on 6/6/2006
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LMAO about the cat!

Ya my doberman got out while she was on heat and her boobs are swollen and she has gained weight..could this just be a coincidence?How can I tell if she is pregnant with out taking her to a vet?


Answer by ac
Submitted on 6/12/2006
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put her on a diet she's fat!


Answer by Pegassy
Submitted on 6/21/2006
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catlovers don't you think that it can be a psychological pregnancy that the cat thinks it pregnant but its not and that can last long terms of time


Answer by fall out girl
Submitted on 6/22/2006
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what do dogs do before they have there pups? my dog should have her pups by the end of june, and not sure what to look for


Answer by steve
Submitted on 6/22/2006
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shoot your f*cking cat


Answer by cath8r
Submitted on 6/26/2006
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Kill it.


Answer by breed1995
Submitted on 7/2/2006
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Well Catlovers if your cat has been pregnant for 5 years, that means the kittens have died.If they have, the mother may die or not, because the mother cat carn'tlive with kittens in her stomach, If you think that way, you should take your cat to the vet ( if your cat is still alive ).I took my dog to the vet when she was pregnant and she said that "My dog will be having pups in 4-5 months.    


Answer by Natalie
Submitted on 7/6/2006
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Your cat has been pregnant for 5 years!?
I am sorry but there is no hope for you! The kittens are probably already dead! && Dogs can be pregnant from 2-3 months.


Answer by jack
Submitted on 7/11/2006
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think you all 58to63 days sounds right


Answer by melody
Submitted on 7/17/2006
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my dog is 8 years old. got pregnant by accident. she is 47-48 days today. she is panting alot and then will quit and start agian after awhile sometimes only minutes or two. she is a chihuahua. i was told to watch temp to drop to 99 and labor will begin in 10 - 24 hours is this true? please help me with any info possible i have no idea what to watch for this is my first litter also


Answer by Angel
Submitted on 7/24/2006
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The longest is 63-66 days


Answer by animalcaretaker
Submitted on 7/30/2006
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LOL catlovers


Answer by lis195
Submitted on 8/10/2006
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well my dog,fluffy,has been pregnant for atleast 1 month and  1\2 so i cant b sure to say how long but, i do know 1 thing that 1 about the 5 to 6 monthswell.......all i can say is u r CRAZY!!!!!


Answer by Studmuffin
Submitted on 8/13/2006
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They come out after nine years duh!!!


Answer by VirginiaUCF
Submitted on 8/13/2006
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Get a new cat!


Answer by cranial rectum
Submitted on 8/19/2006
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my mammy has a large anus


Answer by liv
Submitted on 9/2/2006
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A dog is not pregnant for 5-6 months thats rediculous


Answer by oreosmybaby
Submitted on 9/5/2006
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catlovers, your cat is NOT pregnant. It's probably just really really fat. I once had a cat who was really really fat. Turned out she had cancer. She died.


Answer by a dog lover
Submitted on 9/26/2006
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who is right i need to know my dog is about 1 week?   where did the cat come from?


Answer by TazMami
Submitted on 9/28/2006
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Take your cat to the vet, They can find the reason why she haven't get preg for 5 years?


Answer by Danyel
Submitted on 10/8/2006
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catlovers? what are you on? 5 years? isn't that a little weird? maybe you just have a over weight cat . . . physco!!!!


Answer by keara
Submitted on 10/11/2006
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9 weeks


Answer by clarrisa
Submitted on 10/14/2006
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how long to pups


Answer by the et
Submitted on 10/15/2006
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All of you are pretty right but 5-6 months that is how often they go on heat. But it is usually about 58-64 days   -   2 months ruffly. . .


Answer by poop!
Submitted on 10/15/2006
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dear catlovers,

you're cat may not be pregnant it just may be fat! like its owner! thanx for your Question!


Answer by puglover
Submitted on 10/20/2006
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My pug is going to be a father


Answer by tarby101
Submitted on 10/25/2006
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to the cat thats been preg for fve years , think its time for u to see the doc lol


Answer by dog
Submitted on 10/26/2006
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the dogs are pregnant for 3 mouths


Answer by mimi
Submitted on 11/1/2006
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cats and dogs run 8-9 weeks depending upon breed.  ponies(horses) on the other hand are 11-12 months.


