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if some one can write the source code in c++ of this...

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Question by nida
Submitted on 6/26/2004
Related FAQ: LEARN C/C++ TODAY (A list of resources/tutorials)
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if some one can write the source code in c++ of this program, then mail the source code to me at nida148@hotmail.com.

Write a C program which writes and read data from the txt file in the form of a structure named Invtry, having Inventory details.

Make a structure Invtry and use it in writing and reading data from the file.

Structure Invtry should have the following attributes.
// for inventory description
1.   desc

// for inventory quantity per unit
2.   qty

// for inventory price per unit
3.   price

Your program should have the main menu from which the user has to select one among the following two choices:

Enter w to write data
Enter r to read data
Enter q to quit

Write three functions

    1.     get_input()
This function will take the argument of type Invtry and will prompt the user to enter input values for all the structure’s attributes.

    2.   write_file()
This function will also take the argument of type Invtry and write the data entered by user in the invtry.txt file.

    3.   read_file()
This function will read the file invtry.txt.

Your program should open the file with proper error checking mechanism. If a file do not open, a message saying

“Error in opening the file”

should be displayed.

File should open in write or append mode while writing the data into the file whereas it should open in the read mode while reading data from it.

Your program should continue until the user wants to quit.
Sample output:

Enter w to write data
Enter r to read data
Enter q to quit

Enter your choice:   w

Description:   metal
Quantity:   400
Price:      50

Do you want to continue? Y

Enter w to write data
Enter r to read data
Enter q to quit

Enter your choice:   w

Description:   wood
Quantity:   200
Price:      100

Do you want to continue? Y

Enter w to write data
Enter r to read data
Enter q to quit

Enter your choice:   r

Description:   metal
Quantity:   400
Price:      50

Description:   wood
Quantity:   200
Price:      100

Do you want to continue? n

Submit ONLY the .cpp file

Answer by art
Submitted on 3/28/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
if some one can write the source code in c++ of this program, then mail the source code to me at nida148@hotmail.com.

Write a C program which writes and read data from the txt file in the form of a structure named Invtry, having Inventory details.

Make a structure Invtry and use it in writing and reading data from the file.

Structure Invtry should have the following attributes.
// for inventory description
1.   desc

// for inventory quantity per unit
2.   qty

// for inventory price per unit
3.   price

Your program should have the main menu from which the user has to select one among the following two choices:

Enter w to write data
Enter r to read data
Enter q to quit

Write three functions

    1.     get_input()
This function will take the argument of type Invtry and will prompt the user to enter input values for all the structure’s attributes.

    2.   write_file()
This function will also take the argument of type Invtry and write the data entered by user in the invtry.txt file.

    3.   read_file()
This function will read the file invtry.txt.

Your program should open the file with proper error checking mechanism. If a file do not open, a message saying

“Error in opening the file”

should be displayed.

File should open in write or append mode while writing the data into the file whereas it should open in the read mode while reading data from it.

Your program should continue until the user wants to quit.
Sample output:

Enter w to write data
Enter r to read data
Enter q to quit

Enter your choice:   w

Description:   metal
Quantity:   400
Price:      50

Do you want to continue? Y

Enter w to write data
Enter r to read data
Enter q to quit

Enter your choice:   w

Description:   wood
Quantity:   200
Price:      100

Do you want to continue? Y

Enter w to write data
Enter r to read data
Enter q to quit

Enter your choice:   r

Description:   metal
Quantity:   400
Price:      50

Description:   wood
Quantity:   200
Price:      100

Do you want to continue? n

Submit ONLY the .cpp file


Answer by arthur
Submitted on 3/28/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
/****************INVENTORY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM*******************/

/*Programmed by : Vivek Patel**********************************/
/*For Bugs Free feel to contact********************************/
/*Website : www.vivekpatel.cjb.net*****************************/
/*Email : vivek_patel9@rediffmail.com**************************/

#include <time.h>

fstream inoutfile;

//Menu Global Item
#define pixTOrc(x) (8*(x-1))  //convert pixel into row and col format
#define INC 5  //Increment Distance Between Menu Items
#define ROW 15 //Row Value for Menu Item
#define COL 8 //Column Value for Menu Item

// To display the Inventory Main menu options
typedef char option[15];
option mainMenu[]= {
  "New Record",

/*-------------------Inventory Class--------------------*/

class Inventory{
   char itemNo[2],itemName[20];
   int qty;
   double price,amt;


   char *getno(){return itemNo;}
   char *getitem(){ return itemName;}
   double getamt(){return amt;}
   void getdata();
   void showdata(int,int);
   void showspecific();
   void alterspecific(char *,char *);

void Inventory :: getdata(){
   cout<<"Enter Item Number : ?\b";
   cout<<"Enter Item Name : ?\b";
   cout<<"Enter Quantity : ?\b";
   cout<<"Enter Price : ?\b";
   amt = price * qty;

void Inventory :: showdata(int x,int y){

void Inventory :: showspecific(){
   cout<<"--Search Item Found--";
   cout<<"Item No : ";
   cout<<"Item Name : ";
   cout<<"Quantity : ";
   cout<<"Price : ";
   cout<<"Amount : ";

void Inventory :: alterspecific(char itmno[2],char itmname[20]){
   cout<<"Enter Quantity : ?\b";
   cout<<"Enter Price : ?\b";
   amt = price * qty;

