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My friend has found two newborn kittens behind a warehouse....

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Question by beth
Submitted on 7/1/2003
Related FAQ: rec.pets.cats: Care of Orphaned Kittens FAQ
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My friend has found two newborn kittens behind a warehouse. One has died so it is a hard time for her so me and my sister are taking care of it till 6 weeks and we were wondering if anyone will answer our question so here it is. How can you train a stay newborn kitten? please help so the other dose not die. also how can we keep them warm. we need your help because the one is only two weeks old. please help. thank you.

Answer by Tammy
Submitted on 7/5/2003
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go to Wal-Mart to the pet dept. and get kitten formule and a baby bottle should next to the milk to keep the baby warm use a heating pad on low with a blanket over it if you need any more help just dial me up
     e-mail is kaleb568@hotmail.com


Answer by kathy
Submitted on 8/13/2003
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Any pet store has kitten formula the best is powdered so you only mix as much as you need.  The pet store will also have a bottle with nipple designed for kittens, but I have found an eyedropper to work better.  Feed the kitten according to formula instructions, and be sure when feeding not to force fluid down its throat but gently make enough fluid available for the kitten to swallow suck it into its mouth and swallow it. Go slow.  Forcing fluid can cause the kitten to aspirate it into his/her lungs causing pneumonia and ultimately death. Hope that helps.


Answer by Sarah
Submitted on 8/20/2003
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I also have found newborn kittens, as I have in the past.  I have found that baby formula (human) with iron works wonders and less expensive, because it goes farther.  To keep them warm and quite use small plastic bottles with warm water wrapped in a soft towel for cuddling.  Use a small wind up alarm clock for sound.  Good luck. Please let me know how it goes.  WWW.kennee38@yahoo.com


Answer by Samantha
Submitted on 9/25/2003
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hi........um i have neevr been tot his webstie before but this is kinda an emergency.  My dad had found a lot of 7 kittens in a gutter at work....unfortuantly they wer all dead but one.... he brought the one home for me and now i am left taing care of it. I lveo tit o death but i need soem help.  from what i have been reading i eblive it so from one to two weeks ld...any helpful pointers would b grealty apreciated


Answer by Milkeyway
Submitted on 10/12/2003
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Make sure when feeding the kitten formula (hopefully with a baby bottle of eye dropper)
you don't shove it's tiny mouth with too much milk. If it's sneezing during feedings make sure you're tilting the bottle at a 45 degree angle. And after feeding them, burp them against your chest like you'd do with a human baby.
Also, the kitten will be very noisy. And it's a hard thing to take care of these kitties who are so young without a sibling or a mother. So I wish good luck.

A heating pad will keep it warm enough, put on low. And never disturb it during a nap. Besides, it's the only time they're ever QUIET! Little Lady (my two old week kitten I had once), was able to be litter trained at her age. So if you don't want messes, start showing it by scratching the box you want her to go in. At first, it might go in corners or pick it's own spots to go. Put newspaper on corners because they like to go there best, but have a glove and sponge ready, for they always go spontaneously!

When it starts to go on your floor, pick it up and place it in the litter box. They usually learn that way.

Good luck with the kitten.


Answer by animal lover
Submitted on 10/13/2003
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my mother found one kitten on oct. 9th on a walk with my nephew. Heard a faint cry and found it in a cement flower box and no sign of a mother around. up here in Maine nights are pretty cold so she saved it. Luckily my sister claimed her. my husband had a grand idea to use a rubber water bottle used for sore muscles. works great only downfall is you need to change it often because once water gets chilly it will tend to lower little kitties body temperture and will soon get very cold- to dangerous at a young age.  good luck keep me posted....


Answer by Mimi
Submitted on 10/20/2003
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You should go to Pets Mart, they have everything you need to know about kittens. Try it, it really helps!


Answer by kat
Submitted on 12/2/2003
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My boyfriends brother went in a shed at the back and found 3 kittens..im not sure how old they are, thats what i want to really know.They hasn't opened its eyes yet and it still crawls around meowing(which is so annoying!). And also is there a recipe that i can use with cows milk? i know its bad for little kitty's, but i cant seem to have the time to go and buy kitten milk.. Also how do i train the kitty's to litter when they litter every time their genital part touches something? And another thing can i bathe it while they are still at this age?
that's about it i know I'm asking alot but i really don't know ANYTHING about kittens so please help me i don't want them to die =(


Answer by !!!!
Submitted on 12/12/2003
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Answer by New Kitty Mom
Submitted on 2/27/2004
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My daughter brought home 2 kittens 4 days old abandoned by the mother cat.  Besides feeding them every 2-3 hours  and keeping them warm, you must rub underneath the tail area with cotton balls dampened with warm water to stimulate them to urinate and defecate. Do this before feeding and about 20 minutes after each feeding.Besure to clean the area and their back legs with warm water and dry well.  They will not eliminate without your help. Good luck!  


Answer by Shai
Submitted on 3/2/2004
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i'm living with my anut and my aunts cat had kittins and my uncle says when he comes home from his vaccation he will bring them to the humaine sociaty!And if no one takes them in time the kittins will die because the humain sociaty is so small and there is too many animals there,i dont want them to die!! if any one has an answer e-mail me at homiec19932yahoo.com thanks   ~shai~


Answer by kathy206362003
Submitted on 3/9/2004
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hello. happy to say my cat had kittens right on the front doorstep. sadly, it is snowing and freezing outside. 3 died, one is alive and doing well. at first she wouldn't nurse, but i pumped some milk out of the mother cats teat and rubbed it on the kittens nose, she is nursing great. it all takes patience. the mother cat and kitten is doing wonderful, wished the other 3 kittens would be alive. no one knew she was going to have her kittens this soon. i have named the live kitten "lucky". she is lucky i took her and mommy cat in from the cold weather. good luck to all with their orphaned kittens and wish all of you good luck and best wishes. your kittys will thank you later.


Answer by Mandetira Dushyant
Submitted on 3/10/2004
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I have 4 kittens,i have noticed that only 1 has been able to open its both eyes.All the other 3 have only 1 eyelid open.There is some liquid also flowing mildly from one kittens eye.I am not sure,that if this is normal,or its some eye infection.Kindly help me with information.It is normal for only 1 eye to open?


Answer by undercover_sister2005@hotmail.com
Submitted on 3/23/2004
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i have no comment take teh one kitten to the vet you know if it dies you can get introble by hte humane scociety officer ovisly you a young stupid adolesent so take it theri before i report YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Answer by amandalahn@yahoo.ca
Submitted on 4/1/2004
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You should go to a store and bye some kitty food in those little cans, you also should always give that newborn kitten that you have right now fresh water everyday because it is very important thet they have fresh  water everyday or else if they don't have fresh  water everyday they will get really,really sick and die and don't think you and your friend what that.


Answer by fairydust
Submitted on 4/6/2004
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at the present, i have six  2 day old kittens to take care of.  the mother the our  mother cat was stolen  a few hours after  she had her kittens . any suggestioms? besides what i'vealready read.
me and my daughters have been feeding them baby formular  with a dropper 6 times a day.


Answer by becca
Submitted on 4/16/2004
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my cat just had kittens but they were only 3 weeks old so they all died and pumpkin (the momma cat's name) is so upset and i knew that would happen but she wont eat or drink anything and she wont move from the spot where she had them and i'm really scared that she is going to die from not eating or anything i just wanted to know is how she's acting normal??? please help i have no clue what to do


Answer by Mary
Submitted on 4/16/2004
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Please help- my young cat (8 mos.) just had 2 kittens, only 1 survived.  The cat is uninterested in the kitten and when she goes near it she is aggresive toward it.  I am afraid she is going to kill it. What should I do? (I am keeping kitten warm and getting replacement formula)


Answer by Julie
Submitted on 4/18/2004
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Mary, Do you have a 24-hour vet nearby you can call for help? I know my vet is usually willing to take in problem cases like this to help a kitten past its crisis point. If not, Google newborn kitten and you'll get several good reference sites. It seems the most important thing you need to do is keep the kitten warm, hydrated, and eliminating. It seems like a pretty demanding job for the baby's first week, so getting professional help would give the kitten its best chance for survival. They may also have some ways to teach the mother how to mother. Good luck!


