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...embed Images into an standalone perl/Tk executable...

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Question by Steve
Submitted on 8/11/2003
Related FAQ: comp.lang.perl.tk FAQ part0 of 5
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How can I embed Images into an standalone perl/Tk executable?
Right now the executable calls up images from a server at run time (very inefficient)
I would like to be able to compile the images
as part of the executable

Answer by Pete Barnett
Submitted on 8/20/2003
Rating:  Rate this answer: Vote
Use the data attribute of the images to get the base64 encoded image data, like this sample program which encodes all the images in a named subdirectory:-

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use MIME::Base64;
use Tk;
use Tk::Photo;

my %formats =
bmp => 'bmp',
gif => 'gif',
jpg => 'jpeg',
ppm => 'ppm',

my($DH, $FH, $OUT, $filename, $data, $mw);
$mw = MainWindow->new();
local $/ = undef;
defined($ARGV[0]) or die "Usage: tkembed.pl directory_name\n";
opendir(DH,$ARGV[0]) or die "Can't open $ARGV[0]; $!\n";
open(OUT,">test.dat")or die "Can't open test.dat; $!\n";

while(defined($filename = readdir(DH)))
    next if($filename =~ /^\./);
    print "Processing $filename...\n";
    $filename =~ m/\.(\w+)$/;
    my $img = $mw->Photo(
                         -format => $formats{$1},
                         -file   => "$ARGV[0]/$filename",
    print OUT $filename,"|\n",$img->data(-format=>$formats{$1}),"|\n";

You can then append the output file created by this code to your program after an __END__ directive. Having done that, you can read the data using the <DATA> filehandle; I've done it by building a hash table for the data with the filenames as keys, like this:-

sub loadfiles
    local $/ = "|\n"; # 'Cause <DATA> text is delimited by this non-Base64 char
    my($filename, $data);
        $filename = <DATA>;
        last unless defined($filename);
        $filename =~ s/\|\n$//;
        $data = <DATA>;
        $data =~ s/\|\n$//;
        $filedata{$filename} = $data;

Now create your images like this :-

my %formats =
bmp => 'bmp',
gif => 'gif',
jpg => 'jpeg',
    $_ =~ m/\.(\w+)$/;
    my $fmt = $formats{$1};
    my $img = $mw->Photo(
                         -format => $fmt,
                         -data   => $filedata{$_},

where $_ is the filename (I'm getting the format from the file extension; you could put the name and the format in as literals if you'd rather.

Hope this helps!



Answer by Pete Barnett
Submitted on 8/20/2003
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
Note that the site has managed to strip out all the backslashes from the code; notably removing the backslash from all the carriage-return escape sequences, and the backslash to escape the . metacharacter where it's extracting the extension from the filename :-(



Answer by Michael Carey
Submitted on 11/2/2003
Rating:  Rate this answer: Vote
Try this, let me know what you think.



Submitted on 7/24/2005
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
i have a question about my dog i whine and my dog lily going INSANE!!!!!! is it a sign of giving birth to puppies or has already had them?



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