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about a week ago i brought home a little girl chihuahua...

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Question by Miss Kitty
Submitted on 4/12/2005
Related FAQ: rec.pets.dogs: Chihuahuas Breed-FAQ
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about a week ago i brought home a little girl chihuahua puppy, my precious Bianca. shes three months old with floppy ears. Now, when i went to go pick her up from the breeders home it was told to me that her and the other puppies were potty pad trained, which im sure is true since my puppy went before we left. Since i brought her home she wont use the potty pad willingly unless i put her on it and wait for her to go, however long it takes. there have been accidents during times when she wasnt being watched but at the breeders home she did just fine without any assistance. is it because shes at a new home and needs time to adjust or what? also, she squeals when she isnt with me like when i go to take a shower or get something from another room. i think im doing okay with that when i just ignore her. i do the same when shes in her kennel. im trying to kennel train her but i dont really have a set way of doing this since every dog ive had has been big and slobbery and had no problem with being left outside. is there any preferred way of going about it that seems easy and less painful for the puppy or is it a long and drawn out process that results in much crying and sobbing from both sides?

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