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We have a ceiling fan/light combo run by a wall switch. We...

<< Back to: Electrical Wiring FAQ (Part 1 of 2)

Question by Peter T
Submitted on 7/16/2004
Related FAQ: Electrical Wiring FAQ (Part 1 of 2)
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We have a ceiling fan/light combo run by a wall switch.  We can turn on/off with the use of the seperate pull chains. I would like to put them on seperate wall switches so that I can power them up seperately.  What do I need to do? Thanks!

Answer by Mehtools
Submitted on 8/4/2004
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
Been there done that.
I installed a dual switch that fits in the exisitng box on the wall. I had to mount a receiver in the fan and what happens is the fan is controlled by a lo/med/high pushbutton and the light is dimable. it runs about 40 bucks at Home Depot or Lowes. Real easy to install and you don't have to run wiring to the light. It is called a remote control but no batteries required, it runs off of house current.


Answer by Jay
Submitted on 11/21/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
First you have to make sure your fan/light has the option of seperate switching...via fan and light.If not you must purchase one.Second you have to use a 3 wire;(14/3) and use the black and red as switch legs...(black=light...red=fan).you can either add a two gang box with an extra switch location or buy a two in one switch(but wiring may be tight).Take the existing power-wire and pigtail it into two with a wire nut;One for each switch.And pigtail in a new ground and nuetral;One for each switch.Basicaly all your doing is adding a switch leg so you can controll the light/fan functions independantly.It may sound complicated but it realy is'ntGood luck.  


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