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Why is the American Govt. after me? What crime have I...

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Question by Amir Mansur
Submitted on 9/2/2003
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Why is the American Govt. after me?  What crime have I committed?

Answer by Sugaar
Submitted on 10/5/2003
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by your name you seem to be of Arab origin (am I wrong). those late rough years the Empire's Government is making a new crusade against Arab/Muslim world (for the oil mainly, but also for geopolitical and inner western political reasons: making up an enemy to get people's support for police and military "investment").
you're probably not paranoid. it's just as simple as this: if you're Arab or Muslim you should be somehow pointed as at least suspicious of being guilty of the attack on WTC.
personally, I think S-11 massacre was made up by NSA and Mossad (using, yes, fanatic Muslim to kidnap and suicide) so both, USA and Israel, can get white card to do whatever they want in the Near East area.


Answer by kalito
Submitted on 11/16/2003
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
for you,Amir,the answer is persecution complex(look in the mirror)& for Sugaar just that:too much sugar in her diet.


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