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...possible for a st bernard breed of dog and a yorkshire...

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Question by tonya
Submitted on 7/15/2004
Related FAQ: rec.pets.dogs: Breeding Your Dog FAQ
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is it possible for a st bernard breed of dog and a yorkshire  terrier breed of dog to mate?????

help me please

Answer by crystal
Submitted on 9/5/2004
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It isn't very wise for this to happen unless the yorkshire terrior is a male. Because a St.Bernard is to big of a dog for a female yorkie. It can do some serious damage and possibly kill her.


Answer by candy
Submitted on 10/10/2004
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no it is not possible to bred a yorhshire and a st benard because the puppies may die in her stomach and the mom would die giving birth because st benard pups are to big for a female that big she wopuld literly explod if you have bred to dogs and the yorkshire is the female then be prepared to have to put your female down. if you have any questions email me at harrie_rox@hotmail.com


Answer by pugdug
Submitted on 11/23/2004
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why in the world you you EVER want to do that? Poor dogs...in the name of all thats good please don't do it....and PLEASE tell me that at least the FEMALE is the St. B? If not than that is just brutal, seeing that the puppies would be so large that the mother would most likely die. Next time just think a bit...


Answer by Loopie234
Submitted on 5/20/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
Yes it is.If the yorkie is a male I would suggest you putting the yorkie on a stool and hold the stool still while he is "doing his thing" on the female.
          Hope this Helps,


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