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Mom's old '87 Plymouth Horizon has few miles but has aged...

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Question by TommyGun
Submitted on 9/4/2004
Related FAQ: rec.autos.makers.chrysler FAQ, Part 1/6
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Mom's old '87 Plymouth Horizon has few miles but has aged greatly engine wise, as in the Rubber hoses & parts cracking, carburetor leaks, stiff then releasing steering to one side... Anyways, she won't dump it, so I fix it when I can. Problem is, there's a push rod for the automatic choke thats lost a bushing which has since been fabricated, but around twice a year it disengages and the car dies and won't start till the rod is repositioned. Now this happened the other day & she had it towed home. I looked & reconnected the push rod, but it still wouldn't start. I noticed the starter sounded different & know she'll try & crank it over till the starter or battery goes, unless I'm around to stop her. It still turns over and visually the belts are moving when cranking, but I noticed it wasn't getting any fuel in the carburetor, nor was there any in the float bowl as pumping the accelerator didn't produce any fuel either. Upon cranking with the fuel line off at the carburetor and getting no gas what so ever, I made sure there were no plugged lines or filters & proceeded to replace the fuel pump. After which & still no start & the same no gas results, comes a new discovery of no spark from the coil, plus a not so good ohm reading, I replaced it also with the same results, no spark. So as of now, not so sure which direction to take to get Mom's ride up & mobile again. She said she pulled up to a stop light and it just died, which is what it does when the automatic choke push rod linkage comes undone. It seems like it was the usual linkage problem with the choke, but that she tried cranking it for so long that something else must have happened from the excessive starter use. Just seeking a little help and advice in an effort to stop spending money throwing parts at it with frustrating results, so all and any are and would be much appreciated

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