Answer by Kelcie
Submitted on 4/18/2004
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I found a new born kitten not to long ago. She was about 2 weeks old. It waqs hard at first i would have to get up about every 2-3 hours every day/night.I would get a bottle from some store that carries bottles.If kitten formula is to expensive you can get goat milk.But you need to keep  the kitten formula for about 2 more weeks then you can start feeding her the goat milk.Goat milk may sound funny but they do like it.You can use a electric blanket if you dont have one just use a lot of blankets to keep it warm. I used a fleecelined hat.[it may sound funny but it worked better than a blanket because you could lift her up and down easier]Know my cat is going to have kittens of her own i hope they're cute and healthy.If any one has more questions please i m me at Luvlygrl4ever11


Answer by Peachy
Submitted on 4/19/2004
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How long does it take for a kitten to open its eyes? I read on the net that it takes a week, but the lady that I am getting my kitten from says that they still do not have their eyes open and they are a week and a half. She said after the eyes were open I can take my kitten, but his little eyes she said are are still closed.


Answer by thelma
Submitted on 4/24/2004
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my kitten which is 2weeks never used to urinate but now it does in drops but my problem is that it doesn't defecate. its been almost a week I've tried everything rubbing it and it just wont. PLEASE HELP!!!


Answer by friskie
Submitted on 4/25/2004
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it takes 7 to 10 days for eyes to open and weaned 6 to 8 weeks


Answer by Amanda
Submitted on 4/27/2004
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I recently volentered for a program that gives you kittens whos mothers die when they are born, or if the mothers neglect the kittens.  I dont get to keep them, i will raise them for 7 weeks then the agency will send them all out to loving families. I pretty much know everthing to do for the kittens, im just not sure what the kittens will do!! what is the best "bed" for the  newborns? at what age will they begin to walk around? my house is not yet kittie proof and i dont want them falling down or off anything!!  A litter of 5 kittins was born today  and they are comming in 2 days!!! i need help to keep my kitties safe!


Answer by meow
Submitted on 4/29/2004
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our cat had 6 kittens last night. she had them on our carpet, but we put a blanket down after the first one. she was birthing from about 10:30 pm to 1 am. does it normally take that long? all is going well so far, though we're a little worried about the runt, who isn't quite as aggressive as the others when looking for food. how long does it normally take for their eyes to open?


Answer by meow
Submitted on 5/1/2004
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the two smallest kittens died. only 4 left, but they seem to be doing well enough


Answer by Mandetira Dushyant(dushyant@ENABLE.COM)
Submitted on 5/31/2004
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Its been only 3 months or since my kitty gave birth to 4 healthy kittens.I had notice that just after two months she came into heat again and mated.Is this normal.As of now she is very much carrying and doesnt entertain her older kittens.Whenever she enters home,they get scared or run for cover.
Do all cats mate so soon?.,her older kittens are not even 4 months old as of now.


Answer by STACEYJ
Submitted on 5/31/2004
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You all need to Neuter your cats, PLEASE!!!!! it's the most humane & responsable thing to do. I know they are cute & fun etc, but the cat overpopulation is so out of control. The money that you spend on trying to take care of the kittens could easily go to fixing the mommies. Call a local vet or no kill shelter and ask them for help. I have many strays outside of my apartment that I have been trapping one by one so I can neuter them, I have found one too many dead & hurt kittens. It's not easy but it is the best thing we can do for them.


Answer by loganloo
Submitted on 6/3/2004
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okay! I am only 11 years old but know I can help you with your problems. You need to get kitten formula and feed id with an eye dropper,syringe,or a baby bottle with a rubber tip. Put the kitten over a hot pad and make sure the kitten is really warm. If the kitten cries a never ending cry you need to take it to the vet, because you might not be feeding him enough so you might have to stay up all night. If you have any more questions or updates please contact me at coolloo2u@hotmail.com


Answer by raw
Submitted on 6/14/2004
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My kittens are 1 week - 1 week and a half, 1 of them hasn't opened his eyes, 2 of their eyes are open wide other 2 are partially open 1 seems to have one of his eyes half sealed shut I try to pull it open but it seems like theres a bit of skin keeping it half closed the other little one (runt) her eyes are just starting to open anyone had any experiances like that with eyes opening,

Also I have to agree with what STACEYJ said but I have to disgree personally because I wanted kittens and am keeping the kittens but for people who don't want kittens and can't take care of them and are gonna end up giving them to an animal shelter or whatever should definatly get their cats neutered and spayed,

meow, sorry to hear about the little ones :(


Answer by lovedustfairy
Submitted on 7/2/2004
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My partner's co-workers recently found 3 abandoned kittens, about 2 weeks old, in an alley.  So far on what I have read, we've been doing things correctly to properly care for the kitten we kept.  My question is:  How old does a kitten have to be before changing it over to cat food?


Answer by kittycatlovr13
Submitted on 7/6/2004
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hi I'm 13 and recently my mom found an abandoned newborn kitten it was freezing cold in a bail of hey at her work(she works at a barn) anyway it was the only one i have him in a basket with a wrapped hot water bottle i have been feeding him kitten formula with and he is doing well i think he is about 6-7 days old and his eyes are closed i was just wondering how often he needs to be fed i have been feeding him and pottying him every 2 hours any suggestions?
(seriously thats the name i was born with) he-he


Answer by Nieko
Submitted on 7/20/2004
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My grandma found a little baby kitten no more then 3 days old near a hay stack.  she assumed that it crawled out from underneath the hay, but when she left it there for a while, its mama didn't come back.  So she took it in.  She just went to any old pet shop and got some formula.  (ask a worker to help you find it.)  She fed it with an eye dropper.  But now, she has a little boddle that is normally used to feed rodents and small animals.  It works perfectly for the kitten.  You shouldn't feed it water or any catfood for at least the first four or five weeks because the kittens "buisness" will turn to solid "buisness."  they are too young to use the litter box.  good luck!!


Answer by snoflake241@hotmail.com
Submitted on 8/9/2004
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I am caring for a kitten that was abandoned by the mother.  I know that it is 17 days old, I found it the day after the mother had it.  The problem is that it's little eyes are not opening.  There is no sign of infection, she is healthy, eats good, active for her age and loving.  Why aren't her eyes open? I thought that they opened at a week to ten days?  

Also, in reading I noticed that no one seemed to say that newborn kittens must be placed flat on their bellies when fed to avoid formula going into their lungs. This is very important!! With the first litter that I rescued, I did not know this and two died of pneumonia due to my ignorance!


Answer by Bex
Submitted on 9/17/2004
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Eye opening can take up to three weeks, so those who are impatient for them to open within a few days of birthing, just give it time. Unless you see swelling and puss, your kitties are just taking their own sweet time and they'll open them when they're ready.  DON'T try to pull them open!  The eyes are still developing, so if you expose them too soon, you may permanently damage their vision.


