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...stop my Huskies from raiding the "cat box"? They...

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Question by Rose
Submitted on 6/16/2004
Related FAQ: rec.pets.dogs: Siberian Huskies Breed-FAQ
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How do I stop my Huskies from raiding the "cat box"? They are well fed and get plenty of treats, what's the deal? And What can I do to stop their nasty habit besides cleaning the box out twice a day?

Answer by Tanisha
Submitted on 6/18/2004
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
Here's the deal: Huskies are extremely smart and learn how to get what they want. They have learned that you can't be by the box all the time. All they have to do when they want a treat is go raid the cat box and there's nothing you can do about and they know that. (annoying, ain't it?) And the fact that they're getting fed well doesn't make a difference. What kind of a child would eat a regular meal then skip out on candy if they knew it was available? Another bad part in this case is that your dogs have already established a habit. So this is going to take drastic measures....of patience! Keep in mind that if you get frustrated at your dog and start yelling, it will only worsen the problem. Here's the first thing that came to my mind when I heard your problem:
Clean the cat box out and spray it with something like hot sauce, sour apple spray, pepper, or even put jalapenos in. (if they got a taste of that they'dbe pretty well cured don't ya think?) ;)
There is a book on huskies I know of. I'm sure it would have a few tricks in it on how to outsmart your dogs! http://www.siberianhuskysecrets.com
Remember, your dogs need to know that you are the "pack leader." One that is always kind and gentle but will not hesitate to remind every one that she is in charge if the need comes. Not by yelling and hitting, but by a firm, guiding hand. Good luck! stanishas@aol.com


Answer by grtyvcrtxexrfde6fugtfrd53sedf65r4f467u65gt5r65r464f54563e5de5d5s
Submitted on 9/28/2006
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
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