/*---------------Inventory Codes End------------------*/

/*--------------Menu and all other functions Code--------------*/

//Displays Graphic text in delaying fashion
void displayMe(int x,int y,const char *ch,int delayTime){
   char d[2];
   int len=strlen(ch);
   for(int i=0;i<=len;i++)

//Function which shows loading...progress bar
void loading(){
    //progressbar logic
      int i=1,j,cnt,clrflag=0;
         outtextxy(240,340,"LOADING ");

// Function to displays all the menu prompt messages from the pointer array of option a[]
void normalvideo(int x,int y,char *str)

// Function to move the cursor on the menu prompt with a reverse video color
void reversevideo(int x,int y,char *str)
   setcolor(YELLOW);  //Selected Item
   setcolor(WHITE); //Unselected Item

//Keep Track of which arrow key is displayed
char menu()
   setcolor(WHITE);  //Initial Menu Item Color
   int i,done;
   time_t t;
   for(i = 1; i < 7; i++)
     normalvideo(COL, (i*INC)+ROW, mainMenu[i]);

   reversevideo(COL,ROW, mainMenu[0]);
   i = done = 0;
         /**status Bar **/
         //Message will be displayed as status bar guide-line
            case 0 : outtextxy(pixTOrc(5),pixTOrc(52.75),"Add New Item to Inventory");
            case 1 : outtextxy(pixTOrc(5),pixTOrc(52.75),"Display All Items available in Inventory");
            case 2 : outtextxy(pixTOrc(5),pixTOrc(52.75),"Search for a specific Item in Inventory");
            case 3 : outtextxy(pixTOrc(5),pixTOrc(52.75),"Modify the quantiy and price information of Item available in Inventory");
            case 4 : outtextxy(pixTOrc(5),pixTOrc(52.75),"Deletion of item from Inventory ");
            case 5 : outtextxy(pixTOrc(5),pixTOrc(52.75),"Managerial Analysis To tak Decisions...");
            case 6 : outtextxy(pixTOrc(5),pixTOrc(52.75),"Close the Program --> BYE C U @ www.vivekpatel.cjb.net");
         /**status Bar ends**/

         /*****Time display****/
         //Displaying Time logic
               outtextxy(pixTOrc(37),pixTOrc(56),"Download More @ : www.vivekpatel.cjb.net");
          /*****Time display Ends****/

          //Restore Orignal Color and Font Setting

      int key = getch();
      switch (key)

         case 00:
            key = getch();
            switch (key)
               case 72:
                  normalvideo(COL, (i*INC)+ROW, mainMenu[i]);
                  if (i == -1)
                     i = 6;
               case 80:
                  normalvideo(COL, (i*INC)+ROW, mainMenu[i]);
                  if (i == 7)
                     i = 0;
                  reversevideo(COL, (i*INC)+ROW, mainMenu[i]);
         case 13:
            done = 1;
   while (!done);

//Advertise Screen will displayed to utilize empty screen area
//It can be utilize for some effective...work
void advertise(){
   outtextxy(pixTOrc(30),pixTOrc(20),"URL : www.vivekpatel.cjb.net");

/* The function is used to display the main menu*/
void control_menu()
     char choice;
      choice = menu();
      switch (choice)
         case '1':    //Add New Item
            Inventory additem;
            inoutfile.open("c:\\stock.dat",ios::ate | ios::out | ios::binary);
            outtextxy(pixTOrc(40),pixTOrc(15),"Add New Item");
            char ch;
            inoutfile.write((char *) &additem, sizeof(additem));
            cout<<"-> Item Added in Inventory <-";

         case '2':    //Display All Item in inventory
            Inventory showitem;
            static int count=0;
            inoutfile.open("c:\\stock.dat",ios::ate| ios::in | ios::binary);
            outtextxy(pixTOrc(40),pixTOrc(15),"Inventory Stock");
            inoutfile.seekg(0,ios::beg); //goto start of file
            cout<<" No "<<" Item Name "<<"   qty "<<"   price "<<"       amount";
            int x=30,y=13;
               inoutfile.read((char *) &showitem, sizeof(showitem));

         case '3':    //Search for specific Item in inventory
            Inventory srchitem;
            inoutfile.open("c:\\stock.dat",ios::ate |ios::in| ios::out | ios::binary);
            outtextxy(pixTOrc(40),pixTOrc(15),"Search Item");
            cout<<"Enter Item Name : ";
            char name[20];
            int found=0;
               inoutfile.read((char *) &srchitem, sizeof(srchitem));
               cout<<"SEARCH ITEM NOT FOUND";