Answer by Anna
Submitted on 10/11/2004
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Go to the closest pet shop and they will have kitten formulla. read the insrtucktions carfully.My cat has just had kittens and to keep the kitten worm get a little bottle and put hot water in it for the kitten to cuddle. Then put a blanket on the kitten but don't put the blanket over its head. Yours Anna


Answer by jill
Submitted on 10/16/2004
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you should get a surrenge and put lope-warm water in it and feed it to the cat drop by drop and you can also put can milk with warm water in the surrenge.and how to keep it warm is by putting in a heater but not to close to it but befor you do that you should WRAP IT UP IN A BLANKET! PS. DO NOT KEEP IT BY THE HEATER TO LONG P.S.S HOPE IT ALL WORKS OUT FINE!LATER  


Answer by tay m
Submitted on 10/26/2004
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m a vet i think you should go to the nearest vet and ask for some help on how to take care of your new kitten and get his neddles here's my e-mail address taylorm@hotmail.com
hope to here from bye


Answer by tay m
Submitted on 10/26/2004
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im a vet i think you should go to the nearest vet and ask for some help on how to take care of your new kitten and get his neddles here's my e-mail address taylorm@hotmail.com
hope to here from bye


Answer by stacey
Submitted on 11/13/2004
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love it get them a bed as so as you can but a hot water bottle and put under the cozen of the bed and get a clock and put it next to the bed and some Mick speal milk for kittens whisks and Felix do it get kitten food if it is a kitten and adult food if it is adult i have a kitten we have been the library and so up about kittens and adult cats we have had arrows kitten about fore weeks now love it and don't pick it up and clap you hands loudly if Tore bed are do some thing rong are should them.


Answer by Felicia
Submitted on 12/1/2004
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My dad just found a new born kitten tonight. He thinks it is about two days old. I have never had a cat before but I have always wanted one. I have been reading the posts on what to do and I hope that it lives. I just wanted to thank everyone for posting such great advice.


Answer by E
Submitted on 12/13/2004
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to train the kitten  you might beable to take them topets mart  to warm the kitten I do not know what it is called but I think it is called a warming pad


Answer by molly
Submitted on 12/20/2004
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my cat just had 4 kittens but 1 died she is not really interested in them she is more scared of them i have to lay her down and hold her so they can feed will she start to learn to feed them herself or should i go and get kitten formula  PLEASE HELP  any suggestions can be sent to dolphin1@starmail.com


Answer by Megan Duncan
Submitted on 2/11/2005
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I think you should make a fire in your living room.
Then you should get a warm blanket and wrap the kitten in it to make it warm.I wish you the best.
I omost for got to tell you and your kitten the best Valantines day!


Answer by Lbear2007
Submitted on 2/23/2005
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Hi my name is Leah. I need help because my family was fortunate enough to be able to adopt an 11 week spayed female kitty, and I need to know how often to feed her and how much. PLEASE HELP! I don`t want to starve the kitten or over feed it. Thank you all very much for helping, because I really need it.


Answer by misskitty686
Submitted on 3/3/2005
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My cat had kittens three days ago,she is such a good momma,but after reading some literature on newborns I'm concerned with the (pee-pee and poopoo) part,I have them all in a shallow box in the room she delivered(my bedroom) so i can keep an eye on all of them, but i don't see anything that looks like they might have went to the bathroom...what do i look for???? there so little it can't be too much...


Answer by calieyes01
Submitted on 3/5/2005
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I have a cat that just had 7 kittens this was her first litter and all the babies died except one and I'm keeping it I call it Miracle.The reason the other's died was because they were born about 3 week's to soon.But the one that did live is doing very good.But I have a problem the mother cat has no more milk and I don't really know what to give it I tried the kitten formula but it doesn't like it at all.Anyone got any ideas on what I could feed my kitten. THANK-YOU FOR READING MY LETTER..calieyes01


Answer by Jessie &  Candy
Submitted on 3/5/2005
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Hi.. I am Jessica and am 13 years old. My cat's kittens were born last saturday. They have been doing good and thier mother is taking great care of them. What I know is that you should feed the kitten with an eye dropper or the bottles made for kittens.     (you can go to any place who knows alot about kittens like pet smart & pet co). Also feed them kitten formula. For keeping them warm use lots of blankets or a heating pad on low heat with a blanket over the top of it. The eyes of a kitten usually open around a week. Their cord usually falls off within a few days or up to a week. When they are born their ears are folded and thats normal and they won't be able to hear. Their ears will open in 2 to 3 weeks. I think that is all the information I can give and good luck to ever body who has kittens in need!

Take good care of those kittens!
        ~* Jessica*~


Answer by Kimmy
Submitted on 4/1/2005
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My cat just had kittens today what do i do ?


Answer by pam
Submitted on 4/4/2005
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In Reply to undercover_sister 2005

Your remarks were totally insensitive. If the person did not care they would have not
tried to save the kitten(s).  Your idle threat of reporting them (sense you have no clue where they are) is absurd.
Plus, you might want to check your spelling in the future-- its atrocious!


Answer by Reeceie
Submitted on 4/4/2005
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rub the kitten in your hands to reasure the fluid and go to wal-mart to get cat milk and a kitten bottle to feed it.and don't let it eat junk food or catnip until 4 months old to be sure.and don't hold it to much or the eye of it might water or bleed a little bit.and don't rough it around.


Answer by reetwa
Submitted on 4/4/2005
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bunch of crap


Answer by reetwpop
Submitted on 4/4/2005
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tell ya at reece@everythinggirl.netreetappppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp


Answer by abell92303
Submitted on 4/4/2005
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a kid found a kitten and gave it to my aunt which she gave to me and he is about 2weeks old when i 1st got him both eyes were closed and after 3days both eyes were open and now he doesnt like to leave my myside he cry'if he doesnt hear my voice he lays under me till he hears my heart beat or finds a warm spot on me my question is should i worry about this when he gets older (someone please help)


Answer by chel
Submitted on 4/5/2005
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how long do kittens eyes stay closed


Answer by mindy
Submitted on 4/7/2005
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I was given a 4 week old kitten, the person who first had the kitten was feeding it cow milk so i got some kitten milk and have been giving it that for about a day and she will go pee but will not have a bowl. I asked the person who had her if she had a bowl and they said no so it has been four day, she is not showing any pain, but i am worryed. is it ok?? what can i do to help the kitten go?


Answer by mindy
Submitted on 4/8/2005
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4 week old kitten that was feed cow milk for 3 days and then i got her and have been given her kitten milk, but with me and the others she has not done a poop in atleast 4 days. what can i do for her to help her go besides ubing down there with a wet cloth???


Answer by Tasha
Submitted on 4/20/2005
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Ok for a few years we've been feeding stray cats who've showed up on our doorstep.2 days ago one of the female cats had a litter of kittens and i just found one of them behind our house and she wont go near it.The poor thing was soaking wet and hungry so we slowly dried him and gave him the replacment formula via a bottle.Hes curled in a basket with a heating pad and fleece blanket right now,how often do i feed him? I've taken care of kittens before just not one so young.


Answer by sarah
Submitted on 4/23/2005
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i have a cat that just had 1 kitten about two days ago. she should have more than one, shouldnt she?. im not sure if somethings wrong with her. Or maybe she still has some babies in her. please tell me!...also, how old should kittens be before you put them up for sale?


Answer by Alysha
Submitted on 4/24/2005
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How long does it take a kitten to open its eyes?


Answer by Jackie
Submitted on 4/24/2005
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I was just wandering if someone could answer my question.  My cat has had many other litters but this time she seems to not want her kitten. (she is an out door cat and she hasn't had all her babys but it has been a night.)She could of had a baby somewhere out side but I think se is trying to eat the unwanted kitten.  respond asap
Thank u,


Answer by help me
Submitted on 4/24/2005
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i found a 2-3 day old kitten and it wont eat how do i get it to eat


Answer by Kate
Submitted on 4/25/2005
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hi.... if i was your friend i would keep those kittens . but first make shore that they don't belong to anyone .well my cats pregnant now . we might  keep the kittens . it matters how many she has in the litter . well i got to go know . bye


Answer by rtkk01
Submitted on 4/25/2005
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I have a mamma cat ,(gracie)that stays outside. She was pregnant  and gave birth to them about 30 hrs. ago. But, I cant find where she had them. She keeps going under the house, but i have went under there to see them, and I cant find them anywhere. But that is where she keeps going.will they be meowing this young?Should Ii be able to hear them and if not yet,,when?


