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I heard that u could put bleach in ur cats water to kill off...

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Question by oleteddybear
Submitted on 8/29/2003
Related FAQ: rec.pets.*: Fleas, Ticks, and Your Pet FAQ
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I heard that u could put bleach in ur cats water to kill off fleas. If this is so, does anyone know how much bleach u add so as not to make ur pet sick.   my e-mail is oleteddybear@hotmail.com

Answer by laura
Submitted on 10/19/2003
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NO!!!i'm sorry i have never heard of anything like that.think of your animal as your child, because that is what they are. so would you feed your child bleach. we took dogs and cats out of the wild and said here be my child.now we need to take better care of all your kids of the world.


Answer by lisa
Submitted on 3/5/2004
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As long as you don't get the water in the cat's face and mouth, especially around their eyes and ears, you can bleach them.  Make absolutely sure that the bleach is rinsed or shampooed off later. Otherwise it's like wearing paint thinner in your hair


Answer by Annie
Submitted on 5/28/2004
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Cat's name


Answer by BB
Submitted on 6/13/2004
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You are an idiot? Put bleach in their water? As in drink it? If so you will have a dead cat on your hands and if you just mean to wash him/her with it then I have no clue. Bye!


Answer by sam
Submitted on 2/2/2005
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ive been in the drilling business 50 years and bleach is poured directly into wells to kill bacteria   city drinking water is also treated with bleach havent you ever tasted the chlorine in your water


Answer by elle
Submitted on 6/21/2005
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you all are dumb asses would you all drink bleach or even put it on your skin? then dont do it to your cat. Take your cheep asses to the vet and  buy front line topical gel or adams flea spray to get rid of the paricite problem. You and your feline will be happy.


Answer by TheBearedLady
Submitted on 7/19/2005
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Calm down.


Answer by Shishi
Submitted on 7/27/2005
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lol i'd say you should use the whole bottle


Answer by RJ
Submitted on 1/30/2006
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I don't know where you heard that, but you will poison your cat to death if you put any amount of bleach in the water. Second of all, you should never never never put bleach on their body. Take your cat to the Vet. Get some proper flea medication, or give your cat up for adoption, because it doesn't should like you should really even own a cat.


Answer by Sabrina
Submitted on 3/31/2006
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never ever put bleach in ur cats water! thats called"being stupid"!!!!!!


Answer by Re
Submitted on 6/27/2006
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You are an idoit. I'll tell you what.. why don't you drink a glass of bleach and then rub some all over yourself.. wait an hour, if your not dead or in the hospital, or your skin is not peeling off, than I'd say its safe to give it to your cat.


Answer by Dr.Neal  DVM
Submitted on 10/14/2006
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Putting bleach in your cat's water and letting the cat drink it would poison the cat.  A better solution would be to treat your house and yard for fleas and have you cat washed in a "flea dip" at the vet's office.  You should also have your cat on a internal or topical flea killing prescription from your vet.  So the answer is no, DO NOT PUT BLEACH IN YOUR CAT'S WATER.

Good Luck


Answer by T
Submitted on 11/4/2006
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Just bathe the cat in homemade orange oilby boiling 1lb of orange peel in a quart of water. Spray the cooled down liquid over the cat and massage, rinse and bathe the cat in baby shampoo.  While wet brush hair with flea comb to take any extras out. Rinse again, dry then kiss your cat after that huge ordeal.


Answer by T
Submitted on 11/4/2006
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Just bathe the cat in homemade orange oilby boiling 1lb of orange peel in a quart of water. Spray the cooled down liquid over the cat and massage, rinse and bathe the cat in baby shampoo.  While wet brush hair with flea comb to take any extras out. Rinse again, dry then kiss your cat after that huge ordeal.


Answer by Jan
Submitted on 3/5/2007
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My cat loves to lick the bleach off of the floor after i mop. He gets down on the floor and rolls around on it. He acts like it's a type of cat nip. As for the bleach in the water it is vinegar not bleach. I don't remember how much.


Answer by pooh
Submitted on 4/8/2007
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DO NOT use bleach in ur cats water or you will kill you kitty. if you cant afford to take care of the flea problem on ur pet maybe you shouldnt have a pet.think about it would you drink bleach water if you had fleas on you? i think not.


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