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My 1 and a half year old JRT is getting to be a problem.He...

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Question by jrtlover11
Submitted on 6/16/2004
Related FAQ: rec.pets.dogs: Jack Russell Terriers Breed-FAQ
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My 1 and a half year old JRT is getting to be a problem.He digs tunnels under the fence and escapes.We alwys fill the holes in,but them he justt finds somewhere else to dig.Any advice?

Answer by Donna
Submitted on 10/5/2004
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JRTs dig, that is part of their breed make-up.  Yours has found out that there is a reward to be found by digging out from under the fence.  The best thing you can do now is to keep him in a cement floor kennel when you can't stay with him in the yard.  Inconvenient maybe, but safe.


Answer by tay tay
Submitted on 3/29/2005
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you can buy some kind of repelant at the pet store to keep animals away from an area, its like pelets.  It worked on my cats.


Answer by jack
Submitted on 11/9/2005
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Save yourself and your dog anguish.  Get some quickcrete in bags at Home Depot.  You can either mix it like the directions say or since I didn't have that ability I just dug down about an 1" or 2" and the width of a flat shovel and pour the quickcrete in the ditch all around the entire fence - then I watered it in.  It's been four years now and no more escapes (under the fence anyway)


Answer by j8ster
Submitted on 11/19/2005
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When u let ur JR out into the garden stay with her/him and when they have been toliet bring them in and praise them.
but if they dig u bring them in tell them they r nauty and shut them in the kitchen and dont speak to them for about 5 mins
that is how we trained ours and it deafently works after a couple of time


Answer by Peanut
Submitted on 11/1/2006
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The same with my 4 yr. old JRT. He has been getting out the same way for 4 yrs and for 4 years I have been filling them in with rock, metal fence posts.. cement.. steaks, whatever...Today he and my other 2 JRT'sgot out and killed a neighbor's 2 kittens.. This weekend I am going to concrete the peremeter..a full acre.


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