Answer by Riot
Submitted on 4/30/2005
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To Kittycatlovr13:
You shouldn't feed your kitten every 2 hours.  Maybe about every 3 1/2 to 4 hours.  You have to give their bodies time to process the formula being fed to them.  You don't want to hurt their gut.  We use to have a whole litter of kittens that we found and had to feed b/c the mom was dead.  Just remember to keep him/her warm b/c you said its eye's weren't even open yet.  Don't forget that if its eye's are closed, you REALLY shouldn't hold it very much b/c he/she can get sore eye's and you'll have to buy certain eyedrops to take care of them, or you can just wait for him to grow out of it.  It's better to just hold him when you need to feed him.  Other than that, make sure he's warm, and don't hold him really at all until his eyes are open.                Liked your story a lot, and I hope you'll listen to me.


Answer by pookie
Submitted on 5/1/2005
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my dad found a kitten on the side of the roud and he is about 3 weeks old. i feed him every 3 hours with a eye droper. i get up every three hour to.


Answer by kiki
Submitted on 5/3/2005
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my mom and dad found this cat he had no leg so now we take care of this poor cat now he
is healthy we can not believe it now i am so happy now his name is tango becouse he is a  Cally cat


Answer by Krazy_Kitten_16
Submitted on 5/4/2005
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i have a cat that is going away for good. it is a hard time to give her up. i know how it feels for some people


Answer by Brit
Submitted on 5/5/2005
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I have a question!! Our cat had kittens about two weeks ago,and we didn't know where she had them, but we knew she hid them well. Today I heard screaming from a small shed we have in our back yard and I went in and our cat was in the corner with her kittens, but I still heard the screaming coming from somewhere else. Then I looked up on a rafter and one of her baby's was stumbling towards me screaming. I picked it up and layed it back with her mommy, but I dont know if our cat put it up their purposly because theres no way it could have gotten up there itself. What should I do? I dont know if shes trying to abandone it or not. Someone email me and help!


Answer by absie
Submitted on 5/8/2005
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me and my m8 came back from a party 1 night and just as we got in bed we heard a scream and my cat had given birth the mum died so me and my m8 got a fur blanket put it in a basket with the kitten and put a heat lamp over it to keep the kitten warm and if you go to pharmacy shops they sell little milk bottles for newborn animals to feed them with i hope my advice has helped you


Answer by coolcats
Submitted on 5/11/2005
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my dad found four baby kittens in a little dirty corner where he works so we took them
home they were 2 days old now they are four weeks old i'm11 and i take care of them i feed them every four hours i feed them with a little pet bottle and some kmr kitten milk and they love it every morning and night i warm a water bottle with them and they are happy and healthy.


