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I have a difficult decision to make. My vet is suggesting...

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Question by proud new owner
Submitted on 6/21/2004
Related FAQ: rec.pets.dogs: Chihuahuas Breed-FAQ
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I have a difficult decision to make. My vet is suggesting that I remove my baby chi's dewclaws when I get him neutered. What do you guys think and know about this. The vet said they easily get caught in carpets and clothing, and he could rip his dewclaw off. This makes me sick to my stomach to get these removed. Another question... My vet suggests that I feed him 3 meals a day, and not to free feed him. I'm used to free feeing my animals because we've never had weight issues. I don't want to deprive him of food, he eats 3-4 bites at a time... How have you guys been feeding you chi's?

Answer by Tanisha
Submitted on 6/22/2004
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I can understand that you wouldn't want to cause your "baby" pain by having his dew claws removed but your vet is right. Dew claws have a way of curling into the skin as they grow, causing pain. And dogs can get it ripped off if it gets caught on things. So in the long run, you're probably saving your dog a great deal more pain in the future than the pain of getting it removed now.
I'm sure Chimama will agree that you can free feed your Chi. Like you said, they don't eat much and they'll stop when they're full. Try free feeding him and if you see a weight problem, stop. Most likely he'll be fine. Have fun with your new "baby"! Tanisha


Answer by proud new owner
Submitted on 6/23/2004
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Thanks for a wonderful reply Tanisha. It's just such a difficult thing to go through. I think I'll have a more difficult time then he will. I've heard the healing time is about 3 weeks for the dewclaws. I may be over the top, but I've booked 3 weeks off of work just in case. I think I'm really nervous about this, is because when I spayed my cat, she jumped around and ripped opened her stitches, she had to go under surgery again, and had to stay in a cage for 1 week, so she couldn't jump around and irritate the stitches. I'm scared to re-live this. He will be getting neutered, microchiped, and removal of dewclaws all at once. That's pretty scary. Chimama, what do you think?


Answer by chimama
Submitted on 6/23/2004
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First, THANK YOU for having your dog spayed and micro chipped.  I wish all owners were so caring for their animals.

Absolutely continue free feeding, spaying will not make your dog fat or lazy.  While my girls have pretty much settled into a routine of when they eat, they do grab a few kibbles here and there, especially if they've been busy.  I don't like to think that they go hungry but I get to have a snack.

Personally, I don't see the need to remove dewclaws for most dogs.  I do know that many hunting dogs have them removed, and that makes sense considering all the rough terrain they go through.  None of my dogs has ever had an injury to the dewclaws, and they get clipped the same as the other toes.

However, it's not as though you are going to have her tail docked and her ears trimmed (I feel So Sorry for Dobermans!) just for fashion.  If you have a lot of deep carpets in your home, or have trouble clipping dewclaws (there's a trick to it) than you may indeed be preventing injury.  You're a very responsible owner, do as you see best.

The good thing is that she will probably need to wear an Elizabethan collar (cone) for a few days to keep her from licking her spay incision, which will also keep her from chewing at her feet.  I don't know that you need to schedule 3 weeks off work, what I usually do is drop them off Friday morning which gives me the whole weekend with them, and I can take Monday off if needed.  Do make sure that she has sufficient pain medication, my vet gives me pills, can't remember the name, but they get 1/4 pill twice a day.  


Answer by proud new owner
Submitted on 6/24/2004
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I'm still very confused. I would love to have all the time in the world to think about this, but we need to get him neutered within a couple of months. I refuse to have two separate sugeries. When he goes under for his neutering, I either get the dew claws removed, or I live with it. He wears sweaters quite often, if it's cool outside, and no matter how careful I am, they sometimes get caught in the yarn when he's playing with my cat. I've heard him scream before, then I've had to rush over to undo the nail from the sweater, or he'll climb on me and his dew claw will get stuck in my shirt. The vet said they do it all of the time, for medical reasons, and that it's best when done all at once. I guess I'm still stuck in the middle... I will let you all know what ends up happening. As for the free feeding, the reason why I've been told to narrow it down to 3 meal a day is because he wakes me up every night around 3 or 4 am to go pee and poop in his litter (he sleeps in a kennel at night so he's safe, cause him and my cat play a little too rough, they need supervision).As much as I love my little baby, I really don't feel like waking up in the middle of the night every night for 15 or so years... I wonder if he still maybe has an immature baby bladder, and that he'll be able to hold it in throughout the whole evening. Any more input? We're starting obedience school with him next week for puppies only! I'm looking forward to it! Thanks again for all of you help. I love this message board!