         case '4':    //Modify the status of item in inventory
            Inventory alteritem;
            inoutfile.open("c:\\stock.dat",ios::ate |ios::in| ios::out | ios::binary);
            outtextxy(pixTOrc(40),pixTOrc(15),"Modify Item Details");
            cout<<"Enter Item Name : ";
            int rec=0;
               inoutfile.read((char *) &alteritem, sizeof(alteritem));
                  int location = (rec-1) * (sizeof(alteritem));
                  inoutfile.write((char *) &alteritem, sizeof(alteritem));
               cout<<"ITEM NOT FOUND -- NO Modification Possible";
               cout<<"ITEM Updated Successfully";
            setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,LIGHTGRAY);            bar(pixTOrc(28),pixTOrc(14),pixTOrc(75),pixTOrc(50));

         case '5':    //Delete Item in inventory
            Inventory delitem;
            inoutfile.open("c:\\stock.dat",ios::ate |ios::in| ios::out | ios::binary);
            outtextxy(pixTOrc(40),pixTOrc(15),"Delete  Item");
            cout<<"Enter Item Name : ";
            fstream tempFile("c:\\stock1.dat",ios::ate |ios::out| ios::out | ios::binary);
               inoutfile.read((char *) &delitem, sizeof(delitem));
               if(strcmp(delitem.getitem(),name)!=0 && !inoutfile.eof()){
                  tempFile.write((char *) &delitem, sizeof(delitem));
                  cout<<"Wait Please...Deletion may take few seconds";
               cout<<"ITEM NOT FOUND -- No Deletion Possible";
               cout<<"ITEM FOUND -- Deleted Successfully";

         case '6':    //Analysis of Inventory Items
            Inventory anitem;
            inoutfile.open("c:\\stock.dat",ios::ate |ios::in| ios::binary);
            outtextxy(pixTOrc(40),pixTOrc(15),"Managerial Analysis");
            int last=inoutfile.tellg();
            int n = last/sizeof(anitem);
            cout<<"Total Items in Inventory : "<<n;
            inoutfile.seekg(0,ios::beg); //goto start of file
            double total=0.0;
               inoutfile.read((char *) &anitem, sizeof(anitem));
                   total=total + anitem.getamt();
            cout<<"Total Investements : "<<total;

         case '7' :   //Exit
            goto out;
     } while (choice != 7);

//At Exit the end function will call...
void end(){
   int i,j;
   displayMe(pixTOrc(5),pixTOrc(18),"Programmed by : VIVEK PATEL",50);
   displayMe(pixTOrc(5.25),pixTOrc(18),"Programmed by : VIVEK PATEL",0);
   displayMe(pixTOrc(5),pixTOrc(23),"Website : www.vivekpatel.cjb.net",50);
   displayMe(pixTOrc(5.25),pixTOrc(23),"Website : www.vivekpatel.cjb.net",0);
   displayMe(pixTOrc(5),pixTOrc(28),"Email : vivek_patel9@rediffmail.com",10);
   displayMe(pixTOrc(5.25),pixTOrc(28),"Email : vivek_patel9@rediffmail.com",0);
   outtextxy(pixTOrc(5),pixTOrc(45),"Your Suggestion and comments are always welcome");

//Function Displaying Password Screen...
int get_password()
   outtextxy(pixTOrc(8),pixTOrc(2),"Inventory Management System");

   int i,j;
   int c=pixTOrc(40),a=-1;
   //You can also make use of storing file containing
   //password...and than encrypt and decrypt for more
   //secured use...
   char pass[20],correctpassword[20]="vivek";
   outtextxy(pixTOrc(16),pixTOrc(17),"Enter password : ");
   outtextxy(pixTOrc(16),pixTOrc(30),"Enjoy the Free version");
   outtextxy(pixTOrc(16),pixTOrc(33),"Password is  vivek");
   while (pass[a]!='\r')
      if  (pass[a]=='\r' || a>=6){
      outtextxy(c,pixTOrc(17.5), "*");

      if (strcmp(pass,correctpassword)==0){
         outtextxy(pixTOrc(20),pixTOrc(24),"Password Accepted");
         outtextxy(pixTOrc(20),pixTOrc(24),"Wrong Password!!!");
         return (1);

void main()
   int i,j;

   //Registing Drivers to include graphics supporting file...
   //in to your .exe file so only .exe file is distributed.
   //For that part of code just email, me as it require, little
   //bit prilimnary understanding.

   int gd=DETECT,gm=0;

   int incorrect_pass=get_password();

      goto quit;
/*--------Title of Inventory Management system--------*/


   outtextxy(pixTOrc(8),pixTOrc(2),"Inventory Management System");



/*--------Title code ends of Inventory Management system--------*/

   //Calling Menu

   //on exit...


Answer by th
Submitted on 8/11/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
do your own work u slack


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