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How old does a female cavy have to be to give birth...

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Question by siawn
Submitted on 6/2/2004
Related FAQ: Guinea Pig FAQ, Version 1.2.2
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How old does a female cavy have to be to give birth successfully? My baby female is pregnant when we got her and she's only small - I'm worried about her health!

Answer by julia
Submitted on 6/21/2004
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i am not possitive but i think that guinea pigs can only become pregnant if they are at a healthy age. Just make sure that while she is pregnant she is getting enough vitamin c and make sure u give her a variety of vegetables, fruits, hay, and pelets. Also make sure that she gets plenty of excersise.she should be old enough to have babies because i think that guinea pigs can eet pregnant at 3 weeks


Answer by guinea pig freak
Submitted on 6/18/2005
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a guinea pig can be pregnant when it is 2 months old because that is when it is a mature pig. They need to be in a good enviornment to have babies and need extra attention.


Answer by free ringtones
Submitted on 6/14/2006
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<a href='http://www.yahoo.com'></a>Thanks! http://www.ringtones-dir.com/download/ <a href='http://www.ringtones-dir.com'>download ringtones</a>. <a href="http://www.ringtones-dir.com ">nokia ringtones</a>: Download ringtones FREE, Best free samsung ringtones, Cingular ringtones and more. Also [url]http://www.ringtones-dir.com/free/[/url] and [link=http://www.ringtones-dir.com]ring tones[/link] From site .


Answer by ringtones free
Submitted on 6/14/2006
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
Thanks!!! http://www.ringtones-dir.com/get/ ringtones site. [URL=http://www.ringtones-dir.com]ringtones download[/URL]: Download ringtones FREE, Best free samsung ringtones, Cingular ringtones and more. Also [url=http://www.ringtones-dir.com]samsung ringtones[/url] From website .


Answer by ringtones free
Submitted on 6/14/2006
Rating: Not yet rated Rate this answer: Vote
Hi! http://www.ringtones-dir.com/get/ ringtones site. Download ringtones FREE, Best free samsung ringtones, Cingular ringtones and more. From website .


Answer by cola
Submitted on 1/14/2007
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your guinea pig will be fine.after 4 weeks they can have babies.it is normal.the normal amount of babies in a litter is aabout 3.my baby guinea pig has just had babies and they are soooooo cute.so dont worry she will be fine, just enjoy her cute little babys!


Answer by surfer742
Submitted on 3/12/2007
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i want a guinea pig but i would like to know how old she would have to be to have some babies. i am planning on keeping some and selling some. so i was just wondering how old they would have to be.


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