Answer by tatman
Submitted on 11/7/2006
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yep, put it down now before you start believing yourself, or maybe we should put you out of your misery.


Answer by Teges
Submitted on 11/14/2006
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I have a chihuahua and i think she is pregnant what are the warning signs and is there anything i should watch out for she is very tiny & i am worried about complications...


Answer by tinkerbell
Submitted on 11/15/2006
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That's funny 5 years.  Are you sure she's pregnant?


Answer by lovemypets
Submitted on 11/17/2006
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Get your cat fixed. That's a simple solution.. (Hello)!!!


Answer by ale
Submitted on 11/26/2006
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how can u tell if your dog is pregnant


Answer by unknwn
Submitted on 12/9/2006
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my dog was pregnant this year and had 10pups she had them in march on her 63rd day an my auntie who breeds dogs told me she was due and said to take my dog for a long walk and she should have her pups that night i woke up in the middle of the night an she already had 5pups an now she is pregnant again. so if your dog reach up to 63 days take your 4 a walk around the block an she should have then not so long after.


Answer by Duub-bo
Submitted on 12/11/2006
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Hello! I have a standard Schnauzer who was in heat around the beguinning of Oct. She has been very hungry even after eatting her normally breakfast. We just thought today that she looks fatter, but not to fat. Her nipples are a little big with some slack on them, do you think she's pregant?


Answer by jazzawazza
Submitted on 12/16/2006
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your all wrong its 10to 11 months


Answer by bb
Submitted on 12/19/2006
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2 months


Answer by tbone
Submitted on 12/23/2006
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Seriously You people have no idea what you are talking about i breed Chihuahuas and 54 days is the max time average time 49-52 days!!!!


Answer by Dr. Henson
Submitted on 12/28/2006
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A dog is usually pregnant for 54-67 days. Minimum of length they could be pregnant for about 70 days if any longer than that you should definatly call a vet and have him/her checked out.


Answer by honey
Submitted on 1/1/2007
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u stupid a dog is pregnant for 60 dayd


Answer by jai
Submitted on 1/4/2007
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dogs are usally pregnant for 9-16 months


Answer by New York
Submitted on 1/4/2007
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It is not possible for your cat to be pregnant for 5 years you need help


Answer by staffy
Submitted on 1/5/2007
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so your cat has been pegnant for five years then i bet it looks like a deformed cow now then.Right me staff is on her 64 day and she ant that big and she was coped with a rottweillier. what is the longest she can take??


Answer by Sweet Heart
Submitted on 1/8/2007
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i would like to know the real answer because i am trying to do research here can i have a real anwser or i will go for 63 days!


Answer by EliaC
Submitted on 1/19/2007
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dogs are usually pregnant for about 2 months (62-63 days.) it goes quite fast.

My cat's been pregnant for five years...do you have any suggestions?

it is most certain that you cat is not pregnant.


Answer by Cady
Submitted on 1/23/2007
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Is a dog pregnant for 125 days.


Answer by munchers65
Submitted on 1/29/2007
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umm r u kidding me if its been five years they are deffinatley goners i mean serioou jeez


Answer by nikki
Submitted on 1/30/2007
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omg 5 years dats madness :O:O:O:O:O


Answer by babyface_Jessica
Submitted on 2/15/2007
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My dag has had 4 litters already and she is pregnant again, she is a Jack Russell Terrier and she is usually pregnant for about 2 months. Hope I helped you all.
Be kind to all animals! mmmmmmmkay please
Peace out!


Answer by whatevereverever
Submitted on 2/19/2007
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i think my small dog conceived on December 22nd.  it is now Feb. 20th and she's been trying to find a nest and she's been having contractions.  that gives it about 60 days.  so yes, most of you are correct...ABOUT 63 days.  


Answer by doglover
Submitted on 2/21/2007
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5 years?! what the heck...I think that a dog is pregnant for about 59-63 days


Answer by bordercolliesrthebestdog
Submitted on 3/2/2007
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shoot it, its just a cat


Answer by deerty
Submitted on 3/3/2007
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yes a dog is pregnant for 60-63 days


Answer by J-Dog
Submitted on 3/13/2007
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You are all wrong
it takes a dog about 12 months to give birth


Answer by grog
Submitted on 3/14/2007
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oh my gosh the damn cat anit pregnant.  5 years!!!
the cat is just fat


Answer by angie
Submitted on 3/27/2007
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dogs can go over thier due date but only a few days the averge dog has puppies in 63 days after her frist breding with the stud.


