Lets get something straight here. Those of you that think APBT'sa vicious and deserve to be put down; need to get your story straight! Any dog WILL protect their property, from a Pekinese to a St. Bernard. Yah Pit Bull Terriers have attacked humans, dogs, cats, and who know what else, but there are other breeds that also attack too, and are confused with other breeds, from a Pug to a Chesapeake Bay retriever. This happens when people who think they know everything, and actually doesn’t, tell police and reporters that they saw a Pit Bull when they have actually never even seen one in their lives. There are so many breeds out there that resemble an APBT, you cannot believe what you hear all the time.
For example, a woman in town was walking her American Bulldog without a leash, past my house, and he wandered onto my yard where my son was playing. Daisy my Pit Bull, broke her cable (which she is only on while we are outside with her, or to go potty), ran over to this intruder, grabbed him by the face and pushed him off the property, and let go. Now because of ignorant people of the city I live in, they tried to force me to relocate Daisy, because she is a vicious Pit Bull, when all she was doing was protecting her kid and yard.
Pit Bull Terriers are kind, loyal, loving, and eager to please their humans; and that is why some fight; they want to please their humans, others fight just because they think they have to, and others fight cause it’s fun.
In my case I have Daisy, a Chinese Crested, and we take in stray dogs and cats all the time. I have 3 children, 1 is 14 months, 1 is 2, and the other is 4. Daisy protects all the members of her family, me, my kids, my fiancé, dogs, cats and especially kittens. I never have to worry that she will go insane; she was brought up in a good home, and introduced to all other animals.
Now I know that you still know everything, and you won’t believe me, because you are stuck in that frame of mind. Just because you hear crap on TV and Radio doesn’t mean that all Pit Bulls and other considered vicious dogs are vicious. If you really want to know about the breed, you have to look past the dogs that have been trained to kill, and look past all the irresponsible people that have given this breed a bad name and get to understand them. The people that are against American Pit Bull Terriers and other breeds are raciest; just as some are raciest towards people. Give them a chance, and really visit a kennel or shelter, prove yourself wrong.
If you have any comments/disagreements let me know. I will check back.