Answer by chimama
Submitted on 6/25/2004
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You've got a very good reason for having the dewclaws removed.  I say go ahead.  If they're getting caught on things, then sometime it's going to happen that someday he's going to hurt himself.  No more confusion, both Tanisha and I agree with your vet, that's 3 for and 0 against.

Free-feeding is still the way to go I believe.  Can you put him in a separate room from you and the cat, such as the bathroom? where he would have free access to his litter tray, at least for a couple more months?  Once a dog is 6 months old, they're reliable to use the tray by themselves, although it sure sounds like he knows what the tray is for right now.  And yes, once he's 6 months or so old, he will be able to hold it overnight, especially if he goes right before bedtime.

I'm very lucky, my alpha Gremlin understands that we go potty before we go to bed.  She either hops right in without being told or will respond to "Gremmy go potty".  She often doesn't even go first thing in the morning.  I wish I could figure out how I did it, because I'd share it with the world.  As it is, I'll just chalk it up to her being the smartest little chi in the whole world.

Also, once he's a bit older, he and the cat should be able to be trusted so he doesn't have to sleep in a kennel all night.  You could always use a child's playpen for a kennel and put the litter tray in with him, just a thought.


Answer by new proud owner
Submitted on 6/28/2004
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Great answers once again Chimama, I can always count on you. It would be fun going out for lunch with you!!! I love the free feeding idea just as long as he doesn;t over eat, which I doubt will happen... I've been kenneling him for the past 2 months now, I'm afraid to change his schedual and leave him in the bathroom all night. I don't think he would understand "bedtime" that way. I guess I could always try. I wouldn't close the door though, I would put up a baby gate so he could see what's going on. As for the dewclaw removal, I don't know if I can handle seeing him like that. I'm still thinking about it. But I know it needs to be done. In about a months time is the big day. I'm sure my siamese cat will take care of him, it's so cute, they actually take turns cleaning each other.Your little chi's sound like so much fun. I know I can teach him well. My shih tsu (we had to put down about a month ago) was the most well manned/tempered dog. He was amazing! It's just difficult to start over from scratch, it's like I forgot how to do it, because I didn't have to constantly train my shih tsu. I am looking forward to obedience class with him. I'm sure he'll do well. He already knows how to sit, laydown and shake a paw. Thanks again Chimama! I really appreciate the help!


Answer by chimama
Submitted on 6/30/2004
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Please accept my sincere condolences on the loss of your beloved shih tzu, and my thanks for giving him the greatest gift an owner can by helping him pass over rather than letting him suffer.

I live in Minnesota, the Twin Cities to be exact.  I don't know how close you are, but if it would work out I'm up for lunch.

You could transition him to the bathroom by putting his kennel in the bathroom and leaving the kennel door open.  And yes, if I didn't mention it, do use a baby gate rather than shutting the bathroom door completely.  That would be too cruel.

The fact that your chi and your siamese clean each other is a very good sign, they accept each other.  I'm sure that with a little more time, they'll be fine together overnight.  You're obviously going to be a great chi mama!