Answer by miguel
Submitted on 3/29/2007
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Answer by Dont breed
Submitted on 3/30/2007
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Mistakes happen but you should all really get your pets spayed and neutered. Too many dogs die daily at the shelter.. even cute little puppies.


Answer by eve
Submitted on 3/31/2007
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I'm not sure either but i really need 2 know, becauce my dog is almost 1 month of pregnancy and i'm very worried. sometimes i think that she already had them, but i find no clues, i really think that everybody was right accept the 1 that said 5-6 months!! thats crazy!!


Answer by Rits
Submitted on 4/7/2007
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go to a phsychiatrist.


Answer by twetty boo13lloovvee
Submitted on 4/12/2007
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my dog has been pregnant for about 2 months .............sooooooooooo... she should be giving birth any time soon.......RIGHT


Answer by PERSON 12&&**((
Submitted on 4/13/2007
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Submitted on 5/2/2007
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My female has just had a litter. When will the next time be when she will start having another litter?

Its just that I want to skip her from this next cycle, so that she can be healthier and stronger. I dont want to strain her by making her have another litter immediately.

So can someone tell me when she will next go into heat, and so for how long i should keep my male separated from her. She gave birth about 10 weeks ago.


Answer by puppylover
Submitted on 5/5/2007
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dude, I'm 13 and my best friend is about to breed her German Shepard, i know that the pregnancy for little dogs take less so since her dog is bigger will it take longer?


Answer by rainmaker
Submitted on 5/6/2007
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Maybe in their world 10 days = 1 month


Answer by shy_angel
Submitted on 5/7/2007
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If your cat's been pregnant for 5 years, take her to the vet. There's a problem.


Answer by SiberianHuskyLover
Submitted on 5/14/2007
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I am a Siberian Husky breeder. I female dog will usually have her pups on the 59-63rd day. A female dog however can deliver her pups a few days earlier or later. It is very important to keep track of the date she was bred with the stud. Sometimes you actually don't know, so it is a guessing game on how along she is. If however you know when she actually was bred with the stud and she is more than 65 days pregnant it is a good idea to call a vet just to have her looked at (does not mean anything is wrong, nature comes on her own time). My female Siberian Husky is actually on her 64th day today and showing signs, a female dog will usually not go over 64-65 days. A female dog is usually in heat for 3 weeks. The first week she is bleeding and will not except a stud, the second week she will except a stud, and the third week is her ending week and will no longer except. So for one whole week a female dog will except, so if you do not know exactly when she connected with the stud it is a guessing game for how along pregnant she is, 7 days is a lot of days to guess with.


Answer by alex
Submitted on 5/16/2007
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i dont know if my dog is pregnant,but i see her fat than usual,but more than a month or even almost a month have gone,andmay i know what are the symtoms


Answer by SHAYZZ
Submitted on 5/21/2007
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Answer by krystal
Submitted on 5/24/2007
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can you tell when the dog is knocked up or how do you know which day she got pregnant for sure


Answer by yo
Submitted on 6/1/2007
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my dog teddy is pregnant and shes fay


Answer by Cassie
Submitted on 6/7/2007
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if ur cats been pregnant for that long, i think their dead, or ur cat gained weight LOL

but dont worry mines been pregnant for 7 and a half years


Answer by Prof Mathews Elephant expert.
Submitted on 6/14/2007
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All jolly suooooper darlings. You are such spiffing guesers I Know from personal experience it is 22 months.


Answer by nicole
Submitted on 6/27/2007
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67 days


Answer by alie girl
Submitted on 6/28/2007
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I don't think a cat could be pregnant fore 5 years. So either the kittens died or your cats fat.


Answer by Mike
Submitted on 7/4/2007
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nah!!! my dog is on her 64th day. No sign of giving birth though she is pregnant.
Vet says 62 days. My cat was pregnant for 5 mths and finally deliver 6 kitten but only 1 survive. Mind you I am a cat and dog breeder.
Experiences pregnancy up to 75 days for dog and still puppies are healthy.
Humans in the remote area can be pregnant up to 10 mths leh.