Answer by courtney
Submitted on 5/13/2005
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sorry that all the kittens died Becca.
~~~~ Courtney~~~~~~~~~~~~


Answer by Hanzi
Submitted on 5/14/2005
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look all you can do is watch it every day make sure it eats and drinks. when it falls asleep put a warm blanket over the top of it or you can buy a cosy cat bed place it inside it then put a warm blanket on top and put it by the side of your bed and keep checking it. give it a name so it feels wanted then when its older it will love you and feel at home but just to be on the safe side of things take it to the vets. please tell me what happens on 01829759034 love Hannah Phillips x x x x x x x x x x x x x x


Answer by Hanzi
Submitted on 5/14/2005
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look all you can do is watch it every day make sure it eats and drinks. when it falls asleep put a warm blanket over the top of it or you can buy a cosy cat bed place it inside it then put a warm blanket on top and put it by the side of your bed and keep checking it. give it a name so it feels wanted then when its older it will love you and feel at home but just to be on the safe side of things take it to the vets. please tell me what happens on 01829759034 love Hannah Phillips x x x x x x x x x x x x x x


Answer by Amber
Submitted on 5/24/2005
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i have a question my neighbors cat just had kittens about 4 weeks old how can we tell if they are boys or girls? At what age?


Answer by Ashley
Submitted on 5/26/2005
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hi! i found a baby kitten while i was doing my paperoute behind an old building.i have taken care of a small kitten before but i still have some questions.Is it o.k if you hang on to the kitten alot?When you find a kitten do you have to take them to the vet for anyhting(I'm alaways taking my animals to the vet)? And do i have to give them water or just formula? Thanks


Answer by precious
Submitted on 5/31/2005
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My cousin has a lot of cats running around his house. His cat named  big eyes got ran over and the kitten has no mother so we're taking good care of it.I'm going to give it special formula and give it care and let it live n the house. It is doing just fine.I give it warm milk and wake up two o'clock in the morning and give it milk.


Answer by LeeLee
Submitted on 6/6/2005
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Hello i kindda need some help my cat had kittens about 2 weeks ago & 2 of them have died its like there dieing cuz there 2 small one of the kittes is limp it strugles & it wont eat  im really scared its going to die will some one els me


Answer by LeeLee
Submitted on 6/6/2005
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Hello i kindda need some help my cat had kittens about 2 weeks ago & 2 of them have died its like there dieing cuz there 2 small one of the kittes is limp it strugles & it wont eat  im really scared its going to die will some one els me


Answer by superstar
Submitted on 6/13/2005
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  we found a kitten in the middle of the road buy a store in our town and we are not sure how old it is. It already has it's eye's opened. Also how do we potty train it it is pooping everywhere it is so small.


Answer by spice2005
Submitted on 6/16/2005
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can someone help me i have to kittens here and i have no clue what to do it want suck the bottle(it want eat)it sleeps and cry all the time i read a few thing that people said they did but i'm scared i need help i don't want to send them to a shelter because they would just put them to sleep


Answer by Lauren
Submitted on 6/23/2005
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You should go to Petco and give the kittens to them and then when they are fully happy and healthy you can take them back home and not be scared of them dying.


Answer by Brittney05
Submitted on 6/28/2005
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how long does it take for a newborn kitten eyes to open?


Answer by hello
Submitted on 7/10/2005
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how long does it take for a kittens eyes to open?


Answer by Kev
Submitted on 7/10/2005
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our cat has been missing for 4 days now, he is spayed and we are worried about him, is it normal for cats to dissapear for this long?  Also we have just found a couple of kittens (about 5 weeks) along the street, and we were wondering if we should take them in?  The mother is still there and we are putting out cat food for her.  Do you think our cat will return or could he maybe be helping with the kittens??? Thankyou


Answer by tammy helton
Submitted on 7/10/2005
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this sight has really helped me in alot ive got 4 babykittens their mother got killed im nursing them with goats milk  and some kittins milk i need help with one sometimes he looks like hes dead and will not eat and then i check on him and hes fine want is causing this hes eats and later next feeding he acts very lifless and will not eat?help dont want to lose him.


Answer by The Vet
Submitted on 7/15/2005
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Put them in a sack and dump them in the water!!


Answer by nmjnjnjnjnjnjmnmn
Submitted on 7/20/2005
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you should take it to the vet or to a pet store and ask them what to do.


Answer by benjamin
Submitted on 7/20/2005
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i saved 2 kittens from a pile of wood for their   mother, she eventuslly csrried one of into the darkness, the other she left.  they were one day old when she was reunited with them (or just one).  i have been keeping the other warm and fed it once so far - with uht long life milk unfortunately - i thought that was better than nothing.   i think i may have to abandon it to the outside world alone tommorow.   she already thinks of me as her mother. i'msorry but i have to tell someone.  i saved her from death just for a day. i could cancel my plans and look after her for the next few weeks or more.  i don't know.  its hard.  its horrible.


Answer by benjamin
Submitted on 7/20/2005
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thank you to all who have taken in orphaned kittens.  it makes my job easier.  xx to you all.


Answer by Clare bear
Submitted on 7/23/2005
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Well,i have a cat who is 9 months old,and we think she might be pregnant (we want her to have kittens but this may be to early) we are going to take her to the vet on Monday (its Sunday today and they are not open) and see if she is pregnant.
Is she too young to have kittens? since its 9 weeks pregnancy span,i thought that would mean she'd give birth when she is a year old.....(exactly 12 months)
The reason i think Poppy (thats my cats name) is pregnant is that she snuck outside when my mum and i went out shopping,and when we came back we saw her sitting on the fence with the neighborhood tom,he usually attacks her,but he wasn'tthis time,so i thought we was being nice to her because he'd mated her....and it took mum and i a long time to get her off the fence and away from the tom (the tom kept following her) so i was just asking if it should be ok if she had kittens,and i need all the advice you can give,so if you can help please e-mail me at andreaday@optusnet.com.au ,and my name is Clare and i am 11.


Answer by yasy1111
Submitted on 7/24/2005
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to train your kittens to be kind and potty trained.         To train them to be kind and loveing hold them a lot but not too much  just enough   so there comfortable .     potty training is  a easy thing to do just put a piece of paper at the edge of the mat and when you see they have to go place them on it.      hope this advice helps,yasy1111                                                                              


Answer by i love u bindi!!!
Submitted on 7/26/2005
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i was just wondering what shoud i do if my cat is going to have kittins im new at this but ppl tell just to wate and see and ther well be no problems but than i want on to this web site and thay sade if its a ferst time breth fore the cat (witch it is)i shod be
thar but i have a rely big hous and she  coud have tham  ne ware soooooo if u cude hellp my i woud relly a pchat it
p.s shes a relly indapendint cat im relly woryde  ples help me and bindi thx!


Answer by mr meow
Submitted on 7/26/2005
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my moms cat just had kittens. shes not even here and the cords and sacks are still attached. so far theres two of them. the mom ploped them in two different places. me and my sister are monitering them but the one on the floor is not getting noticed by the mother. me(11) and my sister(17) are here for awile since my mom wont be home till friday. WHAT SHOULD I DO


Answer by Ang
Submitted on 7/31/2005
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Well, I guess im a bit late.. these posts were created well over a year ago... But I just recently found 4 newborn kittens under my brothers house.. They can't be more than 5 days old..... Ive begun feeding them with a bottle designd for kittens... Ive had no troubles, besides the lack of sleep due to feedings every 3 hours... But Im curious as to how long until their eyes will open.. If someone should run across this post please reply......... Thanx! Cya.


Answer by roxy
Submitted on 8/1/2005
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if you can find a pregnant cat that has lost a kittien take it to them.but in the mean time put it in a box with ripped up newspaper with a baby blanket over the newspaper beside a hotprees or somthing like that. + dont handle it to much! (also take it to the vetsfor further advice)at the minute iam raising my cat that had hers 12 days ago she had 3 and i done same (sortove).


Answer by heather
Submitted on 8/2/2005
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m,kpojkji nhyugbvtrdfe4dswerygtfvuihjnkml,uhygtfrdes.,,mmnbbbvcxxzaaqwwsssdddffghjjkkmll;;lploi6t7y8uj9i0op[]'



Answer by ashley
Submitted on 8/3/2005
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My cat had 5 kittens about 3 weeks ago and since dad doesnt like cats, they had to stay outside (all our cats are outside cats and i live on a farm.) But we would bring them in for a couple hours every day and that was ok. All was fine till last week and then me and my mom couldn't find them and she had moved them. Mom had been moving dead tree branches out of the way and stuff and we stll couldn't find them. My cat also had started to be with them a lot more and not come up for food very much. I also noticed she had a little more milk in her than usual.  So last night we really went to look for them and we heard one meow only once and it was under some tree branches and then the mother took it away and hadn't meowed since. (Newborns tend to meow a lot.) I thought maybe some could be behind some trees so I went behind them and was looking around and i saw her take another one away from this little spot and when i looked and felt around, i felt another one in the same spot and it was dead and stiff :( I just started crying and i havent gotten much sleep now cause i'm afraid most of them are dead. I really loved those kittens and my cat has really been acting weird. and do cats usually keep the dead kitties around them? I'm afraid she wont come around the house much anymore and starve just so she can stay around the dead ones..I also don't know exactly how many are dead but i definetly don't think many are left...