Answer by new proud owner
Submitted on 7/5/2004
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Thanks again Chimama for your kind words. I live in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan (Canada) I think Minnesota is quite a ways from here... But if I'm ever close to your city, I'm there!!!
I know I made the right decision with my dog "Cody" (the shih tzu). He had such a great little life for 13 years. He developed damentia (I don't know how to spell it). Basically, he lost his marbles, and was doing wierd things. The night before we put him down, he stopped going to the bathroom. He hadn't gone for a day, obviously his little system was shutting down, what great timing for us, because we already had the vet appointment to put him down. I was very sad, but I think I was relieved. I know he's better off in puppy heaven. We burried him in a pet cemetary close by and I can go visit whenever I want. My little chi and siamese have definately helped me get through it! It angers me when I see people let their animals suffer because of their own selfishness. I'm glad to hear that you're on the same page with me.
Lately, my little chi (his name is Bruiser by the way...)has been so good going to the bathroom in his litter, and he gets along better with my siamese (Bailey)I have let him run free on the main floor with her if I go out for a short time. I come home and there's pee and a poop in his litter. I start clapping and congrtulating him, boy does he ever get excited! My question to you is, do you let your chi's sleep wherever at night now? With my shih tsu, he slept in an enclosed area for about a year and a half, once he was older and was well potty trained, he slept in his own bed in my room. Do you think that would be okay once Bruiser got a little older? Could I have him sleep in his bed beside mine? Or are chi's different that way? Thanks again for you awesome advice! By the way, I was thinking, we should a picture board on this website. It's like I hear so much about other people's chihuahuas, and I don't know what they look like!


Answer by BEV
Submitted on 11/25/2004
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Answer by Chi Owner
Submitted on 9/18/2005
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I wanted to see if anybody can give me advise as to dew-clawing my 7-day old chi pups? We bred our chi at some breeders house and she said she can do the dew-clawings her self? Is this safe? Or do they need to go under surgery? she said she can do it in her house and show us how to do it our self's later on. I'm confused and it does not sound safe to me.. Any suggestions? thanks


Answer by chiagility
Submitted on 5/2/2006
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Hi guys - I'm so happy to read your responses.  I have a baby girl going in tomorrow morning to be spade and have her dew claws removed - I am very nervous and upset this evening that's why I decided to see what the internet had to say about this.  My little girl is 5 months old and start obedience yesterday (what a workout that was)  She has an older sister 4.5 years old that I do agility with and she is wonderful - you might like to try it - they love it.  I got her when she was 8 months old and she is AKC registered so already had her dews removed.  My vet said he doesn't normally recommend removal but understands my concern about the agility equipment.  We live in Florida (sorry no lunch here) so sweaters are not ever a problem.  About free feeding - I don't.  I do with my cats but I have four dogs of various sizes (two chis.  One is a JRT and would eat herself into obesity.  I also hate to see a fat Chihuahua.  Good luck on your decision New Proud Owner - I will pray tonight and talk to my vet again in the a.m.  I'll let you know what happens - I hate to see my baby in pain!!!


Answer by Carol Holland
Submitted on 6/23/2006
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I would like to know if I am able to remove the dew claws when I pick up my baby shih tzu she will be 9 weeks old.  or will the vet have to do it when she gets spayed?


Answer by chloe williams
Submitted on 8/21/2006
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In it we will have a cat room, dog room, recepion, surgery and a waiting room and we have 4 people working there and we will go looking for dogs and when they have collar we ring the number and tell there owner to collect there dog and if they don't have collar we put flyer's even if they have a collar in 3 days if they havent collect them we will sell the dog.


Answer by Rita
Submitted on 5/17/2007
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I think that if you need to remove your dog's dew claws that is what you should do.  It is definitely best to do it all at once.  I free feed all my pets.  The one we just had put down free fed all his life. He was never over weight, always pleasant, stopped going having to go during the night by the time he was 4 months old.  He was then allowed free roam of the house (except the bathrooms).  I however think that putting a chip in the dog is cruel.  There are other ways.  Would like it (or think it was a good idea) if you were told to put a chip in your child to make it easier to find.  I have children and dogs.  I wouldn't let somebody put a chip in one of my kids, why would I let them do it to my dog.  I am a very responsible pet owner.  That does not change because of a chip.  If you are not willing to make an effort to find him if he is lost and will depend on the chip finding you that is irresponsible and love.


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