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I am interested in developing an expert system for agricultu...

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Question by Thiru
Submitted on 11/12/2005
Related FAQ: FAQ: Expert System Shells 1/1 [Monthly posting]
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I am interested in developing an expert system for agricultural land use planning. The expert system will suggest ‘which crop can be grown’ considering a whole range of factors like Soil & Landscape, Rainfall and Climate, Infrastructure and Labour availability. The expert system should act like a human expert who draws knowledge (facts and thumb rules) from various disciplines gives an optimal decision. The reasoning should be both forward and backward depending on each case (Which land units are suitable for wheat? Or I have a piece of land, which crops can be best grown?). The input for the expert system will be either a ‘set of land qualities’ or a composite spatial map which has defined land attributes. The outputs should be in spatial format.

Now, I am wondering if there are any such systems that have been developed anywhere.

And also, could you please suggest me what software / programming languages I can use it to build my expert system.

Thanks and regards,


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