Answer by lisa
Submitted on 8/4/2005
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hi we had a mother cat that had 3 babys in a wood shead and one happen to fall down deep and she count get it so we got it she woulnt exepet it so we are taking care of it i do not know how old it is right now but it is aful small and i dont know how much food to give it i am feeding it a homeaid recip my anut knows but i dont know if i should fed him till he is full or not any help or suggestions would be nice


Answer by Meli
Submitted on 8/6/2005
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All you need to do is take it to the vet to get their shots.Do whatever the vet tells you to do.


Answer by kiefer
Submitted on 8/10/2005
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u people do not no how to talk right and noones asnswering peoples questsion if u want people to to answer ur question wait till other people are done with theres and kittens will l;earn how to use the litter box when there 4-5 weeks also kiteens have there eyes open 7-14 days of age they shoud be open way before 6 weeks eveyone knows that($$)


Answer by jessmandmom
Submitted on 8/21/2005
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We are fostering 6 kittens that are 8 wks old, we've had them since they were 3 wks. My husband bottle fed them for a week and a half with the kitten replacement formula (can be found at Walmart where it's cheaper than at PetSmart) and a normal baby bottle with newborn nipples. They started kitten chow at 5 1/2 wks old. We just got one today that is about 2 wks old that the other 3 died at the shelter that we foster for. She has her eyes open already. We are keeping her wrapped in a dishtowel for warmth. Feeding her the formula out of a nursing bottle for kittens as her mouth is to small for the newborn nipples. She is already scratching at the litter box. Course it could be helping seeing the older ones use it.

Hope this helps.



Answer by jessmandmom
Submitted on 8/21/2005
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Found this wonderful article with lots of info...




Answer by Av
Submitted on 8/23/2005
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My cat had kittens about twelve days ago.It was her second litter and we kept one from the litter before this one (female). I'm not sure where the mother is, she's been missing for about 24 hours now. The kittens have started cuddling up to their big sister and I saw them sucking on her nipples.My mom and I went to the pet store and bought cat/kitten milk from a pet store and I've been feeding it to them every few hours.I haven't "stimulated their bowels" but I suppose I should start doing that now as well as burping them. How much milk should I feed them? I've been doing about 4-6 eye-droppers half-full. And is Whiskas cat milk okay? Any advice would be appreciated,Av


Answer by becky
Submitted on 9/11/2005
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I have 3 cat's 7 kittens I READ SOME OF THE PEP  answer's and they are for sure bout the cat milk and heating pad BUT make sure you put a few things over the heating pad or you will burn it and it will die. you may or may not have to wipe it on it's lil butt with a warm wet paper tolw or rag to get it to go poop and pee the mother liks it when they are young .a cat is so fast to train just put them in the litter box but at two weeks she is not ready for that yet .you can email me at rbecbec00@aol.com and we can im and i will call you or you can call me i will be more then glad to help you in any way i can ok. best of luck to you and kitten i will be praying for you all . LOVE Becky


Answer by FRANNY
Submitted on 10/3/2005
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Answer by Kristin
Submitted on 10/9/2005
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you should go to wal-mart or rite aid and get a back warmer or neck warmer and put the warmer in a small crate put the kittin in the crate with the warmer and make sure he/she is staying as warm as possible. Then feed it, take very special care of it, and give it a LOT of attention. If you want to train the kittin you have to try really hard and let the kittin know what and when he/she is doing something right and when he/she is doing right you give it a treat and then in a little while he/she will get the hang of it. It might takes weeks to train itand it could take a month or two but i am possitive that it will catch on to the tricks soon. i love animals and i wish the best of luck to you and the new born kittin and i am very very sorry for the other kittin that didnt make it well i have to go now bye.  


Answer by gem gem
Submitted on 11/15/2005
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well my cats just had kittens and there only one week old.what i would do is take it too the vets and get it checked out or phone the rspca and they'll find a home for it email me back at gemma_porter12@hotmail.co.uk


Answer by olivia
Submitted on 11/25/2005
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well the fist thing you need to do is get a baby bottle and fill it up with milk and feed it to the kitten.If you have trouble getting the bottle in the kittens mouth just put your fingers in its mouth and pop the bottle top in the mouth.Let your kitten drink for as long as it wants because only the kitten knows how hungry it is.STAY WITH THE KITTEN THE WHOLE TIME ITS DRINKING.Then TAKE IT TO THE VETS.They will tell you all the next steps you need.


Answer by AllyP
Submitted on 12/18/2005
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Hello... today i was walking by my neighbors house and a little kitten caught my eye.  There are so many stray cats running around my neighborhood so i never know what cat belongs too who....but this kitten was alone and outside.  I walked up too it and it slowly backed away.. but when i sat down it slowly came up to me and then two other kittens followed behind.  Then i put my hand out in front of me and they all came too me. All of my friends came over and then they all asked there parents and they said no but one guy wanted to get a kitten for his girlfriend so he took the kitten so then i was left with 2. I brought them home to my mother to see if we can keep them but ofcourse her answer was..."Your too young to have a kitten"..."Kittens are alot of responsiblitly"...and I'm sorry but when your older.  SO my mother took me and these kittens to the Petsmart and they couldn't take them so we just bought KMR formula and Authority kittie food.  I just don't know what else i can do for them.  I have been keeping them warm.  They have flees though so what else should i do?


Answer by joel
Submitted on 1/16/2006
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how long till newborn kittens take to open there eyes


Answer by Harald
Submitted on 1/29/2006
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Answer by DeeDee
Submitted on 2/1/2006
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My sister had found a baby kitten in our drive way. We found the best thing to use for warmth is a heating pad on low and a towel on top. For food we used Goodstart baby formula. DON'T FEED INFENT FORMULA until the kitten is bigger and ready to eat wet food.    Please e-mail me back if you have any more questions.


Answer by angel baby
Submitted on 2/13/2006
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my boyfriend he found 3 kittens on the road and 7 on the kittens were dead from getting ran over from some cars and they were really really cute kittens they just needed some one too take care of them and love them and that is what he wanted to do four them so he found a Hume for each one on them i thought he did a great job on it and they rewarded him with a banjo he was really nice for doing that and that is what happen when my boyfriend saved 3 kittens from geting ran over from a car but he felt bad for those 7 kittens that already died so yeah i love u


Answer by gaz
Submitted on 2/17/2006
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my cat keeps sneezing .bt it nt a normall sneez it like he chokin when he does it i realy wrie he gna die ny bdy gt ny advice PLZ HELP ME !!!!!!!!!!! i don't wnt thm to die


Answer by Rosie
Submitted on 2/19/2006
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Yesterday I was having a really Bad commute to work, so bad I wanted to turn back and go home, I didn't instead much to my surprise, a customer of mine who works for the NY sanitation came in he was on duty that night and found three kittens in the garbage pail about to be thrown away he being a fellow animal lover rushed them to an animal hospital unfortunately they had to put one to sleep I didn't want to hear the details the other two are fine brother and sister the vet said their three weeks old,they each got a clean bill of health,I and my fellow coworker decided to keep them (I'm keeping the girl) they stayed with me the first night my coworker won't be able to take her kitten for a few days (I think they need each other right now anyway)I was very worried about caring for them on my own but we got through the night turned out not to be such a bad day after all,anyway I got a crash course on how to care for them the hospital provided us with two water bottles which we heat in the microwave and some kitten formula we also went to a pet store near by for more supplies there’s a man there who knows a lot about kittens he said pretty much what everyone else said keep them warm you must also stimulate them to urinate when there that small by rubbing their little bellies until they are old enough to go on there own even the bottle of formula has instructions for that, their eyes need to be kept clean as well so after each feeding I take a sterile gauze and warm water and clean their little eyes they need to eat every two to three hours, I know it sounds like a lot to do but its worth it. One other thing some people don't believe in spading or neutering there pets but I do! there are to many strays if you can't afford it there are foundations such as friends of animals I already went on line last night to order my discount certificate $40.00 for the male and $55.00 for the female at the participating vet in your area, as soon as my little one is old enough were going!
wish you luck


Answer by Punkeh
Submitted on 2/27/2006
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Actually, to help them defecate, you shouldn't use a cotton ball. The mother's tongue is naturally rough, so it's best to just use a towel. Also, clean its bedding very often, because it can contract diseases from dirty bedding.


Answer by RACH4
Submitted on 4/3/2006
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Hi we have taken in 2 kittens that were abandoned in a cold dangerous warehouse, the mother pushed them out of her litter of 6 and wouldn't feed them.SPCA wont take them because their survival rate is so low, we feed them every 2hrs with kitten formula with little bottles as well as um..potty them, and change the hot water bottle to warm them.They meow and crawl there eyes aren't open, they have wiskers and claws I know for sure they are at least 5days. they sneez a lot they pee at every feed but not pooh they are eating well but the one seems really sleepy and never really wants to wake up, is that bad? We were told that one has nemounia. I just want these little guys to live! I've been looking at all the websites and calling vets so I know the basics, but if anyone can offer any more tips I'd be happy to hear, these guys are the runts-so I kind of know their odds aren't good-please help!


Answer by Kate
Submitted on 4/7/2006