Answer by ujussdontknow
Submitted on 7/4/2007
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Girl (catlovers)if yo cats ben pregnant fo five years i thank it'd be a smart idea ta call da vet, dont u??


Answer by justme
Submitted on 7/10/2007
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I came here for a answer on my dog and found some good information but also found some real crude remarks... I think alot of people should look in the mirror before making remarks about others.. People cutting down others and should look at what they tpyped themselves. >>>> Shaking her head>>> To some thanks for great advise, others there is chat rooms for your gossip...


Answer by kristen
Submitted on 7/10/2007
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Care For A Pregnant Dog.
What to expect when your dog is expecting!

Are you getting ready for your dog to have puppies?  Having a litter of pups sounds like a lot of fun, but there is much work involved.  Here are some tips on how to get your dog and you ready for birth.

The first thing to know is that your dog will be pregnant on average for 63 days.  This is not very much time so make sure you are ready.

You will want to make sure that you are feeding your pregnant dog appropriately.  Your dog will need to eat more than usual and you may want to transition to a growth type food or puppy food during the pregnancy.  You should do this by decreasing the amount of regular food you give your dog each day while increasing the amount of new food.  It’s best if you do this over the course of about a week to help prevent loose stool.  Check with your veterinarian to see what is appropriate for diet.  Make sure to feed your dog a high quality diet.  You do not need to supplement the diet with vitamins unless it is recommended by your veterinarian.  Always follow their recommendations.  Your dog may experience symptoms similar to human morning sickness around the third week of pregnancy.  If this lasts longer than one week, take your dog to the veterinarian to see if there are any underlying problems.

You will want to continue regular walks with your dog during the pregnancy.  It is important to get some exercise, but if you have a working dog or do sports with your dog, you will want to discontinue these until after the puppies are weaned.  However, three weeks prior to delivery, you will want to isolate your pregnant dog from all other dogs.  This must continue until at the very least, three weeks after the puppies are born.  There are infectious diseases carried by unvaccinated dogs that may not be very harmful to adult dogs but can be fatal to puppies.  

If your dog is due for vaccination during the pregnancy, hold off on this until after the puppies are weaned.  Vaccination during pregnancy can be harmful to the fetuses.   Ideally, you will want to have your dog vaccinated just prior to breeding.

When getting ready to deliver, make sure to provide a comfortable place for whelping and  raising the puppies.  It should be somewhere where your dog can come and go, but the puppies are confined to.  

When it is time to deliver, your dog’s body temperature will drop slightly.  You can monitor this with a rectal thermometer. Normal canine temperature is between 100-102 degrees.  When it drops below 100 degrees, you can usually expect labor in 24 hours.  When your dog starts to go into labor, she will become restless and may pant, shiver, or vomit.  This is normal.  Make sure to provide fresh water to her at all times.  This stage of labor may last up to 12 hours.  When she begins to deliver the pups, they will be covered with a thin membrane which must be cleared away.  The mother should do this herself, but should she neglect to do this, you will need to clear it away or the pup will suffocate.  You will need to tie the umbilical cords in a knot and cut them above the knot.  Pups will come about one per hour with up to half an hour of straining in between deliveries.  It is not unusual for your dog to take a break of a few hours during delivery.  

You will need to call your veterinarian if your dog does not deliver within one day of her temperature drop, she is straining to deliver for more than an hour, takes more than a four hour break between pups, seems to be in great pain, or has been pregnant for more than 70 days.  Some breeds require cesarean sections so make sure to discuss this with your doctor prior to delivery.  If you feel that anything else unusual is occurring, contact your veterinarian immediately.

It is always important to discuss all of your concerns and what to expect with your veterinarian prior to delivery.

Article by DogTrainingHut.com


Answer by kristen
Submitted on 7/10/2007
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There is no way that your cat has been pregnant for five years, your cat is just fat!


Answer by kimmy86
Submitted on 7/11/2007
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5-6 MONTHS FOR A SMALL PONY!!! Holy crap!! Equines are in gestation for 11 months. haha (No matter what their breed!!)  
- University Equine Student


Answer by Cheese4meese
Submitted on 7/21/2007
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Shoot it.


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