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I hope it works out with your kitten. the best thing you can do is take it to a vet and get some advice. To tame your cat hold it for short periods of time with little nose. good luck


Answer by Kate
Submitted on 4/8/2006
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Hi! my cat had kittens, but thier having trouble finding the nipples. atleast, 1 of them is. what should I do? i mean, thier still blind!


Answer by horse
Submitted on 4/12/2006
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You are suppose to feed a kitten every 4 hours, and they will open their eyes within 8 to 10 days. If you need to keep a kitten warm just put the kitten on a heating pad on low heat or wrap a heated bottle in two or one towels and set the kitten next to it.


Answer by bl bl
Submitted on 4/14/2006
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what do you feed two 2 week old kittens


Answer by Samantha
Submitted on 4/25/2006
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  Hi my name is samantha and i just found new born kittens and my dad wont let me keep the mother cat so she is outside and the kittens are too!!!They keep each other warm by staying close to each other and Kiska the mother always is next to them.My suggestion is to know that they are warm by leaving them into a kennel with blankets and a thermometer at about 75degrees for warmth.Plus you should keep the kittens away from other animals until at least they can see which can be i think till 1-2 weeks.I hope this advice will help you and if i could i would help the kittens but i cant because of my mean DAD!!!!!If you have any questions or concerns about this go ahead and e mail me at samantha93us@hotmail.com. Thank You


Answer by ???
Submitted on 4/25/2006
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I love bryan !!!!  :)


Answer by annabell
Submitted on 4/26/2006
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I think what you should do for them is to just bring them to an animal shelter that would be the best thing to do for them


Answer by BOOYAH
Submitted on 5/5/2006
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Answer by Gabby
Submitted on 6/7/2006
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You shouldn't pick up a kitten that you just found behind a warehouse anyways I don't even know anything about this conversation I just typed in on google"How Long Does It Take For Your Baby Bunny To Open Its Eyes"? Anyways can any of you answer that? Well you should take that kitty cat to the vet and get it checked out.Please answer my question.


Answer by Mary
Submitted on 6/10/2006
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i found a kitten & its about 3 weeks old. everything is fine but my question is its always sucking on my hands even after it is fed. is that normal?


Answer by ???
Submitted on 6/15/2006
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half of you people can't even spell right. poor cats.


Answer by SECERT
Submitted on 6/19/2006
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Answer by Faith Marie and Seairia Marie
Submitted on 6/21/2006
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My step sister and I have just found a new born kitten,We have 5 dogs, a cat( plus the kitten we just found),and a bird.My step sister and I have worked at a humane society
in Saline county in the summer every year for the past 2 years.We would love to help you.You need two make sure you feed it 3 times a day kitten baby formula.You can get it at pet-co,walmart,and pet-smart.My sister and I have putten a baby mointer in werever it is staying,and put the other in the room you stay in the most.So you can moniter what he or she may do if you have to do something realy imortant.Don't hold it to much otherwise it will get sick.If you are trying to get the kiten asleep try humming.
Get a droper and use it to feed the kitten make sure the formula is not cold. Do not  stop trying to feed it if the kitten is moving it's head away from the droper.You might want to make a schedual of when you need to feed it.Remember a animal has feelings do not shake,or try to scare it.
We hope yu do a wonderful job of taking care of the kitten.We are sure it will be great.GOODLUCK!!!!You will do GREAT!!!!!!!!


Answer by Miranda
Submitted on 6/21/2006
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I have read that you can use your own body heat to harm a kitten but try to warm it up slowly.


Answer by ktylitter
Submitted on 6/22/2006
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I think taking little kittens to an animal shelter is a good idea.  Here in Maryland, it is fairly easy to get the kittens an adoptive home.  Also, the shelter tests for health problems and provides coupons to adoptive families to have the kittens neutered or spayed for free, and also inject a microchip for free.  They also send the kittens to foster homes if possible, until they are old enough to be adopted out.  We foster kittens for the shelter in our area, and I have been very impressed with the great care and services provided.  I don't think they put kittens to sleep unless there is some health problem and there is no other choice.


Answer by Rachel
Submitted on 6/30/2006
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I you should check if there is a place called the cat house near you they are a no kill cat shelter that adopts takes cats only.


Answer by LEW
Submitted on 7/1/2006
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ok this isn't an answer but a question. i just received a new born kitten probably around 2 weeks. and i was wondering what should i do with her at night? i have a nice lil carrier that has warm blankets and everything but im wondering do i lock the crate so she doesnt wonder around and get hurt or what?


Answer by Killerspice
Submitted on 7/3/2006
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IM looking after this kitten, he's 10 months, he has diarrhea, and he's soo skinny, he wont eat, so im feeding him some milk with an eye dropper, .. and i dunno.. how many times a day should i keep helping it eat?


Answer by Rachel
Submitted on 7/17/2006
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Most pet stores can anwser your pet Questions. But to train a stray newborn kitten can be hard. I have a new kitten named Rosie. She's not a stray but we use a water bottle with water, and if she does something wrong like jump onto the furniture we spritz her with the water. Now she is trained, and knows not to do what she gets spritzed for. I hope this method works for you.


Answer by HANDE
Submitted on 7/19/2006
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yesterday I fond a newborn kitten on the ground the people  next to it said the mother died so i don't no what to do but i got a pet pit so it could drink but today i got the proper things for it so if you fond a cat or newborn kitten take it to the vet i dont take it to the litter box i get something wet a wipe its bum so it will go pee. GOOD LUCK IF YOU FIND A CAT


Answer by black_and_hispanic_cutie411
Submitted on 8/2/2006
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this is to undercover_sister2005@ hotmail.com responding to dushyant@ENABLE.com :
you cant be calling anybody stupid you non-illiterate-cant-spell-worth-a-damn-rude-female. this website is meant for people who need help dealing with their kittens and are unaware of specific feline behavior. If you cant take that into mind you are on the wrong site. put your opinions into good use and do something with your free time because you obviously have too much of it.Thanks.


Answer by Jenna
Submitted on 8/5/2006
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i have got a cat and she has just have newborn babys if u dont want to spend much on them just get or borrow a water bottle and put the kitten on a blanket and put the water bottle under the water bottle ok then that will keep the kitten warm and also like it have been said go to the pet shop and buy a cheap bottle ok it works it says more of the bottle bit above hope it helps u


Answer by orange cat
Submitted on 8/8/2006
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i have a mom with 2 day old kittens and the mom is sick sneezing and congested what should i do with the kittens please help me i don't want these kittens to die


Answer by Mike
Submitted on 8/8/2006
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hi mike Mike  

       My cat alley had kitten on AUG.8.
we went to look for her.we found her in the lunder room,on a old air mat,so far she 1 kitten.now she has 4 kittens.if you ideas on how to raise them call 687-4376


Answer by megan
Submitted on 8/23/2006
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i need some help mi cat just had one baby kitten and i need to know what to do i am desperate is it ok for the kitten to b drinking from the mother i dont know how to wake  care of these the kitten was born 10 min ago by mi dryer plz some one email me at wow_sweetness@hotmail.com asap plz i need help i dnt know what to do


Answer by chickenplucker24
Submitted on 9/3/2006
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i have a 2 wk old kitten and the mother is not feeding it.. she has another set of kittens who are 4 months old and she feeds them and dries up when we try to make her feed the 2 wk old... so i was wondering if i could use baby formula (we already got a ton of it) and/or how much formula the little kitten should be getting


Answer by Kali
Submitted on 9/25/2006
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i have 6 newborn kits...and the mother hasnt been feeding them for a day and a half....i need help! what can u give it that is the closest to mothers milk?


Answer by Rae
Submitted on 10/1/2006
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please i have a kitten who is 4 weeks old and is very tiny ( only 6.9 ounced) he has 2 very blurry eyes and i thimk that somthing is wrong with his hind feet ( not sure) he looks like he is only 2 weeks old.  the mom had originaly had 8 kittens and one died. this kitten is so tiny. i am affraid that he will die to and that he is blind. My cats are outdoor cats so we really dont bother to interfere with the mom taking care of her kittens but he is so tiny, weak and unwilling walk.  i reall want to know what to do... i think that o will mak him an indoor cat but how do i take him away from his mom and siblings and then take care of him ( food, potty training and all that other stuff) i am very confused.
            Please help me - Rae                        


Answer by buffy and molly
Submitted on 10/11/2006
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well i have a question because i got kittens 3 weeks old. will they die without a mother because i am scared. one does not us the restroom and they hiss


Answer by Meba
Submitted on 10/15/2006
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Well I don't know how to answer that seeing as I'm only 12 but my cat just had her first litter of kittens without us knowing and our dog got ahold of the 4 and killed 3 by crushing their skulls but there's 1 left alive but it wont eat and its not meowing...we cannot afford the formula at the moment and i have been cleaning it droppings like the people have said so and i have also dipped my finger in Luke warm water and  put my finger in her mouth to keep her throat moist...her mom is in mourning because shes in a corner and will attack everything that comes near...WHAT DO I DO!?


Answer by glammer girl
Submitted on 10/16/2006
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my family found kittens in my barn they are
about 2 or 3 weeks old the mom saw us and she moved them we found them under my brothers ramp we dont think she is coming back we dont know how to feed them anywayI dont need to know because
i am going to find out.


Answer by glammer girl
Submitted on 10/16/2006
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my family found kittens in my barn they are
about 2 or 3 weeks old the mom saw us and she moved them we found them under my brothers ramp.  How do we know if the mother is coming back?  We are getting cold nights.


Answer by Sophie
Submitted on 10/20/2006
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'raw' DO NOT OPEN THEIR EYES! You should all be taking your kittens to the vet. But I know how hard this all is. My cat just had 6 kittens, but none have died, they're over a week old and slowly opening their eyes. BUT DO NOT OPEN THEM! They are closed for a reason! Their eyes will open when they're ready! If it's taking too long take it to the vet and get it checked out (you should be doing it anyway). The eyes are not formed properly, that's why the lids are shut. DO NOT OPEN THE LIDS! you can damage the eyes if you do because they're not ready to handle light.

And yes my cat had birth at about 12:07am and went for hours. It varies on how many litters your cat has had and so forth. Please if your cat is going to have kittens please go to the vet and research! Your cat can have many birthing problems, so you're going to need to know what to do. Some cats will even want you to sit with them. My cat did, after having one kitten she followed me around everywhere, stressed out & meowing, ignoring her kitten, I had to sit there and make sure the kitten fed (they have to feed within the first hour). I had to sit and pat her while she had more. And made sure she ate the placenta (ew I know).

And all these people who are asking questions about what to do when you find a kitten, instead of writing about it here, take them (sorry but this is important) to the vet and google up ALOT of info about it.

There are HEAPS of sites which give CLEAR instructions on how to help care for newborn kittens with/without their mums.

Good luck to you all, I hope all your kittens live. I know how tragic it can be and even though mine are all only a week old the thought of them dying makes me feel horrible.

Try some of these:





Answer by juyiuygjjgh
Submitted on 10/20/2006
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Answer by koneko
Submitted on 10/30/2006
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my cat Jimmy (we believed it was a boy...) gave birth to four cute little kittens a few weeks ago, and there all doing just fine, i was a little worried, she wasn'tcompletely a year old, and she was way too young... but back to the point, yesterday, one of them had a fluid of some kind coming from its eye, and today it completely closed. the little guy cant open it, i tried to gently rub away with some water the fluid, and  and his eye seamed to be opening, i was wondering if what i did was right?  and if its a disease so i can take him to the vet in time. me and the grey kitten thank you!!


Answer by Bree
Submitted on 11/8/2006
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well i have a kitten she is so playful and things, but why does she bite and scratch so much?


Answer by kittykat lover
Submitted on 1/9/2007
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Like you i have just found 6 baby kitten's living in my neighbours front yard although these kittens have A MOTHER BUT SHE DOESNT TAKE PROPER CARE OF THEM so i put them in a cardboard box with lots of towels and a water bottle at the bottom and fed them newborn cat formula from a bottle and they seem to be doing fine


Answer by Tinker Bell
Submitted on 1/21/2007
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My CAT was an abandoned kitten and my uncle caught her at a farm and gave her to me. I think that you should go to Pets Mart and buy a kitten formula and a bottle and feed it to the kitten. It will start to gain weight and will have a chance to live. Once it is old enough to not drink milk buy some cat food. If you wanted to sell it than start putting up signs, or you can keep it.


Answer by Im getting a new kitten born last night...
Submitted on 3/21/2007
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Can anyone tell me how long untill kittens can live away from there mom??? My uncle had a cat that had kittens last night and I can have one I want to know when I can get it without making it think im it's mom!! e-mail baby_lover@hotmail.com


Answer by moonlight-kitty@hotmail.com
Submitted on 3/27/2007
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Hey everyone! Well my cat just had her kittens today about 5 hours ago! I am so happy but my advice is just to smother the kittens with love!!! This is important in a mommy, kitty relationship!!! (she has 5 kitties...so far!)


Answer by ???????
Submitted on 4/9/2007
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i just Had kittens 2 days ago there so cute.

put your kittens in a box and put a big worm blanket under,inside the box, and on top.
  they are really noisy but when they mack a really loud noise that means there hungry.use a eye dropper if they work the best. there eyes wont open till 14-20 days.
good luck from,


Answer by gb.
Submitted on 4/26/2007
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ummm... some of you people are mean!!!! I love kittens and if you don't know how to take care of it than take them to a vet!


Answer by Karisa
Submitted on 4/30/2007
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I am only 10 but my dad just recently found a two week old kitten on his way home from work. if you want it to get litter trained you should put it in a cat carrier with a little tub of litter. To get it used to chewing give it wet food and put mothers milk all over it and you can purchase mothers milk at Wall-mart.To keep it warm put it in a carrier with warm blankets and when its asleep put a blanket over it. GOOD LUCK.


Answer by HELP
Submitted on 5/2/2007
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HELP i just found a cat in my old shed and i brought him in and i have been feeding him cows milk and i knoe it is bad 4 them but it is the best i can do till tommorow and i will get babby powder but do u have eney tipes? kk thanks bye


Answer by amy_5557
Submitted on 5/6/2007
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Emergency! I just found a baby cat under my porch! It's barely a few days old from what I can tell and the kitten was abandoned.  I need tips fast!  It's eyes aren't opened yet, and I've been trying to feed it baby formula from a syringe every two hours, but it won't eat or excrete any solid wastes. I've kept it in blankets to keep it warm.  PLEASE HELP!

Contact information:


Submitted on 5/12/2007
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Answer by jess talbot-smith
Submitted on 5/28/2007
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yh, yh, yh wateva


Answer by jess talbot-smith
Submitted on 5/28/2007
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we have 6 little baby kitties and i know how adorable they are.the tactic i heard was you should try and get a hot water bottle but not to hot and put it under a cover or whatever the kittens bed is and put a ticking clock next to the basket to sound like its mothers heart beating. PS sorry about the first answerer it was a joke!


Answer by native pride
Submitted on 5/28/2007
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i would like to know if my kittens are sick there about 8 days old there opening there eyes but one eye opens all the way the other only opens half way and the mother of the kittens has not had any of her shots and i was wondering if that might have something to do with it and how late would be too late if it could be treated i need to know something asap                                       sincerely Jennifer Mendez


Answer by KITTEN LOVER :):p
Submitted on 6/2/2007
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well like everyone else said u can get formula at a pet store or Walmart.To keep it warm put it in a cat bed or dog bed u know a small box would even work alright if u have a box lay down 1 blanket on the bottom and depending on how cold u think it is put a couple or 1 blanket over the kitten!welcome


Answer by kk
Submitted on 6/15/2007
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go to petco and go get it toys and treats.


Answer by kk
Submitted on 6/15/2007
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go to petco and go get it toys and treats.


Answer by JD
Submitted on 6/17/2007
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HI things are great my cat Jinngles had 3 beautiful kittens!!!! 2 orange  1 blonde they were 1 week old today. Things are going great she is an awesome mom!!! They have my spare bedroom all to themselves :)


Answer by Dookie
Submitted on 6/25/2007
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sticky dirty kittens! yuck!


Answer by Erica
Submitted on 6/28/2007
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   i just got a kitten 2night and we found him in a barn and it is only 3-5 days old and the mother had left it and i really don't know what 2 do so if any one would help me i be very happy think you...


Answer by hanan
Submitted on 7/1/2007
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look you should just keep it in a warm spot

and and t better if you use the heating pad

so it doesn't freeze to death trust me my cat it having kittens  and i looked at these answers and now they can help me take care of my kittens so don't panic the only thing you need to make sure is to make sure it is in a warm place and a lot to eat and drink good luck with new kittens


Answer by ;l
Submitted on 7/2/2007
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I found two baby kittens and they are only 4days old what should i do and i cant get kitten formula


Answer by CassandraLynn<3
Submitted on 7/10/2007
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hey, i have had many kittens that me and my dad take care of from a young age also! Many things that have worked for us, are warming up a towel in the drier and wrapping them in that to keep them warm. I very much agree with tammy'sanswer. A nice warm bag and you can heat up in the microwave is also a good idea. To feed the kittens, we used a seringe so that you can make sure the milk doesn't go into there lungs, also be sure to keep there heads up when your feeding them. You can buy cat's milk in stores, then warm it up in the microwave for a little while and the kitten will get its nutrition to build strong healthy bones. Also you can feed the kitten every four hours which has always seemed to work for us. If the kitten it very young and doesn't have its eyes open yet, it may need help to do its buisness, so to make it go to the bathroom, you could use a damp cloth, and rub the area to make it do its buisness, saving a life of a kitten can sometimes be a hard task. We are in the same situation you are in, we started out with three kittens that are very small for there age with there eyes closed, and two of them were soo weak they didn't survive, and we still have one that we are working on keeping healthy right now. Goood luckk !!


Answer by KitKat
Submitted on 7/17/2007
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Hi.....My cat casey had her kittens 2 days ago & she doesnt want anything to do with them!! so my dog Charlene (Charly) took over them.......is it good for kittens to grow up drinking dog milk??


Answer by animal lover
Submitted on 7/20/2007
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You have to consult a vet to get the right milk formular for the kitten.Ask the vet to tell you what would be best to use to feed the kitten with and how many times a day to feed the kitten, and how much milk to give it.Being summer time you should not let the kitten get to hot!!! sined a true animal lover.


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